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Chiang Mai Court Sentenced Akha Hill Tribe Man To Life For Murder Of British Composer David Crisp


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Akha hill tribe man gets life for murder of British composer

A 23-yr-old member of the Akha hill tribe in Northern Thailand has been sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of British music teacher and composer David Crisp.


David Crisp with the Spirit House singers

Awe Ye Piang, was sentenced by the Chiang Mai provincial court in Northern Thailand, but two other hill tribe men who were involved have still not yet been caught.

Crisp, 56, originally from Derby, but more recently a popular teacher and head of music at Lasswade Seconday School in Bonnyrigg, Edinbugh, was murdered last year for the equivalent of £100 and a few personal belongings such as an electronic keyboard and television set.

On his arrest Awe Ye Piang had said Crisp has upset him and his colleagues by complaining about their dirty habits such as not doing the dishes. The three young men had been staying at Crisp’s house for several days and had been working as ‘hosts’ at a gay bar at Chiang Mai Night Market. [more...]

Full story: http://www.andrew-drummond.com/2011/02/04/akha-hill-tribe-man-gets-life-for-murder-of-british-composer/



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Left out of this sad tale is some actual background on Awe Ye Ping. Ok, so he was 22 years old and the 56 year old deceased would take regularly select him for sexual activity. There is a brief mention of the condemned young man's drug use. But, there is nothing about this kid as a human being. Doesn't anyone want to know why a kid could be driven to a murder like this, why he had no problem killing someone? Is it more convenient to believe that it was because of some dirty dishes?

What's missing from this story and a few of the other news items is more detail about the condemned and the two other young male prostitutes. No mention of the influence of years of abuse and exploitation. These 3 young men were impoverished, uneducated and in the case of one, a drug addict and were working as prostitutes. When young people are exploited and abused is it any wonder why they don't place a value on life? Years of being exploited usually lead to a manifestation of violence. These 3 young men are the face of prostitution in Thailand. I suppose that's too unpleasant for some to consider. Instead, we get a story that's politically correct.

I will get slammed for being insensitive and cruel. However, am I to believe that the deceased was motivated by altruistic concern for these 3 young men? Or, is the truth of the story that this was just another foreigner in Thailand taking advantage of destitute refugees that picked the boy who's psyche had reached the point of no return? Mr. Crisp chose to take advantage of vulnerable young men and he paid the price.

It is unfortunate that Mr. Crisp died, but one thing is certain. Mr. Crisp won't be exploiting marginalized destitute refugees anymore.Yea, yea, I'm so insensitive.

I'm sorry, I've seen some of these kids and so many of them are seriously screwed up courtesy of the sex trade and foreigners that have a wonderful public personna, but are evil incarnate when out of sight.

Edited by geriatrickid
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I will get slammed for being insensitive and cruel.

No you'll get slammed for being an opinionated windbag who thinks that having acquaintances who are homosexual makes you an expert on the homosexual condition. You're just someone with an opinion.

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What you say has its logic. It is hard but it is true.

Left out of this sad tale is some actual background on Awe Ye Ping. Ok, so he was 22 years old and the 56 year old deceased would take regularly select him for sexual activity. There is a brief mention of the condemned young man's drug use. But, there is nothing about this kid as a human being. Doesn't anyone want to know why a kid could be driven to a murder like this, why he had no problem killing someone? Is it more convenient to believe that it was because of some dirty dishes?

What's missing from this story and a few of the other news items is more detail about the condemned and the two other young male prostitutes. No mention of the influence of years of abuse and exploitation. These 3 young men were impoverished, uneducated and in the case of one, a drug addict and were working as prostitutes. When young people are exploited and abused is it any wonder why they don't place a value on life? Years of being exploited usually lead to a manifestation of violence. These 3 young men are the face of prostitution in Thailand. I suppose that's too unpleasant for some to consider. Instead, we get a story that's politically correct.

I will get slammed for being insensitive and cruel. However, am I to believe that the deceased was motivated by altruistic concern for these 3 young men? Or, is the truth of the story that this was just another foreigner in Thailand taking advantage of destitute refugees that picked the boy who's psyche had reached the point of no return? Mr. Crisp chose to take advantage of vulnerable young men and he paid the price.

It is unfortunate that Mr. Crisp died, but one thing is certain. Mr. Crisp won't be exploiting marginalized destitute refugees anymore.Yea, yea, I'm so insensitive.

I'm sorry, I've seen some of these kids and so many of them are seriously screwed up courtesy of the sex trade and foreigners that have a wonderful public personna, but are evil incarnate when out of sight.

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I will get slammed for being insensitive and cruel.

No you'll get slammed for being an opinionated windbag who thinks that having acquaintances who are homosexual makes you an expert on the homosexual condition. You're just someone with an opinion.

You are the only one highlighting the deceased's homosexuality. My view would be the same if a young woman had been responsible for the death. There are just as many men that do the same thing with impoverished vulnerable hill tribe girls.

I suggest you volunteer with one of the public health groups that provides care for some of these people. When the male prostitutes go home to their girlfriends and beat the crap out of them because of their internalized anger or turn to drugs to kill the emotional anguish, maybe you'll understand my point. The exploitaion of the vulnerable has a cost and Mr. Crisp and the wasted lives of 3 young men demonstrates that. It is a death that need not have happened had Mr. Crisp not taken these impoverished men to his home where they were exposed to material wealth they could never obtain under their circumstances. You can call me a windbag all you want, but that doesn't change the reality of the damage that some foreigners wreak.

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Left out of this sad tale is some actual background on Awe Ye Ping. Ok, so he was 22 years old and the 56 year old deceased would take regularly select him for sexual activity. There is a brief mention of the condemned young man's drug use. But, there is nothing about this kid as a human being. Doesn't anyone want to know why a kid could be driven to a murder like this, why he had no problem killing someone? Is it more convenient to believe that it was because of some dirty dishes?

What's missing from this story and a few of the other news items is more detail about the condemned and the two other young male prostitutes. No mention of the influence of years of abuse and exploitation. These 3 young men were impoverished, uneducated and in the case of one, a drug addict and were working as prostitutes. When young people are exploited and abused is it any wonder why they don't place a value on life? Years of being exploited usually lead to a manifestation of violence. These 3 young men are the face of prostitution in Thailand. I suppose that's too unpleasant for some to consider. Instead, we get a story that's politically correct.

I will get slammed for being insensitive and cruel. However, am I to believe that the deceased was motivated by altruistic concern for these 3 young men? Or, is the truth of the story that this was just another foreigner in Thailand taking advantage of destitute refugees that picked the boy who's psyche had reached the point of no return? Mr. Crisp chose to take advantage of vulnerable young men and he paid the price.

It is unfortunate that Mr. Crisp died, but one thing is certain. Mr. Crisp won't be exploiting marginalized destitute refugees anymore.Yea, yea, I'm so insensitive.

I'm sorry, I've seen some of these kids and so many of them are seriously screwed up courtesy of the sex trade and foreigners that have a wonderful public personna, but are evil incarnate when out of sight.

Yes it could of being dirty dishes, Asians make a big deal about saving face! On the other hand there is very little help for the mentaly ill in Thailand, and of course being a prostitute is a choice!

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Can't really judge the situation, because I didn't know anyone involved, but murder is never the answer. I had a girlfriend that was simply an emotional wreck. After one particular evening where some meaningless problem became an argument, I had enough and politely escorted her to the front gate. She asked me to turn to grab her shoe ( which she actually already had in hand) and when I bent over to look for them she whacked me in the head with an empty Fanta bottle and went running. I am glad she wasn't that strong and I have a thick skull, but it sucks to get clobbered from behind and is a real act of cowardice.

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I will get slammed for being insensitive and cruel.

No you'll get slammed for being an opinionated windbag who thinks that having acquaintances who are homosexual makes you an expert on the homosexual condition. You're just someone with an opinion.

I totally agree. What an opinionated, ego inflated windbag.

All the prostitutes (they are known as working girls/boys) have made their choices long before the occasional visitor from overseas comes to spend his money and time with them. Most do it voluntarily, whilst others are encouraged by their parents. It is not seen as bad, as in western society otherwise places like Chiang Mai, Phuket, Pattaya etc would be closed down.

There is one main point here - in all societies MURDER IS BAD. This convicted person was a murderer, I hope he suffers in jail and I hope they catch the other accomplices. Oh and I am not the usual 'hang 'em; bomb 'em' poster you get on this forum.

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I will get slammed for being insensitive and cruel.

No you'll get slammed for being an opinionated windbag who thinks that having acquaintances who are homosexual makes you an expert on the homosexual condition. You're just someone with an opinion.

You are the only one highlighting the deceased's homosexuality. My view would be the same if a young woman had been responsible for the death. There are just as many men that do the same thing with impoverished vulnerable hill tribe girls.

I suggest you volunteer with one of the public health groups that provides care for some of these people. When the male prostitutes go home to their girlfriends and beat the crap out of them because of their internalized anger or turn to drugs to kill the emotional anguish, maybe you'll understand my point. The exploitaion of the vulnerable has a cost and Mr. Crisp and the wasted lives of 3 young men demonstrates that. It is a death that need not have happened had Mr. Crisp not taken these impoverished men to his home where they were exposed to material wealth they could never obtain under their circumstances. You can call me a windbag all you want, but that doesn't change the reality of the damage that some foreigners wreak.

You have a hard time with reality don't you?

The fact is that this is the only way they know how to live. You may create fantasy lives but that is all they are is fantasy.

the likely hood of them happening in our lives are non existent.

The facts are these three young men were doing the only thing they knew how to do in order to eat. Eating is a very important part of life.

You also presume that they found that way of life to be unenjoyable.

NEWS FLASH many straight people have had a hard time of life and do not find there way of life enjoyable. But for some reason they Don't murder people.

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I will get slammed for being insensitive and cruel.

No you'll get slammed for being an opinionated windbag who thinks that having acquaintances who are homosexual makes you an expert on the homosexual condition. You're just someone with an opinion.

I totally agree. What an opinionated, ego inflated windbag.

All the prostitutes (they are known as working girls/boys) have made their choices long before the occasional visitor from overseas comes to spend his money and time with them. Most do it voluntarily, whilst others are encouraged by their parents. It is not seen as bad, as in western society otherwise places like Chiang Mai, Phuket, Pattaya etc would be closed down.

There is one main point here - in all societies MURDER IS BAD. This convicted person was a murderer, I hope he suffers in jail and I hope they catch the other accomplices. Oh and I am not the usual 'hang 'em; bomb 'em' poster you get on this forum.

I would not call him a windbag.

Insults will not bring the discourse to a higher level.

It is clear that the poster is sensitive to the victim. In his eye, the victim is the killer not the deceased.

Obviously the poster has no first hand knowledge of this specific case, only feelings. He surmises that the killer was abused, he even labels him a kid at age 22.

The law is reason free from passion, as Aristotle defined it.

The poster is emotional and is projecting. That is not a reason to use epithets to insult or demean him anymore than dirty dishes and a homosexual liaison are reasons to murder someone.

Mature and sensible people behave rationally, not emotionally or violently.

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Of course, it is sad to see anyone murdered, but I agree with most of what you said.

There are two sides to every story, and who's story gets told is usually

the one with more status. I DO NOT condone this murder nor do I think

it was justified, but let's have a complete unbiased telling of it.

Left out of this sad tale is some actual background on Awe Ye Ping. Ok, so he was 22 years old and the 56 year old deceased would take regularly select him for sexual activity. There is a brief mention of the condemned young man's drug use. But, there is nothing about this kid as a human being. Doesn't anyone want to know why a kid could be driven to a murder like this, why he had no problem killing someone? Is it more convenient to believe that it was because of some dirty dishes?

What's missing from this story and a few of the other news items is more detail about the condemned and the two other young male prostitutes. No mention of the influence of years of abuse and exploitation. These 3 young men were impoverished, uneducated and in the case of one, a drug addict and were working as prostitutes. When young people are exploited and abused is it any wonder why they don't place a value on life? Years of being exploited usually lead to a manifestation of violence. These 3 young men are the face of prostitution in Thailand. I suppose that's too unpleasant for some to consider. Instead, we get a story that's politically correct.

I will get slammed for being insensitive and cruel. However, am I to believe that the deceased was motivated by altruistic concern for these 3 young men? Or, is the truth of the story that this was just another foreigner in Thailand taking advantage of destitute refugees that picked the boy who's psyche had reached the point of no return? Mr. Crisp chose to take advantage of vulnerable young men and he paid the price.

It is unfortunate that Mr. Crisp died, but one thing is certain. Mr. Crisp won't be exploiting marginalized destitute refugees anymore.Yea, yea, I'm so insensitive.

I'm sorry, I've seen some of these kids and so many of them are seriously screwed up courtesy of the sex trade and foreigners that have a wonderful public personna, but are evil incarnate when out of sight.

Edited by templedog
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Left out of this sad tale is some actual background on Awe Ye Ping. Ok, so he was 22 years old and the 56 year old deceased would take regularly select him for sexual activity. There is a brief mention of the condemned young man's drug use. But, there is nothing about this kid as a human being. Doesn't anyone want to know why a kid could be driven to a murder like this, why he had no problem killing someone? Is it more convenient to believe that it was because of some dirty dishes?

What's missing from this story and a few of the other news items is more detail about the condemned and the two other young male prostitutes. No mention of the influence of years of abuse and exploitation. These 3 young men were impoverished, uneducated and in the case of one, a drug addict and were working as prostitutes. When young people are exploited and abused is it any wonder why they don't place a value on life? Years of being exploited usually lead to a manifestation of violence. These 3 young men are the face of prostitution in Thailand. I suppose that's too unpleasant for some to consider. Instead, we get a story that's politically correct.

I will get slammed for being insensitive and cruel. However, am I to believe that the deceased was motivated by altruistic concern for these 3 young men? Or, is the truth of the story that this was just another foreigner in Thailand taking advantage of destitute refugees that picked the boy who's psyche had reached the point of no return? Mr. Crisp chose to take advantage of vulnerable young men and he paid the price.

It is unfortunate that Mr. Crisp died, but one thing is certain. Mr. Crisp won't be exploiting marginalized destitute refugees anymore.Yea, yea, I'm so insensitive.

I'm sorry, I've seen some of these kids and so many of them are seriously screwed up courtesy of the sex trade and foreigners that have a wonderful public personna, but are evil incarnate when out of sight.

How do you know any of that is the case....?

You've juts completely made up that version of events up to put your point across.

Whilst I agree with you on many levels using someones death in that way when you know nothing about is extremely unfair.

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I will get slammed for being insensitive and cruel.

No you'll get slammed for being an opinionated windbag who thinks that having acquaintances who are homosexual makes you an expert on the homosexual condition. You're just someone with an opinion.

May I in turn slam you on one thing!!!! I'm not sure that calling it a " homosexual condition" will be appreciated by the gay community. You make it sound like something they need to go to see the Doctor about ie: That there is something wrong with them that needs correcting. The more I think about it, and consider 'GERIATRIKID's' words, I think that his appraisal is quite valid as it looks at both sides of the story and at least attempts to ascertain reasons (not justifications I hasten to add) as to why this murder occurred. It illustrates well that the unfortunate Mr Crispin brought a certain amount on this himself through wanton exploitation by way of their poverty and destitute existence. Dirty dishes or not, the motive of this killing is far more complex than this and probably involves a whole host of emotional, physical and situational reasons for something so drastic as this to happen.

Don't label someone in this way for his opinions and then insult a large section of the world's population by suggesting there's something wrong with them. Another thing!!! Where does he say he has acquaintances that are homosexual??? Whether he does or not is irrelevant, and he is not claiming to be an expert in the field - only posting his opinion on matters which is what these forums are for.

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When you chose to live on the edge and associate with others that live that same type of existence, you become a potential casualty. I am hard pressed to believe that the "3 young men were doing the only thing they knew how to do in order to eat" Murder does not bring any monetary reward to buy groceries. Theft and apparently, in this case, prostitution would appear to have been their source of income.

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Although the truth sometimes is harsh, I believe you have brought up a very valid point. Wether this chap is guilty of exploitation or not. May he rest in peace!

Left out of this sad tale is some actual background on Awe Ye Ping. Ok, so he was 22 years old and the 56 year old deceased would take regularly select him for sexual activity. There is a brief mention of the condemned young man's drug use. But, there is nothing about this kid as a human being. Doesn't anyone want to know why a kid could be driven to a murder like this, why he had no problem killing someone? Is it more convenient to believe that it was because of some dirty dishes?

What's missing from this story and a few of the other news items is more detail about the condemned and the two other young male prostitutes. No mention of the influence of years of abuse and exploitation. These 3 young men were impoverished, uneducated and in the case of one, a drug addict and were working as prostitutes. When young people are exploited and abused is it any wonder why they don't place a value on life? Years of being exploited usually lead to a manifestation of violence. These 3 young men are the face of prostitution in Thailand. I suppose that's too unpleasant for some to consider. Instead, we get a story that's politically correct.

I will get slammed for being insensitive and cruel. However, am I to believe that the deceased was motivated by altruistic concern for these 3 young men? Or, is the truth of the story that this was just another foreigner in Thailand taking advantage of destitute refugees that picked the boy who's psyche had reached the point of no return? Mr. Crisp chose to take advantage of vulnerable young men and he paid the price.

It is unfortunate that Mr. Crisp died, but one thing is certain. Mr. Crisp won't be exploiting marginalized destitute refugees anymore.Yea, yea, I'm so insensitive.

I'm sorry, I've seen some of these kids and so many of them are seriously screwed up courtesy of the sex trade and foreigners that have a wonderful public personna, but are evil incarnate when out of sight.

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55 year old male teacher ,living with 3 22 year old male prostitutes , does it make you proud to be gay?

i have no problem with gays ,but anytime on these boards we read stories of underage prostitutes and things like this it invariable involves homosexuals.

Please note: That at no time in this story were underage homosexual prostitutes involved or mentioned.

Your generalization is noted.

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55 year old male teacher ,living with 3 22 year old male prostitutes , does it make you proud to be gay?

i have no problem with gays ,but anytime on these boards we read stories of underage prostitutes and things like this it invariable involves homosexuals.

First of all, gay people do not choose to be gay, they are gay because their body and mind tells them that this is what and how they are. Your ignorance really shows in the main point of your comment - just how many underage 'rent boys' and 'bar girls' do you think are gay?? 'invariably' all of them according to you - I don't think somehow, that they would agree with your surmisal of their social gender. I like the way you say that "you have nothing against gays" and then falsely blame them for all stories where underage prostitutes are involved and then question "whether they are proud to be gay" as if it's somehow their fault that Mr Crispin lost his life? What a 'turnip-head' you are, and that's putting it mildly!!!!

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They stole money and his personal items. Just a couple of thieving gay hookers.

Point of order: It is well established that a large percentage of Thai male prostitutes are actually straight. Just ask their girlfriends.

Your homophobia is noted.

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There are a lot of men who drink, take drugs and beat up their women who are not prostitutes - they are just creeps. There really is no justification for this murder.

I agree with you. The poster who wants us to see the "human side" of the 3 "exploited" murderers obviously overlooks that we make choices in life! These guys have found a "convenient" way of making money because they are mostly to lazy to do a real job. (there are probably thousands of Burmese refugees in Chiang Mai living an honest life working hard every day to make a living)

The bar life suits these guys - making quick money and spending it as quickly as well, on girls, drink, drugs, sleeping until midday while others are hard at work being very often exploited by unscrupulous employers which is often the case with refugees and immigrants who are sometimes denied even minimum wages.

A friend of mine fell in love with one of those bar workers in Phuket - treated the boy like a king and gave him everything he could afford. The boy "exploited" him for 1 year and then dumped him because my friend had run out of his savings and the boy could not lead a life with reduced purchasing power and a life that came with certain "rules" attached - like not partying every night until the morning hours, no drugs, taking care of certain chores - he would go mad if asked to help around the house - he preferred the life in a bar living from day to day - exposing him to the dangers that sex workers face when they meet strangers on a daily basis like diseases e.g. - so much for the poor exploited bar boys - nobody forces them to lead this kind of life it is their choice.

Many (or even most??)of these man working in bars are not gay - they are absolutely straight - exploiting the affection or even the love a gay man can feel towards them - being straight they can keep up these charade only for a while - often only as long as the money and presents keep flowing.

Once they find a more "affluent" victim" they move on. After the initial positive effects of being taken care of by a foreigner wear off - and this kind of life comes usually with rules attached which they don't like - they often make a quick exit hopefully a quite one!

Which was not the case here most probably also because there where three of them - I don't think if there would have been only one he would have decided to murder the victim and make off with his belongings - that also most probably means that they planned the crime before they carried it out - these three young man did surely not decide in the spur of the moment to kill him and rob him - there might have been an argument that triggered it but i am sure the thought was there before they carried out the crime.

It looks like they wanted out - but not without first taking with them whatever they could - the victim was in their way so they simply killed him without any respect for human life - to defend these scoundrels is simply ridiculous! They murdered another human being in cold blood - there is no excuse for this!

By the way there is a large number of unreported crimes carried out by man like these especially against Thai gay man who are often to shy to report these crimes to police ranging from theft, to robbery, burglary and assault. These man are in it for they money if they don't get what they expect they might just take it or come back later and take it. A Thai gay friend of mine uses the services of sex workers - but he tells me he would never ever take one to his home he is afraid that they might come back later and break into his house - another gay friend of his - who I had met several times - was murdered in his home years ago - the perpetrator(s) also stole the car of the victim, dumped the body on the roadside and disappeared - they where never caught.

And about exploitation - a (straight) friend of mine works as a host doing "massage service" for gay man in a very touristy place - asking him how he could lead such a life and if he does not mind being exploited by these man who use him for his services - he laughs out loud and says "exploiting me? as long as I still look stunning and offer a great service I can make up to 10.000 Baht A DAY in the high season - do you think I should find a job working hard for 5000 a month???

Looks like the poor young man "exploited" by foreign tourists has made his choice and does not need to be rescued from the abyss of the sex-trade!

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Left out of this sad tale is some actual background on Awe Ye Ping. Ok, so he was 22 years old and the 56 year old deceased would take regularly select him for sexual activity. There is a brief mention of the condemned young man's drug use. But, there is nothing about this kid as a human being. Doesn't anyone want to know why a kid could be driven to a murder like this, why he had no problem killing someone? Is it more convenient to believe that it was because of some dirty dishes?

What's missing from this story and a few of the other news items is more detail about the condemned and the two other young male prostitutes. No mention of the influence of years of abuse and exploitation. These 3 young men were impoverished, uneducated and in the case of one, a drug addict and were working as prostitutes. When young people are exploited and abused is it any wonder why they don't place a value on life? Years of being exploited usually lead to a manifestation of violence. These 3 young men are the face of prostitution in Thailand. I suppose that's too unpleasant for some to consider. Instead, we get a story that's politically correct.

I will get slammed for being insensitive and cruel. However, am I to believe that the deceased was motivated by altruistic concern for these 3 young men? Or, is the truth of the story that this was just another foreigner in Thailand taking advantage of destitute refugees that picked the boy who's psyche had reached the point of no return? Mr. Crisp chose to take advantage of vulnerable young men and he paid the price.

It is unfortunate that Mr. Crisp died, but one thing is certain. Mr. Crisp won't be exploiting marginalized destitute refugees anymore.Yea, yea, I'm so insensitive.

I'm sorry, I've seen some of these kids and so many of them are seriously screwed up courtesy of the sex trade and foreigners that have a wonderful public personna, but are evil incarnate when out of sight.

I agree. GK usually pulls no punches, but his search for the truth appears to be spot on.

What has happened is that the three men have been exposed as doing the crime, but the events and character appear not to be explored. In terms of being on trial for your life, balance and fairness must also prevail. Why when you are on a good thing you ruin it. What happened for these men to turn so violent?

My condolence to the deceased's family. It is a very sad time for them.

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Numerous posts have been deleted and warnings given. The evident sexual orientation of Mr. Crisp does not open the ThaiVisa Pandora's Box of gay-bashing or comments that he "deserved what he got."

Further such posts will be addressed with alacrity.

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Given this guys educated background he should have known better than to be involved in this situation - he made his choice & paid the price for it.

It sounds a bit sordid and too familiar to Thailand bar scene.. easy to speculate, older expat guy..younger impoverished locals.. sex..drugs & violence,no rock n roll.

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Given this guys educated background he should have known better than to be involved in this situation - he made his choice & paid the price for it.

It sounds a bit sordid and too familiar to Thailand bar scene.. easy to speculate, older expat guy..younger impoverished locals.. sex..drugs & violence,no rock n roll.

Not rock-and-roll - but classical music maybe???

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Those are facts!!!!!!

Given this guys educated background he should have known better than to be involved in this situation - he made his choice & paid the price for it.

It sounds a bit sordid and too familiar to Thailand bar scene.. easy to speculate, older expat guy..younger impoverished locals.. sex..drugs & violence,no rock n roll.

Not rock-and-roll - but classical music maybe???

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Left out of this sad tale is some actual background on Awe Ye Ping. Ok, so he was 22 years old and the 56 year old deceased would take regularly select him for sexual activity. There is a brief mention of the condemned young man's drug use. But, there is nothing about this kid as a human being. Doesn't anyone want to know why a kid could be driven to a murder like this, why he had no problem killing someone? Is it more convenient to believe that it was because of some dirty dishes?

What's missing from this story and a few of the other news items is more detail about the condemned and the two other young male prostitutes. No mention of the influence of years of abuse and exploitation. These 3 young men were impoverished, uneducated and in the case of one, a drug addict and were working as prostitutes. When young people are exploited and abused is it any wonder why they don't place a value on life? Years of being exploited usually lead to a manifestation of violence. These 3 young men are the face of prostitution in Thailand. I suppose that's too unpleasant for some to consider. Instead, we get a story that's politically correct.

I will get slammed for being insensitive and cruel. However, am I to believe that the deceased was motivated by altruistic concern for these 3 young men? Or, is the truth of the story that this was just another foreigner in Thailand taking advantage of destitute refugees that picked the boy who's psyche had reached the point of no return? Mr. Crisp chose to take advantage of vulnerable young men and he paid the price.

It is unfortunate that Mr. Crisp died, but one thing is certain. Mr. Crisp won't be exploiting marginalized destitute refugees anymore.Yea, yea, I'm so insensitive.

I'm sorry, I've seen some of these kids and so many of them are seriously screwed up courtesy of the sex trade and foreigners that have a wonderful public personna, but are evil incarnate when out of sight.

You and I do not always agree on many things however I am behind on your comment here. I see that you are not condoning the actions of the kid nor are you being insensitive to the victim. You state some sad and true facts however some on here will never accept the fact that a child forced into the sex industry and suffers years of abuse will develop some form of psychological problems later in life. It is a well documented fact world wide. I feel sorry for those that think victims of child abuse will grow up to live normal productive lives. Oh well I am going to get slammed on here also for backing you but hey what the heck let me have it.

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Those are facts!!!!!!

Given this guys educated background he should have known better than to be involved in this situation - he made his choice & paid the price for it.

It sounds a bit sordid and too familiar to Thailand bar scene.. easy to speculate, older expat guy..younger impoverished locals.. sex..drugs & violence,no rock n roll.

Not rock-and-roll - but classical music maybe???

yes you are right, maybe some Tchaikovsky playing in the background

& yes we use the known facts!!!!! to then speculate the rest

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