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I told you once,about when we where going back to CR from Mae Sai,and was stopped in the police chek.

I had a cigarret in my hand,and the officer told me to drop it and that it was not allowed in Thailand, to smoke in the car

I have told this to alot of people, but no one knows about that rule.Yes-that it is not allowed, when you drive the car.

Then I am told,that you are not allowed to ride a motorbike, lager then 400cc, on the Super-highway.

I have surfed around, and asked around,but cant find enything to confirm this-and have seen and talked to people, who had rent large bikes in Bangkok, and took a ride up here.

Can eny one told me what is the answer to this-and where to find it.

Have a good day-and take care!


During the English language presentation for the Thai driving license, the narrator mentions that smoking while driving is "discouraged" because it is "unsightly". No mention of it having a law prohibiting it. However, the Thai cop can do what he wants, even if it isn't a law. If it is a law, then that should be mentioned in the driving presentation, instead of saying it is "discouraged". The good thing is, I have never been harassed about it. I would be interested to know if it is indeed a law. But I'm not curious enough to go look it up.

Then I am told,that you are not allowed to ride a motorbike, lager then 400cc, on the Super-highway.

All motorcycles are prohibited, don't know where you came up with the 400c figure :whistling:

Then I am told,that you are not allowed to ride a motorbike, lager then 400cc, on the Super-highway.

All motorcycles are prohibited, don't know where you came up with the 400c figure :whistling:

Our Superhighway is full of motorbikes of all sizes.



I have heard about the bike prohibition on the BKK freeways. Dunno if that includes the superhighways up here.

yeah you'd be right. Cycles on the tollways are prohibited. Don't know what that has to do with Chaing Rai.

Bangkok tollways are the only place I know of where bikes are a 'no go', apart from police bikes.

My ridings buddy's and I have been stopped on the odd occasion at many a police check point around the Rai and surrounds on the highways. Our bikes have never been an issue. In one case: Where you go?, Tell them where we're heading to and flash our Thai licenses. Oh very good, have fun.

I love northern Thailand :D :jap:


During the English language presentation for the Thai driving license, the narrator mentions that smoking while driving is "discouraged" because it is "unsightly". No mention of it having a law prohibiting it. However, the Thai cop can do what he wants, even if it isn't a law. If it is a law, then that should be mentioned in the driving presentation, instead of saying it is "discouraged". The good thing is, I have never been harassed about it. I would be interested to know if it is indeed a law. But I'm not curious enough to go look it up.

One of my favourites in the presentation was the safe zones. You know the painted (yellow in the case) islands which are safe. Stand on these and enforce your safety zone rights and see what happens. Was funny seeing the Tuk-Tuk's cut across it. Riggghhhtttt, safe zone :lol:

Then I am told,that you are not allowed to ride a motorbike, lager then 400cc, on the Super-highway.

All motorcycles are prohibited, don't know where you came up with the 400c figure :whistling:

A few people have told me about it-ask KD,he was one of them.

Then I am told,that you are not allowed to ride a motorbike, lager then 400cc, on the Super-highway.

All motorcycles are prohibited, don't know where you came up with the 400c figure :whistling:

Our Superhighway is full of motorbikes of all sizes.


No fine-sorry!!!-just a question, to something I was told, and can not get confirmed.


I think we are mixing tollway and super highway. One is obviously OK (hwy 1)and the other is No MC's period.B)

I'm not mate, but it would seem as stated in a previous post that it really comes down to the coppers interpretation of the road laws. It would seem that they are way harder on the enforcement down south in Bangkok. Slow bikes on fast motorways don't mix well. Unfortunately we've all been painted with the same brush, even though most of the bigger capacity bike can more than hold their own on the highway/super highway/toll ways if allowed.


Ive never had a problem riding any sized bike on any roads in Thailand, But BKK Expressway/Toll

are the only ones as far as I know that are not permitted to use. There are NO FEE payable by bikes as they are not allowed .

Smoking on a motorbike is ok but using the ashtray is a nightmare :D

Then I am told,that you are not allowed to ride a motorbike, lager then 400cc, on the Super-highway.

All motorcycles are prohibited, don't know where you came up with the 400c figure :whistling:

A few people have told me about it-ask KD,he was one of them.

Actually, I know only of the freeway bans in BKK. What we refer to up here as the "superhighway" obviously has the normal amount of motorcycle traffic, of all sizes. That can be seen every day of the week. The only thing I know about the BKK ban has been gleaned from the ThaiVisa forum chatter. Haven't heard of any 400 cc limit on the highways.


You guys dont know yet, the police make up the laws all the time. just last night I was stopped and told I was not allowed to have anything in the back of a pickup but people. i had a few suitcases and a TV stand. Whatever they can think of to gt money out of you.

So it dont matter what the laws are.


You guys dont know yet, the police make up the laws all the time. just last night I was stopped and told I was not allowed to have anything in the back of a pickup but people. i had a few suitcases and a TV stand. Whatever they can think of to gt money out of you.

So it dont matter what the laws are.

That's what pickups are built for.It's ok to lose a few people of the back along the way,but it would be a serious offence to lose a suitcase and a TV stand.:rolleyes:


I just love these cop stories. If there isn't already a thread about that, there should be. Of course, if it weren't in the CR forum, I wouldn't read it anyway. I think the little CR forum is the only one worth following.


I'm glad that I'm being made aware of the fact that the Thai police adjust the rules as they see fit. 11 years in Thailand and this the first I knew of it...NOT..!!!!! :lol::lol::lol:


You guys dont know yet, the police make up the laws all the time. just last night I was stopped and told I was not allowed to have anything in the back of a pickup but people. i had a few suitcases and a TV stand. Whatever they can think of to gt money out of you.

So it dont matter what the laws are.

Nice try Eric ... I just could believe it I suppose :unsure: . ........ Should have breathalized the BIB . :)

As for Police stories, I'm sure we all could write a book :) ..... But probably not in our interests :(

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