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Formula 1 In 2011


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Well we are not far from the start of another season, with all the cars I believe now unveiled.

Anyone want to stick their neck out with a prediction, my choice is for Sebastian to retain the title with everyones favourite Fernando and then I will go for Rosberg?.:whistling:


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You're in the wrong forum!

I'm getting excited about the new season too - less than a month to go!

me too, and its only a short trip from Koh Samui to KL. went last year and throughly enjoyed it except for the awful humidity, so anyone going for the first time, be sure to bring a couple of sweat towels in your kit.

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Pre season testing is going on in Valencia and the results are interesting. I know, the cars running in these tests are not the same as those on the starting grid in Bahrain, but some clues can be gained.

Already, the RedBull seems to be in very good shape, and so does the Ferrari, at least when Alonso is testing. Massa has problems. The Mercedes seems not (yet) to be the fundamental oversteerer Schumi needs. McLaren is too early to analyze.

As futile as prognosis seem to be at this time, looks like the big 3 are on top... again.

Glad, Heidfeld is back. Will Quick Nick be a surprise?

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The New Farrari looks like it could be the one to beat. I know looks dont win races but I am sure they have been working hard on it so I cant wait for the first race.. ( I am not a Farrari fan ) much rather see a UK buit car up there. But it does look nice

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As futile as prognosis seem to be at this time, looks like the big 3 are on top... again.

You speak as if the sport is predictable. In the last two years we've had Brawn and Red Bull winning. I don't think there is a fixed top 2 or top 3. Wasn't that long ago that Williams was the team to beat.

I see it more as there being 5 or 6 big teams. Which one of these rises to the top this season is anyone's guess. Will need to see them all in race trim first to make any judgement.

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<br />
<br />As futile as prognosis seem to be at this time, looks like the big 3 are on top... again.<br /><br />
<br />You speak as if the sport is predictable. In the last two years we've had Brawn and Red Bull winning. I don't think there is a fixed top 2 or top 3. Wasn't that long ago that Williams was the team to beat. <br /><br />I see it more as there being 5 or 6 big teams. Which one of these rises to the top this season is anyone's guess. Will need to see them all in race trim first to make any judgement.<br /><br /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

Williams? "Not that long ago"?

'Scuse me while I reach a record book off the dusty top shelf!

With the megolomaniac, driver-hating, sponsor-hungry, financial-markets-teasing boss (shall I go public, shall I not?) in charge, this lot are a blight on the grid.

Put the old man in compulsory retirement, give Patrick his Head (geddit?) and just watch 'em go!!

Until then, get the binoculars out to see 'em down the back of the grid.

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<br />
<br />As futile as prognosis seem to be at this time, looks like the big 3 are on top... again.<br /><br />
<br />You speak as if the sport is predictable. In the last two years we've had Brawn and Red Bull winning. I don't think there is a fixed top 2 or top 3. Wasn't that long ago that Williams was the team to beat. <br /><br />I see it more as there being 5 or 6 big teams. Which one of these rises to the top this season is anyone's guess. Will need to see them all in race trim first to make any judgement.<br /><br /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

Williams? "Not that long ago"?

'Scuse me while I reach a record book off the dusty top shelf!

Guess it depends how old you are. For me 97 isn't that long ago - when they last won the title. Since then they have had some moderately successful years too. 2003 they won four races.

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Looks like Bahrain is a non starter doesn't it? :(

I reckon so, govt trying to put a lid on it but I suspect the protestors won't just 'go away' this time. This has been simmering for years in Bahrain and the Shia majority know they now have the world's media spotlight on them. Has to be their 'moment' for any chance of change.

The OZ GP was always a better season opener anyway tho B)

Means we will have a few more weeks to wait tho :angry:

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Looks like Bahrain is a non starter doesn't it? :(

I reckon so, govt trying to put a lid on it but I suspect the protestors won't just 'go away' this time. This has been simmering for years in Bahrain and the Shia majority know they now have the world's media spotlight on them. Has to be their 'moment' for any chance of change.

The OZ GP was always a better season opener anyway tho B)

Means we will have a couple more weeks to wait :angry:.

Even if the protesters do go away, not sure its right for F1 to support the regime by going to Bahrain.

The whole thing is a nightmare and, selfishly, I'm annoyed that Bernie won't be concentrating his energies on finding another venue, he's only looking at the financial side.

Peaceful Bahrain protesters being shot by the military is not good.... F1 needs to move elsewhere, but its too late now - we'll have to either decide whether to watch a race in a country that shoots peaceful protesters (if it happens), or wait another two weeks :annoyed:.

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Looks like Bahrain is a non starter doesn't it? :(

I reckon so, govt trying to put a lid on it but I suspect the protestors won't just 'go away' this time. This has been simmering for years in Bahrain and the Shia majority know they now have the world's media spotlight on them. Has to be their 'moment' for any chance of change.

The OZ GP was always a better season opener anyway tho B)

Means we will have a couple more weeks to wait :angry:.

Even if the protesters do go away, not sure its right for F1 to support the regime by going to Bahrain.

The whole thing is a nightmare and, selfishly, I'm annoyed that Bernie won't be concentrating his energies on finding another venue, he's only looking at the financial side.

Peaceful Bahrain protesters being shot by the military is not good.... F1 needs to move elsewhere, but its too late now - we'll have to either decide whether to watch a race in a country that shoots peaceful protesters (if it happens), or wait another two weeks :annoyed:.

Well the race is called off. Good, there are more important issues at stake in Bahrain right now than holding an F1 race. Hopefully we'll see some positive change, Having lived there I'd say Bahrain and the people there make it one of the nicer ME countries, I wish them well. But, frankly it was never much of a race, the only reason F1 ever went there was Bernie knew the Bahraini Royal Family had sacks of cash to make it happen and desperately wanted to upstage Dubai & the U.A.E.

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Ferrari named its 2011 Formula 1 car F150 and promptly got sued by Ford for trademark infringement. Ford sells a popular pick-up truck under the brand F150.

Ford claims that Ferrari takes unduly advantage of Ford's ... er ... advanced technology for promoting its own car.

Nobody at Ford was available for comments on what kind of technology Ferrari would incorporate into their Formula 1 racer coming from Ford's pick-up truck. Inside sources said that the advances chassis design of Ferrari is a copy of Ford's truck.

Also, some aerodynamic features, such as the rear wing in Ferrari's F150 looks surprisingly similar to the read door of Ford's pickup.


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  • 2 weeks later...

What i stupid idea, how can anyone even guess at this stage. Remember what teams such as Virgin and Red Bull sprung on us from nowhere. We just have to give it a few races before making any concrete guesses like this.

Anyone interested in the Fantasy F1? http://www.espnstar.com/games/f1-fantasy/

Does TV have it's own league like for the footy? If so post the join up code for me.

I joined it last season and it was so-so but they've made changes this season that look like good improvements but i'm having trouble loggng into it at the moment.

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What was he smokingduring that interview, and yes we all know the wet races were better, but a sprinkler system lol. Also who brought the new teams in?

"Twelve teams is too many," he said. "I'd like to see 10, that's enough."

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Guys,

Just wondered if anyone fancied meeting up to watch the race? I made a separate thread to keep it out of the way from the normal F1 chat.

Bangkok F1 Meet Up

Since this weeks race is in Melbourne I thought it would be a good idea to hold the meet up at


Please post in the other thread if you fancy meeting up.



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A very chilly and miserable day here at Albert Park, with the promise of occasional showers. Tomorrow is supposed to be warmer with sunny periods. However, this afternoons qualifying will be very interesting no matter what the weather.

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RedBull give you wings

Should be a great race tomorrow, with luck Vettel will not disappear in to the distance.

Well I hope it's a darn sight warmer tomorrow, I froze my nuts off today <_< Whatever the weather we are in for some excitement !!

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