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Young Teens Happy With Sex Work: Study


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Young teens happy with sex work: study

PATTAYA: -- Young male prostitutes in Pattaya find nothing wrong with the flesh trade, which allows them to earn enough for a comfortable lifestyle without hard work. So says research by a graduate student from Srinakharintharawirot University.

Uamfa Banchuen conducted in-depth interviews with 12 young male prostitutes in Pattaya in a bid to find out what they were thinking – information needed if the government seriously wishes to wipe out prostitution. The prostitutes were between 13 and 18 years old.

A native of Pattaya in Chon Buri province, Uamfa conducted the research as part of her master’s degree studies at the university’s Faculty of Education last year.

“The children approved of working as prostitutes. They found nothing wrong with being prostitutes and viewed it as a common thing,” her report said. The teenagers were happy in their work because it enabled them to earn a comfortable wage. They also believed that the government should be open to prostitution and same-sex affairs.

“The children said they sometimes responded to their own sexual needs when sleeping with clients. They showed preference for foreign clients over locals,” the research said.

According to the report, the teenagers between 16 and 18 years old earned about Bt20,000 a month working in gay bars. Younger prostitutes earned between Bt5,000 and Bt10,000 a month because pimps demanded commissions.

Uamfa’s research also dealt with the young prostitutes’ personalities, finding that most of them were self-obsessed, dependent on others, materialistic and suffering from emotional problems. “Some of them were lured into the trade,” she said.

--The Nation 2005-09-08

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The younger ones are a little too young to be engaging in prostitution. They probably lack the knowledge to adequately protect themselves. I am sure there are some sad stories here.

As for the emotional problems--self obsessed, dependent on others and materialistic--well that sounds pretty normal for teenagers everywhere! (Not trying to minimize the problem, social impact or health concerns, though).

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Probably what they did was just go into one bar and interview all the kids there at the time.

It's interesting that all the correspondents chosen were underage for prostitution law- it wasn't explicitly stated in the article, but I suppose the researcher wanted specifically to determine the attitude of this subgroup.

The best thing for eliminating the practice is to eliminate the economic need of those who participate in it for that reason- unfortunately, the ruling class here wants to keep the underclass down, so that will never happen.


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Standard rules of economics state that you never eliminate the demand, you only raise the price- just like heroin or cocaine. Commendable as efforts are to stop customers (assuming any efforts are being made- unlikely in the case of Thai nationals, especially outside Bangkok/Pattaya), they will never be entirely successful. Alternative means of economic success are the only real ways to help these kids out of the business.

Edited by Ijustwannateach
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Standard rules of economics state that you never eliminate the demand, you only raise the price- just like heroin or cocaine.  Commendable as efforts are to stop customers (assuming any efforts are being made- unlikely in the case of Thai nationals, especially outside Bangkok/Pattaya), they will never be entirely successful.  Alternative means of economic success are the only real ways to help these kids out of the business.

So very true! I personally find the results of this investigation a bit weird. As being gay I speak a lot with guys in the trade in bars and I hear a lot too. Most stories - when they talk real - are sad. Only very few like that work besides for the so much needed money. A guy told me recently that he earned (as an illegal Burmese) 100 baht a day in the building business (about 9 hours a day very hard work) that was it ... so he needed to find ways to earn some more. Hence the bars ... And stories like this are countless! One guy said to me: They (farang) think this work is easy. It is not, it is very difficult to perform "love" when there are no feelings! No I don't think this business is all that glorious! However some guys I know think honestly that when using the services of these boys they are helping them for their future ... Well I think more they need an excuse for them being customers in this trade!

Edited by Sangsom
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I know that prostitution is illegal in Thailand at any age but is non-coital sex legal for those over 13? There is a website about the age of consent for various countries and some write ups about the laws and they indicated that in Thailand if you perform indecent acts with someone under 13 then you were breaking the law and if you had sexual intercourse with someone under the age of 15 you were breaking the law (assuming no marriage here). This would imply that anyone over the age of 13 was legal for performing indecent acts...what ever that means...but sexual intercourse...whatever that means...was not legal until 15. Is this correct? What does this mean?

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It could be that sex with a child under 13 is considered statutory rape as the law perceives the child to not be old enough to give consent, whereas aged 13-14, the act is unlawful, but the child is considered to have been able to consent.

Not sure. Just a thought.

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I had a lawyer friend explain this very thoroughly to me once, as I was hearing all sorts of differing information on the topic from different people- not that I'm particularly interested in teens (I prefer the twenties to thirties, myself) but I have friends who like to date older teens (18-19) and I see nothing wrong with it in principle.

Here's the straight dope:

Leaving aside the question of prostitution:

The age of consent is technically 15 in Thailand, ASSUMING THE PARENTS CONSENT AS WELL (and you may need to get married at that age as well).

From 16-19- yes, that's right, NINETEEN- the PARENTS MUST STILL CONSENT. Even if the young adult of 19 wants to hump you like a bunny, they are not independently legal, technically. If you do so, and it can be proven by the standards of Thai courts, and the parents object, you would still be guilty of statutory rape.

SO- the only absolutely legal, no-strings-attached sex in Thailand is between consenting adults of the age of MAJORITY, which is 20. Anyone below that age is AYOR and at the mercy of their parents.

However, if the parents approve, it MAY technically be legal to have sex with or marry someone as young as 15.

I'm under the impression that ALL prostitution is technically illegal, but there are laws here that make it "extra" illegal with under-18yo's (by increasing the penalties dramatically).

That's why it's curious to me that the subjects chosen for this survey were on the younger side- it would make more sense from the point of view of the "legitimate" prostitution industry to seek the opinions of those who fit the "normal" age range.



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Young teens happy with sex work: study

PATTAYA: -- Young male prostitutes in Pattaya find nothing wrong with the flesh trade, which allows them to earn enough for a comfortable lifestyle without hard work. So says research by a graduate student from Srinakharintharawirot University.


I coulda told them all that over a cup of coffee.................DJM

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I had a lawyer friend explain this very thoroughly to me once, as I was hearing all sorts of differing information on the topic from different people- not that I'm particularly interested in teens (I prefer the twenties to thirties, myself) but I have friends who like to date older teens (18-19) and I see nothing wrong with it in principle.

Here's the straight dope:

Leaving aside the question of prostitution:

The age of consent is technically 15 in Thailand, ASSUMING THE PARENTS CONSENT AS WELL (and you may need to get married at that age as well).

From 16-19- yes, that's right, NINETEEN- the PARENTS MUST STILL CONSENT.  Even if the young adult of 19 wants to hump you like a bunny, they are not independently legal, technically.  If you do so, and it can be proven by the standards of Thai courts, and the parents object, you would still be guilty of statutory rape.

SO- the only absolutely legal, no-strings-attached sex in Thailand is between consenting adults of the age of MAJORITY, which is 20.  Anyone below that age is AYOR and at the mercy of their parents.

However, if the parents approve, it MAY technically be legal to have sex with or marry someone as young as 15.

I'm under the impression that ALL prostitution is technically illegal, but there are laws here that make it "extra" illegal with under-18yo's (by increasing the penalties dramatically).

That's why it's curious to me that the subjects chosen for this survey were on the younger side- it would make more sense from the point of view of the "legitimate" prostitution industry to seek the opinions of those who fit the "normal" age range.



Thank you for the response to my questions. Your lawyers explanation seemed plausible at first but then upon thinking about this I had a difficult time imagining what sort of wording a law would have in order to create the situation your lawyer described....do you know where in the legal code these laws could be found?

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I have no idea, but the concepts you'll be looking for are the age of consent and the age of majority.

The age of consent is 15, but the age of majority is 20. Under 20, the parents are legally both responsible for and in control of everything their children do.

Even western countries (including Britain and the U.S.) have had (or in some areas still DO have) these kinds of laws; it depends on where you live and whether there's anyone who wants to enforce them.


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QUOTE(cgigate @ 2005-09-02 13:01:20)

It is most famous as the Land of SEX


Aussie Man Held In Thailand On Child Sex Rap

cgigate Posted on: 2005-08-27 12:28:42

Thai is a country for sex!!


100 Policemen To Chase Prostitutes In Bangkok

cgigate Posted on: 2005-08-30 08:50:35

Welcome to the land of sex!


100 Policemen To Chase Prostitutes In Bangkok

cgigate Posted on: Today, 2005-09-02 13:01:20

It is most famous as the Land of SEX

Not one to be considered as someone with a one track mind, are you???

So do you think he got the hint?

it is the dirtest in the world -  heaven of sex.

Apparently not yet. :o


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I had a lawyer friend explain this very thoroughly to me once, as I was hearing all sorts of differing information on the topic from different people- not that I'm particularly interested in teens (I prefer the twenties to thirties, myself) but I have friends who like to date older teens (18-19) and I see nothing wrong with it in principle.

Here's the straight dope:

Leaving aside the question of prostitution:

The age of consent is technically 15 in Thailand, ASSUMING THE PARENTS CONSENT AS WELL (and you may need to get married at that age as well).

From 16-19- yes, that's right, NINETEEN- the PARENTS MUST STILL CONSENT.  Even if the young adult of 19 wants to hump you like a bunny, they are not independently legal, technically.  If you do so, and it can be proven by the standards of Thai courts, and the parents object, you would still be guilty of statutory rape.

SO- the only absolutely legal, no-strings-attached sex in Thailand is between consenting adults of the age of MAJORITY, which is 20.  Anyone below that age is AYOR and at the mercy of their parents.

However, if the parents approve, it MAY technically be legal to have sex with or marry someone as young as 15.

I'm under the impression that ALL prostitution is technically illegal, but there are laws here that make it "extra" illegal with under-18yo's (by increasing the penalties dramatically).

That's why it's curious to me that the subjects chosen for this survey were on the younger side- it would make more sense from the point of view of the "legitimate" prostitution industry to seek the opinions of those who fit the "normal" age range.



Thank you for the response to my questions. Your lawyers explanation seemed plausible at first but then upon thinking about this I had a difficult time imagining what sort of wording a law would have in order to create the situation your lawyer described....do you know where in the legal code these laws could be found?

The subject is covered in the Criminal Code, sorry cannot give you the exact Section

as my copy is not to hand. This gives the age of consent as 13.

As far as I know this has never been changed, but a later law, around 1990, supercedes the basic code, raising the Age of Consent to 15. However there is the

caveat, that between 15-20 the parents consent is needed, or a charge of Kidnapping

can be brought.

These laws are publised in English if you want to do the research.

Edited by astral
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QUOTE(cgigate @ 2005-09-02 13:01:20)

It is most famous as the Land of SEX


Aussie Man Held In Thailand On Child Sex Rap

cgigate Posted on: 2005-08-27 12:28:42

Thai is a country for sex!!


100 Policemen To Chase Prostitutes In Bangkok

cgigate Posted on: 2005-08-30 08:50:35

Welcome to the land of sex!


100 Policemen To Chase Prostitutes In Bangkok

cgigate Posted on: Today, 2005-09-02 13:01:20

It is most famous as the Land of SEX

Not one to be considered as someone with a one track mind, are you???

So do you think he got the hint?

it is the dirtest in the world -  heaven of sex.

Apparently not yet. :o


Do you think what I said that is not true! ?

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Sad to say that money talks. Some youngsters do not want to work hard to make it in life and this seesmsis the easy option..or one needs to ask Is it really that easy to give your body to a stranger?


I've heard that after the first few months it gets to be really routine just like any other job....and if you know what you're doing the money gets better as you develop a clientel.....most people don't want to work hard to make it in life.

..sex work is here to say...everyone out there....get over the condescending attitudes, you only belittle yourself.

Edited by chownah
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