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Another day in bangkok


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Seeking a respite from the noon day heat yesterday, I ducked into a bar for a quick, cold Heineken. First thing I heard was "you want lady...buy lady drink?" to which I just smiled and replied "no thanks". After that, no hassles, ###### fine, cold beer and life is good.

That's when it happened. Some old geezer comes in with white hair and a little beard & moustache. Of course, he gets the same "you want lady?" of which he quickly partakes. Nothing unusual in that. The funny part was when he tried to convince the bargirl that he was the owner of KFC everywhere and that she could "stop at any KFC for a free meal, anytime". She giggled and said "thank you Papa!" which in itself, was entertaining.

The intent was to stop by for just ONE beer but the off-the-cuff theatre taking place next to me was just too good. How far would it go? Would the King of Fried Chicken everywhere (who had somehow arisen from the dead) win this girl's affections and romp off into the blazing afternoon sun together? Inquiring minds had to know!

My one beer stretched into three and I was pushing for a late appointment, so reluctantly I had to leave.

As I paid my check I was tempted, very tempted, to look over and say "Geez, Colonel you smell pretty good for a guy who's been dead for the past 10 years", but I didn't.

This truly is "amazing Thailand" and the not just due to the Thai's. I thought I had seen it all.

Now, if the next bar I stop by has Ronald McDonald and the Hamburglar hitting on bargirls, I'm swearing off the booze!!!

(found at the Ajarn website this morning...)

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Think I know the guy.

He (if its same) is an old Americian who probabally is the Col.(u sure he died?) and he knows everything about finger licking.

He usually hangs about the Happy Bar in Washington Square with Jim Morrison and a block called Elvis. ::o:

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  • 1 year later...
<font color='#000000'>Think I know the guy.

He (if its same) is an old Americian who probabally is the Col.(u sure he died?) and he knows everything about finger licking.

He usually hangs about the Happy Bar in Washington Square with Jim Morrison and a block called Elvis. ::o:</font>

I heard Jimmy Hendricks is playing there tonight. :D

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