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Nine Thai Policemen Commit Suicide In 18 Months


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Yes very stressful indeed. Receiving money from all sides, but working as a cop, having to toe the line, pressure and guilt. seeing all the corruption that they are a major part of, living the life. It would be stressful . I am surprised that the number is not higher.

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Death by any method/means leaves those who will grieve for the departed, no matter their contribution or what they have taken from/to society/family/friends. My condolences to the latter groups, to the survivors. I will repeat this message as needed/required, hope not to be disappointed by response/replies to my post, as this is just my opinion.

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Just done the corrections to the headline,

Nine criminals killed in suicide in 18 monthsBy The Nation

During the past 18 months, nine members of the top criminal organization in Thailand shot themselves to death.


No sympathy from me, my next door neighbours son was shot dead by one of these ^%#$@,! The mans crime was he threw some water on the $#!@^ at Songkran.

My sympathies lies with all the people they have killed, extorted money from, etc, etc.

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Newbie here. I just can't understand what type of journalism is this?

Journalism 101 would be the who, what , when and why.

The article just list 9 dead cops and how they died. In the States, its called an obituary.

Anyway, 7 more hours and I am boarding a flight to Thailand

Sorry to hear that..........

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I don't think it's reasonable to conclude that all or none of these nine were suicides. Maybe some were and some were only declared so that they didn't need to be investigated.

I once read in Thai Rat about a Swede who killed himself by putting a plastic bag over his head with his arms tied behind his back. He also beat himself up...that was one very stressed out swede! :unsure:

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please keep in my mind that tee money doesnot go in the pocket off the police man that extort it from road user ... most of it goes into the pocket of the kaptan of higher officer

1/ stess of not meeting tee money target set by Kaptan .

2/ stress to maintain life style of alcoholic gambling wife

regarding the suicide of exemplary officer who was well loved among his colleague .... maybe he was so exemplary that he didnot want to take part in the tee money racket and got shot by his loving colleagues for not being a team player .

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After reading everything about how bad the cops are and what they deserve, writen by the experts, I though I would go back and read the OP again.

And what do I find?

During the past 18 months, nine policemen shot themselves to death over personal problems including those related to family and illnesses.

Seems most of these suicides are not connected to police work at all.

The fact that they are police seems incidental, most could apply to anyone in any job.

But then its another good opportunity.

And no I'm not in love with the police here or anywhere else.

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I thought you comitted suicide by jumping out of a high window/balcony or tieing a bag over your head and your hands behind your back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These guys deaths should be investigated because its not the normal M/O is it???????

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in fact is sade for all of them sure many got problem have corruption sickness and many others thing but we cannot speak we are better, if you look in our country they win better salary better live social security and they make same

stress in work and to be hate by people is very hard and in Thailand people hate Police because of corruption

but is so funny when i take Taxi and policeman stop him because he cut line or make somnething wrong the policeman make paper but the driver give him 100 bath for not have paper

so now is time to stop for some to speak about corruption if corurption is good for us, what do you think taxi prefer pay 100 bath or maybee more 1000 if he got paper

we need to understand what is corruption but reel corruptiion, this is piece of joke

stress is very difficult when we work job like that and now every people want always show have home big car ,some buy more they can and have problem money after live become crasy an thing like this happening

RIP all of them and i hope this help others to not make same mistake

It should not be about what the taxi driver prefer. If he done wrong, he should pay through the correct method. Then just maybe, he would think twice when he want to do wrong again. Then no need to hate Police because of corruption.


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The one that I find really strange is the guy who shot himself in the chest. I thought the normal method was to shoot yourself in the head? I don't somehow see it as being a cry for help?

Where are all the conspiracy theorists when you need them.


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Death by any method/means leaves those who will grieve for the departed, no matter their contribution or what they have taken from/to society/family/friends. My condolences to the latter groups, to the survivors. I will repeat this message as needed/required, hope not to be disappointed by response/replies to my post, as this is just my opinion.

Very good, well thought out opinion, with common sense, compassion and understanding, sure happy there is one of you out there.

Kind-a-like me on the beach, saying and doing the common sense thing, but mostly alone.

Just my opinion and I'm ready for replies.

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Racked with guilt from corruption and hatred by the Thai people ??? :whistling:

when the " Law " punishes the guilty , when the people obey the " LAW " The friction and the petty childish attitudes from both sides of the fence might dissapear .

These people are human and despite the horrible job they do dealing with some real <deleted> , many of the cops are decent people . Many more COPS would develop a better attitude to life if so many <deleted> didnt walk free due to corruption .

Many police are corrupt and this is supported and tolerated by the communities acceptance of corruption and in many cases approved and condoned almost openly by the general community most of whom would be corrupt and without values themselves ..

It is a shame and very sad because it is highly likely that these were a few of the real decent COPS >

<deleted> rarely commit suicide , as attested to by some of the comments and actions seen daily amongst the wider community . there is a never ending supply of <deleted> and a massive shortage of good people .

God speed and bless those that are strong enough and courageous enough to try to clean up after the <deleted> running loose in this world .

Edited by philhal2
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