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Thai Govt 'Can Solve' Palm Oil Crisis: PM Abhisit

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In the Land Of Monopoly and many Daddy Warbucks, they have put Dep. PM in charge, have mercy!!!! Show us the $$$!!!!

Suthep in control of the Palm Oil industry, is like putting a fox in charge of the chicken pen. He is from Suratthani and he and his family are some of the biggest Palm Oil growers. :lol:

Waiting for proof of what is suggested here. Maybe k. Chalerm who just asked for an hour on Thursday to grill the government will come with some interesting things. Mind you he might just want to annoy k. Mingkwan ;)

Voranai also suggested the same thing in his BKK Post column on Sunday. He didn't offer any proof either, but I'm guessing he knew for sure Suthep's family were in the palm oil business before he wrote it.

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"The government has been closely monitoring the supply problem since last year and observed two key factors - soaring global demand and unfavorable weather, which reduced oil palm harvests he said."

The title of the article is a joke, 98% of the shortage is caused by government policy, there is no regional shortage of palm oil,

which could be attributed to something like biodiesel.

Malaysia and Indo are the two biggest producers of palm oil in the world, Thailand third, to run out has nothing to do with

the regional availability of it, and everything to do with ignorant politicians.

Thailand's biodiesel demand from palm is nominal compared to global demand.

As commodity markets become not only global but more liquid, not only on paper (contracts and exchange trading) but also physically, ignorant governments like Thailand will have more of these problems in the future.

Price controlling a commodity like palm oil, which is both a energy and food source, is much too complicated for

Thai politicians.

They should stick to simpler policies, like no spaghetti strap shirts for girls on Songkran, or no alcohol on

election day.

If they even what to attempt something like commodity fixing in this decade, they better hire some western consultants,

or else, riots like last April will be a weekly event.


Ban palm oil, whose rapidly expanding plantations are the main cause of deforestation in Southeast Asia, especially in Indonesia.

Avoid using palm oil; inspect all food labels for palm oil content and do not buy food containing it.

Save the planet, and not your own money through using cheap and nasty oil.

I suggest you learn more about it before you make such stupid remarks. Yes deforestation is going on in a big way in Malaysia and Indonesia. But not in Thailand.

A while back, last cupla years, Cadburys were using palm oil in their chocolate.

Public opinion and simply NOT buying Cadbury chocolate products made them stop using palm oil.

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