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Hi All,

Wondered if any of you are (or have ever used) someone that knows what they are doing regarding optimising a web presence here in Thailand?

Just quickly...my company has been snapping-up some prime real estate on one of Thailands largest and busiest auto sales websites (25,000 visitors per day).

We have attempted many things to get prospective customers to 'opt in' to our unique offering, but the sites own statistics package is showing a pitiful response to what WE think is the perfect message.

Obviously...it is the total opposite of this as the results are showing!!

Anyway...we would be interested to learn of anyone that could possibly help us on a consultancy basis to re-strategise the online 'message' relating to our product that we are getting so dreadfully wrong.

Any and all help and assistance that is based on a proven THAI track record would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks in advance.

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While its difficult to say exactly what could be done to help without knowing the details, such as what is your message on this website, we have experts in this field for Thailand and will be happy to assist you in any way we can.

Our professional fee for a review is 4,000 Baht.

I have sent you a PM with email details should you wish to discuss this with us in depth.

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