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It seems to me that this was a "private vehicle rental",that in reality it wasnt a real rental company just some guys private car you rented.

He wont get an insurance payout IF the insurance company know he s rented it out to you,yes he s right,however he would of been better saying he or the missus had been driving it.

How did they steal it?

Does anyone know here or had any experience stealing i presume late model vehicles,dont they have car alarms and lockable steering wheels?

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Simple answer. Do not pay them a single Satang more (I would not have paid them in the first place, but that is easy for me to say sitting at home).

This is a civil matter the Royal Thai Police have no jurisdiction in this matter and therefore cannot take any action against you. Unless the vendor goes to them swears out a complaint and the Police apply to the Court for a warrant to arrest you.

If you have signed, or rather your partner’s family have signed, over the Chanoot for their land to cover this loss. It has clearly been done "under duress", therefore go to the Police and swear out a report to that case and ask for them to pass this to the Court to issue an arrest warrant. Also swear an affidavit to the effect that you have been made to pay monies to them under duress.

The senior officer in the police station may or not be able/willing to help you, if that is the case go direct to the Changwat (Provincial) Police Chief. Often even the threat of such an action will result in the matter being dropped and indeed your money being returned.

Hope this helps.

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Instead of wasting all this money on them,for your own sake GO to a Lawyer,you need one badly.

Really i think you need to get your wife and you and go and see a Thai Lawyer in Pattaya where it seems you are.

There is one advertised by the Pattaya expats Club,I dont know his name but i think he has a column in the pattaya newspaper.

If you cannot find one then maybe you should ask in the Pattaya forum,but really i am not trying to scare you but you are just wasting money giving in to these people when you could spend the money on the Lawyer who hopefully would finalise it for you,albeit helping himself as well i may add but at least you would have someone on your side.

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basically the rental company was private affair, a guy with a couple of trucks that he rented out, i didn't trust the look of the guy when renting it in the first place but stupidly went ahead with it anyway, i have a rental agreement telling me the insurance company is first class insurance, when it got stolen i went straight to the police station and told the police i had rented it from him, he then told me that because i did this, it voided his insurance., the reason i gave the guy 50,000 baht was because the police had my passport and i was due to fly home the next day and wanted to get on the flight, so as a retainer that i would come back i payed the guy and his wife the money, i then signed papers in the police station that said if the car was found in 3 months i would get the money back and my wife and a thai friend witnessed it and signed.

i'm due to go back to the police station at the end of april, i'm quite worried about what this guy can do if he doesn't get the full value of the car back, but also don't see why i should pay him a baht more.

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you were scammed at every level.

- it isn't your fault the insurance was voided. It is the owners.

- As such, you shouldn't have handed over a penny, but you have it seems.

- He can't do 'anything more'. It is his stuff up, not yours.

I don't understand why you are 'due back' at the police station. Hire a lawyer, get him/her to go to the police station to represent you. I doubt however, the owner will even bother showing up. He is in the wrong, not you.

Who is 'holding the money'? The car's owner? I'm sorry, I don't think you'll get it back, just quietly.

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now they tell me it was only insured for them

Also this is quite strange. Normally in Thailand (at least with my car) the insurance is tied to the car itself...so it doesn't matter who's driving it. Maybe other can give more info on this, but it sounds like they are having you on (probably don't have any insurance, or just 3rd party)

Try Issan Lawyers in Korat he is a Canadian but he is supposed to be good.

Google Issan Lawyers

Good Luck

You may want to take a look at this first: http://dissonanceanddisrespect.blogspot.com/2006/07/behind-bars-before-bar.html

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now they tell me it was only insured for them

Also this is quite strange. Normally in Thailand (at least with my car) the insurance is tied to the car itself...so it doesn't matter who's driving it. Maybe other can give more info on this, but it sounds like they are having you on (probably don't have any insurance, or just 3rd party)

Try Issan Lawyers in Korat he is a Canadian but he is supposed to be good.

Google Issan Lawyers

Good Luck

You may want to take a look at this first: http://dissonanceand...before-bar.html

Interesting link.

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