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Mosquito Killing Machines


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Hi All,

I live out in the Bangkok Suburbs, in a private muban in a detached house. We really make a huge effort to keep doors etc. closed, and we practically run in and out the door. But every once in a while one inevitably gets in. I suppose between my wife and I we physically kill 2 or 3 each day. Its like they are hanging around outside the door waiting to come in...... and they are so small obvisouly you will not see every one.

I particularly suffer from the mosquitos. Just one bite usually swells up to the size of my thumbnail, or bigger, and drives me insane with the itch. I do not know how, where, or when - but I currently have 7 "hives" where I have been bitten - ranging from the back of my neck, to my arm, my inner thai and my foot! Yet I have seen only 2 mosquitos in the house over the last 3-4 days. I am a magnet for them!

Anyway - I am wondering, what is the best machine that I can get to help eliminate the little sods! I am thinking I would get 4 of them. Put one at the front door, one at the back, and one each in our bedroom and the kids room. I would intend to let it plugged in 24-7 and to be honest I really don't care what other "innocent" creatures it might trap.

Please help a farang in need!


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Second suggestion is keep Alladryl creme handy. Mosquito bites cause an allergic histamine reaction of varying degrees in people. Alladryl is Calamine (soothing) and Benadryl (anti-histamine) and the creme only treats the affected areas. Atarax (hydroxizine hcl) is a pill available in 10 or 25 mg's that is an effective anti-histamine and is often prescribed as a mild sleep aid or minor sedative if you find yourself bitten a many times at once it will work to ease the symptoms but it will make you groggy.

HomePro has the UV? zappers, and you can buy portable rechargeable "tennis racket" style zappers as well.

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I bought a goofy-looking thing at HomePro which purports to attract them with light and then suck them up with a small fan. I was a little leery, but it seems to work fairly well. I keep on on by my bed at night, and when on, I generally don't get bit. If I forget to turn it on, rest assured that I will get bit during the night

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Mozzie bats are great fun! But no so fun at 2am when one is biting your neck!

We always use our screens, but from what I have seen, they hang out there and cruise in when you open then. So I have started "flicking" the screens to dislodge the buggers.

Bonobo: I've seen those devices, but think it might be time to get one! We had one attack us most of the night last night. :(

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I bought a goofy-looking thing at HomePro which purports to attract them with light and then suck them up with a small fan. I was a little leery, but it seems to work fairly well. I keep on on by my bed at night, and when on, I generally don't get bit. If I forget to turn it on, rest assured that I will get bit during the night

The 'Black Hole' or Black Hole Plus' from Home Pro


The machine has a UV light which somehow produces CO2. the mosquitoes go for it and the fan sucks them down into a trap.

I can only speak for myself but I have found this machine quite effective as evidenced by the number of mosquitoes caught in the trap. I have had it for about three years and have replaced the bulbs once. Can't quite remember the price but around 2000 Baht

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We turn on a bug zapper (Mitsumaru brand, about 600 baht) in our living room when we go to bed. Keep it away from open windows....even with screens, as the light attracts bugs.

Although we live surrounded by trees/jungle, we have only a very rare mosquito find its way into our bedroom, usually the result of opening the screen to close the window. But it's amazing how many other critters we find in the bug zapper each month when we clean it.

The light serves as a nice night light as well!

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Ok, so while not 100% effective, it would seem the various devices are of some use. As far as I'm concerned, if it caught 50% of the little buggers, that would be 50% less bites that I or my family would get. I've got a carrefour near me, and a makro not so far away - anyone got a brand or model name for their device?

The tennis racket zapper things are great, but to be honest I am quite proficient at killing them if I see them, thai style, by clapping :) The wife is even better - but it is the ones you don't see that are the problem.

In terms of creams - I've been using a cream called "Antergan". It contains Hydrocortisone Acetate and Mepyramine Maleate. I've found it quite good, better than tiger balm and all that stuff...... but it isn't great either. Can't remember how it got perscribed..... think the mrs just asked the pharmacy explaining the other cream was crap and they said "try this". So, I'll give the others a try. thanks.

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We have one like this. Bought at Makro for 200 baht. Not worth the money. Kills a few mosquitos, but most of them simply ignore it. I have heard good things about the one with the fan that sucks the mosquitos in, but that one at Makro was about 2500 baht, so I tried the cheaper one first. Bad move.

I'm going to buy the expensive one next time we go. The nasty little things go to town on my 8 month old daughter. You might as well hang a sign on her in mosquito'ese that says all you can eat buffet.

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  • 4 months later...


We have one like this. Bought at Makro for 200 baht. Not worth the money. Kills a few mosquitos, but most of them simply ignore it. I have heard good things about the one with the fan that sucks the mosquitos in, but that one at Makro was about 2500 baht, so I tried the cheaper one first. Bad move.

I'm going to buy the expensive one next time we go. The nasty little things go to town on my 8 month old daughter. You might as well hang a sign on her in mosquito'ese that says all you can eat buffet.

I just wanted to give feedback on these contraptions.

I bought, a few motnhs back, plugged it in..... checked it after a week and there was 1 single corpse in it...... just let it plugged in, feeling very sketical, and sort of forgot about it..... looked at it again today, after a couple of months of ignoring it and there are loads of dead critters in there. There is rough 4 sides to it, I counted 20+ deaths on one side...... so I am guessing there is the same on all 4 sides and the few that fell after dying..... so perhaps 100 dead, approax over a 2-3 month period.... that certainly more than I have clap-killed..... and I must admit, I have had allot less mozzie bites lately :)

for a couple of hundred baht, its well worth a try. Anyone suffering, get one.

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I posted several months ago about the Mitsumaru brand, about 600 baht...very effective, but ours finally died and I couldn't find a replacement. I ended up with one of the 200 baht brands mentioned above (available at Lotus). It's much smaller than the Mitsumaru, but it seems to do the job. It also makes a nice nightlight.

I've been to expat homes where the owner complains about insects inside the house. A few minutes of observation gives some clues. Kids leaving the doors half closed, holes in screens, junk piles next to doorways, plants nearby doorways, etc. The first line of defense in keeping insects out of the house is keeping them outdoors where they belong. The small insect killers will take care of the rest.

We live in the countryside, surrounded by jungle, and rarely find a mosquito inside the house. Lots of small moths that find their way in, but few mosquitoes.

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hi, there is a cream called 'off'. it has an orange lid with orange and white bottle, it is amazing.

i have actually put it on and watched a mosi fly towards my leg, stop in mid air and turn around.

you just put a bit in the palm of your hand and rub it everywhere.

you can get it in tesco or any pharmacy. it works. try it.


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I saw something recently in a Northern Equipment catalog. It was fairly expensive (around $200.00) but was designed to kill mosquitoes in a barn or other large area. You might want to do a google search.

My wife, too, is very sensitive to mosquito bites, and I might consider buying one of these when we move to Thailand.

Good luck.


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i am sure mosquitos must have some sort of cloaking device. you notice one flying around your head or arm, then when you go to kill it, it disappears!! Most annoying. it is as if they know ou are about to strike.

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i am sure mosquitos must have some sort of cloaking device. you notice one flying around your head or arm, then when you go to kill it, it disappears!! Most annoying. it is as if they know ou are about to strike.

ain't that the truth...eeeeeh..eeeeeeh...light on....nothing...where the f do they go!...think they sometimes hide under the bed so I spray there.

I have used all the technology with limited success but in the end it's a hoop type mosquito net, coils outside the house and armed with a 'lectric tennis racquet inside the net...they crawl up under the net with camo paint on their proboscis I swear..

..overzealous bedtime adventures do tend to rip the thing out of the ceiling once in a while though...think I need to put it on a bungee cord? (the net not the bed!)

the big thing is to try to eliminate any standing water around your house unless there are fish in it...I have even seen larvae in the dogs' water bowls! I have noticed also that they "hide" in the laundry basket, in/around closets too...worth a spray before you try to get some shut eye..

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we have a problem with the blood suckers where we have a marble table and benches we sit outside every evening although we use body spray somebody always gets stung,our dog also sleeps under or in front of the table so we always light mossy burners but it doesnt seem to detere them,anyone know of a killing machine i can buy,the area is coved, the size enough for 4vehicles.

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Mine is the BLack Hole Junior. It looks like a goofy pink plastic frog. I think it was 600 or 800 baht.

I have the same, Black Hole Junior. Picked it up after reading this thread earlier this year.

Think I paid 495 at Home Pro, on sale. Quite happy with the little bugger.


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"On nights their really nasty. I gently expose one of the wifes arms or legs. Problem solved.

Thais can sleep through anything."

When I was living in the sticks, I would watch my GF's Mother swat them with one of those electric tennis rackets. It was amazing how efficient she was. She never missed a beat. Constant zapping. It was better than TV. When they went to sleep, they would go to their tents which were screened. They couldn't afford a machine, but she was a human mosquito killing machine.

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"On nights their really nasty. I gently expose one of the wifes arms or legs. Problem solved.

Thais can sleep through anything."

When I was living in the sticks, I would watch my GF's Mother swat them with one of those electric tennis rackets. It was amazing how efficient she was. She never missed a beat. Constant zapping. It was better than TV. When they went to sleep, they would go to their tents which were screened. They couldn't afford a machine, but she was a human mosquito killing machine.

zapping mozzies with a tennis near CRT screens can seriously impair your viewing pleasure..in short it can f...k it up big time..I ruined one TV ( luckily very old)...don't know why or how but suspect it partly degaussed it somehow..

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