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Getting Married In Koh Samui

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Hey guys,

Have been to Thaliand a heap of times. Just engaged to get married to my Irish girlfriend. Have been looking into a few places in Samui. It's hard to decipher all the bullshit. I know Samui is expensive but some of the prices seem like they are taking advantage of stupid farang. Has anyone any experiences of getting married in Samui or has any advice. Looking to pay about 1000- 1500 bt a head for food. With a beautiful setting. All advice or input is welcome and much appreciated. Thanks

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It may be in their budget for food but once you factor in all the other charges they make for holding the wedding there I very much doubt it. My friend from the UK was given a quote for there last year. Nice place but far from reasonable :o

PM sent to OP

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Just a thought........when I married in Thailand it was at the Tessaban and cost 180 Baht.........doing the reception thing later this year. If the OP gets married at a hotel, would they need it registered with certificates translated to English etc

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I will be doing the ceremony in March to a Thai, 50,000 for the religious ceremony with the Monks, and under 100,000 for the food, cheap but good. (Just outside Bangkok).

if thats cheap whats expensive seems a lot to me, maybe i am just cheap charlie. better go ballon chasing free grub

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If i an Englishman gets married to a Thai National. Would my soon to be wife lose some of her rights as a thai national. like with land ownership and having shares in a company ( the thai half ).

I have many conflicting stories



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If i an Englishman gets married to a Thai National. Would my soon to be wife lose some of her rights as a thai national. like with land ownership and having shares in a company ( the thai half ).

I have many conflicting stories



Not any more.

Used to be that she could not own land, but that's gone long time ago.

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If i an Englishman gets married to a Thai National. Would my soon to be wife lose some of her rights as a thai national. like with land ownership and having shares in a company ( the thai half ).

I have many conflicting stories



Not any more.

Used to be that she could not own land, but that's gone long time ago.

cheers for that. i have herd so many contridictions that i need a marrage counseler and i haven't even got married yet lol

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I recently attended a wedding at this location http://samuihotels.impiana.com/ and it was perfect (although it has to be said the weather was perfect on the day) you should send them an email with your requirements, I cannot be sure of the cost but i believe it is within your budget..

Thank you I think I know whose wedding you are talking about :)

If you supply your own drinks and pay corkage it will make the package more affordable.

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