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Debt To Lloyds Tsb

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I got a letter completely out of the blue today from an agent of TSB. It was years ago that I banked with them.

It says I am due them 100 quid, which seems impossible to me as the card I used to have didn't allow overdraft. All I can think of is that I took some money out here in thailand and because of the change in currency rates somehow I was overdrawn.

Although it's not a large sun of money, I don't want to pay. Isn't it their fault?

They probablt sent a letter to my old address saying I was due them 1 pound or something and charged me for the letter.

Should I pay them, the debt collectors, that is?

I paid my debts to another Scottish bank a few years back, as it was the right thing to do, but this?

Anyone know if they will hassle me for this?

They sent a letter to my old man who sent it on to me.

I got the card when I was back home about 6 years ago for conveniene.

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Although it's not a large sun of money, I don't want to pay. Isn't it their fault?

They probablt sent a letter to my old address saying I was due them 1 pound or something and charged me for the letter.

Send them one quid together with a letter, written on toilet paper, explaining the situation and politely inform them that they can shove the balance you know where.

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I got a letter completely out of the blue today from an agent of TSB.  It was years ago that I banked with them.

It says I am due them 100 quid, which seems impossible to me as the card I used to have didn't allow overdraft. All I can think of is that I took some money out here in thailand and because of the change in currency rates somehow I was overdrawn.

Although it's not a large sun of money, I don't want to pay. Isn't it their fault?

They probablt sent a letter to my old address saying I was due them 1 pound or something and charged me for the letter.

Should I pay them, the debt collectors, that is?

I paid my debts to another Scottish bank a few years back, as it was the right thing to do, but this?

Anyone know if they will hassle me for this?

They sent a letter to my old man who sent it on to me.

I got the card when I was back home about 6 years ago for conveniene.

You mention a scottish bank, Lloyds TSB are now with the Bank of Scotland.

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neeranam dont answer at all. its just the debt collection agencys last ditch attempt at getting the money,they cant touch ya after 6 years from last contact.

the debt isnt even to tsb now as they would have sold it on for a fraction of amount owed..........just leave it and enjoy your life..


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The above is true, but the last thing you want is them possibly hassling your father, believing that you live at his address. I'd write to the debt collecting firm saying that you live in Thailand and have no intention of returning to the UK. Request that they don't attempt to contact you via your father as this would be perceived as harrassment of him.

Debt, unless entered into for criminal purposes, is a civil matter and the Scottish courts have no jurisdiction in Thailand. As the previous poster said, 6 years after you were asked to repay the debt it will be written off. The one caveat is that I quote from English law, rather than Scottish.



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The above is true, but the last thing you want is them possibly hassling your father, believing that you live at his address. I'd write to the debt collecting firm saying that you live in Thailand and have no intention of returning to the UK. Request that they don't attempt to contact you via your father as this would be perceived as harrassment of him.

Debt, unless entered into for criminal purposes, is a civil matter and the Scottish courts have no jurisdiction in Thailand. As the previous poster said, 6 years after you were asked to repay the debt it will be written off. The one caveat is that I quote from English law, rather than Scottish.



Is this correct???

So(hyperphetically speaking) if i went and got a £20,000 loan and wasnt around for 6 years,i wouldnt have to pay a penny back??

Surely you have to pay it back(even after the 6 years) to regain some kind of credit rating,or would that to,fix itself after a period of time??

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That could then constitute theft (intention to permanently deprive) and you'd do time for it.

Anyway, what you can and can't do in terms of ripping off credit institutions has been discussed on here before.

Whilst Neeranam's request is deserving of a reply, I don't want this topic to degenerate into the realms of "how do I get lots of money, bugger off to Thailand, and not get caught?".

So, a timely closure is in order.


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