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The Craziest Thing I Ever Heard In Thailand


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Everything is now resolved thx.

My initial rant was not against True persae.... But a rant at the fact that my gf's family think I am incapable of doing anything for myself!!!... When i first told my GF I was going toget satellite installed, she said "I will do tommorrow and we have in 1 day"... Then I cringed.. I know this usually means complications beyond my control. But I 'once again' gave her the benefit of the doubt.

I have no problem registering and booking the service online and pay using my credit card,... because that is the system where I come from, and it is second nature to me.

My mistake, was thinking it was a simple enough process to give the reigns so to speak to my gf and her dad.

I am not lethargic or too lazy or too uncomfortable with booking satellite TV.. So those posers that are trying to refer to that.... You are so wrong.

But anyway. My gf booked true via a third party satellite supplier,who were totally inept and just as stupid and incompetent about the installation. i really had to watch like an eagle and stop them smashing a huge hole in one on my internal walls to get the cable (with plug attached) through... when i pointed out that it is better for me to watch you drill a small hole in the wall, and clip the molded plug off the end of the receiver box, and I will give them a new plug to connect to the end of the cable.

Anyways.. I got a nice clean clinical installation in the end. The engineers left me with a pamphlet with all the packages on, with a phone number to choose and book the service you require.

That is when True actually came into the equation... they said that we can not have gold or platinum packages, because the 3900 install should have been 1000 baht, and then we can book what we want.

My major bitch on this..... is why would a huge dominant company allow third party installers, and outlets to supply goods that are incompatible with their advertised services?? TrueVisions are the supplier of the equipment, and the fact we were handed a brochure with telephone numbers included to add our required services, only to be told that they supply systems for a lot oif money that have CAPPED services when we can pay a quarter of the price and have anything we want... including the first month subscription for free.

pay 4000 and you can only have a silver monthly subscription...

Now anyone from THE DEVELOPED world... try and tell me that this is acceptable practice....

Stop making excuses for Thailand and Thai people.,... this is just one of the many many many things that is keeping Thailand a backward nation in my eyes. This is particularly frustrating to me, because this country could be such a dominant and uplifted country and a model for this region.

There is enough interest here from the west, and a massive western expat entrepreneurial community that could bring this country forward by the 15 years it is lagging behind the west.

As for that IDIOT who asked me to wind my neck in, and tried to tell me THAT SAME OLD STORY about how it is a big no no to make a Thai lose face.... this is a myth that keeps getting regurgitated on this forum by peoiple who have been here 3 or 4 years.... It is BULLSHIT!!!!

I have been here for 9 months and watch out almost daily for this 'losing face' myth which so far has not reared its head. As a matter of fact.. I am very well travelled in this world... and i have never met a more placate people.

I have seen many instances of Thais losing face, with no excited behaviour involved... Where i come from, if you say something to someone to make them publically 'lose face' you will be in the shy1t big time... and that goes for most countries i have been in..... nobody likes to lose face no matter what country you are from.

So PLEASEEEEEEEEE...... stop spouting the 'losing face' crap... cos it is total F*****G S***T.... and you all know it.

At the same time... Stop trying to take away my right to be pissed off... OK..... If I get pissed off, then i have a right to say i am pissed off.... stop trying to police me you Farang Apologists.

I can even say these things to my THAI gf and her equally THAI family and they agree and accept that what i say is correct.... But we always get these idiots on the forum whop pretend that they are experts on Thailand and come out with the 'lost face' crap and then try to tell ME how i should behave here.

<deleted> Y** .... idiot.

Ok, if you say so. whistling.gif

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Do you reckon the gardener could get them to show european rugby league as well?


lol, I like the way you're thinking..!

(if it was true I'd get me a house with a gardener...)

I never actually saw the original post about the tri-lingual gardener; its legendary...


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Along the same lines of Thai business practices is this personal story...I went to a shop in Chiang Mai to purchase an electric heater for the cool nights in January-February ( Yes it can really do this in Chiang Mai ). After finding the store I searched to no avail and finally asked the manager where these units were and he replied " I stopped carrying these heaters! They all sold too fast and had to re-order too much" I still chuckle sometimes about this...

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Along the same lines of Thai business practices is this personal story...I went to a shop in Chiang Mai to purchase an electric heater for the cool nights in January-February ( Yes it can really do this in Chiang Mai ). After finding the store I searched to no avail and finally asked the manager where these units were and he replied " I stopped carrying these heaters! They all sold too fast and had to re-order too much" I still chuckle sometimes about this...

People keep on coming in asking for them, and I keep on telling them - "its not worth stocking -t here's no demand!"


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In this case it appears you have paid for a random satellite installation off the street, which has nothing to do with True.

Bloody hell

And a random satellite off the street?? Nothing to do with true?? Not only are you self-righteous, but you don't half spout some nonsense as well.

My gf booked true via a third party satellite supplier,

You are looking rather silly now aren't you Moonrakers, "spout some nonsense" hey.... haha

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Suggestion, move to another country more backwards than Thailand for a few years then migrate back to Thailand straight away and you will be very happy with the modern progress and customer service. Internet seems faster, wow the public transit system exist, people are not shooting at you. It is then a joy---the women are beautiful. You are comparing your situation too the way things are somewhere else that is more expensive for a reason. Just hang in there and over time you will learn to enjoy the simple pleasures more. best of luck and i believe your snapshot was for the satellite settings which you should not mess with since you already have strong signal strength so that is all workign properly.

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In this case it appears you have paid for a random satellite installation off the street, which has nothing to do with True.

Bloody hell

And a random satellite off the street?? Nothing to do with true?? Not only are you self-righteous, but you don't half spout some nonsense as well.

My gf booked true via a third party satellite supplier,

You are looking rather silly now aren't you Moonrakers, "spout some nonsense" hey.... haha

I'm man enough to admit when I got something wrong. It happens

Now, are you man enough to stop spouting your self-righteous preaching?

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I never actually saw the original post about the tri-lingual gardener; its legendary...

Well, he was only bilingual back then. It wasn't until a couple of months later he became trilingual, and eventually multilingual.


I've already commented on the most hilarious example I've ever seen in the art of "refuse to admit being wrong - at all cost.". Here it is:

Naam is the brightest of them all. Sure, I used to be a member of the large crew who had doubts, wondered if it could really be true, that Naam was a genius. So far, no one has actually been able to explain why, and in what way. This creates doubt. In Naam being a genius, but also in your own ability to recognize a genius. Naam may actually be cleverer than a stray cat. The reason could be that you are so stupid that you just don't get it. So to speak. That's one depressive thought. So it was nice to get it out of ones mind. It was, strangely enough, thanks to BMW.

You know the story; bberg kicks off a discussion where he questions whether Thailand is getting more expensive and refers to the strengthened baht. Forethat replies by mentioning that Thailand can be cheap as long as you live cheap, but any attempts to buy the same western produced luxury stuff you bought back home would result in a serious blow to your economy. In particular, a BMW is much more expensive in Thailand compared to UK. As soon as Naam is on his feet, he starts flaming Forethat by challenging Forethat's common sense and volunteers to send him a certificate for having no clue.

So, in order to provide some evidence, Forethat informs Naam of the actual difference in price. Black on white. Case closed, one would think. Unfortunately, there are things that simply can't exist, for instance, information which clearly shows that Thailand in many aspects can be extremely expensive. For this reason, Naam got grumpy and started whining about the whole thing.

A few hours later and Naam had been outsmarted. A couple of internet links to price listings (easily accessible from every internet connection in the universe) was all it took. Well, as I said, you know the story. But have you heard the latest development? After whining about this for some time, Naam decided to prove once and for all that a BMW in Thailand wasn't expensive at all compared to UK. And it is his comment which proves, conclusively and beyond all doubts, that the man is a genius. He claims that the car is cheap because he employs a bilingual gardener!

-"my trilingual cook/maid and the bilingual gardener/handyman draw each THB 8,000 per month", Naam concludes in a post as a direct reply to Forethat's questions as to how Naam's unwillingness to pay tax could make a BMW cheaper. Naam doesn't challenge the price of a BMW in Thailand, but he claims it is not more expensive than in UK because he employs a bilingual gardener. You follow?

There are plenty of both modern and older version dictionaries in which you can find the word "price", all of which defines the word as "the sum of money or other compensation in return for something". Considering that the price for a BMW is 250% higher in Thailand than in UK, you would think the matter was sorted. But that doesn't mean anything to Naam, because he has decided that a BMW is not expensive. It can't be. If it was, it would be in direct violation with Naam's opinion, something which is obviously impossible.

How about that one? A real trickster. An international version of the well known farang-lok. It is like when the parliament in former DDR solved the countries environmental issues. The parliament simply decided that there weren't any environmental issues in DDR. Such issues would be in strict violation with party orders, and since the party was infallible and almighty, environmental issues were logically impossible. They didn't exist. Period.

It is swift, it is simple, it is elegant. It is genius. It is Naam. Thus, the question is answered. The man is a genius. A little DDR of his own. Die Partie hat immer recht – The Party is Always Right.

Just like Naam.


I'm sure Naam can see the funny side of all this; if he cant, then it'll be really funny.



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welcome to Thailand

Happily there are comfortable shady establishments serving cool refreshing drinks, and also ThaiVisa.com, where we can vent with our fellow expats about this sort of thing, at our leisure. B)

P.S. I note that the temperature in the UK today ranges from +6* to -2* overnight. :rolleyes: Feeling better already ? :D

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To the OP and his choice of title for this thread.

You ain't seen nothing yet. :)

yeah, wait to the Aircon guys come to clean your aircon, then break it and charge you for the repairs !

Clean it yourself..I do all ours..it's a doddle...isolate supply at the switchboard (quite important!)..screwdriver..wide cling film..tape..extend the bum spray and squeeze the trigger.

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All you need is a fast internet line.

I dont understand why people pay thousands of baht for services like True when everything can be downloaded. I watch a lot of TV channels online , with the laptop connected to my big screen TV.

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Persistently and provocatively, pounding and penetrating a perished pony

Oh, yuk! Stop it, please! Can we have the wanking back, please?



Persistently and provocatively, wanking, pounding and penetrating a perished pony

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Persistently and provocatively, pounding and penetrating a perished pony

Oh, yuk! Stop it, please! Can we have the wanking back, please?



Persistently and provocatively, wanking, pounding and penetrating a perished pony

I suppose that's your way of telling me its time to go home?

Anyway, I'm not as young as I once was, so I'll stop after the wank, please.


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Persistently and provocatively, wanking, pounding and penetrating a perished pregnant pony

You've actually got entirely the wrong end of the stick

The expression "flogging a dead horse" is a thieving gypsy saying (I realise some people might take offence, but the spell checker won't let me write 'gypsy' on its own - see the red line underneath?)

It comes from this story -which, admittedly, is about a donkey...

Farmer Mick agrees to sell his donkey to Paddy for Euro500.

Paddy comes round to pay and collect.

"Sure now, and there's a little problem with the donkey, Pad, seeing as how he's passed away"

"I don't care Mick, you can tell me all your theiving cheating stories that you want, but there's your 500 and I want me donkey"

"Sure and but how he' s dead, what'll you do with a dead donkey?"

"I'll raffle him"

"No-one in their right minds is going to buy a ticket to win a dead donkey, Pat"

"And who said I'd be calling him a dead donkey?"

Anyway, time goes by as it does South of the border, and the two meet again

"Sure and did you get that dead donkey raffled, then Pat?"

"And I made a tidy 498 euros on the deal; I sold 500 tickets at two euros a shout, so I did"

"But did nobody complain about the donkey being dead?"

"Only the fella that won, so I gave his two euro back"

Anyway, that's

flogging a dead horse, and none of your deviances please


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The general assembly of the presbyterian church of Scotland employs a chap whose job we are not allowed to discuss, but suffice to say that it involves drinking but not to excess; anyway, perhaps we should espouse a more construcrtive and directive approach; instead of blokes in parkas and blazers and Italian loafers, maybe on this forum we should have drivers, or directors, who gently steer topics back on course....

I suppose that one of the problems that this thread suffers from is that people are assessing it trough their current saffron glasses, rather than the GrouchoMarx bluenose,goggles and 'tache

that they arrived with.

I try to imagine what my mates back home would think was the craziest thing that I could recount, but I couldn't (neither imagine it, nor recount it)


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Persistently and provocatively, wanking, pounding and penetrating a perished pregnant pony

What was his name again? Foreskin?

My one...

What do Jewish rugby players sing?

No wonder they're ranked 71st in the world, below ...

JT: I offer you my apologies; Israel ranks just below great rugby nations like Serbia (more league than Union, to be fair) and the mighty Nuie, who stood in admirably in HK when the French pulled out for fear that someone in the crowd might not wear their SARSmask

So what do they sing?


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He sounds like a complete idiot to me. Funny to read though. Been here for only 9 months and knows all. I've been living here about 12 years, married for almost 10 years to a Thai and I still find things baffling at times.

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