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Look For House To Rent In Korat

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I am looking for a house to rent in korat - preferrably in dan kwian or chok chai. near the korat zoo, korat resort and that area would be perfect.

I need:

2+ bedrooms, western toilet

I would also like:

screens on doors/windows, fenced yard (i have dogs)

I hate children and would like a house that is not near any children. thai children tend to be loud and rude and just.. awful (I realize... not all of them are... but 90% of the ones i have met here in korat are and their parents don't "watch" them at all or seem to care what they do)

i had found a house fitting this description (near korat resort) for 4000 baht a month but the people just decided today that they are going to move back into it themselves rather than rent it out. anyhow.. i would like to stay in that price range (2000-4000 baht a month)

i prefer NOT to live in baan ingthan (inthan village) because that is where i am now and the children are just awful.

any leads / help would be greatly appreciated. thanks so much.

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Are you a teacher ??

oh gosh no. i am a writer and my (thai) husband is an artist. we both need quite a bit of space and quiet in order to work. and rude thai children screaming all day just doesn't work for us.

Edited by FarangGirlinKorat
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When I told my TG about this post her suggestion was to rent a house next to a Wat, since many Thai people will not live there because of the Ghosts, sounds just like what the OP is looking for

next to a Wat would be ok most of the time i think (i like the sounds of the morning / afternoon chant.. it's relaxing) BUT... then they are likely to have loud Wat fairs... which... although infrequent... would likely drive me a be nuts. (i know what you're thinking... i'm there already. thanks)

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Do you write horror stories ??

no. why? because i don't like children? on the contrary, i'm a voluntary extinctionist and i believe that reproducing in these times of economic and environmental crises is egocentric and just plain cruel.

THANKS SO MUCH for your help, everyone. The folks on this forum are so sweet and welcoming. I'm so glad I reached out for a little assistance. I found a place on my own though, so no need for additional "help."

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