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Vientiane Double Visa: Three Strikes And You'Re Out!

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This guy is hilarious. If the Thai government is so worried about the criminals they might consider the police, the businesses, and especially the motorcycle shops. That would pretty much fill up their prisons.

,if they want to kick out their tourists. Nothing we can do about it .

They don't. They want people to have the correct visas, as to be regulated properly. Too many paedos and criminals working illegally just to stay here and not using the correct visa procedures and working/teaching on Tourist Visas.

The reigns should be tightened. You either qualify to work/live here, or you don't. Questionable people living/working here on tourist visas from neighbouring countries should be reined in, and if they don't meet the requirements to live/work here legally, they should be shipped out, with a short stay in a prison cell to teach them some respect for another country's visa laws.

Work live or stay - there are many many circumstances under these broad headings - I think "appropriate" should think about the issues a bit more before passing this glib and facile judgement

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Vientiane is a pain the butt. Frigging Visa Nazis there, one guy could get his 15th visa and another one not even the 3rd. Depending on the mood of the Nazi. The same thing with other kinds of visas. I don't know what is their malfunction. Totally fubar. They built a nice new bigger embassy, just for denying more Visas?!

Just go to other embassies in other neighboring countries.

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I just returned from the embassy in Vientiane, and i witnessed a Two strikes and you're out.

The guy in front of me in the queue was refused a tourist visa, and he had only TWO previous tourist visas from Vientiane. Of the two previous tourist visas, only one was a double entry. The girl behind the counter was adamant that he had a 'wife' in Thailand and insisted he get a non-immigrant visa!

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They're really just bringing a system that was decades behind into the present. When everyone could just get stamped for another 30 days endlessly everyone abused it, and visa runs were sometimes happy affairs. That has changed. It makes every visa holder's life more tedious, but if a person is at home and planning a trip there's really nothing odd about applying for a visa at the nearest embassy or with an honorary consulate. It's not a big deal.

Thailand has their own visa issues to contend with as well. Even as they continue to tighten the reins loads of foreigners still work in this country without documentation. The biggest shame really is if they tighten it with as many rules and regulations as possible and still miss throngs of foreign workers, then they only hurt regular tourists. But, of course regular tourists can always plan their trip and arrive in the airport with a visa already.

I took my wife to the U.S. from Thailand and getting her a U.S. visa was waaaaayyyyyy harder than me getting a Thai visa arranged in the U.S. was, way more expensive too.

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Is it just me or does anyone else suspect that the forum contributors who get all sanctimonious about law and order and being a taught a lesson by spending a few days in one of the world's worst prisons have only been here for less than a year? [When did Thailand start attracting such long-term arch conservatives?]

And has anyone else noticed that the working pedos who got caught just happened to have work permits? (And no, getting caught had nothing to do with the "legitimacy" of their visa.)

This guy is hilarious. If the Thai government is so worried about the criminals they might consider the police, the businesses, and especially the motorcycle shops. That would pretty much fill up their prisons.

,if they want to kick out their tourists. Nothing we can do about it .

They don't. They want people to have the correct visas, as to be regulated properly. Too many paedos and criminals working illegally just to stay here and not using the correct visa procedures and working/teaching on Tourist Visas.

The reigns should be tightened. You either qualify to work/live here, or you don't. Questionable people living/working here on tourist visas from neighbouring countries should be reined in, and if they don't meet the requirements to live/work here legally, they should be shipped out, with a short stay in a prison cell to teach them some respect for another country's visa laws.

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Tourists don't need 4 Tourist visas.

Good to see them cracking down on people illegally abusing the system.

Should really make it a limit of 2, not 3. Or even a limit of one in neighbouring countries.

Ah, the obligatory Thread Einchmann. It is the LAW! We must have Ze Order!

Do you guys get some kind of bonus for every thread you write or is it more like a by the hour kinda thing?

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the VISA rules have to be followed each country he the right to decide for their visa rules .Thailand is no exception and if there are too many "strange" rules then get yourself Legal or the world is big enough with so many countries to visit than thailand ,if they want to kick out their tourists. Nothing we can do about it .

You are completely missing the point. Of course each country has the right to determine it's own policies. But, the point here is that at this time people all over Thailand are complaining about how few farengs there are here. That tourism is down, due to the rising baht, the political problems, the world economy, the publicity of all of the scams, the crooked police, etc, etc. So, why at this time, make it more difficult for tourists, or ex-pats to live or stay over here? As long as we are not committing crimes, and as long as we can support ourselves, why not make it easier, and more fluid? Why not just charge us a fee at immigration, and get rid of the need to leave the country altogether? That is the point. if things continue, in 10 or 20 years time, Thailand may be eclipsed by several of it's neighbors. They need to start developing intelligent policies, that encourage people to come here, and stay here, and support their economy, their culture, and their people.

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what a great country it is everything about money here

24hours a day a thai think only about money.

i am no ATM machine ok.i am a human being

they should be happy that foreigners come to visit or stay in thailand and spend money doesnt matter how much thats not up to a thai to tell me how much money i must spent every single day here.or rising up the food prices and the thai pay less.bullshit

thats up to me its my money my life i behave myself good and i have a good attitude but most of the thais dont have it.they must learn.be always polite and friendly as long as they can.yeeaah surely there are some crazy and bad foreigners here around too .no doubt but there are more bad thai people here around so thats make it not even and sometimes dangerous to stay in this country.it is important with who i gonna share my time here and with who i wanna talk and share my private time.this i decide by myself.i wanna meet nice and good people.i did.but somedays you dont no who i gonna meet what kind of people.

i met some crazy thais and foreigners too before.but i just stayed away from these crazy people.

i dont want to meet fuc_ked up crazy yaa baa thais or foreigners.no way.i wanna have a nice time here and thats the point.i gonna stay out of trouble here.thats it.

i like thailand it is nice to stay for a while specially when it is cold and dark in my country.but i hope the thai people and the thai government will change into the good way and think positiv of foreigners.when i go to a thai embassy outside my country and sometimes i have to go for a new visa in some thai embassys they are nice and friendly but most of the officers are unfriendly and rude.like money suckers only care about the money.

treating me like a criminal sometimes i was thinking to myself why they do this.i am no criminal and i bring money in this country yeah.believe me sometimes i thought if this officer visit my country normal i should kick ass but i am polite and a good guy so i wouldnt do the same i wouldnt go down to the same low level like some thai people.

anyway live and let live and enjoy life and peace to the world.

about the visa rules i dont no.it could be better.like in malaysia i can enter the country without a visa and can stay 90 days without a need of a visa but i only have to show a return ticket that i leave the country again.nothing more no bank account book or something like this.

no problem.90 days are plenty enough for FREE.you see thailand it is possible.

mai pben rai or nevermind hahahahahahahahahahahahaaa.

i mind

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It is quite reasonable for a tourist to have 4 tourist visas in a 3 year period.

Yes, and everyone except the consulates in Vientiane and Penang agrees with you. Plenty of other places for the tourist in question to get his/her 4 visas from, e.g. their home country perhaps?

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as far as i know the only options for me to stay in thailand with legal visas are the on year non-immigrant visas from hull or back-to-back tourist visas. i guess i could study thai too but i am too lazy

Mm, er, aah, get a Non-Immigrant visa then. Problem solved.

If, as you say,you have eniough money then it's no problem at all.

And why do you feel you NEED to study Thai..??

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Simple soultion. Get a new passport. Americans can renew there passport even if the old one is not expired. New passport + blank pages = no stickers to count.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun ThaiRich,

Would like to believe this, but, jaded realists we have unwillingly become in LOS, we note in our recently issued new US passport: the entry stamp by Thai immigration as we came back from activating the second-entry of a Vientiane issued double-entry Thai Visa in our new passport (issued to the old passport) adds a hand-written note underneath the entry stamp:

Visa (then in Thai) "yu len kao" ("from old book" ?)

Number of old Laos double-entry visa 37#####

Number of previous passport

Now there's nothing there that specifically says that visa was issued in Laos, but, for all we know, the old visa numbers may well identify the visa as Laos issued.

So, there are some unknowns in our minds. It would be very interesting to know exactly what Thai immigration does in Laos when someone shows up with a passport with such entries ... do they bother to enter the old visa number and check the number of double-entry visas: what do they enter and what does it tell them ?

best, ~o:37;

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Simple soultion. Get a new passport. Americans can renew there passport even if the old one is not expired. New passport + blank pages = no stickers to count.

Simple solution? Simpleton Solution, I'd say.

Frivolous replacement of passport for any reason (especially for subverting a country's visa rules) might get one on a DOJ or State Department watch list these days ... or worse.

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Unfortunately no one in a position to change Thai immigration/visa policy is reading this thread and saying "he made a good point there" so instead of debating the issue, just find out the best way around it and move on. They always close one door and open another.

And for guys like wtk, the education visa is your best bet. You can get them for up to 10 years, you don't have to do stupid visa runs and you can leave the country if you want to take a trip someplace else without losing the balance of time on your visa. And even though there are lots of crooked language schools that don't care if you don't show up for your minimum 4 hours a week of class time, it wouldn't hurt for some of these ex pats to visit a legit school and know more than sawadee krab after living here for 5+ years.

The cost of these schools are a bit more than two trips to Laos for double entry tourist visas plus 2 trips to the border and 4 30 day extensions but not much. And if you're time is worth anything to you, I'd say it at least breaks even.

If they do want to limit the type of person coming here they should start with the Russians and Nigerians seeing as how they've both gained a significant organized crime foothold in the country in just the past 5-7 years. Once they've dug themselves in, it's going to be impossible to get rid of them short of the King himself ordering the Thais to do so.

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We reported this back in NOVEMBER 2010 when it happened to us.

New guy or lady in town in Vientane... probally NOT a good idea to go there if you have more than

ONE Tourist Visa, based on the feedback that we have received from others and our Thai Immigration

Lawyer who has also STOPPED sending ANYONE to Vientane no matter what type visa.

You have been informed...

Our Lawyer is recommending KL or Singapore.

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Just like a summer camp counselor:

Everyone who wants to discuss ways to use / push the limits of the visa laws as they are today, please move to the left.

Everyone who wants to discuss the visa laws as they think they should be, move to the right.

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... under 50, have money, do not need to work (especially in Thailand), are not married nor have a child with a Thai ... Any policy that would prevent (my) unlimited stay in Thailand is just plain retarded Thai style decision making without thinking ... Maybe the policy has been thought out and decided upon quite deliberately.

If you have so much money that you never need to work again under 50, you can get an visa based on an investment of 10 million baht. You can also form a Thai company to do some modest business and employ yourself. I don't think the restrictions apply to genuine tourists obtaining tourist visas from their home countries.

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It does not matter who you really are - if you look like a backpacker and you have three stamps - they will most likely let you in but anyone else 'trying it on' who may be casually dressed and are doing border runs on back to back - what would you expect? If you have an APEC card you can come and go as many times as you please - so the $200 for three years is a great bonus but each time also gives 90 days. Then you have legit like Non Imm B and Non Imm O all of which initially require 90 day Immigration Dept extension thereafter the first year - gets to be annually.

But the immigration people at the borders must be fairly tired of doing all this paperwork and now simply add up stamps! Can you blame them when it is fairly obvious most of the renewals are not tourism?

I don't think you have anything to complain about. And in the origination of this blog - it was a lawyer who complained this was probably working thus tourism visa does not apply ? Assumption of course....

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Simple soultion. Get a new passport. Americans can renew there passport even if the old one is not expired. New passport + blank pages = no stickers to count.

Simple solution? Simpleton Solution, I'd say.

Frivolous replacement of passport for any reason (especially for subverting a country's visa rules) might get one on a DOJ or State Department watch list these days ... or worse.

I highly doubt that unless you're flat out telling the gov that's what you're doing or you're getting a new passport every other year. If you say you lost it and need a new one, they won't bat an eye at you. I'm getting a new one even though mine doesn't expire for more than a year simply because I've only got 4 pages left and have already added one batch of new pages in Bangkok. It doesn't have to be expired to get a new one. But if you are foolish enough to "lose" your passport every other year, they're going to question you I'm sure.

Anyhow, Thai immigration is supposed to all be computerized aside from a handful of land crossings. Can't they just pull up your entire entry/exit history? I don't see why they can't quickly at a glance see how many visas you've had in total, how many in the past x number of months or whatever. Simple stuff if it's all in a centralized system, though TIT so who knows.

Edited by Angelo99
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One visa run firm just informed me that as of Feb 14th, Phnom Penh will cease issuing double-entry visas. They advised I go before this happens. Another visa run firm told me that Phnom Phen will not issue double-entry visas if traveling as part of a group. Go figure.

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Tourists don't need 4 Tourist visas.

Good to see them cracking down on people illegally abusing the system.

Should really make it a limit of 2, not 3. Or even a limit of one in neighbouring countries.

I understand you are only posting to provoke people but to answer your idiotic post seriously:

first: you do understand that some people have 10 year passports and might come to thailand lets say 1-2 times a year for 1-3 months at a time needing a tourist visa each time? this could result in 10+ tourist visas in the 10 year passport for a genuine tourist

second: you do understand that there are people like myself who are under 50, have money, do not need to work (especially in thailand), are not married nor have a child with a thai? what visa would you suggest to me? as far as i know the only options for me to stay in thailand with legal visas are the on year non-immigrant visas from hull or back-to-back tourist visas. i guess i could study thai too but i am too lazy

third: sure, there are people who might be working on tourist visas and they should not be allowed to do so but to reject anyone from getting another visa only because they have 3 existing stickers is just plain retarded thai style decision making without thinking

You are the one with the idiotic post. Fist of all the definition of "tourist" is "One who travels for pleasure." No time constraints there. Second, regardless of the title of "Tourist Visa" it is in reality a "Stay Continuation Visa." Third, you contradict your initial criticism of the poster by agreeing with her reasons for discontent.

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for myself i dont miss the point but i agree with you.

wait and see in the next 10 years the neighbouring countrys are passing thailand and thailand will suffer maybe.because of their stupid medievil laws they use and have here.a thai lives in the past and thats not so good.they always tell me ahhh the glory old days.what?????thailand is such an small country and political and economical not so important and not so powerful.so they should shut up and listen to smarter people from countrys did achived something important ok.

thailand needs tourists money and residents who buying Houses and cars or whatever here.mostly these residents are Men and buying property for their new thai wife.thats no so good too because the thai law is totally foreigner unfriendly.you cant buy land on your own name.who gonna buy property in a country where you cant be the owner and you pay for it.hahahaha thats like an lottery win for a thai.they laughing at us.look how stupid this fallang is loosing all his money only because of the thai pussy.brainwashing i call this.surely if you are fallin in love with a girl doesnt matter where she comes from it is so hard to be in control specially if a young slim cute girl comes along.

i do understand LOVE is the most powerful force in life.but there is a limit.lovv makes many guys blind and naive.and many many foreigners paid for it.sometimes with their life but mostly with their hard earned money.it is a shame that thailand is like this.i did bought a house here this was my biggest MISTAKE ever.but i had a reason why.My son he is half foreign half thai but he is looking more like a foreign guy.legacy i was thinking about it for myself and my son

and someday my ex thai girl ran away with another foreign guy and sold the house when i went back home to my country.i am not the only one so many cases like my one happened to foreigners in thailand.

anyway history but not over.

i will get back my money from the thai girl if not who knows.i can defend myself and going violent too not only thai people.

.NOW i changed my mind and i only stay for holiday here in thailand because this country is instable you dont know whats going on here in the future.

this country is normaly a total big joke and mistake.but i dont wanna stay here forever only lontterm holiday every year and thats it.

maybe they learn and open their mind and make it easier for foreigners to stay here or maybe GAME OVER here.who knows but i hope thais will learn and open their mind to the globalism and change their politics and laws against foreigners.thailand is already loosing millions of dollas year by year.surely the global economy crisis is a main reason,but not every country suffered heavily like the USA or ireland or Greece.there is a main reason why thailand lost so many tourists.first the riots in bangkok before in the city and the yellow shirts closed down the intl.airport.

<deleted> no tourist wanna be involved in this shid.thats their problem housemade and no thai can blame me for their bullshit ok.

i hope for the thai citizen it will going better and for us as foreigners too.

there is one important prhase for foreigners in thailand,keep it simple keep it funny and keep it flexible.when i see some foreigners buying so much stuff here only to show a thai or myself ahhhh i have money so i got the power.fuc_k them.money isnt everything in life idiots.specially when the money is running out and they get kicked out from thailand they begin to realize ohhh bad mistake big mistake to buy so much property here.

you can make a little money in thailand but you will loose and spend a lot of money before you even can earn money here.

so i keep it simple for myself and i am flexible.i dont need this american style lifestyle.like a big three story house with a big swimmingpool and five cars and whatever.this doenst work out for us here.before a foreigner turn his head everything will be gone or lost because the thai will take it way


anyhow enjoy life and live and let live.

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Tourists don't need 4 Tourist visas.

Good to see them cracking down on people illegally abusing the system.

Should really make it a limit of 2, not 3. Or even a limit of one in neighbouring countries.

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Breath-taking, the number of foreigners who think it is their right to inhabit someone else's country on their terms.

Come to the USA and REALLY have your breath 'abated'! Millions (12 to 20?) of illegals who would laugh at the notion of a visa and equally-laughable immigration enforcement, anchor babies, impractical deportation, high levels of imprisoned illegals ... need I go on?

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I just returned from the embassy in Vientiane, and i witnessed a Two strikes and you're out.

The guy in front of me in the queue was refused a tourist visa, and he had only TWO previous tourist visas from Vientiane. Of the two previous tourist visas, only one was a double entry.


6-9 months of 'tourism', with visas from vientiane and he's looking for another 3 or 6 months of tourism?

hopefully these refusals are brought in across the board.

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Tourists don't need 4 Tourist visas.

Good to see them cracking down on people illegally abusing the system.

Should really make it a limit of 2, not 3. Or even a limit of one in neighbouring countries.


What about us working on sea or offshore.

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Tourists don't need 4 Tourist visas.

Good to see them cracking down on people illegally abusing the system.

Should really make it a limit of 2, not 3. Or even a limit of one in neighbouring countries.

and how, may i ask, does it affect you? Really...does it affect you in anyway? does it really affect anyone how many times a person goes in and out of Thailand?

The whole visa scam is a crock of sh**! It's just ridiculous government bureaucracy. If people are spending money...who cares?!

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Tourists don't need 4 Tourist visas.

Good to see them cracking down on people illegally abusing the system.

Should really make it a limit of 2, not 3. Or even a limit of one in neighbouring countries.

Are you saying that if you have a penchant for a particular country that 3 times is the number of times you should be allowed to visit it, in your lifetime?

Not at all, however if one wishes to live in a country, one should obtain the appropriate visa, which is not Tourist

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