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Old Bridge Over Chaweng Lake?

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In the middle that small wooden footbridge turned sharply to the right for a few meters and then back to the left. Motorcycles were lying in the water beneath that regularly, which could be seen in the morning. And that's the only thing noticeable.

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The Lake wasn't a Lake about 6 Years ago, when i first came it sort of like a Swamp kind of thing..

Nope - deffo not a 'swamp' - as Birdman points out there were dead motorbikes under the water around the kink in the middle. I used to take an (old, heavy) 400cc Kwacker back and forth across that relic, in the days when big bikes were few and far between. The badly nailed wooden planking would see-saw up and down as I 'walked' the bike across (usually too pissed to have actually walked across on my own)and there was only just enough room on the kink to shuffle my bike through it.

Thanks for the photos - brings back memories!


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showed this photo to a friend of mine who's been living on samui for the last 15+ years. he was a bar owner on the reggae side the entire time the bridge still existed. when i showed him the photo he started to reminisce, including a story about watching one obviously intoxicated person stumble out of reggae pub, get on his bike and lurch forward, striking the reggae pub wall. not done there, he managed to turn the bike around only to go forward long enough to hit a tree.

reorienting himself, he then proceeded to drive across the bridge.

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That bridge looks a bit sturdier than I remember it!

We didn't call it the rickety old bridge for nothin'.

aha - there are 2 photos here. The small thumbnail shows the old bridge like it used to be. The bigger pic was the upgrade!


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