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Lebanese protest against Hezbollah arms


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Lebanese protest against Hezbollah arms

2011-03-14 05:09:05 GMT+7 (ICT)

BEIRUT (BNO NEWS) -- Supporters of outgoing Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri gathered Sunday for a mass rally marking the 2005 uprising that ended Syria's domination of Lebanon to demand the disarm of the Shiite armed group Hezbollah, the Daily Star newspaper reported.

Hundreds of thousands gathered in Martyrs' Square in downtown Beirut to protest Hezbollah's weapons, which critics say give Iran too much power inside Lebanon.

"What is impossible is to remain silent, bend our heads, abandon our freedom, and not defend our constitution, our democracy and country. What is impossible is to forget that you have brought independence, sovereignty, and the tribunal, in a civilized, calm way, without the use of weapons or violence," Prime Minister Hariri said in a 15-minute speech.

"I came to ask you and I want the world to hear your answer: Do you accept the tutelage of the weapons? Do you accept to have weapons in the hands of anyone but the State? Do you, the people of March 14 and the Cedars revolutionists, accept to have anyone else than the Lebanese State control the decision of the free, sovereign and independent Lebanon?" he added.

Roadblocks were set up as early as 3am across Lebanon and central Beirut, army officials said. People arrived in buses and cars from north, east and south Lebanon to participate in the rally. Future Movement spokesman Ayman Jezzini told the Daily Star that cars heading into central Beirut to take part in the demonstration were stoned along the airport highway and in Zkak Blat neighborhood.

The country is currently transitioning into a new government after the last one, led by Saad Hariri, collapsed in January after 11 Hezbollah and allied ministers resigned over differences over ceasing support to a UN-backed tribunal investigating the 2005 assassination of statesman Rafik al-Hariri. Saad Hariri refuses to renounce the UN inquiry that will allegedly blame senior Hezbollah figures for the murder, while Hezbollah says the investigation is politically motivated.

Sunni Muslim billionaire Najib Mikati, appointed with Hezbollah's backing, has been designated to succeed Saad Hariri and has since January 25 sought to form a government.

Rafik Hariri's assassination by a huge car bomb saw the rise of an alliance that became known as March 14, named after a day of massive anti-Syrian protests dubbed the "Cedar Revolution." March 14 leaders have now declared a "Second Cedar Revolution†in which the country would be rid of weapons outside the control of the state, the Daily Star reported.

"Let's be honest, they [Hezbollah] carried weapons at the beginning to resist Israel and kept [them] to create a mini-state, then used [the weapons] to threaten us and used them to topple the government and then to form a government to achieve foreign goals," Kataeb Party leader Amin Gemayel said in his speech. 


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-03-14

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Make no mistake Lebannon is now a puppet state controlled by Iran, the international commission set up to investigate the death of Rafiq Hariri will be dropped due to pressure from Hizbollah and their leaders who are complicit in his murder will escape any sanction. I can sense another middle east war is brewing as the internet Jihadists have stepped up their campaign of lies, distortion and scapegoating. I do squarely blame Obama's dithering in letting this happen and now unfortunately it's sadly only a matter of time.

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Make no mistake Lebannon is now a puppet state controlled by Iran, the international commission set up to investigate the death of Rafiq Hariri will be dropped due to pressure from Hizbollah and their leaders who are complicit in his murder will escape any sanction. I can sense another middle east war is brewing as the internet Jihadists have stepped up their campaign of lies, distortion and scapegoating. I do squarely blame Obama's dithering in letting this happen and now unfortunately it's sadly only a matter of time.

Don't forget that Obama has also reestablished diplomatic relations with Syria, the other best friend of Hezbollah.

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I do squarely blame Obama's dithering in letting this happen and now unfortunately it's sadly only a matter of time.

Obama? He cannot be everywhere at the same time and take care at everything. The POTUS is still human.

He still manages to work golf and beer brewing into his 'saving-the-world' day.

All of this between meetings in the War Room.


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I do squarely blame Obama's dithering in letting this happen and now unfortunately it's sadly only a matter of time.

Obama? He cannot be everywhere at the same time and take care at everything. The POTUS is still human.

He still manages to work golf and beer brewing into his 'saving-the-world' day.

All of this between meetings in the War Room.


"Honey ale"? "Beer"?

He is is known for his love of beer and has used social drinking to help break the ice during diplomatic meetings.


I had to open that link again to check that it wasn't The Onion.

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All the mess in North Africa is plotted from the White House & Friends. Their goal is to weaken Europe by a massive flood of muslims, and poor and uneducated people.

Tell me I'm crazy, but it's not yesterday the US began to build and destroy dictatorships.

Edited by Nawak
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