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Suphan Buri Restaurant Busted By Thai Police For Sex Slavery Of Lao Girls


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there were some 300 women at the restaurant but most managed to flee.

And they couldn't flee before??????

Perhaps they realized that the gig was up for the owners, who wouldn't be able to pursue the fleeing ladies once the police raid arrived.

I wonder what the food was like at the restaurant ?

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Despite the doom and gloom, there is a strong likelihood the girls will receive some help. Strong clues are the fact that the tip off came from the Paveena Hongsakul Foundation and the involvement of the special human trafficing taskforce from the Children, Juvenile and Women's Division (CWD),

The task force doesn't screw around. They take their jobs seriously and have not been implicated in any significant wrongdoing, The task force has a good professional relationship with the groups that help people like these girls.

I believe Mrs. Paveena Hongsakil is a Bangkok MP of and general secretary of the Chart Pattana Party. She is a trained social worker and has a pretty good reputation. Back in 2006, the Nation said she was voted the female politicain with the best moral image. (The same poll said PM Abhisit was the politician with the best moral image.) Anyway, this woman is one heavy duty hitter and if her foundation is involved, you can be assured something will happen. For you trivia lovers she's chairwoman of Thailand's Fire & Rescue Association. (What woman doesn't like a fireman? B) )

Have some faith. Not every Thai public official is corrupt. Some really do have a heart and do care about people.

Well said, and a sense of comfort to know there is at least 1 reliable significant leader to police the corruption....

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How come a tip-off is needed in the first place? All power to the Paveena Hongsakul Foundation and Mrs. Paveena Hongsakil , but if they have to tell the police how to do their job including pointing to crimes right under the cops noses, then they are tackling not the problem but the symptoms.

Unfortunately the source of the problem is much much higher up the food chain and thus can't even be talked about, let alone tackled.

Despite the doom and gloom, there is a strong likelihood the girls will receive some help. Strong clues are the fact that the tip off came from the Paveena Hongsakul Foundation and the involvement of the special human trafficing taskforce from the Children, Juvenile and Women's Division (CWD),

The task force doesn't screw around. They take their jobs seriously and have not been implicated in any significant wrongdoing, The task force has a good professional relationship with the groups that help people like these girls.

I believe Mrs. Paveena Hongsakil is a Bangkok MP of and general secretary of the Chart Pattana Party. She is a trained social worker and has a pretty good reputation. Back in 2006, the Nation said she was voted the female politicain with the best moral image. (The same poll said PM Abhisit was the politician with the best moral image.) Anyway, this woman is one heavy duty hitter and if her foundation is involved, you can be assured something will happen. For you trivia lovers she's chairwoman of Thailand's Fire & Rescue Association. (What woman doesn't like a fireman? B) )

Have some faith. Not every Thai public official is corrupt. Some really do have a heart and do care about people.

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The man said he deeply sympathized with an 18-year Laotian victim who claimed she was deceived and brought into the sex business.

See it doesn't just happen to falangs. :whistling:

At least he did not try to sponsor her. :lol:

NO, it doesnt happen to farangs only, but most of you get the girls too old to work for a brothel like that and kicked out (:

Business as usual in Thailand, 1 busted 554168768 to go, ridiculous.

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I don't get it. If they were being 'rescued', why did most of them have to 'flee' ?

They probably panicked because they knew they were illegal in the country, and they were scared of the consequences. The article said that they snuck into Thailand after their parents were contacted by an agency. I'm sure they didn't want to be sex slaves, but they probably didn't want to end up in Thai jail either. And I wouldn't be surprised if they don't trust anyone now after what has happened to them. Hopefully those who fleed were able to get away to a safe place, and they are able to return home or figure out a way to safely/legally stay in Thailand.

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These are the kind of trafficking and sex-slavery cases that I encourage the police and NGO's to focus all their resources to stamp out. Not to be confused with those working in bars or go go places of their own free will.

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The man said he deeply sympathized with an 18-year Laotian victim who claimed she was deceived and brought into the sex business.

See it doesn't just happen to falangs. :whistling:

At least he did not try to sponsor her. :lol:

my GF and my friends wifes GF's all said the same thing

"claimed she was deceived and brought into the sex business.


Of course their going to claim that. You think they're going to outright say 'i wanted to be a whore'. Comon. I'm not saying it doesn't happen,but the majority of the time they know full well what they're getting into and prefer it to working in a factory 100 hours a week to make 1/5th the pay minus alcohol.

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In many civilized nations the proprietor would be tried, and convicted on human abuse charges, and sentenced to 5-20 year in a federal prison. Perhaps a fine of 500,000 baht to boot. How about here? Anyone want to take wagers on what will happen to this scumbag? Does anyone think he will go to prison? Is there any chance at all, that the police authorities will actually do what they are paid to do, and that is prosecute the abuser?

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there were some 300 women at the restaurant but most managed to flee.

300 women, saam loi deosn t mean 300, it means an unknown number of woman,

The Thai readers of the Nation will understand this.

What an amazing Farang you are....

300, Sarm-Roi ( สาม - ร้อย ), does not mean 300.... ?

Just where did you finish your higher Thai language learning..,.? :ermm:

I am one amongst the many of the Nation readers.... but I do not understand your Thai very much.... perhaps, I could be the one... more handicapped than most.... :whistling:

It is very much akin to many Thai including many Thai teachers who profess to speak English language....

I can definitely vouch that they all surely can speak English, each and everyone of them as a matter of fact....

However, the most difficult part is.... though hard as they try to do their best to speak English.... but native Farang just find it difficult to understand what they are trying hard to convey to the Farang....

On the contrary, though Farang could not make out what they mean.... but

other Thai nationals have no problem understanding and interpreting what was said.... :D

Shame, shame, shame.... Farang "key-noke...." ( ขี้ นก -- bird excretion ).... a crude Thai slang .... to tease Farang.... unkindly.... :lol:

Edited by mkawish
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scarred for life.

5000 bath for the family

14+ years and nobody in the area to supervise them.


No land of smiles for them thats for sure.

Dear Oh Dear

Any kids who are 'deceived' into sex trade - or sold by their parents need all the help they can get.

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I believe Mrs. Paveena Hongsakil is a Bangkok MP of and general secretary of the Chart Pattana Party. She is a trained social worker and has a pretty good reputation.

I would say you know little about her or her foundation...if you did you would know that her most famous act was to walk down soi 6 in Pattaya and declare that there was no prostitution in Pattaya. The foundation is only good for headlines and does little outreach to anyone that won't attract a headline.

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At the time of the raid, there were some 300 women at the restaurant but most managed to flee.

What?? Were they customers eating at the restaurant who all decided to flee without paying their bills? Or were they 'freelancers'? This sounds like a pretty strange restaurant to be operating in Suphanburi...


"After saying yes, the man, who refused to give his real name, was invited to the back of the restaurant where he found at least 30 Laotian girls waiting to be chosen. "

When all else fails READ the article!

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Police concluded by promising that all of the victims will undergo mental health rehabilitation and receive further care, in line with an international treaty, as soon as possible. Unquote.

I wouldn't place much store on the promise of a Thai policeman. I hope that work commensurate with their abilities is found for these ladies but I fear deportation may be their lot.

The police are just pissed-off because, all this time they could have been making hush money. How dare them operate an illegal flesh market without sharing the proceeds.

It's probably reopened already with the luxury of police protection now that they've agreed on a weekly installment for the boys in brown.

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Police concluded by promising that all of the victims will undergo mental health rehabilitation and receive further care, in line with an international treaty, as soon as possible. Unquote.

I wouldn't place much store on the promise of a Thai policeman. I hope that work commensurate with their abilities is found for these ladies but I fear deportation may be their lot.

You are so right and I feel the same way. It is too bad and I have been told that the Thai pimps ( forgive me ) sell the foreigners as such Cambodia, Laos, Burmese, and Hill tribes. ( not sure about Farang ) These people are poor and they think they are here for honest jobs. If the Pimps want to make money why don't they sell their own people as such children and relatives. The Pimps do not have to buy their own people and more profits after that. In my personal opinion they would not be Busted.... since foreigners can not bend in. ( do not get offense about my post....)

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Despite the doom and gloom, there is a strong likelihood the girls will receive some help. Strong clues are the fact that the tip off came from the Paveena Hongsakul Foundation and the involvement of the special human trafficing taskforce from the Children, Juvenile and Women's Division (CWD),

The task force doesn't screw around. They take their jobs seriously and have not been implicated in any significant wrongdoing, The task force has a good professional relationship with the groups that help people like these girls.

I believe Mrs. Paveena Hongsakil is a Bangkok MP of and general secretary of the Chart Pattana Party. She is a trained social worker and has a pretty good reputation. Back in 2006, the Nation said she was voted the female politicain with the best moral image. (The same poll said PM Abhisit was the politician with the best moral image.) Anyway, this woman is one heavy duty hitter and if her foundation is involved, you can be assured something will happen. For you trivia lovers she's chairwoman of Thailand's Fire & Rescue Association. (What woman doesn't like a fireman? B) )

Have some faith. Not every Thai public official is corrupt. Some really do have a heart and do care about people.

Well said, and a sense of comfort to know there is at least 1 reliable significant leader to police the corruption....

Your posts make my day and Mrs. Paveena Hongsakil is a good person that we can count on. Let's watch and see. This is not the first case and human trafficking never goes away unless we have a law that keeps the pimps in jail for life. I am standing tall for my post.

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"...seized evidence of sex trade including 17 account books and 18 used and 80 unused condoms."

<deleted> would they keep 18 used condoms for -- going to clean them and reuse them? Please tell me there's no way they'd do that.

I feel so sick and tired of these people who abused women. I wonder how they feel about selling their own children for sex. Is there any way Thai Visa members can do something about? Help?? ( Any NGO in Thailand )

My take and opinion.

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I don't get it. If they were being 'rescued', why did most of them have to 'flee' ?

They probably panicked because they knew they were illegal in the country, and they were scared of the consequences. The article said that they snuck into Thailand after their parents were contacted by an agency. I'm sure they didn't want to be sex slaves, but they probably didn't want to end up in Thai jail either. And I wouldn't be surprised if they don't trust anyone now after what has happened to them. Hopefully those who fleed were able to get away to a safe place, and they are able to return home or figure out a way to safely/legally stay in Thailand.

I like your post and it comes from the heart and soul. Thank you very very much.

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Makes me sick to the stomache the thought of human trafficking does. I don't know what the penalty is but I hope it's death because these people deserve just that.

It doesn't take much imagination to realise how difficult it would be to run such a business without someone in authority turning a blind eye.

Hard enough to shut the mouths of 3 girls in Thailand let alone 300 who were supposedly being held against their will, someone some where is going to report it well before it even gets established.

I really hope the investigation doesn't stop at the owners of the place and others involved hang for this as well

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Police crack sex-trade gang, rescue five Laotian girls

By Visith Chuanpipatpong

The Nation

Five Laotian girls, rescued on Tuesday night from a restaurant in Suphan Buri's Dan Chang district, told police they had been lured into prostitution by false promises of decent jobs in Thai restaurants.

Police, following a tip-off from the Paveena Hongsakul Foundation, rescued the five girls - all under the age of 18 with the youngest just 13 years old - and seized evidence of sex trade including 17 account books and 18 used and 80 unused condoms. At the time of the raid, there were some 300 women at the restaurant but most managed to flee.

Pol Colonel Suwitchpol Imjairat, deputy chief of the Children, Juvenile and Women's Division (CWD), yesterday escorted away the owner of "Suan Ahan Phraew", 55-year-old Ampa Khoeikha, and two members of her staff - Surapa Pudpa, 46, and Sunthorn Nathong, 34 - for interrogation.

When charged with human trafficking, Surapa reportedly confessed, while the other two denied any wrongdoing.

The five victims initially told police they came from the same village in Laos and had sneaked into Thailand via Nong Khai province after an agent contacted their parents and promised to find them jobs in restaurants. They said the agent paid their parents Bt5,000 each, and then charged the girls Bt10,000 per head for travelling expenses, which the victims had to work to repay. Later, the girls discovered they had been sold to a brothel owner for Bt20,000-Bt25,000 each and were being forced into prostitution to repay their "debt". The victims have been sent to Nonthaburi's Ban Kredtrakan Home, pending police investigation for the gang that brought them into Thailand.


-- The Nation 2011-02-10

Old news - 1967, outside U-Tapao in the general area of what is now Kilo-Sip City - one restaurant bar with only underage girls and one with girls from Laos... Then later that year the Thai Army picked up all the girls ofr a'documents check' and distributed them amone the s\oldiers until the bar & restaurant owners could pay the fine. A few uninvolved women, waitresses, food shop chefs, and passersby, were also picked up and added to the party... Any good looking woman in the area disappeared for a week, until the General had the amount he needed.

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"...seized evidence of sex trade including 17 account books and 18 used and 80 unused condoms."

<deleted> would they keep 18 used condoms for -- going to clean them and reuse them? Please tell me there's no way they'd do that.

They found them in the wastebasket...

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Of course their going to claim that. You think they're going to outright say 'i wanted to be a whore'.

Sometimes that is true, but some women are tricked into working in the cheap brothels used by Thai men, raped, threatened and made slaves. My guess is that this is true in this case. :(

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Yes, some are tricked or sold into the trade -- actually into many trades. It is more common to sell kids into slave-trade as farm or factory workers.

As I said, I support a crackdown down on anyone who does this. And leave the voluntary workers alone.

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Despite the doom and gloom, there is a strong likelihood the girls will receive some help. Strong clues are the fact that the tip off came from the Paveena Hongsakul Foundation and the involvement of the special human trafficing taskforce from the Children, Juvenile and Women's Division (CWD),

The task force doesn't screw around. They take their jobs seriously and have not been implicated in any significant wrongdoing, The task force has a good professional relationship with the groups that help people like these girls.

I believe Mrs. Paveena Hongsakil is a Bangkok MP of and general secretary of the Chart Pattana Party. She is a trained social worker and has a pretty good reputation. Back in 2006, the Nation said she was voted the female politicain with the best moral image. (The same poll said PM Abhisit was the politician with the best moral image.) Anyway, this woman is one heavy duty hitter and if her foundation is involved, you can be assured something will happen. For you trivia lovers she's chairwoman of Thailand's Fire & Rescue Association. (What woman doesn't like a fireman? B) )

Have some faith. Not every Thai public official is corrupt. Some really do have a heart and do care about people.

Thanks for that, it's not everyday that TV has some truth among the "dross" :jap:

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These are the kind of trafficking and sex-slavery cases that I encourage the police and NGO's to focus all their resources to stamp out. Not to be confused with those working in bars or go go places of their own free will.


How does one persuade an NGO where to focus its resources?

The money is all in setting up foreigners as pedophiles.

That makes the international headlines.

This does not and so has a low priority.

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there were some 300 women at the restaurant but most managed to flee.

300 women, saam loi deosn t mean 300, it means an unknown number of woman,

The Thai readers of the Nation will understand this.

What an amazing Farang you are....

300, Sarm-Roi ( สาม - ร้อย ), does not mean 300.... ?

Just where did you finish your higher Thai language learning..,.? :ermm:

I am one amongst the many of the Nation readers.... but I do not understand your Thai very much.... perhaps, I could be the one... more handicapped than most.... :whistling:

It is very much akin to many Thai including many Thai teachers who profess to speak English language....

I can definitely vouch that they all surely can speak English, each and everyone of them as a matter of fact....

However, the most difficult part is.... though hard as they try to do their best to speak English.... but native Farang just find it difficult to understand what they are trying hard to convey to the Farang....

On the contrary, though Farang could not make out what they mean.... but

other Thai nationals have no problem understanding and interpreting what was said.... :D

Shame, shame, shame.... Farang "key-noke...." ( ขี้ นก -- bird excretion ).... a crude Thai slang .... to tease Farang.... unkindly.... :lol:

So sorry, didn t check out, that some high profile thai language experts wanted to give a lesson.

as you said, other Thai nationals have no problem ... interpreting what was said.

Shure, its always about interpreting, as you cannot translate Thai 2 english 1 : 1, cause there are different meanings of the words, and, remebering king Lear, Word and Matter are not always the same, so you have to interpret.

30 woman, 300 woman, why not 3.000 woman are in this restaurant ?

So shame on the thai police, being unable to arrest the other 295 woman in the restaurant ?

what a joke, จริงไม่จริง ???

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"...seized evidence of sex trade including 17 account books and 18 used and 80 unused condoms."

<deleted> would they keep 18 used condoms for -- going to clean them and reuse them? Please tell me there's no way they'd do that.

Assume the condoms have been recovered from rubbish bins.

Should also assume DNA analysis will be done if there really were kiddies working (or enslaved) there.

It may assist with future arrests...

Be warned!

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