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Pesticide Company

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Can anyone give a decent referral please ??

Got an Ant problem it seems after the Flooding ( how i don't know ) & could really do with an ongoing Monthly Service.

If anyone can point me in the right direction i'd appreciate it, thanks..

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Talcum powder... ? hmmm, .... going to have to give that a try...that seems too simple!

The little sugar ants are back in my sealed plastic sugar container in the kitchen... I had it sitting in a bowl of water, (Moat) but forgot to top in up... & to my "joy" yesterday the little blighters are back :o

There is a thread running on BKK forum asking for a solution too....

Borax, mixed with sugar is what they use in north America (perhaps else where?) in little containers you punch small holes in the side, they take it back to the nest & kills the colony .... It would be easy to make your own containers traps... Must have lid to prevent from getting wet!

..... There is a farm supply shop just off the ring road south of Nanthon, that had Borax (Boron)... turn left by the second 7-11 heading south.. (after you leave the one way system)..drive about 100 metres & shop on right....... although last time I checked, they were out of stock..(" no have" !!!) but that was several months ago... If I get to Nanthon this week I will stop by & see if they now have again... Borax sounds the same in Thai as in English.....

Tesco, also has a product with Chaindrite, (1% Permethin) mixed with what is probably talcum powder, in their aisle with mosquito sprays etc... I some times use that to dust around the perimeter of the house (out side) it seems to work for a month or so, if the rain does not wash it away... It's in a foil pack, either orange or sort of golden yellow... usually on the bottom self... about 180 baht for 500 grams if I remember...

This Chaindite powder, also kills Termites, cockroaches, & powder post beetles, what ever they are???

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The little sugar ants are back in my sealed plastic sugar container in the kitchen... I had it sitting in a bowl of water, (Moat) but forgot to top in up... & to my "joy" yesterday the little blighters are back :o

I have my sugar in the fridge. ;)

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Could you please PM me the company name you gona use? Thanks

Thanks for those who have PM'd me..

Nirvana, thanks for the offer but i have had 3 PM's who all say the same Compnay & that's good enough for me..;)

PM sent Dom..:)

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  • 4 weeks later...

i not understand why u need a Pesticide Company to stop flooding.

Surely u need a building compnay to find the leak and stop it. If animals are eating your house then u need to fix the hole then get pest control to keep it safe

As for pest control companys. I found ECO pest control the best so far. I used to use a thai compnay but i think they were puttting more pests in rarther then extracting them.

anyway this other i find much better

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