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Thaivisa Launches "Thailand Dating" website


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If you are already in LOS then why bother with this?

Why bother at all????... what sort of muppet needs help in Thailand? :o

Totally agree Brit!

Well... there was that one guy who wanted to know how to meet real Thai women... :D

totster :D

Hey..dont;t knock it..it's one of the most fashionable way to make contact in todays modern sosiecty......

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But at least it's reasonably priced, right?...

full membership is only 5,000 baht...  :o

for 16 female members listed for Thailand... :D

errr... 17 females with Ice Maiden...  :D

but.. things are still early on with it's expansion here....

so be patient... :D

I didn't join remember, too young. Looks like I'll be missing out on all the fun, keep me posted :D:D

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Hear Hear.seems a totally irrelevant and un-needed product.

At the very least think through the product and not just do an affiliate revenue share deal with a minor player,with few local listings or knowledge.

Why not link up with Nanaplazadotcom, and lower the tone of TVisa 100%  :o

What a load of shi te.

Who's idea was this? :D

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I hope the Gold ThaiVisa program is thought out better than this! There are more spelling errors and incorrect instructions - for example, the short intro is a "minimum of 40 characters". Opps, that 's a maximum of 40 characters. The max/min distance entry is goofy. George, you really mucked up with this. I hope you got a lot of money to join this "network.

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Has anyone here joined it yet? Or would admit it if they did?

Maybe  Thaivisa is the wrong demographic for this dating site.

After all, like I said before, most of the people here seem to be married, or have girlfriends/boyfriends already, right? 


You've been here long enough to know that stops very few. :D


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New service from thaivisa.com:

Thailand dating - find a friend or partner

Sign up for free here:


Howdy George,

I visited the site nice, so I went through the registration to see what they had to offer. Seems what they had was a Payment form at the end so kind of useless in that respect.

So I tried out the listings to see who would be posting and I did a search and found 325 Nigerians :o we all know what that is about I even recognized a couple of Mid-Eastern models that are married and would not dream of using that kind of service, independently wealth :D

So I did some research and found what I think is perfect for Thai Visa, its free its all Thai with a few that you know you would not want contact any way. And with with photo registration you get a free silver membership for 6 months. Kind of cool and looks as though they need the females to post, so I thought I would pass this along.


I just love free stuff :D

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