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Just Begin A Diet


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No pill no medication just the Dukan (or Protal ) diet

This diet has 4 phases.First one has to be followed during 5 to 10 days

As I am very fat (126,5kg for 1,8 m) I decided to follow the first phase for 10 days

A little bit long to resume the diet so for a first impression read this


For more explanations please google dukan diet

There is a commercial business behind it

You have an explaining book .A recipes book (I have them both in french but they are available in English))

And some support/coaching sites to support the will of the diet's followers.(at a cost.....)

It seems you even can receive daily suggestions about recipes

Recipes are french cooking based.This mean delicious and as the quantity is unlimited (for the authorised meals) I don't feel I follow a diet .

Some (many) ingredients are not available in Thailand or at extortionate prices (some spices.... :blink: ).Anyhow it is an expensive diet

So I will receive these ingredients from France and Belgium through friends and family

You can find them on Internet too.

Sorry if somebody has already post this info on the forum.I must admit I didn't browse it

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  • 2 months later...

being overweight for the past 20years i had to have heart surgery,as i have never taken any advice before i found myself in a do or die situation,i cut out 8o%of butter and fat foods but most important i stopped eating any foods after 6pm i lost 3stone in6months this was in the uk.since i moved to los i have lost another 1.5stone,keeping to the same way of eating and light exercise.

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  • 1 month later...

Cutting fats may be useful, but it depends on others as well.

For example. butter is better than margarine because it does not have trans-fat, which lowers your good cholesterol (HDL) while increasing the bad cholesterol (LDL). Butter is laden with saturated fats and are not good as it increases your LDL, but at least it doesn't cut down your HDL.

Guys, if you'd like please ask away - I have a little cache of information from the program that I am attending. I lost 4.4kg in 7 weeks, not following the program fully. God knows how much I can lose if I do follow the program fully.

Do PM me if you want more info!

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  • 1 month later...

I've start the protal diet myself 3 days ago. I've already lost 3 kg! My target is 20 kg, and the maintenance of the weight will be long (the protal diet make you loose weight fast, but easy to get back if you don't support it).

I walk every day for 2-3 km (not so much but now very hot season) and I cook the food myself.

I got 10 kg when I quit smoking...

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I had never heard of this diet...so looked it up on google.

It seems to me to be very much an 'Atkins Diet" clone.

Eat a lot of protein,eat little or none carbohydrates.

Your energy comes from your stored fat and so,your weight goes down. I tried the Atkins many years ago,it worked well at first but as I 'degraded' to a more normal diet ,weight began to come back.

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I had never heard of this diet...so looked it up on google.

It seems to me to be very much an 'Atkins Diet" clone.

Similar to Atkins, but the focus in the beginning is much lower fat.

Basically stage one is lean meats, seafood, eggs, no oil to cook (broil or boil meats). That's all, no veggies, fruits, grains etc, only lean proteins. This will get you into ketosis rather quickly. This stage is 2-10 days.

Stage two-four allow increasing amounts of low carb veg and some fruit, you still avoid grains and fruits that are high carb. You also have a couple days a week where you eat only lean protein, to get your body back into the groove.

Need a little self control, but it is using all natural foods, and the weight comes off easy.

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This is not to discourage anyone on a diet, but loosing weight is the very easy part.

Keeping the weight down is extremely difficult without life long changes to eating

and exercise habits.

I have yet to see anyone amongst my circle of friends and acquaintances who has

lost weight and not gained it all back again and some more.

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  • 1 month later...

As it was mentioned in a previous post, diet is nothing good without some life changes. Yup - exercises and healthy food. While u trying to "avoid" stuff, I actually eat KFC on regular basis and get nothing bad from doing so.

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