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This really is not an issue most of us have genuine cards and decoders from Malaysia! Encryption would not work, unless of course they encrypt the whole ASTRO network then nobody including the Malaysians would be able to watch it. Scaremongering for sure . . . .


I do not think it is scare mongering per say, rather I think you will find it is a lack of understanding.

There are four things to remember here;

1. Astro have limited rights to live and delayed rugby matches (google the agreement with Astro and many others)

2. Setanta-I is their Internet feed (not satellite feed)

3. Setanta F is their encrypted satellite feed

4. Setanata (the source) is also free to view in HD (see image below)on Satellite

I think you will find that in the paragraph mentioned above by Stickman is actually saying the free to view Setanata (the source) will go encrypted in due course (not Astro as it is already encrypted) which of course is correct, it can not stay free forever but man I have to say Setanata HD on a 50" HD tele, is just like being there.

Attached image from the Setanta HD satellite feed (the source - not Astro)



I heard though that even after the freeview is encrypted, you will be able to get a card to watch it, is that true?

Seems it would be the only way to get coverage in Thailand as true will not buy Setanta and the iSetanta internet player is total rubbish (and grossly expensive)

From True:

We apologize to inform you that we have no recent plan to add Setanta Sports.

We thank you for your suggestion.

Should you have any further inquiry, suggestion, or comment, please do not hesitate to contact us at 02-7252525 between 8:00 am - 22:00 pm or [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> between 9:00 am -18:00 pm.

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