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Thai-Cambodian Joint Border Meeting Postponed Indefinitely

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Thai-Cambodian Meeting Postponed Indefinitely

The Foreign Ministry will seek Cambodia's permission to bring a jailed Thai activist for a medical check-up at a hospital.

Meanwhile, Cambodia has indefinitely postponed a joint border meeting with Thailand.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Thani Thongphakdi disclosed that the Cambodian government has notified the Thai government of its decision to indefinitely postpone the Thai-Cambodian Joint Boundary Commission, or JBC, meeting scheduled today.

Cambodian authorities claimed that the next meeting will be held once the minutes of its previous meetings are approved by the Thai Parliament.

He noted that participants of last month's meetings of the United Nations Security Council, or UNSC, and the ASEAN foreign ministers have called on Thailand and Cambodia to resolve the territorial dispute bilaterally, with the Indonesian government's assistance in brokering negotiations between the two countries.

As for the upcoming visit of Indonesian delegates to observe the military operations of Thai and Cambodian forces at the border, Thani said Indonesia has already sent details concerning its operation to the two countries.

A discussion about the matter will be held between the Thai and Cambodian governments to jointly conclude the matter.

Thani commented on the progress in providing assistance to two Thai activists, Weera Somkwamkid and Ratree Pipattanapaiboon, being jailed in Cambodia.

He said that last week, the Thai embassy in Phnom Penh coordinated with Prey Sar Prison for a visit by their relatives.

Asked about their wish to seek a royal pardon, Thani said the two jailed Thais will consult their lawyers and set the time for submitting a request.

The embassy would then facilitate its submission.

As for reports about Weera's health problems, the Foreign Ministry spokesman said the Foreign Ministry has assigned officials from the Thai embassy to take special care of the two and deliver food to them twice a day.

He added that Thai officials were told by a doctor at the Prey Sar Prison that Veera had a cold and is under medical observation.

Thani added the Thai embassy has sought permission to take Weera out for a medical check-up at hospital, but has not yet received a reply.


-- Tan Network 2011-03-08


He added that Thai officials were told by a doctor at the Prey Sar Prison that Veera had a cold and is under medical observation.

Man Flu.

Si Sa Ket Locals Spooked by Explosions near Border

Locals living along the Thai-Cambodian border in Si Sa Ket province have prepared to evacuate again after explosions were heard last night.

Last night, locals in Phumsarol village in Saothongchai subdistrict of Si Sa Ket's Kantaraluck district went into panic after explosions were heard along the Thai-Cambodian border, which is located in their village.

Some loaded their vehicles with valuables and necessities to prepare to evacuate to a safer place.

However, the military has found that no clashes between Thai and Cambodian troops have been reported.

Local administrative officials have asked village headmen to keep residents calm.

Some villagers prefer to play it safe and have moved to live with relatives, located further away from the border area.

-- Tan Network 2011-03-08

Could it possibly be Hun Sen preparing 'evidence' for the observers?

Cambodian authorities claimed that the next meeting will be held once the minutes of its previous meetings are approved by the Thai Parliament.

OMG, a play between a slightly bigger government with a slightly smarter government again . . . will never end :-(

hmm . . . people of two countries in between :-(


"Cambodian authorities claimed that the next meeting will be held once the minutes of its previous meetings are approved by the Thai Parliament."

Ha! third rail comes to mind - Good move Hun sen. He can read them like a book.


Well with an election on the cards they think they need to keep the situation going for a while , the dems don't want to be seen making concessions and the other parties want to play the nationalist card.

He added that Thai officials were told by a doctor at the Prey Sar Prison that Veera had a cold and is under medical observation.

Man Flu.

"Yail-bird" flu?:whistling:


I fear it will not be bloodless on the street....

if and when the parliament dares to vote favorably to accept the Camb HuSen's proposal for the Thai counterpart accepting the past minutes which contains the approval of the 1 to 200,000 map....

which also effectively would empower Camb HuSen to retain surrounding pieces of land around PraVeeHarn, which belongs to Thailand since 1904....

Dreams on.... HuSen.... dreams on....

Cambodian authorities claimed that the next meeting will be held once the minutes of its previous meetings are approved by the Thai Parliament.

OMG, a play between a slightly bigger government with a slightly smarter government again . . . will never end :-(

hmm . . . people of two countries in between :-(

I can see no conclusion to this situation that will be satisfactory to all concerned, someone will feel that they have been wronged and it will continue.

It's like two spoiled brats fighting over the same toy, only one fix for that, take it away from both of them, the land and the temple, declare it the Independent State of Thaibodia and allow free entry for all nationalities apart from Thais and Cambodians, oh, and the French, who caused the bloody problem in the first place.

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