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Missing Thai Private Lc Documents

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I am in a dispute situation with the co-director of our thai-owned private limited company (my wife is the 51% shareholder), the office is in a shophouse which is also his home, he is leaving the country at the weekend and has accepted a position overseas.

He refuses to hand over the originals of the company documents and the company chop which are in his safe.

is there anything legal I can do quickly in this situation to recover the documents?

Help please!

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I'm sorry to hear about your troubles. I assume the majority shareholder(s) are on your side and will actively participate in a legal action - it may even be possible to get an injunction against his leaving the country?

If you want to stay within the law, get a good lawyer. Since the one that set the company up for you should have advised you on how to avoid such a mess in the first place, I would suggest using a different one for this instance.

Assuming you get a good (but aggressive) one, s/he may be able to take some "creative" steps to quickly resolve the situation without exposing you to legal liability.

But if there are personal/family issues standing in the way of forceful measures, then the situation becomes much trickier.

Best of luck, and do please report back here how things go!

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If either you or your wife are the co-director then you can go to the Ministry of Commerce to request a certified copy of the company documents. If you send someone then a power of attorney would need to be given to that person in order to request the certified copies.

Sunbelt Asia can assist you in this matter and in also getting a new company stamp made.


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