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Need Help Translating Letter Into Thai


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Can someone on this site help me or point me into the direction of a translation service to translate a letter into Thai for me? Obviously, I don't want to go down the google route.

The letter is of a personal nature to a Thai male friend (I'm female) and would need to the translator to be sensitive to the language usage. I don't just want a literal translation, I need help with it's wording as what I may think ok maybe seen as confrontational, which I don't mean it to be. So it would need to be somebody who has some understanding of Isaan men.

Thanks in advance.

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Seriously, take it to a bar. Buy a few drinks and then pop out your letter and let them tidy it up.

Also you could explain face to face what it is you want to say in the letter and really be sure of getting your meaning across.

If anyone can translate letters of a 'personal nature' I'd say it would be a lass in a bar, most of who probably send and receive plenty of them in the everyday course of their lives.

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