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Anyone Know Where One Can Buy A Low Voltage Terminating Block

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Looking for a 10 pair terminal block / box - vis-a-vis krone or similar. Well 2 of them. Any ideas in Chiang Rai only thanks?

As per our discussion on another post if you know please provide clear and concise directions. My missus lived in Chiang Rai

for 4 years while at Uni and the sister in law has a shop but we still have trouble finding places as directed by members.

Must be on a need to know basis or coded.



Not sure that they have them but one of the more likely places would be the electrical/sound shop near Pizza Company. As you're facing Pizza Company, it is to the left, one or two businesses down the street. They have a fair assortment of hard to find electrical items. I would be surprised if they don't have them.

If the Pizza Company thing sounds too cryptic, let me know.


Not sure that they have them but one of the more likely places would be the electrical/sound shop near Pizza Company. As you're facing Pizza Company, it is to the left, one or two businesses down the street. They have a fair assortment of hard to find electrical items. I would be surprised if they don't have them.

If the Pizza Company thing sounds too cryptic, let me know.

Thats great. We know that one. Thx.


What the <deleted> are you talking about ??

Depends on whether youre mystified by the technical or the local knowledge question?


You might have more success at "ERAWAN"

It's two or three shops East of the old Bus station exit on the same side. More low voltage stuff in there than anywhere else in the Rai

Happy hunting



You might have more success at "ERAWAN"

It's two or three shops East of the old Bus station exit on the same side. More low voltage stuff in there than anywhere else in the Rai

Happy hunting


Thx Ajarn will also try that tomorrow.


Going North on the West side of the Super Highway between the soi (traffic light) going to the old bus station and the next traffic light for downtown central Chiang Rai (traffic light) is a Big Shop with just about everything low voltage electical and TV stereo and remote stuff.

Very full of just about everything and staff very helpful.

I got my recent Link UBC remote from them and was very inexpensive and they came out to install, service and show how the remote worked on a second UBC True TV. (have to watch same programming on the two TV's but well worth the couple hundred baht investment for convenience sake.

They have just about everything there. Good luck


Going North on the West side of the Super Highway between the soi (traffic light) going to the old bus station and the next traffic light for downtown central Chiang Rai (traffic light) is a Big Shop with just about everything low voltage electical and TV stereo and remote stuff.

Very full of just about everything and staff very helpful.

I got my recent Link UBC remote from them and was very inexpensive and they came out to install, service and show how the remote worked on a second UBC True TV. (have to watch same programming on the two TV's but well worth the couple hundred baht investment for convenience sake.

They have just about everything there. Good luck


I will be checking it out this morning



Thanks to all those who tried to help. Went to all the TV member recommended places plus the ones that those place recommended.

Had no luck, could not buy any today so I bought some bits and will do it myself.

Thx for the replies guys. Well except one. Proves the forums can perform.


Depends on whether youre mystified by the technical or the local knowledge question?

Sorry for being so ignorant on electrical technicals, I genuinely have no idea what its for, please explain. As for CR , im ok with that :D


Quote: Sorry for being so ignorant on electrical technicals, I genuinely have no idea what its for, please explain. As for CR , im ok with that :D

You aren't asking me but I do have some input here.

There are two types of low voltage terminators that I know of.

One is basically a multi-junction block where you can connect a variety of incoming/outgoing wires to the various terminals and you can choose to jumper them in various configurations. The blocks have receptacles for the wires and little screws for securing the wires inside, or on top of, the individual receptacles. The unit itself it made of an insulating material.

The second one is much more common and is normally cheaper. That type of low-voltage terminator is when you shuffle across your carpet in your shoes and then reach out with one finger and touch the tip of your kid's nose. Great fun. It typically isn't as cheap when you do the same thing to your wife. It's probably going to cost you.


Quote: Sorry for being so ignorant on electrical technicals, I genuinely have no idea what its for, please explain. As for CR , im ok with that :D

You aren't asking me but I do have some input here.

There are two types of low voltage terminators that I know of.

One is basically a multi-junction block where you can connect a variety of incoming/outgoing wires to the various terminals and you can choose to jumper them in various configurations. The blocks have receptacles for the wires and little screws for securing the wires inside, or on top of, the individual receptacles. The unit itself it made of an insulating material.

The second one is much more common and is normally cheaper. That type of low-voltage terminator is when you shuffle across your carpet in your shoes and then reach out with one finger and touch the tip of your kid's nose. Great fun. It typically isn't as cheap when you do the same thing to your wife. It's probably going to cost you.

Hi both:- it was the <deleted> that stood out when it was without explanation

Big K is pretty close:

Basically there are crush terminal, soldered, screw and interference fit with knife edge.No one really knew what I was asking for

and thats with my wife explaining. The best I got offered was a small roll of solder and no one had ever heard of krone (not kroner either)

Now if any of you whizz bangers had asked why I needed it then that would have been another saga.

Cu around the mulberry bush


Why do you need it?

Come in spinner.A form of narcissism maybe?

Running a loop cable from my study in the house to the garage. I wanted flexibility in the configuration.

1/ Going to use my PC as a music source for flexibility. Much better than the DVD/MP3/Amp combo in the garage at the moment

2/ Extend the house alarm system. The garage contents are worth more than the house contents even though 2 items are

comprehensively insured.

3/ Possible remote camera to satisfy a paranoia

4/ I will think of something

And no i dont have too much time on my hands. The exact opposite plus I like keeping busy and dont want to end

up like the local expat drunks. Mixed origins. UK & Kiwi predominantly. They start at 0800 - 0900 in the morning.

They reckon they are not alcoholics as they only drink beer.Go figure.

Anyway 1 & 2 are definite.

Thx for asking


Okay. That's why I asked. I'll try to get over to that garage BEFORE you get the alarm thing done. I'm running a little behind on my burgling right now but I can readjust my priorities.

I understand the flexibility in configuration thing. I knew a woman like that once. Pretty cool.

Your projects sound interesting. Lemme know when they are complete. I'll add your place to the short list of tourist stops that I suggest to out-of-towners.

I wouldn't dream of suggesting you have too much time on your hands. I know what it is like to have too many projects to complete before going to that big shop in the sky. I stay way too busy, typically. I spent today screwing on the roof of the wife's new shop. No. Wait. That didn't sound right. I spent the day screwing a steel roof onto the wife's new shop. There. That's better.

Anyway, stop by sometime. I might have a few things here that you could use to complete a project more quickly or efficiently. I do have a mig that makes short work of some projects. I promise not to wear my shoes across the carpet and touch your nose.


Okay. That's why I asked. I'll try to get over to that garage BEFORE you get the alarm thing done. I'm running a little behind on my burgling right now but I can readjust my priorities.

I understand the flexibility in configuration thing. I knew a woman like that once. Pretty cool.

Your projects sound interesting. Lemme know when they are complete. I'll add your place to the short list of tourist stops that I suggest to out-of-towners.

I wouldn't dream of suggesting you have too much time on your hands. I know what it is like to have too many projects to complete before going to that big shop in the sky. I stay way too busy, typically. I spent today screwing on the roof of the wife's new shop. No. Wait. That didn't sound right. I spent the day screwing a steel roof onto the wife's new shop. There. That's better.

Anyway, stop by sometime. I might have a few things here that you could use to complete a project more quickly or efficiently. I do have a mig that makes short work of some projects. I promise not to wear my shoes across the carpet and touch your nose.

Let me introduce you to the guard dogs. They have the village sorted out and scared but looking for a real goring to seal their rep.

Good luck with the screw-a-thon. I know you are only project managing not doing the work yourself. You have to be careful how you phrase it as there are a few scabs online who

like to dob in working farangs. Doesnt do much but why draw the crabs unless its to a crab pot?

Impressed you own a mig. The fuel bill must be horrendous. Saw a whole major airport stop to watch a M15 taxi & take off. Do flyover Phusang for me one day!

I can categorically prove life in the sticks is not boring. Sometimes I want 8 more hours per day.

Have a new main electrical distribution panel with attached surge and filter that needs some final fine tuning. WIth me supervising of course.

Cable fit off & termination of the post subject. As aqualified techncial instructor I will show the locals how to!

Rewire the garage to split the circuits for the relocated (ex house) distribution panel. Under my tutelage

Go the big bike show in CR today. Have to go to CR everyday as the FiL is in hospital and I want to make sure I get my monies worth. He's stopped the continual

groaning after surgery so he might get out soon. Beats paying the "hotel" hospital room.

Well thats this week covered.


That's right. The bike show starts at around three today. Supposed to be on one of the basketball courts near the jail park.

I don't worry about the dogs. They make pretty good hotdogs if ground properly.

I will do the flyover one day. Make sure your roof is screwed down tight. I don't want it following me as I leave the village.

I hope the FIL gets better soon. Sorry to hear he's down.


The last two posts from Raylo & Kandahar brightened up my day with talk of burgling, migs, screwing on the roof. How do you guys make the time :lol:


That's right. The bike show starts at around three today. Supposed to be on one of the basketball courts near the jail park.

I don't worry about the dogs. They make pretty good hotdogs if ground properly.

I will do the flyover one day. Make sure your roof is screwed down tight. I don't want it following me as I leave the village.

I hope the FIL gets better soon. Sorry to hear he's down.

I went at three and again around five and no big bikes,


I went too, but nobody there. Dunno what happened. Confirmed with the dude six days ago on the date, time and location.

Me went too but no guys and no bikes.

Went round and round but see nothing. Saw some guys in a wooden building practicing for the wickerman. Druids maybe??

Went to Swensens and now feel icky.


I went too, but nobody there. Dunno what happened. Confirmed with the dude six days ago on the date, time and location.

Me went too but no guys and no bikes.

Went round and round but see nothing. Saw some guys in a wooden building practicing for the wickerman. Druids maybe??

Went to Swensens and now feel icky.

Are you a big guy wearing a biker looking t shirt. May have seen you there


I went too, but nobody there. Dunno what happened. Confirmed with the dude six days ago on the date, time and location.

Me went too but no guys and no bikes.

Went round and round but see nothing. Saw some guys in a wooden building practicing for the wickerman. Druids maybe??

Went to Swensens and now feel icky.

Are you a big guy wearing a biker looking t shirt. May have seen you there

Are you the guy who needs a hair cut and walks around measuring the distance from your head to the ceiling?

Nah couldn't have been me

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