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In the Thailand that I know, people are nice, policemen honest and shopkeepers don't cheat customers. Of course from time to time I meet someone with not the best intention in mind, but these people are the exception, not the rule.

But in the past two weeks, I had to take care of friends from oversea and I discovered a Thailand that I didn't know or, more exactly, that I forgot, a Thailand that I definitively don't like.

It all started in Ko San Road. What a zoo ! I asked my friends why they chose to stay there, their answer was because it's cheap and they could meet like minded people and get tips about where to go, what to do in Thailand.There I started to understand the problem, the one-eyed man leading the blind, people who have been here for only a couple of weeks giving very authoritative lectures about Thailand, laughable ! But, as I said, they are like-minded people, so they trust each others ...

But the other part of the picture is even more disturbing. The number of crooks, both Thais and foreigners, who live among this crowd is really impressive. There is no-one you can trust there, not even the police, everybody is on the take. A couple of time I was "told" that as I know Thailand I've nothing to do there, to take my friends with me and let them "work". The only advise I could give to a first time visitor is trust no-one, you have guide books that are usually quite informative and well written, follow their advises and stay away from the nice guy with the friendly advises because 99% of the time he's a crook.

There is a rule that says there is safety in numbers, it obviously doesn't apply in Thailand, it's more a case of the wolf herding the sheep.

I was happy to go back to my suburb far from the crowd. All my foreign friends are long term residents, happily living among Thais. Definitively parallel worlds.


There are in fact, two different Thailands in many respects. The Thailand where tourists and farangs in general congregate in large numbers will attract the most unsavory characters, both Thai and farangs. The Thais in particular that make their living from farangs can be the most opportunistic Thais in Thailand. Get away from all that (i.e., the other 95% of Thailand) and you will meet normal Thais who don't look at you as a walking ATM. Unless you're an idiot farang with a short fuse and a superiority complex who deserves to be fleeced everywhere you go.


Totally agree with OP.

Have the same experience. My friends like KSR for what it is, a handy starting off point.

I don't really like being on KSR or Sukhumvit anymore. Correction, I never liked being on Suk.

Its like the look of people change.

I breathe sigh of relief as soon as I am outta there.

Where we live, not of that <deleted>. Can't stand the tuktuks: Hello sir, where you go, tuktuk sir!

Mai ao khap!

Funny how as soon as you speak Thai to the people there, they immediately lose interest or their attitude changes. :whistling:


There are in fact, two different Thailands in many respects. The Thailand where tourists and farangs in general congregate in large numbers will attract the most unsavory characters, both Thai and farangs. The Thais in particular that make their living from farangs can be the most opportunistic Thais in Thailand. Get away from all that (i.e., the other 95% of Thailand) and you will meet normal Thais who don't look at you as a walking ATM. Unless you're an idiot farang with a short fuse and a superiority complex who deserves to be fleeced everywhere you go.

Places where expat farangs hang out are quite different to the tourist areas. And once you get away from the main expat areas (ie Sukhumvit, Silom) it changes again.

But I agree with the OP. There is a huge difference between the main tourist areas and suburban Bangkok (and I'm sure they same applies to other areas or the country).


I guess I just travel in different circles than you. Either that or I live a charmed life and I don't run into all the problems I read here. Maybe that pair of rose coloured glasses I bought on my first trip to Thailand, 15 years ago, just hasn't worn out yet.


I guess I just travel in different circles than you. Either that or I live a charmed life and I don't run into all the problems I read here. Maybe that pair of rose coloured glasses I bought on my first trip to Thailand, 15 years ago, just hasn't worn out yet.

Where do you live ? In which circles do you travel ?

It's a bit the point I try to make, different circles, different experiences.


My (Thai) wife was once 'corrected' on her Thai pronunciation by some English backpacker on KSR.

I can't remember what the word was now, but it was a very commonly used word.


I met an older British couple some months ago, as they were walking along main beach in Pattaya. I stopped to talk to them as they were looking absolutely terrified, as if their time capsule had landed in the wrong place. They were both well rugged up and clutching onto each other, as one might do in the wilds of Bodmin Moor.

They were relieved that I could speak English and told me about the 'disgusting' things they'd seen on Walking Street,-not far from where they were staying. Really, I said, so why did you choose Pattaya? - 'Because the travel brochure said it was a family friendly place by the sea'.

After some discussion and reassurance that not all of Pattaya was like Walking Street, I asked them where they were from -'Bolton' came the reply. So what's Bolton like now? "Well you know we've even got foreigners there now ! Really, said I again. Where are they from ? -pause- Pakistan!!! - and,-- they're doctors!! - Do you ever see them - No!! they clutched each other again and walked on. parallel worlds indeed.


I guess I just travel in different circles than you. Either that or I live a charmed life and I don't run into all the problems I read here. Maybe that pair of rose coloured glasses I bought on my first trip to Thailand, 15 years ago, just hasn't worn out yet.

I couldnt agree more Ian. These sorts of posts seem a little paranoid to me. Most of the people on KSR are holidayers and backpackers for gawds sake. I doubt whether they could care less about trying to extract a few measly baht out of anyone.

Of course the stall owners are out to make a baht, but hey..thats their living...its not rocket science and they are dealing in small fry anyway. I do agree there may be some farang up to no good, but in most cases they are selling drugs, so if you partake in that illegal activity it is you that is stupid.

Actually, of all the times ive been to KSR i have never even talked to, or been approached by a farang stranger.

Anyway how is talking to someone or getting travel advice or exchanging stories gonna end in you getting ripped off??:huh:

On a whole i really do believe you create your own reality..if you go out with the attitude of distrusting everyone and expecting to be ripped off, then you most certainly will and you deserve to be.

Its like all the guys that go on about the taxis ripping them off, but the first thing they do when getting in the cab is to bark at the driver to turn the meter on. I have NEVER had to ask a driver to turn the meter on, but i guess im lucky.

I also think some Thais have the understandable attitude that if a farang is going to judge them straight up and expect that they are dishonest and no good, then they will reply in kind and do their best to give you what you wish :jap:


I couldnt agree more Ian. These sorts of posts seem a little paranoid to me. Most of the people on KSR are holidayers and backpackers for gawds sake. I doubt whether they could care less about trying to extract a few measly baht out of anyone.

Of course the stall owners are out to make a baht, but hey..thats their living...its not rocket science and they are dealing in small fry anyway.

So cheating a backpacker who hasn't much money out of a few hundred Bahts is no big deal for you ? Hey, everybody needs to make a living. Small fry, who cares, right ?

You're right, KoSan road is for you and I'm happy in my suburb. One thing is certain, I won't bother you there ....


I couldnt agree more Ian. These sorts of posts seem a little paranoid to me. Most of the people on KSR are holidayers and backpackers for gawds sake. I doubt whether they could care less about trying to extract a few measly baht out of anyone.

Of course the stall owners are out to make a baht, but hey..thats their living...its not rocket science and they are dealing in small fry anyway.

So cheating a backpacker who hasn't much money out of a few hundred Bahts is no big deal for you ? Hey, everybody needs to make a living. Small fry, who cares, right ?

You're right, KoSan road is for you and I'm happy in my suburb. One thing is certain, I won't bother you there ....

firstly mate: You dont give much credit for the intelligence of the average backpacker if you think they can be that easily duped :ermm:

secondly: From what ive seen of backpackers, they are pretty dar_n careful as far as money goes..(a lot more so than me) so how does a stallholder selling cheap food manage to swindle a backpacker out of a couple of hundred baht :huh:

thirdly: I also live in the suburbs but i do like to visit KSR every month or so for something different, and yes, im pretty sure you would not be a bother to me ;)


Oh dear, I have led a sheltered life; I don't even know where Khao San Road is...

I've been for a drink twice in Pat Pong, but never really felt tempted to push the boat out; I'll stick to what I know, between Soi 3 and Bearing...

To be honest, my experience of parallel worlds has been more pronounced in other countries; for excample in Wan Chai - den of iniquity by night, bathroom fittings market by day!

Its often interesting to take a look through the curtain, as it were, but its all too easy to get lost in the dark and struggle to find your way out again...



I don`t believe there are 2 Parallel Worlds in Thailand. That’s a misconception.

There are always going to those seeking out and trying to take advantage of the gullible, no matter where in the world you visit or reside.

Just read a few of the Thai visa threads about some of the experiences of those that have lived in Thailand for years and they don`t all live in the Ko San Road.

Tourists will always be seen as being naive and vulnerable by the natives or even by the well seasoned ex pats, it`s a fact of life. Like a pack of hyenas seeking they’re prey.

Many attempted to take me for a ride when I arrived in Thailand for the first time and that was in Chiang Mai. I guess the same would have happened if I lived in Bangkok, North, South, East or West. Of Thailand.

Once I became a well seasoned ex pat then I soon saw through all the bull shit and these days no one is able to pull the wool over my eyes.

As the OP quoted; The only advise he could give to a first time visitor is trust no-one, you have guide books that are usually quite informative and well written, follow their advises and stay away from the nice guy with the friendly advises because 99% of the time he's a crook.

True words that should be heeded, it`s a cold world out there.


I don`t believe there are 2 Parallel Worlds in Thailand. That's a misconception.

There are always going to those seeking out and trying to take advantage of the gullible, no matter where in the world you visit or reside.

Just read a few of the Thai visa threads about some of the experiences of those that have lived in Thailand for years and they don`t all live in the Ko San Road.

Tourists will always be seen as being naive and vulnerable by the natives or even by the well seasoned ex pats, it`s a fact of life. Like a pack of hyenas seeking they're prey.

Many attempted to take me for a ride when I arrived in Thailand for the first time and that was in Chiang Mai. I guess the same would have happened if I lived in Bangkok, North, South, East or West. Of Thailand.

Once I became a well seasoned ex pat then I soon saw through all the bull shit and these days no one is able to pull the wool over my eyes.

As the OP quoted; The only advise he could give to a first time visitor is trust no-one, you have guide books that are usually quite informative and well written, follow their advises and stay away from the nice guy with the friendly advises because 99% of the time he's a crook.

True words that should be heeded, it`s a cold world out there.

There really are many parallel worlds occupying the same space around us; you and I are pretty much unaware of the criminal environment that the beggars on Sukhumvit Road have to survive within; or the corruption that street prostitutes or other honest people have to put up with, when they find themselves slightly further beyond the law than a couple of mistakes on their tax form. None of us have to go there, except maybe through gross and unusual misfortune, but I think that it is easy to find yourself there, through incautious misjudgement....

Perhaps we should bear this in mind, whenever we talk to single mothers trying to look after their children, or people trying to support their aged parents or family members afflicted with addictions, or whatever has driven them to such desperate straits...


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