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Visa Run To Thai Embassy, Kl

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Went down to KL Monday afternoon intending to fly back to Thailand Wednesday evening with a nice shiny multi non-o.

Spent the couple of previous days getting all the necessary copies, money in the bank etc.

Arrived nice and early Tuesday morning. No queue......brilliant! First in line.

Except that then I read a small notice on the gate along the lines of 'in respect of the Prophet Mohammed's birthday the Thai Embassy will be closed 15th February'.

As I had to fly home on the 16th there was no way I was getting my non-o. Wasted trip!

So the moral is don't just check the national holidays in Thailand and Malaysia.....double check and don't feel an idiot like I still do.

All is not lost however as I have just had to buy a flight back to UK at short notice so can get my visa there at the Birmingham or Hull consulates. Just hate wasting bht unnecessarily.

Dumb Ed.

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Cannot be stressed enough that when applying for a visa abroad, check about public holidays first, the Thai ones plus the ones of the country where the embassy/consulate is based. Once on a short trip to the Netherlands, I almost messed up due to a combination of Thai and Dutch public holidays. Only the fact that by sheer coincidence I had decided to go to Amsterdam and to the Thai consulate one day earlier than planned, saved me: any other day of my 6 day stay, the consulate would have been closed.

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I find Google calendar is great for keeping tabs on holidays. I was based in KL last year, covering operations in Vietnam and Indonesia as well as juggling my own time off in Thailand. Google calendar lets you load the countries calendars and they show all on the one page. Print it out for reference.

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