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Thai Customs Arrest 23-Y-Old Pakistani At Suvarnabhumi With 1 Kg Of 'Ice'

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Mmmmm.... I wonder how the Taliban and al-Qaeda generate income.

These Taliban and Al-Qaeda harvest drug mostly opium in Afghanistan. They have members around the world and. At this point they can not recruit their own to attack because the homeland security shut them down. Now they use American citizens and it is extremely hard for the homeland to catch them.The US army in Afghanistan is trying to shut them down by teaching the Afghan to grow other crops. The American have loss less service men in the conflict since the Army is testing the machine that can stop road site bombmers. The real Afghan are not their fan of the Taliban. They are counting on the American and the War will last for more than 10 years...the weapon brokers and owners are the profit from this matter. Both will have their War Game conference in the Spring. ( exclusive club that I never been invited ) The American taxes payers are suffering especially the middle class. My take and opinion.


Bloody hell! Is there anyone using that airport who is NOT smuggling?

Yeah me ! ;)

Me too

The new Airport is big and everyone is underestimate the The Thai customs. This 23 year old man is not a professional so he got caught. My take.


Oh, the folly of youth! Just 23 yrs old and a wasted life ahead. How devastating it would be for the parents who gave him life and nurtured him, however poor or illiterate they may be.


"Customs Department officials arrested a 23-year-old Pakistani man for allegedly carrying a kilogram of the drug crystal meth at Suvarnabhumi Airport yesterday morning."

That will be one less so called tailor shop along Sukhumvit them.... Great, YOU LUCKY LUCKY MAN....


Whether he is stupid, lying or a sucker he should be locked away for many years. Let hin and all smugglers rot.

Nope. He should be put to death. The law is on the books. Enforce it. Singapore do. Send a clear message to the idiots.

I cannot disagree with that. I wasn`t aware it carried the death penalty.

Yes I agree anyone peddling should be put to death.


I think 99.9% of the time it's a tip-off.

Especially true for an amount that small (1 kg). These mules are fed to the drug enforcement machine for PR purposes.

1 kg small? what bubble do you live in? Oh sorry you are a user, 50 kg would not be enough. 1 kg has the potential to kill hundreds but hey what the heck it is not the dealers, mules or thoses recruiting new users fault for deaths or the impact of a family member using that other family members feel.


Bloody hell! Is there anyone using that airport who is NOT smuggling?

Yeah me ! ;)

Me too

Hmm. I dont like the look of either of you....


They are not all tip-offs. Customs staff are trained to spot people who seem nervous, and knowing the penalties, who wouldn't be. If you fancy a full body search, perhaps even a rubber glove job, try acting twitchy as you approach the counter. A little gardening with ammonium nitrate fertilizer just before heading to the airport can also get interesting results, if you're into that sort of thing.

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