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France to recognize Palestine in September, Palestinian official says


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Guess who he had in mind with " They are hate-mnogers[sic]"?

It is very obvious that I was referring to Hamas, but you seem to be reduced to pointing out minor spelling mistakes. :lol:

Its pretty easy to spot the hate mongers here.

Topic: " France to recognize Palestine in September"

Guess who can not accept this and start to argue? Hate mongers.

Guess who can not read, despite pointing it out for them numerous times???

Read OP again and show me where French made the statement???

'A senior Palestinian official said Saturday that France has reiterated that it will recognize the Palestinian state in September"

A Palestinian official is not French official, so why French officials have not made the statement? and why 6 months away?

So in fact there is no evidence to support its a fact other then a statement by PALESTINIAN official!

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Probably not quite right to compared it with a nazi concentration camp, but criticism of Israel must have nothing to do with anti-semtism.

That is the the same way of playing the nazi card, something you just said its not correct to do so.

Huh?!? Your words are vague, very vague. Sometimes criticism of Israel has nothing to do with antisemitism, and sometimes it has everything to do with antisemitism. Is that so hard to grasp? When someone calls Gaza a concentration camp, you know its the latter case.

Yes nazis are always the others. Easy and cheap way to win an argument. Not.

Again, your message is garbled much (frankly, it is starting to feel like that is intentional as a method of obfuscation).

Nazis? I was talking about antisemitism. That doesn't only come from Nazis, sir. It comes from many places, right wing Nazis and white supremacists yes, but also much of the modern European left wing, most of the Muslim world, not to mention random places like gay fashion designers and American movie/tv stars.

Because Israel has become, in recent years, an icon for the Left of everything that is bad - American imperialism, oil wars, suppression of human rights - and since Jews, even Jews who do not support the state or its policies, are (at least in the minds of, say, Hamas) associated with it, knocking Jews may just be a blow for the oppressed, rather than to them.


Edited by Jingthing
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Do you have any posts condeming Israel's actions at anytime or do you only condemn those against Israel? That is not an accusation but a question.

Yes, I have made negative posts about Israeli actions, but because they are actually willing to make peace, I give them a lot more credit than the enemies who refuse to even consider it.

So where are your posts condeming any of Israeli's actions? From this post it seems that you are condeming Israel because they are willing to make peace. Interesting.

Must be taking a while for you to find those posts.

Time you started to look in the mirror before casting aspersions on others.

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Probably not quite right to compared it with a nazi concentration camp, but criticism of Israel must have nothing to do with anti-semtism.

That is the the same way of playing the nazi card, something you just said its not correct to do so.

Huh?!? Your words are vague, very vague. Sometimes criticism of Israel has nothing to do with antisemitism, and sometimes it has everything to do with antisemitism. Is that so hard to grasp? When someone calls Gaza a concentration camp, you know its the latter case.

What we are dealing with here is an insidious malignant feedback loop. It always returns to stock phrases such as Zionism supposedly being racism, or Gaza supposedly being a concentration camp (with it's own mall) - Israel may be far from perfect, but if you quantify the number of deaths Israel is responsible for when acting in self defence it pales into insignificance compared to the numbers killed by arab despots, medieval theocracies and terrorist groups, but if you count U.N declarations you get a completely misleading picture until you scratch below the surface. Perhaps that's why any mention of the U.N has some of us attempting to add some balance.

I do wish the French well with their arms sales and oil supply concerns, it remains to be seen how they word any declaration legitimising an organisation who routinely targets civilians with missiles and suicide bombers :rolleyes:

if you quantify the number of deaths Israel is responsible for when acting in self defence it pales into insignificance compared to the numbers killed by arab despots, medieval theocracies and terrorist groups

About who you are talking about? The Palestinian people? All of them are 'arab despots, medieval theocracies and terrorist groups'? Or are you talking about all the arab or muslim world? Why you are adding them all together? Is this an argument of some collective guilt of the arab people/race vs. the superiority of the chosen people?

And do have you any statistics or figures about those killed by Israel and those killed by the others?

Gaza supposedly being a concentration camp (with it's own mall)

UN Fact Finding Mission finds strong evidence of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed during the Gaza conflict;

calls for end to impunity

15 September 2009

NEW YORK / GENEVA – The UN Fact-Finding Mission led by Justice Richard Goldstone on Tuesday released its long-awaited report on the Gaza conflict, in which it concluded there is evidence indicating serious violations of international human rights and humanitarian law were committed by Israel during the Gaza conflict, and that Israel committed actions amounting to war crimes, and possibly crimes against humanity.


The Mission found that, in the lead up to the Israeli military assault on Gaza, Israel imposed a blockade amounting to collective punishment and carried out a systematic policy of progressive isolation and deprivation of the Gaza Strip. During the Israeli military operation, code-named “Operation Cast Lead,” houses, factories, wells, schools, hospitals, police stations and other public buildings were destroyed. Families are still

living amid the rubble of their former homes long after the attacks ended, as reconstruction has been impossible due to the continuing blockade. More than 1,400 people were killed during the military operation.


The report concludes that the Israeli military operation was directed at the people of Gaza as a whole, in furtherance of an overall and continuing policy aimed at punishing the Gaza population, and in a deliberate policy of disproportionate force aimed at the civilian population. The destruction of food supply installations, water sanitation systems, concrete factories and residential houses was the result of a deliberate and systematic policy which has made the daily process of living, and dignified living, more difficult for the civilian population.

The Report states that Israeli acts that deprive Palestinians in the Gaza Strip of their means of subsistence, employment, housing and water, that deny their freedom of movement and their right to leave and enter their own country, that limit their rights to access a court of law and an effective remedy, could lead a competent court to find that the crime of persecution, a crime against humanity, has been committed.



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Must be taking a while for you to find those posts.

I am not looking for them. It is not important to me to prove anything to the likes of you. I have been reading your false accusations, distortions and word twisting posts for too long to bother. 1674.gif

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UN Fact Finding Mission finds strong evidence of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed during the Gaza conflict;

Rebuttal to the Goldstone Report --
The report is demonstrably wrong about both of these critical conclusions. The hard evidence conclusively proves that the exact opposite is true, namely that:

1. Israel did not have a policy of targeting innocent civilians for death. Indeed the IDF went to unprecedented lengths to minimize civilian casualties; and

2. That Hamas did have a deliberate policy of having its combatants dress in civilian clothing, fire their rockets from densely populated areas, use civilians as human shields, and store weapons in mosques.


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Any deaths, civilian or not, is not good. To use such terms as 'wipe the floor' is not acceptable. War is not glory.

Agree but keep in mind Israel was attacked by 4 nations on all fronts, and to make matters worse, one of the wars they attacked on the holiest day of the year.

Both wars were won with minimal casualties on both sides, in one case entire Egyptian air force was taken out-just imagine how many deaths were avoided :)

Gaza..The worlds biggest concentration camp.1.6 million people, as of July 2011, locked up by the Israeli's.

Imagine if the shoe was on the other foot.

Just silly to compare this situation to a concentration camp. Just historically inaccurate. The Warsaw ghetto is a possibility but not a concentration camp.

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Again, your message is garbled much (frankly, it is starting to feel like that is intentional as a method of obfuscation).

Nazis? I was talking about antisemitism. That doesn't only come from Nazis, sir. It comes from many places, right wing Nazis and white supremacists yes, but also much of the modern European left wing, most of the Muslim world, not to mention random places like gay fashion designers and American movie/tv stars.

Because Israel has become, in recent years, an icon for the Left of everything that is bad - American imperialism, oil wars, suppression of human rights - and since Jews, even Jews who do not support the state or its policies, are (at least in the minds of, say, Hamas) associated with it, knocking Jews may just be a blow for the oppressed, rather than to them.


Antisemitism (also spelled anti-semitism or anti-Semitism) is prejudice against or hostility towards Jews often rooted in hatred of their ethnic background, culture, and/or religion. In its extreme form, it "attributes to the Jews an exceptional position among all other civilizations, defames them as an inferior group and denies their being part of the nation" in which they reside.[1] A person who holds such views is called an "antisemite".


The nazi card - your last link/argument to the Washington Post came up with Hitler in the first sentence and complained about antisemitism.

And the article linked above above isn't much about Israel but the broad spectrum of antisemtism. Sometimes used as broad defense argument if someone says something against Israel.

You should have ask the dude to substantiate his argument, and he would probably come up with a description of the living condition there in gaza instead of some rant about the evil jewish race.

the line was " Gaza..The worlds biggest concentration camp.1.6 million people, as of July 2011, locked up by the Israeli's."

I would it clearly see as antisemtic if the poster had written "locked' up the Jews" but he said by the Israelis. I said its probably not right to compare Gaza with an concentration camp.

To call it concentration camp is an exaggeration but i don't see where is it antisemitic? Is it antisemitic because it lowers or denies the singularity of the holocaust, a disrespect of the victims of the real concentration camp or is it antisemitic because its a blame towards the state Israel and Israelis would never do that?

And if i look at the Gaza strip and think about what happens there i don't think antisemtism was the motivation to come up with such comparison.

His line his more an appeal to look at the plight of the people that are locked up there. He is certainly not a holocaust denier because that would spoil his argument.

Or is it anti-Semitic in general if i accuse Israel or Israelis with something like racism, xenophobia, war crimes or some other evil atrocities.

Like anything what Jews in history were victims of or suffered from (or still are) that are things Israel or an Israeli cannot be accused because they are Jews. So if i would dare to accuse Israel it would be clearly antisemitic?

Is that your point? Previously you had a problem with the claim the zionism could be a form of racism. And you had also problems to tell the disapproval of zionism apart from antisemitism.

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Again a huge load of "material". Look dude this link says what you need to know about the issue of the linkage between criticism of Israel and antisemitism. It's not that complicated. You're trying to dance and it's reads to me more like a bad verbal PCP trip than a coherent argument. Read the link. Get CLEAR, and move on.


Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policies to that of the Nazis

However, criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic.

Please don't respond further to me on this topic. We've been over this before; it is now TEDIOUS.

Edited by Jingthing
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[Just silly to compare this situation to a concentration camp. Just historically inaccurate. The Warsaw ghetto is a possibility but not a concentration camp.

The Warsaw ghetto did not have a luxury shopping mall and a huge Water-park.

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Probably not quite right to compared it with a nazi concentration camp, but criticism of Israel must have nothing to do with anti-semtism.

That is the the same way of playing the nazi card, something you just said its not correct to do so.

Huh?!? Your words are vague, very vague. Sometimes criticism of Israel has nothing to do with antisemitism, and sometimes it has everything to do with antisemitism. Is that so hard to grasp? When someone calls Gaza a concentration camp, you know its the latter case.

What we are dealing with here is an insidious malignant feedback loop. It always returns to stock phrases such as Zionism supposedly being racism, or Gaza supposedly being a concentration camp (with it's own mall) - Israel may be far from perfect, but if you quantify the number of deaths Israel is responsible for when acting in self defence it pales into insignificance compared to the numbers killed by arab despots, medieval theocracies and terrorist groups, but if you count U.N declarations you get a completely misleading picture until you scratch below the surface. Perhaps that's why any mention of the U.N has some of us attempting to add some balance.

I do wish the French well with their arms sales and oil supply concerns, it remains to be seen how they word any declaration legitimising an organisation who routinely targets civilians with missiles and suicide bombers :rolleyes:

if you quantify the number of deaths Israel is responsible for when acting in self defence it pales into insignificance compared to the numbers killed by arab despots, medieval theocracies and terrorist groups

About who you are talking about? The Palestinian people? All of them are 'arab despots, medieval theocracies and terrorist groups'? Or are you talking about all the arab or muslim world? Why you are adding them all together? Is this an argument of some collective guilt of the arab people/race vs. the superiority of the chosen people?

And do have you any statistics or figures about those killed by Israel and those killed by the others?

Gaza supposedly being a concentration camp (with it's own mall)

UN Fact Finding Mission finds strong evidence of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed during the Gaza conflict;

calls for end to impunity

15 September 2009

NEW YORK / GENEVA – The UN Fact-Finding Mission led by Justice Richard Goldstone - Yada Yada Yada

Thankyou for illustrating my point, perfectly too I might add. Where was the U.N report considering the massacres in the Sudan, or recently Libya? Where is the ringing U.N condemnation of Iran or Saudi's disgusting human rights record? The U.N is nothing more than a proxy for the Arab league with the block vote they can muster aided and abetted by the Liberal left and the self interest of governments who should know better cow towing to their oil and arms industry lobby groups, the U.S know this which is why they veto the countless biased politically motivated motions.

To illustate this systematic bias I'll give you an example. Google Sabra and Shatila massacre, this is when the Israelis are accused of guilt by association in the killing of around 170 Palestinians by Lebanese Christian militia. It took place in 1982. In the same year president Assad of Syria ordered the levelling of Hama, Syria's fourth largest city killing an estimated 17,000 to 40,000 people.

The number of google references to each are as follows: Sabra and Shatila massacre 98,000 links, Hama massacre 111,000 so a similar number of links for 100 times more arabs killed by arabs than arabs killed by Jews by proxy. Yorr beloved Goldstone report is yet another example of this bias.



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The nazi card - your last link/argument to the Washington Post came up with Hitler in the first sentence and complained about antisemitism.

Are you trying to claim that there is no such thing as anti-Semitism? If the shoe fits, wear it.

New antisemitism is the name of the concept that a new form of antisemitism has developed in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, emanating simultaneously from the left radical Islam and the right and tending to manifest itself as opposition to Zionism and the State of Israel.

The concept generally posits that much of what purports to be criticism of Israel by various individuals and world bodies, is, in fact, tantamount to demonization, and that, together with an alleged international resurgence of attacks on Jews and Jewish symbols, and an increased acceptance of antisemitic beliefs in public discourse, such demonization represents an evolution in the appearance of antisemitic beliefs.]

Proponents of the concept argue that anti-Zionism, anti-Americanism, anti-globalization, third worldism and demonization of Israel, or double standards applied to its conduct, may be linked to antisemitism, or constitute disguised antisemitism.


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Did a Palestinian steal your bike when you were a kid?

There was no such thing as "Palestinians" when I was a kid.

In an interview given by Zuhair Mohsen to the Dutch newspaper Trouw in March 1977, Mr. Mohsen explains the origin of the 'Palestinians':

The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism.For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan.


Edited by Ulysses G.
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The nazi card - your last link/argument to the Washington Post came up with Hitler in the first sentence and complained about antisemitism.

Are you trying to claim that there is no such thing as anti-Semitism? If the shoe fits, wear it.

New antisemitism is the name of the concept that a new form of antisemitism has developed in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, emanating simultaneously from the left radical Islam and the right and tending to manifest itself as opposition to Zionism and the State of Israel.

The concept generally posits that much of what purports to be criticism of Israel by various individuals and world bodies, is, in fact, tantamount to demonization, and that, together with an alleged international resurgence of attacks on Jews and Jewish symbols, and an increased acceptance of antisemitic beliefs in public discourse, such demonization represents an evolution in the appearance of antisemitic beliefs.]

Proponents of the concept argue that anti-Zionism, anti-Americanism, anti-globalization, third worldism and demonization of Israel, or double standards applied to its conduct, may be linked to antisemitism, or constitute disguised antisemitism.


Critics of the concept argue that it conflates anti-Zionism with antisemitism, defines legitimate criticism of Israel too narrowly and demonization too broadly, trivializes the meaning of antisemitism, and exploits antisemitism in order to silence debate.


A political ploy to stifle criticism of Israel

Norman Finkelstein argues that organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League have brought forward charges of new antisemitism at various intervals since the 1970s, "not to fight antisemitism but rather to exploit the historical suffering of Jews in order to immunize Israel against criticism".[26] He writes that most evidence purporting to show a new antisemitism has been taken from organizations that are linked in some way to Israel, or that have "a material stake in inflating the findings of anti-Semitism," and that some antisemitic incidents reported in recent years either did not occur or were misidentified.[27] As an example of the misuse of the term "antisemitism," he cites the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia's 2003 report, which included displays of the Palestinian flag, support for the PLO, and the comparisons between Israel and apartheid-era South Africa in its list of antisemitic activities and beliefs.[28]

He writes that what is called the new antisemitism consists of three components: (i) "exaggeration and fabrication"; (ii) "mislabeling legitimate criticism of Israeli policy"; and (iii) "the unjustified yet predictable spillover from criticism of Israel to Jews generally."[30] He argues that Israel's apologists have denied a causal relationship between Israeli policies and hostility toward Jews, since "if Israeli policies, and widespread Jewish support for them, evoke hostility toward Jews, it means that Israel and its Jewish supporters might themselves be causing anti-Semitism; and it might be doing so because Israel and its Jewish supporters are in the wrong".[31]


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Thankyou for illustrating my point, perfectly too I might add. Where was the U.N report considering the massacres in the Sudan, or recently Libya? Where is the ringing U.N condemnation of Iran or Saudi's disgusting human rights record? The U.N is nothing more than a proxy for the Arab league with the block vote they can muster aided and abetted by the Liberal left and the self interest of governments who should know better cow towing to their oil and arms industry lobby groups, the U.S know this which is why they veto the countless biased politically motivated motions.

To illustate this systematic bias I'll give you an example. Google Sabra and Shatila massacre, this is when the Israelis are accused of guilt by association in the killing of around 170 Palestinians by Lebanese Christian militia. It took place in 1982. In the same year president Assad of Syria ordered the levelling of Hama, Syria's fourth largest city killing an estimated 17,000 to 40,000 people.

The number of google references to each are as follows: Sabra and Shatila massacre 98,000 links, Hama massacre 111,000 so a similar number of links for 100 times more arabs killed by arabs than arabs killed by Jews by proxy. Yorr beloved Goldstone report is yet another example of this bias.


The UN, a conspiracy by the Arab league and the liberal left? And the USA is the only one who stands against such a bias in the UN.

And than some abracadabra with some random massacres, numbers and counts of google search results. To prove what actually?

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Norman Finkelstein argues that...

You are quoting Norman Finkelstein the Holocaust denier as a source on anti-Semitism. How about something from the Ayatollah Khamenei, while you are at it? :bah:

'If everyone who claims to be a survivor actually is one,' my mother used to exclaim, 'who did Hitler kill then?'"
  • "The Holocaust Industry, by Norman Finkelstein" p. 81

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Thankyou for illustrating my point, perfectly too I might add. Where was the U.N report considering the massacres in the Sudan, or recently Libya? Where is the ringing U.N condemnation of Iran or Saudi's disgusting human rights record? The U.N is nothing more than a proxy for the Arab league with the block vote they can muster aided and abetted by the Liberal left and the self interest of governments who should know better cow towing to their oil and arms industry lobby groups, the U.S know this which is why they veto the countless biased politically motivated motions.

To illustate this systematic bias I'll give you an example. Google Sabra and Shatila massacre, this is when the Israelis are accused of guilt by association in the killing of around 170 Palestinians by Lebanese Christian militia. It took place in 1982. In the same year president Assad of Syria ordered the levelling of Hama, Syria's fourth largest city killing an estimated 17,000 to 40,000 people.

The number of google references to each are as follows: Sabra and Shatila massacre 98,000 links, Hama massacre 111,000 so a similar number of links for 100 times more arabs killed by arabs than arabs killed by Jews by proxy. Yorr beloved Goldstone report is yet another example of this bias.


The UN, a conspiracy by the Arab league and the liberal left? And the USA is the only one who stands against such a bias in the UN.

And than some abracadabra with some random massacres, numbers and counts of google search results. To prove what actually?

To prove that the Arabs themselves are they're own biggest problem.

Edited by beechguy
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Thankyou for illustrating my point, perfectly too I might add. Where was the U.N report considering the massacres in the Sudan, or recently Libya? Where is the ringing U.N condemnation of Iran or Saudi's disgusting human rights record? The U.N is nothing more than a proxy for the Arab league with the block vote they can muster aided and abetted by the Liberal left and the self interest of governments who should know better cow towing to their oil and arms industry lobby groups, the U.S know this which is why they veto the countless biased politically motivated motions.

To illustate this systematic bias I'll give you an example. Google Sabra and Shatila massacre, this is when the Israelis are accused of guilt by association in the killing of around 170 Palestinians by Lebanese Christian militia. It took place in 1982. In the same year president Assad of Syria ordered the levelling of Hama, Syria's fourth largest city killing an estimated 17,000 to 40,000 people.

The number of google references to each are as follows: Sabra and Shatila massacre 98,000 links, Hama massacre 111,000 so a similar number of links for 100 times more arabs killed by arabs than arabs killed by Jews by proxy. Yorr beloved Goldstone report is yet another example of this bias.


The UN, a conspiracy by the Arab league and the liberal left? And the USA is the only one who stands against such a bias in the UN.

And than some abracadabra with some random massacres, numbers and counts of google search results. To prove what actually?

To prove that the Arabs themselves are they're own biggest problem.

More like a prove of bias, predjuce and hate towards Arabs.

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Thankyou for illustrating my point, perfectly too I might add. Where was the U.N report considering the massacres in the Sudan, or recently Libya? Where is the ringing U.N condemnation of Iran or Saudi's disgusting human rights record? The U.N is nothing more than a proxy for the Arab league with the block vote they can muster aided and abetted by the Liberal left and the self interest of governments who should know better cow towing to their oil and arms industry lobby groups, the U.S know this which is why they veto the countless biased politically motivated motions.

To illustate this systematic bias I'll give you an example. Google Sabra and Shatila massacre, this is when the Israelis are accused of guilt by association in the killing of around 170 Palestinians by Lebanese Christian militia. It took place in 1982. In the same year president Assad of Syria ordered the levelling of Hama, Syria's fourth largest city killing an estimated 17,000 to 40,000 people.

The number of google references to each are as follows: Sabra and Shatila massacre 98,000 links, Hama massacre 111,000 so a similar number of links for 100 times more arabs killed by arabs than arabs killed by Jews by proxy. Yorr beloved Goldstone report is yet another example of this bias.


The UN, a conspiracy by the Arab league and the liberal left? And the USA is the only one who stands against such a bias in the UN.

And than some abracadabra with some random massacres, numbers and counts of google search results. To prove what actually?

To prove that the Arabs themselves are they're own biggest problem.

More like a prove of bias, predjuce and hate towards Arabs.

The Arab history speaks for itself.

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To prove that the Arabs themselves are they're own biggest problem.

More like a prove of bias, predjuce and hate towards Arabs.

The Arab history speaks for itself.

And what? Do 'The Arabs' have these bad genes that makes them to an inferiority race? Guilty and doomed just because they are 'The Arabs'?

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More like a prove of bias, predjuce and hate towards Arabs.

If they did not have Israel to obsess about, they would most likely be fighting with each other. Bigotry against Arabs is not restricted to Infidels. ;)

Nothing you say is reasoned, you don't want peace, you have already said that the only time you condemn anything Israel does is when they try a bit of give and take to broker a peace deal. Amazing that you call OTHERS 'hate mongers' .

You can't show any post you have made indicating Israel have done something wrong. In your mind you would be happy for Israel to 'wipe the floor' with the Arab world regardless of rights and wrongs.

Most people on here would rather see a bit of give and take and for peace to prevail. People consider it a senseless waste of life. Not you, you want Israel to have it all.

I have posted that I don't agree with what Palestine does. You don't accept that. In your mind a person is either totally for or against either side, there can be nothing in between.

You have shown your true colours.

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More like a prove of bias, predjuce and hate towards Arabs.

If they did not have Israel to obsess about, they would most likely be fighting with each other. Bigotry against Arabs is not restricted to Infidels. ;)

Nothing you say is reasoned, you don't want peace, you have already said that the only time you condemn anything Israel does is when they try a bit of give and take to broker a peace deal. Amazing that you call OTHERS 'hate mongers' .

You can't show any post you have made indicating Israel have done something wrong. In your mind you would be happy for Israel to 'wipe the floor' with the Arab world regardless of rights and wrongs.

Most people on here would rather see a bit of give and take and for peace to prevail. People consider it a senseless waste of life. Not you, you want Israel to have it all.

I have posted that I don't agree with what Palestine does. You don't accept that. In your mind a person is either totally for or against either side, there can be nothing in between.

You have shown your true colours.

I think you misunderstanding what has been said. Here is a perfect example for you. Prior to current problem with Iran, Iran was too busy fighting with Iraq, i believe they had 8 year war.

Pakistan hates Afganistan and vice versa, Shias and Sunni's have been at each others throat for hundreds of years.

Throughout history Arab world has been fighting with each other and that is the only reason why Israel exist.

If all Arab nations were to unite, rest assured there would be no more Israel.

Even in Palestine, Palestinians themselves can not get along, Hammas and Fatah

Edited by kuffki
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More like a prove of bias, predjuce and hate towards Arabs.

If they did not have Israel to obsess about, they would most likely be fighting with each other. Bigotry against Arabs is not restricted to Infidels. ;)

Nothing you say is reasoned, you don't want peace, you have already said that the only time you condemn anything Israel does is when they try a bit of give and take to broker a peace deal. Amazing that you call OTHERS 'hate mongers' .

You can't show any post you have made indicating Israel have done something wrong. In your mind you would be happy for Israel to 'wipe the floor' with the Arab world regardless of rights and wrongs.

Most people on here would rather see a bit of give and take and for peace to prevail. People consider it a senseless waste of life. Not you, you want Israel to have it all.

I have posted that I don't agree with what Palestine does. You don't accept that. In your mind a person is either totally for or against either side, there can be nothing in between.

You have shown your true colours.

I think you misunderstanding what has been said. Here is a perfect example for you. Prior to current problem with Iran, Iran was too busy fighting with Iraq, i believe they had 8 year war.

Pakistan hates Afganistan and vice versa, Shias and Sunni's have been at each others throat for hundreds of years.

Throughout history Arab world has been fighting with each other and that is the only reason why Israel exist.

If all Arab nations were to unite, rest assured there would be no more Israel.

Even in Palestine, Palestinians themselves can not get along, Hammas and Fatah

"The Arabs ..."

Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan of course all "Arabs" ...

Crude hate-monger logic and racist rhetoric.

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