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Home In Park


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Im looking to move to chiang mai in three months time,my wife is pregnant with our first child,.We had a look at a few moo baans last month,but nothing stood out.I have come across this moo baan home in park a few times on various real estate websites and have a few questions.

Is it family friendly

is airport noise a problem

are there open spaces around for jogging

is there a charge to use the facilities

is there easy access to public transport and how far to huay keaw rd(need to attend language school there)

i guess a recommendation of a good hospital for the birth would be appreciated as well

Do you enjoy living there?,the rents seem to be in the 20000bht a month up bracket or are better prices available if i walk around?

thanks in advance

Edited by machans88
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I don't live there but fairly close to it. Did go through it once to check out rentals and driving around looking for signs and going to the management office to see what is available will probably get you something a little cheaper, around 15k.

It's 2km from Hang Dong road and just north from there is BigC shopping center. Airport noise will not be an issue. I live nearly under the flight path and same distance south as Home In Park. Will be barely noticeable I suspect there. No public transport that I'm aware of until you get to Hang Dong road with the white and yellow song taews. Possibly some song taows occasionally on the canal road.

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Lived there for a while. Following observations:

s it family friendly very, decent club house with nice pool, tennis court and restaurant. Lots of kids in the moo baan.

is airport noise a problem not at all, well away from flight path

are there open spaces around for jogging some, if you go out of the moo baan there's much better areas

is there a charge to use the facilities yes, can't recall how much, but not unreasonable

is there easy access to public transport and how far to huay keaw rd(need to attend language school there) this is the big issue with HiP, it is a long way out of town, fine if schools/work etc are on the south side of town but a right pain otherwise. hence the more reasonable rates/rents etc

overall a decent place, a little samey and lacking in character like all modern moo baans, most houses pretty packed in, but there are worse places to be. But without your own transport location could be a major issue.

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Thanks for the replies,and thanks to the gentleman who emailed me his phone number.I will take a good look at this moo baan when i return to chiang mai after songkran.

A drive around the moo baan seems to be the best way to find a good priced rental.

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