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Adsl Download/upload Volume


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I see that cable modem Internet connections at the lower monthly subscription rates have a limited download/upload volume included in the monthly fee, with each MB above that costing extra, for example Loxinfo’s offer of THB 3000/month, 256/128 Kbps, includes 750 MB and each additional MB costs THB 2.50.

How is it with ADSL? Does the monthly fee, for example Loxinfo’s THB 690/month for 256/128 Kbps, usually include an unlimited I/O volume?

And for what purpose are those 10 hours free dial-up/month in Loxinfo’s ADSL offer? As with ADSL I am always online, why do I need the additional possibility of dial-up connection?

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How is it with ADSL? Does the monthly fee, for example Loxinfo’s THB 690/month for 256/128 Kbps, usually include an unlimited I/O volume?

Yes, in the case of CSLoxInfo, but you always need to check the details of each provider's plan. If you follow that link a bit further you will see all of the plan details, including, "Usage Hour: unlimited" under the Home Plus 256 plan.

And for what purpose are those 10 hours free dial-up/month in Loxinfo’s ADSL offer? As with ADSL I am always online, why do I need the additional possibility of dial-up connection?

I can think of two purposes; you are away from your home and your DSL connection and wish to have internet access, and/or you lose your DSL signal/service and wish to have internet access from your home.

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I've downloaded some 20gb of stuff last month, so I don't think there is a cap.

However I think their should be a cap, but a sensible one.

Basically because there are lots of people downloading useless stuff full speed, just for the heck of it, and this way making the speed slow for all other users...

On my 512/256 adsl line I would be able to pull 120 gb through in 30 days.

There are people doing just that!

With my 20gb I used less then 20% of the capacity from my connection, and all of that 20gb whas stuff I actually needed!

But unfortunately I don't think they are capping, hence the terrible speeds we get on most of these cheap packages...

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