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Anyone Knows This Snake?


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people cannot give me a thai name, but say, on the back it looks like many others, but underneath different : red  with black squares right and left - it's said to be more dangerous tan cobras, killing instantly!?? :o

Don't recognise it from any of the ones I saw at the venom lab. in Bangkok. Was told however that cobra is most venomous in Thailand, death in between 1 and 5 hours. Can't see any giving instant death :D

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Ditto Dragonman,

I'm certain that the cobra is the most venomous in Thailand and that's the common ones, rather than king cobras.

As always, it depends on how much venom is received.

I really don't think that instantaneous death is possible.

Other than a heart attack from fright.

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There are Two snakes which are fatel in Thailand, first one as said on the forum, the Cobra, the 2nd most venomous is the Banded Krait, deadly, it has black and white bands over its body,this snake bit a lad in his 20s from my wifes village, he went out catching frogs one night in the paddy fields, and stepped on one, next day he was dead.

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There are Two snakes which are fatel in Thailand, first one as said on the forum, the Cobra, the 2nd most venomous is the Banded Krait, deadly, it has black and white bands over its body,this snake bit a lad in his 20s from my wifes village, he went out catching frogs one night in the paddy fields, and stepped on one, next day he was dead.

When I was stationed here during the VN conflict we were warned about the banded krait which was lovingly called "the two stepper" emplying after bitten, two steps and you are dead. Indicative of the severity of the poison.

After shift changes, we would usually carefully open lower cabinets with a broom to make sure something didn't decide to make a home there. Not being paranoid because it had happened. Of course our base location was surrounded by swamp.

Some bright fellows found a cobra in the jungle and captured it. Put it in a wire cage on base to let everyone see it (it was BIG). Only after being informed that it was a spitting cobra that they thought it better to take it back home.



Bungarus caeruleus

Description: Black or bluish-black with white narrow crossbands and a narrow head.

Characteristics: Kraits are found only in Asia. This snake is of special concern to man. It is deadly--about 15 times more deadly than the common cobra It is active at night and relatively passive during the day. The native people often step on kraits while walking through their habitats. The krait has a tendency to seek shelter in sleeping bags, boots, and tents. Its venom is a powerful neurotoxin that causes respiratory failure.

Habitat: Open fields, human settlements, and dense jungle.

Length: Average 90 centimeters, maximum 1.5 meters.

Edited by tywais
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