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Internet ‘Mr. Angry’ Takes On Thailand’s Jet Ski Scammers


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After all the scams that Thais seem to perpetrate of farangs in their country, I'm really surprised that someone has not setup a ThailandScams.com website... Might serve as a portal to warn potential visitors and a place for those who have been scammed to vent their anger... :whistling:

Mate, believe me there are enough people out there who read all about Pattaya and Phuket scams and will tell their friends not to go to Thailand

as there are less and less places were one can go without being pestered, robed and even assaulted.

There are many more nice places to visit on this Planet, cheaper and a hell of a lot more saver.

Think twice before you book a ticket and spent your hard earned cash in Thailand.

For instance Sihanouk Ville in Cambodia lives all the beaches in Thailand for dead and the People are really friendly

and you want get robed or assaulted, yes you will get beach hawkers, but they walk on if you indicate that you are not interested.

I shouldn't really tell this as I would like to keep that a secret, but it helps the poor folk in Cambodia.

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What a joke ? And the Pattaya mayor's father is who and hiding where at the moment ?:huh:

My thoughts exactly. Talk about Lion's Den.

The scene in 'No Country For Old Men' when the mother and daughter take the taxi ride from the airport after confiding in outwardly looking respectable yet murderous Mexican killers, just where they are headed, leads to their death. Hello Mr Mayor I'm not happy ....................... believe me Mr Mayor has a way of putting you out of your suffering.

The Pattaya Mayor is temporarily shamed into action. He is not informed into doing something for as a gangster he knows of every crime allowed, condoned or perpetrated on his behalf in his City. Pattaya is run by criminals for the benefit of criminals. The Russian Mafia simply launder their dirty money there. Pattaya and its criminal families has not evolved into anything respectable or law abiding. But rather it has wrested power and been ignored, condoned almost approved of by Bangkok and subsequent governments who are simply 'bought off'. They remain criminals and yet have the delegated powers to administer budgets [into their own pockets.]

Therefore, pasting clips on Facebook and actually attempting to tackle the problem in a fug of internet publicity is highly dangerous to your health. It is pointing the finger at known killers and embarrassing them. Now if the country itself is not prepared to apply the law and lock them up - for crimes much more serious than scamming tourists - then the actions of any ex-pat are dangerously foolish.

They don't take prisoners and they shoot more than horses.

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I wouldnt fancy being in Mr Bulls shoes if the jet ski mafia get hold of his address.

so sad but very true

On the contrary, i think he is untouchable for the moment. If anything was to happen to him it would really bring the attention of international community.

Thats not to say that after it all blows over and forgotten he is not to start having some kind of trouble

Very true! He is after all member of thai visa under name of scubabuddha. Hat off to him.

I seriously doubt it unless TV member mentioned above magically can get from Pattaya to a Southern Thai province at the snap of his/her fingers. I know the member in question and I've never seen this member to be able to get from province to province faster than a jet plane. What do you know new member novak that the rest of us don't know? I'm sure both of your posts say the same thing, so why did you sign up to spread this (mis)information?

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... interesting ... online vigilantism.

... at long last, citizens serving-up extra-judicial justice where the contemptable, interminably incompetent and corrupt ROYAL Thai Police and courts are unwilling.

... over the last decade, a similar social revolution occurred in Korea (uh, the 'South' one), the most Internet connected nation on earth ... citizens armed with digital cameras and an uncensored Internet documented and published offical corruptions, in the act ... very embarrassing ... a private army of citizens dedicated to fighting official corruption led public officials to finally yield to the public will.

... embarrassment ... now that is an immensely powerful disincentive for Thais ... culturally, Thais can't handle facing the harsh cold adult truth of who they are and what they do ... a remarkably child-like quality in Thai adults, it is a deeply ensconsed cultural value of Thailand.

... a motivated tech-savvy vigilante can effectively use the power of "name and shame" ... the Thai-controlled media and Internet would be difficult to circumvent, but publishing the story of Thailand's REAL cultural values on web sites which are target-rich with foreign tourists and tour operators would be beyond Thai officials reaches ... now, Thailand might not have the same quality of cultural values shared by more progressive nations, but a small number of motivated "online vigilates" (Thai and farang) could coordinate a campaign to make a meaningful impact.

... over time, Thai authorities will get the painful message ... foreigners are starting to understand the Thai math ... corruption + scams = Thailand.

... and, that all Thais (crooked Thais and public officials) now see an 'open season' on farang ... tourists (and we farang residents) are now viewed as sitting ducks ... I no longer feel the security I once enjoyed here ... I walk gingerly around police ... walking down the street, I find my early warning radar system activated by anyone looking the least bit out of character approaching ... I didn't feel this way 10 years ago.

... if this is the anarchy predicted when the Internet was first opened for public use, then let's make the most of it.

I seem to remember a journalist started a populist anti-orruption campaign in Thailand - it called for a day of refusal to pay bribes to the police.....I think she is dead now?

As for the internet - and other social communication networks - well the Thai govt has spent a lot of time and effort to strangle these, knowing how they can be used by the population against a corrupt governing elite - see various countries over the last few years.

... I am unaware of the dead woman who attempted an anti-corruption campaign here ... of course, the advantage of modern technology is the anonymity it affords online vigilantes.

... and, of course you are right ... the corrupt Thai system and way of life will attempt to preserve itself by censoring the Internet and trying to control the message ... that's why online vigilantes would take the battle away from the corrupt Thai enemies backyard and wage it on ground unfriendly to corrupt Thai officialdom ... uncensored foreign web sites ... the battle might be invisible to those living here in Thailand, but it would certainly be visible to the rest of the world.

... imagine crashing the big international tourist trade shows with a CORRUPT THAILAND online campaign ... the growing sense of corporate social responsibility could influence large trade operators to re-consider their endorsement of Thailand as a place in which to send their customers -- into harm's way.

... Thai officials appear incapable or unwilling to stop the interminable corruption from corroding the very souls of this nation ... I don't know, maybe foreigners could fight for the oppressed Thais who confront overwhelming odds and are incapable of waging the battle for their nation's soul.

... and if not, maybe Thais are getting exactly what they deserve ... after all, representative government does succeed in giving power to people who do on balance reflect the values of the majority of the people they represent.

Who owns the domain name CORRUPT THAILAND dotcom ? Could be a nice little earner for a website. Guaranteed hits....

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How has anyone won the first round of anything , its round 1,985, scammers 1,985 and the jet ski renters 0. the mayor has promised action. right, hold your breath. It will be quiet for an hour or two, then business as usual. TIT, crack downs are for show ,nothing will change. Too much cash for too many people.

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From what I hear the Russian mob has taken over most of the Pattaya operations. They have decimated alot of the smaller operations run by tow bit Thai thugs. Hooray for them. Is this true? If so, can they be appealed to, to get rid of the Thai operators? Do they care? Any thoughts on this?

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