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Bangkok Schools Lose Condom Vending Machines

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Condom vending machine or no condom vending machine never stopped any teenagers in the heat of passion from boinking. Only ignorant parents and an equal ignorant administration

staff could think of that! I doubt whether or not any of those let a condom stop them from boinking at that age. Come to think of it, those are no doubt the ones who's voices were the loudest!

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Hot Dam! Those incredible teenage years with those uncontrollable raging hormones! Of course in those days you actually had to ask the Pharamacist behind the counter

for those Condoms...They were not readily available on the stores shelves way back then...

Putting them on the shelves and making them available to all, was a step in the right direction...

Taking condom vending machines out of a high school or junior high is a giant step backwards, But then again Thailand is still living in the Darkages!


These parents prefer their daughters to have unwanted pregnancies then?

No, they just don't want to encourage them to be having sexual relations before they are even out of school. By placing those machines in schools, this tell the kids that we know you can have sex now so use these!!. By not getting involved with this type personal thing and just teach reading, writing and arithmatic, then the kids can make thier own decisions with thier parents hopefully giving the right upbringing about this. Thuis is not supposed to be part of the corriculum. This is just a start of a slippery slope of government interference in places they should have no business. This is to be learned from their parents and of course the streets :rolleyes:as we all did.

Placing machines encourages kids to have sex, not abstain until they are older....think about it! kids aren't stupid! They will do what they want anyway and can get condoms anywhere if that is what they want to do.....they don't need the education system encouraging this!!!.....This happened even in USA and I think now some 6th graders have them in schools....stupid left wing dumb decisions. Thailand is just following suit with that stupid thinking that they are smarter than the parents and doing good...but in actualaity it is promoting it! ...This is just not the business that any school should be involved with!!....soon meth dispensers with be there because the meth the governent can supply would be safer that the street Yabba....on and on...


These parents prefer their daughters to have unwanted pregnancies then?

No, they just don't want to encourage them to be having sexual relations before they are even out of school. By placing those machines in schools, this tell the kids that we know you can have sex now so use these!!. By not getting involved with this type personal thing and just teach reading, writing and arithmatic, then the kids can make thier own decisions with thier parents hopefully giving the right upbringing about this. Thuis is not supposed to be part of the corriculum. This is just a start of a slippery slope of government interference in places they should have no business. This is to be learned from their parents and of course the streets :rolleyes:as we all did.

Placing machines encourages kids to have sex, not abstain until they are older....think about it! kids aren't stupid! They will do what they want anyway and can get condoms anywhere if that is what they want to do.....they don't need the education system encouraging this!!!.....This happened even in USA and I think now some 6th graders have them in schools....stupid left wing dumb decisions. Thailand is just following suit with that stupid thinking that they are smarter than the parents and doing good...but in actualaity it is promoting it! ...This is just not the business that any school should be involved with!!....soon meth dispensers with be there because the meth the governent can supply would be safer that the street Yabba....on and on...

Thank you for highlighting how backwards and ignorant the US approach is and why it is a bad idea.

I mean, surely your post was ironic?


These parents prefer their daughters to have unwanted pregnancies then?

No, they just don't want to encourage them to be having sexual relations before they are even out of school. By placing those machines in schools, this tell the kids that we know you can have sex now so use these!!.

But they can have sex at this age and all their raging hormones are instinctively telling them to do this. You are way out of reality if you think even perfect parenting from every child at school is going to prevent teens from having sex. They do it in every country all around the world and have so for as long as there has been teens walking this planet. And not matter what education or parenting skills are involved there will always be teen sex as well as teen pregnancies but what has been PROVEN to reduce teen pregnancies is sexual education that includes education on using condemns. These are people who can biologically reproduce it is just silly to treat them as if they are not.

And what seems to be a big failure is things like oaths of abstinence until married. They found these teens taking these oaths generally hold this oath to the point of finding a boyfriend and being convinced they are in love and it is going to last forever.


And what seems to be a big failure is things like oaths of abstinence until married. They found these teens taking these oaths generally hold this oath to the point of finding a boyfriend and being convinced they are in love and it is going to last forever.

Boyfriends? You mean only girls would take these oaths of abstinence ?

PS no offence meant Jingthing


And yes, those dreaded homeless people. Lord knows we have a problem with those destitute farangs. Time for a crack down.

Crackdown on these people now. You hear me? Crack down.

What a bunch of maroons.

in case you dont know ,

homeless people have the same wants and needs, as other human beings

food , drink, shelter , a good shit ,

and last but by no means least , SEX.



Vending machines at two public parks Suan Rommaneenart and Suan Saranrom where male and female streetwalkers regularly do their businesses, sell an average 597 and 349 condoms respectively,

Useless figures.

average per day, week, month, year??

There's lies dam lies and statistics as the saying goes


This is the 1st topic on here where I have not seen bickering or some one rooting for the other side.

Why? Can't root for either side. No condoms.

I wonder if the toff that ruled condom machine removal is the brother of the guy who said ice caps melting is no problem for Thailand?

Latest News: Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Cases On The Rise In Thailand - TV header just now.


I think this article is describing the water and not the person who is drowning. Parents complaining? How about a few grandmothers complaining because the real parents are off somewhere else without one single thought of their children passing through their single synapse. Not enough dopamine.

The problem IS the humans who are breeding, and their apathy, lack of self-discipline and responsibility towards the results (or consequences) for their apathetic, undisciplined and irresponsible behavior.

The responsibilities and duties of an issue like conception, for example, is not the only mental incapacity that these people are encumbered with. Their ability and the rate of speed with which their problem solving is engaged and the results are put forth always requires several "fixes" and "do-overs" in almost every case, unless they have a foreigner (a.k.a. parent) to step in and put things right for them - only to have them muck it up after the "parent" leaves or turns his or her back.

You can not blame stupidity on the existence - or lack thereof - of an inanimate object; a condom machine. I can't believe we're even talking about a condom machine!

Westerners and Europeans who visit here are the audience; the witnesses to a Comedy of Errors while visiting "This-Isn't-Your-Country-Land" - excuse me - "Thai"-land.

Viscerally nationalistic; government condoned radical teaching of hate and racism towards their neighbors; Xenophobic.. yet totally incapable of living at peace with each other and constantly having some tribal, bloody feud with each other - whether on TV or in RW (Real World). I am almost coming to a plausible realization that Thailand and its Visceral, Bloody past, and Today's modern technologies, thinking and philosophies simply do not mix. Perhaps Thailand is better off living like it did 2500 years ago; with the exception that their progenitors should have waited to build the Great Wall, and instead brought the Great Wall here.

Condom machines! Yikes. You have got to be kidding.

This is the least of their worries.

The scorn, shame, embarrassment for these people, compels me to type this post in this manner.

Not all Thais. No! But maybe 99% of them. The exceptions are those who have been outside their eggshell and been confronted with reality, and without the group support of fellow lemmings.

EDIT: And one more thing. Most of these posts are only describing symptoms that are a child's natural, untutored way of handling life's confrontations. Children do not have the ability to think of top of the game solutions all by themselves. They must get the answers from somewhere. These posts ask the questions, and pose the problems, but no one seems to place the burden on the ones who breed, and instead place that burden on the village. Any mammal can breed. Stupid is as stupid does! They can't even spade and neuter their own feral street dogs. They sit, watch, and laugh when the feral dogs attack passers by. What makes you think they will resolve this with any certainty?


Step 1.: Strict rules on appropriate school attire (in another topic)

Step 2.: Remove condom vending machine.

Step 3.: Blame the government when step 1 and 2 fail to prevent under-age sex and unwanted pregnancies.

Step 4.: Blame foreigners anyway.

Step 5.: Ignore hi5 and other blog's your kids play on.

Step 6.: Continue with relating how well-behaved we were when we were young :)

Step 7.: Ignore, and never discuss, the kow tow / peer pressures that induce your children's obsession to look as good or better than their friends, even if it means turning an occasional trick to get that new phone, skirt, set of ear rings. Or new tits of your son wants to change sides.


I know that many of you have been in Thailand for much longer than I (only four years). However, this has to rank in my mind at least - as in the top five most idiotic decisions that I have heard of.

The person or panel of people who made this decision, - are completely shortsighted at best, - and insane at worst.

I read a post on this site the other day, - that most Thai's cannot look at map of the world and tell where any other country is. I wanted to test that.

My wife was watching the problems in Egypt on TV and asked me where it was. I said well ...in the Middle East. She said - where is that?

I then asked her if she was taught anything about other countries at school (geography). She said no. She attended college.

I mention this - because it is obvious that most Thai's do not really know or care what is going on in other countries.

The remarkable Condom programs - that have been so effective throughout African nations and South American nations - being an example.

Yet, - this country, - who now has big posters everywhere stating that Thailand has 500,000 people with HIV - and encouraging people to not be the next, - is doing something completely contrary to that!

It is just unbelievable.

Ignorance of the people can be remedied. This is true story, - funny - but true.

A few decades ago, - the Chinese Government wanted to curb population growth and sent out educators to the villages to teach them about the use of Condoms. They handed the condoms out for free.

In many villagers - they were finding that people were still having babies. After investigation it was found that it was because the men were putting the Condoms on their fingers.

Why? Because that is what the demonstrators did. The demonstrators just assumed that they could make that quantum jump in their own minds (between finger... and penis).

Of course the problem was fixed. But an example of what can happen - without good education.

To take away these condom machines from kids who would be too shy to go to a 7 / 11,........ is a complete shame. Shame on those Government people who did this!


These parents prefer their daughters to have unwanted pregnancies then?

No, they just don't want to encourage them to be having sexual relations before they are even out of school. By placing those machines in schools, this tell the kids that we know you can have sex now so use these!!.

Thank you for highlighting how backwards and ignorant the US approach is and why it is a bad idea.

I mean, surely your post was ironic?

No, I don't think that post by xxpate48USA was ironic. By the way, just because he has the 3 letters USA in his username doesn't mean he speaks for Americans. Am curious, are there condom machines at US high schools?

Though I'm American, I honestly don't know, as it's been a long while since I've been there. I would imagine the religious right would go bonkers if there were condom dispensing machines in their regions of the US.

Back to Thailand: What are readers of ThaiVisa willing to do to try and assist teenagers who are naturally lustful/curious, and the possibility that the girls become pregnant and either/or both kids get STD's?

Since Thai officialdom has stated they no longer want to assist their youngsters in that way, are there things we can do? Perhaps those ThaiVisa members with shops/businesses can offer free condoms to youngsters who request them - no questions asked. It may sound like a jest, but it could mean the difference between whether or not some young people in your neighborhood get unwanted pregnancies and/or STD's.

I've resided in the US for many years, and in Thailand for 1/8th of a century, and I have met many young women in both countries who have babies they didn't plan for - same such babies who's natural fathers don't lift a finger for them. Similarly and statistically, most men over 22 probably have at least one child they've sired and abandoned. If they don't admit it, then that's par for the course. Why would they admit something that's a blemish on their reputation. Added to that, many men have made babies (or caused abortions) that they don't even know about. Are you one of them? Unless you're a virgin, you can't state for 100% sure that you haven't made any babies (or caused any abortions) that you don't know about.


These parents prefer their daughters to have unwanted pregnancies then?

And as an added bonus their daughters will face expulsion from their school for getting pregnant. Win/Win!


What jumped into my mind was the fictitious headline, "Thai Army removes all ammunition from forward posts in time for war with Cambodia."


And what seems to be a big failure is things like oaths of abstinence until married. They found these teens taking these oaths generally hold this oath to the point of finding a boyfriend and being convinced they are in love and it is going to last forever.

Boyfriends? You mean only girls would take these oaths of abstinence ?

PS no offence meant Jingthing

Good point but I guess it shows how these things are viewed. Most people (including myself obviously) relate this to female needing to keep her legs closed. A teen boy is cool if he is having sex with multiple girls but a girl doing it with multiple guys is considered a slut.


And what seems to be a big failure is things like oaths of abstinence until married. They found these teens taking these oaths generally hold this oath to the point of finding a boyfriend and being convinced they are in love and it is going to last forever.

Boyfriends? You mean only girls would take these oaths of abstinence ?

PS no offence meant Jingthing

Good point but I guess it shows how these things are viewed. Most people (including myself obviously) relate this to female needing to keep her legs closed. A teen boy is cool if he is having sex with multiple girls but a girl doing it with multiple guys is considered a slut.

It would be interesting to know how many sluts there were in Pattaya alone-and how many cool guys. Worldwide -Nisa this has always been the line of thought. Girls in the U.K. donkeys years ago, were told not to sit on toilet seats, as they could get pregnant. Another thought -I think many Thai parents would welcome their daughter getting pregnant, they could well collect 40,000 bht from the father, its an amount paid to the family in my area. Thats a fact. I could write a book on the happenings in Udon area alone.--------------Stu :o pid government dept., thinking. K. Taksin could shed a small amount of monies to help the distribution of condoms-rather than fund the shirts


Is it not better to leave the machines where they are to at least give these kids the choice rather than end up with unwanted pregnancies or worse AIDS!! It is with these issues that Thailand needs to grow up.


I kept my virginity until Uni....:rolleyes:.. After that I went like a wildfire!! In Uni, we were given condoms for free!!! We even used them as water balloons!:lol: but we were kept safe.


These parents prefer their daughters to have unwanted pregnancies then?

No, they just don't want to encourage them to be having sexual relations before they are even out of school. By placing those machines in schools, this tell the kids that we know you can have sex now so use these!!.

But they can have sex at this age and all their raging hormones are instinctively telling them to do this. You are way out of reality if you think even perfect parenting from every child at school is going to prevent teens from having sex. They do it in every country all around the world and have so for as long as there has been teens walking this planet. And not matter what education or parenting skills are involved there will always be teen sex as well as teen pregnancies but what has been PROVEN to reduce teen pregnancies is sexual education that includes education on using condemns. These are people who can biologically reproduce it is just silly to treat them as if they are not.

And what seems to be a big failure is things like oaths of abstinence until married. They found these teens taking these oaths generally hold this oath to the point of finding a boyfriend and being convinced they are in love and it is going to last forever.

I think the poster that you quote also said that "kids aren't stupid! They will do what they want anyway and can get condoms anywhere if that is what they want to do....."

I did not think XXpate48USA was implying that teens could be prevented from having sex. It was about schools not getting involved in this by placing condom vending machines within their premises .... same same as not having burger shops and junk food stalls , see ? if kids wanted a burger they will get it, no need for the school to make it available.


These parents prefer their daughters to have unwanted pregnancies then?

No, they just don't want to encourage them to be having sexual relations before they are even out of school. By placing those machines in schools, this tell the kids that we know you can have sex now so use these!!.

But they can have sex at this age and all their raging hormones are instinctively telling them to do this. You are way out of reality if you think even perfect parenting from every child at school is going to prevent teens from having sex. They do it in every country all around the world and have so for as long as there has been teens walking this planet. And not matter what education or parenting skills are involved there will always be teen sex as well as teen pregnancies but what has been PROVEN to reduce teen pregnancies is sexual education that includes education on using condemns. These are people who can biologically reproduce it is just silly to treat them as if they are not.

And what seems to be a big failure is things like oaths of abstinence until married. They found these teens taking these oaths generally hold this oath to the point of finding a boyfriend and being convinced they are in love and it is going to last forever.

I think the poster that you quote also said that "kids aren't stupid! They will do what they want anyway and can get condoms anywhere if that is what they want to do....."

I did not think XXpate48USA was implying that teens could be prevented from having sex. It was about schools not getting involved in this by placing condom vending machines within their premises .... same same as not having burger shops and junk food stalls , see ? if kids wanted a burger they will get it, no need for the school to make it available.

The typical 'head in the ground' approach.


This is the same madness as in the US and other nations with obvious problem in handling teenage sexuality. Removing the condom-machine will not stop the kids from having sex -- it will stop them from having safe sex.

Yes and what about the homeless :cheesy:



Hey folks! Don't complain, isn't this why you came here to live? Dumb kids, dumber adults and laughable government officers! Where else in the world...apart from Iran, could we feel so intelectually superior, so amazed by the ingrained stupidity, so boggled by government announcements?

Gosh! I love this country, it gives me a smile every day in every way! ;) :jap:


I think the poster that you quote also said that "kids aren't stupid! They will do what they want anyway and can get condoms anywhere if that is what they want to do....."

I did not think XXpate48USA was implying that teens could be prevented from having sex. It was about schools not getting involved in this by placing condom vending machines within their premises .... same same as not having burger shops and junk food stalls , see ? if kids wanted a burger they will get it, no need for the school to make it available.

You are acting as if kids are educated about the dangerous of not using condemns as well as the fact that you are pretending they want condoms (in your example) when in fact what they want is sex. A more accurate example would be that if a kids wants a burger (sex) he is still going to get it regardless if the restaurant has not place to their wash hands (condom) before they eat.

If a condom is more readily available and something they are reminded of then they are more likely to use one. The kids here may not be educated about the importance of condom use but they certainly understand people have sex (including their peers) so I really don't see how viewing a condom machine is going to warp or corrupt their minds ... in fact it is likely to make them have a much more healthy view and understanding of sex.


Hey folks! Don't complain, isn't this why you came here to live? Dumb kids, dumber adults and laughable government officers! Where else in the world...apart from Iran, could we feel so intelectually superior, so amazed by the ingrained stupidity, so boggled by government announcements?

Gosh! I love this country, it gives me a smile every day in every way! ;) :jap:

"apart from Iran"?

I can only assume where you are from to make such a silly and ignorant remark.


This is the same madness as in the US and other nations with obvious problem in handling teenage sexuality. Removing the condom-machine will not stop the kids from having sex -- it will stop them from having safe sex.

Exactly, well said!


You are acting as if kids are educated about the dangerous of not using condemns as well as the fact that you are pretending they want condoms (in your example) when in fact what they want is sex. A more accurate example would be that if a kids wants a burger (sex) he is still going to get it regardless if the restaurant has not place to their wash hands (condom) before they eat.

If a condom is more readily available and something they are reminded of then they are more likely to use one. The kids here may not be educated about the importance of condom use but they certainly understand people have sex (including their peers) so I really don't see how viewing a condom machine is going to warp or corrupt their minds ... in fact it is likely to make them have a much more healthy view and understanding of sex.

I am willing to think about that. You do make a good point there. However, it seems to me, the next step in this line of thinking would be to ask, where to place that condom vending machine in a big school attended by so many horny kids whose eyeballs must be attracted to this latex balloon. I am assuming in this story there was only one condom vending machine that was trying -- woefully inadequately -- to draw kids to using it. If, as you say, it's all about increasing the chances of kids using condoms, what chance does one machine stand ? And then do you think these kids are going to spend money to pull out a condom that they are not keen on in the first place? Or then do we then argue for more condom vending machines in each school, say, one in each classroom so that the lazy kids don't have to walk a few meters to the nearest CVM ? Or, why not hand out free condoms to kids, everyday in the assembly hall (do they have assembly halls these days)?

Please don't take offence : I am not mocking your argument, just taking it forward.


You are acting as if kids are educated about the dangerous of not using condemns as well as the fact that you are pretending they want condoms (in your example) when in fact what they want is sex. A more accurate example would be that if a kids wants a burger (sex) he is still going to get it regardless if the restaurant has not place to their wash hands (condom) before they eat.

If a condom is more readily available and something they are reminded of then they are more likely to use one. The kids here may not be educated about the importance of condom use but they certainly understand people have sex (including their peers) so I really don't see how viewing a condom machine is going to warp or corrupt their minds ... in fact it is likely to make them have a much more healthy view and understanding of sex.

I am willing to think about that. You do make a good point there. However, it seems to me, the next step in this line of thinking would be to ask "where to place that condom vending machine in a big school attended by so many horny kids whose eyeballs must be attracted to this latex balloon. I am assuming in this story there was only one condom vending machine that was trying -- woefully inadequately -- to draw kids to using it. Obviously it failed. If, as you say, it's all about increasing the chances of kids using condoms, what chance does one machine stand ? And then do you think these kids are going to spend money to pull out a condom that they are not keen on in the first place? Or then do we then argue for more condom vending machines in each school, say, one in each classroom ? Or, why not hand out free condoms to kids, everyday in the assembly hall (do they have assembly halls these days) ?

Please don't take offence : I am not mocking your argument, just taking it forward.

Not sure why you are assuming there was only 1 but even 1 is better than none in promoting safe sex and may result in a number of people not contracting HIV or other diseases or becoming pregnant.

A condemn is cheap and if kids are aware of the reason for their use and have easy access to them then of course there will be a higher rate of use.

Depending on the school size would depend on the number of condom machines but in a typical school one in both the main female and male bathroom would make a big difference.

Ultimately you are absolutely right in terms of making condoms available for free as the best alternative.

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