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GCC troops arrive to Bahrain following weeks of protests


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Ahh I see it now. Only Arabs that are openly hostile to the west are good arabs. Arabs that try to modernize, albeit at a pace respectful of their local customs, and that do not resort to rhetoric that involves comparing other nations to satan or the uttering of psychotic threats involving wiping countries off the earth are "bad". Good Arabs worthy of support and praise have hostile political regimes and embark on crazy wars as was the case with Ghaddaffi and the now very dead Hussein of Iraq. There are many faults associated with the Bahraini leadership, just as there was with Egypt's Mubarek, but at least they didn't start wars with anyone and at least the quality of life improved under their rule. The groups trying to overthrow the Bahrain government have not offered an alternative have they? They just want to be in charge and be rid of the Sunnis. Thing is, The Sunnis are a major part of the Arab world and have no use for Shiites. Who do you think a Sunni nation like Turkey or Syria is going to side with, even though they make kissie kissie sounds with Iran?

The concept applies to all Muslims not just Arabs. Indeed Muslims who embrace secular values and coexist within a democracy aare bad Muslims. Those who try to modernise or adapt their faith to modern science are to be silenced with death threats.


A British imam and scientist who tried making a point about the theory of evolution being compatible with Islam was forced to retract his comments because of death threats, reports the Independent. Dr. Usama Hasan, a physicist and fellow at the Royal Astronomical Society, was told by police to avoid an East London mosque, after delivering a lecture there earlier this year about how Islam and the theory of evolution were compatible. "I seek Allah's forgiveness for my mistakes and apologize for any offense caused," wrote Hasan in a statement.

Hasan's lecture—which reflected a common opinion among Muslim scientists—was interrupted by extremists, who shouted and handed out pamphlets titled "Darwin is blasphemy." "One man came up to me during the lecture and said 'You are an apostate and should be killed'," Dr Hasan said. "I want to go back – I've been going to the mosque for 25 years. It is my favorite mosque in London, and I have been active in the community for a long time. I hope my positive contribution will outweigh their feelings towards me." But the mosque dismissed Hasan from his duties there last week, saying his views were a "source of antagonism in the Muslim community."


On the other hand a Muslim who preaches antisemitism and incites violence directed towards his host Country and conspires with terrorists is a good Muslim who is to be given the right to free speech and live on state benefits.

The cringing gutless self-hating left wing lunatics would have things this way and Sharia law imposed in any area of any land where Muslims (of all viewpoints) form a majority. Evidently they would like such areas to apply strict Sharia law so the local populace could benefit from public stonings, floggings and beheadings.

Well you retarded lunatics, go and live in a fundamentalist Islamic state if you want but don't co-opt in the rest of us. :realangry:

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On the other hand a Muslim who preaches antisemitism and incites violence directed towards his host Country and conspires with terrorists is a good Muslim who is to be given the right to free speech and live on state benefits.

The cringing gutless self-hating left wing lunatics would have things this way...

THAT we agree on. :(

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Laopao your comments ring hollow and they demonstrate a profound disregard for the legitimacy of local governments. They are also condescending in that you have decided that a violent group of protestors intent on overthrowing the current legally recognized government are acting in an acceptable manner. As such, you are the only one sitting in judgement.

In the absence of a hostile act or a history of state sponsored serious crime, a government cannot simply be violently overthrown because the Laopao deems it appropriate. I do not like the Saudi government, but it is legal and legitimate as far as international law goes. The same applies to the Bahrain government. Until the protests started, there were no condemnations at the UN were there? Which countries raised complaints against Bahrain? Did Turkey make complaints? Did Algeria, India, Pakistan, Russia or China? Who has Bahrain attacked or threatened? What crimes against humanity did Bahrain undertake? Are there prison camps as in Cuba? Is the oppression worse than in Venzuala or most African nations that are feted at the UN? Are there state sponsored quasi slave labour factories as is the case in your beloved China? Are there executed prisoners with their organs harvested as is the case in China and North Korea? Do the poor sell their body parts as is done in India? And yet here you and others are to to scream at the world that this peaceful, harmless small city state must see everything that it has built destroyed by angry mobs running amuck.

The fact that there rulng group in the country is a "minority" means nothing, particularly if they have embarked on a non violent path to progress. Mobs ran about in Bosnia killing people. That mob was in the majority in the region. Did it mean that the mob was justified in its actions?

Its wonderful that you have pronounced on the horrific tragedy in Japan. Unfortunately, it has no bearing on the current political crisis in Bahrain. BTW, I don't hear any of the residents in Okinawa complaining about the presence of US troops in Japan anymore, do you? The Bahrain government has demonstrated strength and resolve as it is confronted by wild violent mobs in the street. It has every legal right to call upon friends in a time of need. The presence of the Gulf state forces is intended to preserve life, to prevent violence and to protect the infrastructure of a country. No one wants to see violence and the entry of strategic allies serves to prevent a confrontation and to maintain civil society. You may not approve, but fortunately, people like you are not running things in the modern world. Tough times require tough decisions and the Gulf region cannot afford anymore civil unrest, nor can the rest of the world. Too many countries and economies are interdependent.

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Laopao your comments ring hollow and they demonstrate a profound disregard for the legitimacy of local governments. They are also condescending in that you have decided that a violent group of protestors intent on overthrowing the current legally recognized government are acting in an acceptable manner. As such, you are the only one sitting in judgement.

In the absence of a hostile act or a history of state sponsored serious crime, a government cannot simply be violently overthrown because the Laopao deems it appropriate. I do not like the Saudi government, but it is legal and legitimate as far as international law goes. The same applies to the Bahrain government. Until the protests started, there were no condemnations at the UN were there? Which countries raised complaints against Bahrain? Did Turkey make complaints? Did Algeria, India, Pakistan, Russia or China? Who has Bahrain attacked or threatened? What crimes against humanity did Bahrain undertake? Are there prison camps as in Cuba? Is the oppression worse than in Venzuala or most African nations that are feted at the UN? Are there state sponsored quasi slave labour factories as is the case in your beloved China? Are there executed prisoners with their organs harvested as is the case in China and North Korea? Do the poor sell their body parts as is done in India? And yet here you and others are to to scream at the world that this peaceful, harmless small city state must see everything that it has built destroyed by angry mobs running amuck.

The fact that there rulng group in the country is a "minority" means nothing, particularly if they have embarked on a non violent path to progress. Mobs ran about in Bosnia killing people. That mob was in the majority in the region. Did it mean that the mob was justified in its actions?

Its wonderful that you have pronounced on the horrific tragedy in Japan. Unfortunately, it has no bearing on the current political crisis in Bahrain. BTW, I don't hear any of the residents in Okinawa complaining about the presence of US troops in Japan anymore, do you? The Bahrain government has demonstrated strength and resolve as it is confronted by wild violent mobs in the street. It has every legal right to call upon friends in a time of need. The presence of the Gulf state forces is intended to preserve life, to prevent violence and to protect the infrastructure of a country. No one wants to see violence and the entry of strategic allies serves to prevent a confrontation and to maintain civil society. You may not approve, but fortunately, people like you are not running things in the modern world. Tough times require tough decisions and the Gulf region cannot afford anymore civil unrest, nor can the rest of the world. Too many countries and economies are interdependent.

... and the people in Bahrain continue to protest.

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The people of Bahrain, Libya and whereever else have the right to self determination without interference form outside their borders.

The leadership of Bahrain are doing exactly the same as Gaddafi except with the direct assistance of foreign armies in repressing their own people. Both leaderships deserve condemnation and the peoples of both countries moral support. The UN should be discussing Bahrain as it is Libya.

It is amazing how many westerners seem to think denying the rights that they as westerners take forgranted to other people is acceptable and using ridiculous argeuments to support such statements.

You either believe in human rights, freedom, democracy and self determination or you dont. There arent some kind of special rights for us that shouldnt exist for others

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The people of Bahrain, Libya and whereever else have the right to self determination without interference form outside their borders.

The leadership of Bahrain are doing exactly the same as Gaddafi except with the direct assistance of foreign armies in repressing their own people. Both leaderships deserve condemnation and the peoples of both countries moral support. The UN should be discussing Bahrain as it is Libya.

It is amazing how many westerners seem to think denying the rights that they as westerners take forgranted to other people is acceptable and using ridiculous argeuments to support such statements.

You either believe in human rights, freedom, democracy and self determination or you dont. There arent some kind of special rights for us that shouldnt exist for others

How many times does it need to be spelled out. Sharia law is incompatable with democracy, as are human rights, such as a women's right to an education or to travel unimpeded, or the basic right to adopt whatever faith (or no faith) you desire. Your argument is a complete non-sequitur unless you want to achieve equality by taking away the rights of those who have then to bring everyone down to the same level of repression. You are also assuming that those protesting even represent a majority oppinion, there may be many shiites living in Bahrain who are happy enough but dare not voice this view for fear of intimidation or violence from the Islamo-fascists.

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Bahrain has been and still is one of the better run countries in the Middle East. Iran needs to leave it alone...but they won't.

Saudi Arabia has to leave it alone (and the US probably have to leave, would be good for a laugh)

The people don't protest to become some radical Islam ayatollah satellite state and oppressed again. thats BS and doesn't explains their uprising.

I doubt it's their intention, but that doesn't mean it won't work out that way, look at what happened to Iran in 1979.

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The people of Bahrain, Libya and whereever else have the right to self determination without interference form outside their borders.

The leadership of Bahrain are doing exactly the same as Gaddafi except with the direct assistance of foreign armies in repressing their own people. Both leaderships deserve condemnation and the peoples of both countries moral support. The UN should be discussing Bahrain as it is Libya.

It is amazing how many westerners seem to think denying the rights that they as westerners take forgranted to other people is acceptable and using ridiculous argeuments to support such statements.

You either believe in human rights, freedom, democracy and self determination or you dont. There arent some kind of special rights for us that shouldnt exist for others

Did the people living in Bosnia have the same right when they launched their genocide?

Gaddaffi is using mercenaries from Africa. Bahrain has activated its joint aid agreement. How can you even compare the two countries? Did Bahrain launch air strikes on its people? Did the government machine gun its people as in Libya? Bahrain is trying to implement reforms. You can't have the kind of change demanded overnight. It's impossible. If the legitimate government falls there will be chaos and anarchy which is precisely what Iran wants.

Not one person in here urging a go slow approach on Bahrain is advocating a denial of basic human rights. It's wonderful that you want to push an agenda of human rights and freedom. How come you aren't asking your friends in Gaza to respect that demand?

Your statement is hypcritical. Here you are waving your finger about the failings of human rights and then you pronounce on democracy as if it is the only acceptable form of government. Some tribal societies function fairly. Need an examle? Look at some of the indigeneous people in North America and the South Pacific where there is a matriarchalcontrol of government based upon cultural beliefs. For example the Iroquois nation Mohawks have been relying on various clans such as the Turtle, Bear etc. to run their society. Who are you to say that they need democracy? I may be a supporter ofdemocracy, and you might be too, but that doesn't mean it is a one size fits all form of government. Many Arab and African nations are based upon tribal heritage. Gadaffi is an example of that. The current president of South Africa is a Zulu, and the Zulus did quite nicely, didn't they?

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The people of Bahrain, Libya and whereever else have the right to self determination without interference form outside their borders.

The leadership of Bahrain are doing exactly the same as Gaddafi except with the direct assistance of foreign armies in repressing their own people. Both leaderships deserve condemnation and the peoples of both countries moral support. The UN should be discussing Bahrain as it is Libya.

It is amazing how many westerners seem to think denying the rights that they as westerners take forgranted to other people is acceptable and using ridiculous argeuments to support such statements.

You either believe in human rights, freedom, democracy and self determination or you dont. There arent some kind of special rights for us that shouldnt exist for others

Did the people living in Bosnia have the same right when they launched their genocide?

Gaddaffi is using mercenaries from Africa. Bahrain has activated its joint aid agreement. How can you even compare the two countries? Did Bahrain launch air strikes on its people? Did the government machine gun its people as in Libya? Bahrain is trying to implement reforms. You can't have the kind of change demanded overnight. It's impossible. If the legitimate government falls there will be chaos and anarchy which is precisely what Iran wants.

Not one person in here urging a go slow approach on Bahrain is advocating a denial of basic human rights. It's wonderful that you want to push an agenda of human rights and freedom. How come you aren't asking your friends in Gaza to respect that demand?

Your statement is hypcritical. Here you are waving your finger about the failings of human rights and then you pronounce on democracy as if it is the only acceptable form of government. Some tribal societies function fairly. Need an examle? Look at some of the indigeneous people in North America and the South Pacific where there is a matriarchalcontrol of government based upon cultural beliefs. For example the Iroquois nation Mohawks have been relying on various clans such as the Turtle, Bear etc. to run their society. Who are you to say that they need democracy? I may be a supporter ofdemocracy, and you might be too, but that doesn't mean it is a one size fits all form of government. Many Arab and African nations are based upon tribal heritage. Gadaffi is an example of that. The current president of South Africa is a Zulu, and the Zulus did quite nicely, didn't they?

I think you fail to understand what I am saying.

I support the peoples of every country worldwide to have the rights I have or more whether that country be Bahrain, Libya, Mongolia, Israel, Iran, Gaza (which isnt a country), Italy, Kazakhstan etc. Part of that is current rulers accepting the demands of its people to the level where the people are happy. In neither Libya nor Bahrain is that being done. And to be quite frank the demand in Bahrain for the PM to be fired and elections based on OMOV could be acceded to quite quickly and easily and without any disruption. The diruption is caused by the attack on the people protesting peacefully. That having truly democratic elections in Bahrain would result in the likely election of a Shia party to power is a fact but one that is umimportant to me as the right to make that decision is up to the people of Bahrain just as people in my country can elect whoever they want without considering what someone from another country thinks. I would make exactly the same arguement for any other country in the world and idf they want to elect a right,left, christian, jewish, islamic, liberal or whatever government then that is their choice and their choice only. That is what democracy and self determination are about.

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The people of Bahrain, Libya and whereever else have the right to self determination without interference form outside their borders.

The leadership of Bahrain are doing exactly the same as Gaddafi except with the direct assistance of foreign armies in repressing their own people. Both leaderships deserve condemnation and the peoples of both countries moral support. The UN should be discussing Bahrain as it is Libya.

It is amazing how many westerners seem to think denying the rights that they as westerners take forgranted to other people is acceptable and using ridiculous argeuments to support such statements.

You either believe in human rights, freedom, democracy and self determination or you dont. There arent some kind of special rights for us that shouldnt exist for others

Did the people living in Bosnia have the same right when they launched their genocide?

Gaddaffi is using mercenaries from Africa. Bahrain has activated its joint aid agreement. How can you even compare the two countries? Did Bahrain launch air strikes on its people? Did the government machine gun its people as in Libya? Bahrain is trying to implement reforms. You can't have the kind of change demanded overnight. It's impossible. If the legitimate government falls there will be chaos and anarchy which is precisely what Iran wants.

Not one person in here urging a go slow approach on Bahrain is advocating a denial of basic human rights. It's wonderful that you want to push an agenda of human rights and freedom. How come you aren't asking your friends in Gaza to respect that demand?

Your statement is hypcritical. Here you are waving your finger about the failings of human rights and then you pronounce on democracy as if it is the only acceptable form of government. Some tribal societies function fairly. Need an examle? Look at some of the indigeneous people in North America and the South Pacific where there is a matriarchalcontrol of government based upon cultural beliefs. For example the Iroquois nation Mohawks have been relying on various clans such as the Turtle, Bear etc. to run their society. Who are you to say that they need democracy? I may be a supporter ofdemocracy, and you might be too, but that doesn't mean it is a one size fits all form of government. Many Arab and African nations are based upon tribal heritage. Gadaffi is an example of that. The current president of South Africa is a Zulu, and the Zulus did quite nicely, didn't they?


One might think you are making the hypocritical statements here.

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The people of Bahrain, Libya and whereever else have the right to self determination without interference form outside their borders.

The leadership of Bahrain are doing exactly the same as Gaddafi except with the direct assistance of foreign armies in repressing their own people. Both leaderships deserve condemnation and the peoples of both countries moral support. The UN should be discussing Bahrain as it is Libya.

It is amazing how many westerners seem to think denying the rights that they as westerners take forgranted to other people is acceptable and using ridiculous argeuments to support such statements.

You either believe in human rights, freedom, democracy and self determination or you dont. There arent some kind of special rights for us that shouldnt exist for others

Did the people living in Bosnia have the same right when they launched their genocide?

Gaddaffi is using mercenaries from Africa. Bahrain has activated its joint aid agreement. How can you even compare the two countries? Did Bahrain launch air strikes on its people? Did the government machine gun its people as in Libya? Bahrain is trying to implement reforms. You can't have the kind of change demanded overnight. It's impossible. If the legitimate government falls there will be chaos and anarchy which is precisely what Iran wants.

Not one person in here urging a go slow approach on Bahrain is advocating a denial of basic human rights. It's wonderful that you want to push an agenda of human rights and freedom. How come you aren't asking your friends in Gaza to respect that demand?

Your statement is hypcritical. Here you are waving your finger about the failings of human rights and then you pronounce on democracy as if it is the only acceptable form of government. Some tribal societies function fairly. Need an examle? Look at some of the indigeneous people in North America and the South Pacific where there is a matriarchalcontrol of government based upon cultural beliefs. For example the Iroquois nation Mohawks have been relying on various clans such as the Turtle, Bear etc. to run their society. Who are you to say that they need democracy? I may be a supporter ofdemocracy, and you might be too, but that doesn't mean it is a one size fits all form of government. Many Arab and African nations are based upon tribal heritage. Gadaffi is an example of that. The current president of South Africa is a Zulu, and the Zulus did quite nicely, didn't they?


One might think you are making the hypocritical statements here.

In your case, one might be absolutely, positively sure. ;)

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The people of Bahrain, Libya and whereever else have the right to self determination without interference form outside their borders.

The leadership of Bahrain are doing exactly the same as Gaddafi except with the direct assistance of foreign armies in repressing their own people. Both leaderships deserve condemnation and the peoples of both countries moral support. The UN should be discussing Bahrain as it is Libya.

It is amazing how many westerners seem to think denying the rights that they as westerners take forgranted to other people is acceptable and using ridiculous argeuments to support such statements.

You either believe in human rights, freedom, democracy and self determination or you dont. There arent some kind of special rights for us that shouldnt exist for others

Just a couple of comments...

1. How do you know the people being repressed, in your words, are Bahrani's? How do you know they are not agitators that have come over from Iran to stoke the fires of revolution in an attempt to overthrow the legal Constitutional Monarchy?

2. Assuming you are a westerner, what do you think the reaction would be if the people of the US, UK, Australia, et al, were to protest in their capitol city, virtually closing down all commercial activities? Do you think the police might become involved in dispersing the demonstrators and restoring freedom to all those not protesting?

3. Talking about freedom, let's look at that. I don't know how many are currently protesting so let's say there are 30,000 currently active. The population of Bahrain is 1.234 million, including all residents. Now if you take out the 30,000 demonstrators, that would mean there are 1.204 million people currently being denied their fundamental rights by these protests. In other words, approximately 97.5% of the people currently have no rights.

Are you OK with that?

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The people of Bahrain, Libya and whereever else have the right to self determination without interference form outside their borders.

The leadership of Bahrain are doing exactly the same as Gaddafi except with the direct assistance of foreign armies in repressing their own people. Both leaderships deserve condemnation and the peoples of both countries moral support. The UN should be discussing Bahrain as it is Libya.

It is amazing how many westerners seem to think denying the rights that they as westerners take forgranted to other people is acceptable and using ridiculous argeuments to support such statements.

You either believe in human rights, freedom, democracy and self determination or you dont. There arent some kind of special rights for us that shouldnt exist for others

Just a couple of comments...

1. How do you know the people being repressed, in your words, are Bahrani's? How do you know they are not agitators that have come over from Iran to stoke the fires of revolution in an attempt to overthrow the legal Constitutional Monarchy?

2. Assuming you are a westerner, what do you think the reaction would be if the people of the US, UK, Australia, et al, were to protest in their capitol city, virtually closing down all commercial activities? Do you think the police might become involved in dispersing the demonstrators and restoring freedom to all those not protesting?

3. Talking about freedom, let's look at that. I don't know how many are currently protesting so let's say there are 30,000 currently active. The population of Bahrain is 1.234 million, including all residents. Now if you take out the 30,000 demonstrators, that would mean there are 1.204 million people currently being denied their fundamental rights by these protests. In other words, approximately 97.5% of the people currently have no rights.

Are you OK with that?

55555. Are you joking?

Didn't they revolt against the monarchy in the USA a couple of years ago?

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The people of Bahrain, Libya and whereever else have the right to self determination without interference form outside their borders.

The leadership of Bahrain are doing exactly the same as Gaddafi except with the direct assistance of foreign armies in repressing their own people. Both leaderships deserve condemnation and the peoples of both countries moral support. The UN should be discussing Bahrain as it is Libya.

It is amazing how many westerners seem to think denying the rights that they as westerners take forgranted to other people is acceptable and using ridiculous argeuments to support such statements.

You either believe in human rights, freedom, democracy and self determination or you dont. There arent some kind of special rights for us that shouldnt exist for others

Just a couple of comments...

1. How do you know the people being repressed, in your words, are Bahrani's? How do you know they are not agitators that have come over from Iran to stoke the fires of revolution in an attempt to overthrow the legal Constitutional Monarchy?

2. Assuming you are a westerner, what do you think the reaction would be if the people of the US, UK, Australia, et al, were to protest in their capitol city, virtually closing down all commercial activities? Do you think the police might become involved in dispersing the demonstrators and restoring freedom to all those not protesting?

3. Talking about freedom, let's look at that. I don't know how many are currently protesting so let's say there are 30,000 currently active. The population of Bahrain is 1.234 million, including all residents. Now if you take out the 30,000 demonstrators, that would mean there are 1.204 million people currently being denied their fundamental rights by these protests. In other words, approximately 97.5% of the people currently have no rights.

Are you OK with that?

55555. Are you joking?

Didn't they revolt against the monarchy in the USA a couple of years ago?

Actually we just had one last November if you want to look at it that way.

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The people of Bahrain, Libya and whereever else have the right to self determination without interference form outside their borders.

The leadership of Bahrain are doing exactly the same as Gaddafi except with the direct assistance of foreign armies in repressing their own people. Both leaderships deserve condemnation and the peoples of both countries moral support. The UN should be discussing Bahrain as it is Libya.

It is amazing how many westerners seem to think denying the rights that they as westerners take forgranted to other people is acceptable and using ridiculous argeuments to support such statements.

You either believe in human rights, freedom, democracy and self determination or you dont. There arent some kind of special rights for us that shouldnt exist for others

Just a couple of comments...

1. How do you know the people being repressed, in your words, are Bahrani's? How do you know they are not agitators that have come over from Iran to stoke the fires of revolution in an attempt to overthrow the legal Constitutional Monarchy?

2. Assuming you are a westerner, what do you think the reaction would be if the people of the US, UK, Australia, et al, were to protest in their capitol city, virtually closing down all commercial activities? Do you think the police might become involved in dispersing the demonstrators and restoring freedom to all those not protesting?

3. Talking about freedom, let's look at that. I don't know how many are currently protesting so let's say there are 30,000 currently active. The population of Bahrain is 1.234 million, including all residents. Now if you take out the 30,000 demonstrators, that would mean there are 1.204 million people currently being denied their fundamental rights by these protests. In other words, approximately 97.5% of the people currently have no rights.

Are you OK with that?

55555. Are you joking?

Didn't they revolt against the monarchy in the USA a couple of years ago?

Nope. That was a brain fart.

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Has "BO" called for "air strikes" in Libya? This is about as accurate as the rest of your political posts. :rolleyes:

Yes, looks like EnSvenskTiger knew exactly what the US is up to, even if it wasn't official then few days ago. (But unlike you, I cannot say if rest of his political posts are similar accurate, because i don't know all of them)

Authorise Libya air strikes, US urges UN

Washington's ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, says new resolution would authorise aerial bombing of Gaddafi's tanks

Ewen MacAskill in Washington and agencies

guardian.co.uk, Thursday 17 March 2011 07.58 GMT

The US is pushing the UN to authorise not just a no-fly zone over Libya, but also the use of air strikes to stop the advance of forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi.

Washington's ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, said on Wednesday that a no-fly zone would have only a limited use, and that the Obama administration was working "very hard" to pass a new resolution, which would authorise the use of aerial bombing of Libyan tanks and heavy artillery.



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Has "BO" called for "air strikes" in Libya? This is about as accurate as the rest of your political posts. :rolleyes:

Yes, looks like EnSvenskTiger knew exactly what the US is up to, even if it wasn't official then few days ago. (But unlike you, I cannot say if rest of his political posts are similar accurate, because i don't know all of them)

Authorise Libya air strikes, US urges UN

Washington's ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, says new resolution would authorise aerial bombing of Gaddafi's tanks

Ewen MacAskill in Washington and agencies

guardian.co.uk, Thursday 17 March 2011 07.58 GMT

The US is pushing the UN to authorise not just a no-fly zone over Libya, but also the use of air strikes to stop the advance of forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi.

Washington's ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, said on Wednesday that a no-fly zone would have only a limited use, and that the Obama administration was working "very hard" to pass a new resolution, which would authorise the use of aerial bombing of Libyan tanks and heavy artillery.



WOW. The silence is deafening. :lol:

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WOW. The silence is deafening. :lol:

The situation has changed in Libya. The Arab League has requested the no fly zone and several countries in the region have pressured the west to do something. The fact is that the US is going about it the right way, by seeking a legal basis to act. All this time, Gaddaffi has been killing his population. The US would prefer to be left out of this since. What we are seeing is public displays to calm and satisfy the EU and the Arab League.

And now back to Bahrain. The US has ripped into the Bahrain government for the violence. At least the USA has been consistent. Instead of pointing fingers at the USA, go after the EU which is in large part responsible for the mess in Libya and in Bahrain because of its Chamberlain like approach to Iran.

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Has "BO" called for "air strikes" in Libya? This is about as accurate as the rest of your political posts. :rolleyes:

Yes, looks like EnSvenskTiger knew exactly what the US is up to, even if it wasn't official then few days ago. (But unlike you, I cannot say if rest of his political posts are similar accurate, because i don't know all of them)

Authorise Libya air strikes, US urges UN

Washington's ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, says new resolution would authorise aerial bombing of Gaddafi's tanks

Ewen MacAskill in Washington and agencies

guardian.co.uk, Thursday 17 March 2011 07.58 GMT

The US is pushing the UN to authorise not just a no-fly zone over Libya, but also the use of air strikes to stop the advance of forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi.

Washington's ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, said on Wednesday that a no-fly zone would have only a limited use, and that the Obama administration was working "very hard" to pass a new resolution, which would authorise the use of aerial bombing of Libyan tanks and heavy artillery.



WOW. The silence is deafening. :lol:

Don't get used to it.

Obama was silent until it was time not to be, and it was too late to take any real action. Everything the guy does is political and this is only political rhetoric. He has no intention of instituting air strikes and never has had.

If he authorizes any sort of air strike on Libya, it will be the biggest turnaround in the history of American politics...particularly since it is coming from a Nobel Peace Prize winner that should not have been one.

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Laopao your comments ring hollow and they demonstrate a profound disregard for the legitimacy of local governments. They are also condescending in that you have decided that a violent group of protestors intent on overthrowing the current legally recognized government are acting in an acceptable manner. As such, you are the only one sitting in judgement.

Well, I stopped reading after the first part since you refrain from answering questions.

Next to that you speak of a violent group of protestors intending to overthrow the government/kingdom.

As far as I know, see and read there are protesters who ask for a better life, not intending to necessarily overthrow the government and/or remove the King, in place..

Apart from that, the governments of Tunisia, Egypt and many more are/were also internationally recognized governments.

Does that mean that oppressive governments are to be accepted?



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Some of them. The citizens of Iran would like to protest, but would be crushed.

:blink:..some of them?

Tell me UG, didn't you see the images on television?..if you did not, have a look at YouTube and search for Bahrain shooting.

Speaking about crushed...:(



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You are being simplistic. If democracy produces a hostile fascist dictatorship the citizens do not deserve self determination.

I just can't believe you said this....unbelievable :o



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Next to that you speak of a violent group of protestors intending to overthrow the government/kingdom.

As far as I know, see and read there are protesters who ask for a better life, not intending to necessarily overthrow the government and/or remove the King, in place..

Nonsense, they have demanded that the royal family step down.

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You are being simplistic. If democracy produces a hostile fascist dictatorship the citizens do not deserve self determination.

I just can't believe you said this....unbelievable

Adolf Hitler was democratically elected and went on to murder millions. No one has the "right" to do this to the rest of the world.

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I just think that if the African Union and the Arab League want to intervine in the Libyan crisis then get a UN charter and go ahead and do so themselves.

The problem is we still don't f&*#ing get it. The majority of Arabs do NOT want Western powers meddling in the Middle East. Be it Bahrain, Libya, Egypt or anywhere else.And I am talking about the people. Not the puppet regimes that are asking for interention. This is the very core of Al qaeda's and all other terrorists reason for 'Jihad' against the West. IMO We need to stay out of it. Gaddafi is a very unsavoury character indeed but he must still have a mandate in Libya otherwise the rebellion would have been successful by now. WITHOUT external assistance.E,G The people of Libya are speaking. And at the moment the majority seems to be with Gaddafi.

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You are being simplistic. If democracy produces a hostile fascist dictatorship the citizens do not deserve self determination.

I just can't believe you said this....unbelievable

Adolf Hitler was democratically elected and went on to murder millions. No one has the "right" to do this to the rest of the world.

Oh, but I fully agree with you about THAT.

I was speaking about the rest of your sentence: ".....the citizens do not deserve self determination" but maybe you are not quite familiar about the "democratic" process in the '20's and '30's and finally WWII of last century when the NAZIS went door to door, spreading Hitler's "democracy" :ph34r:

Therefore your quote that the (German) citizens do (did) not deserve self determination is contemptible, since there was no option, no choice in these bitter days as to accept a possible new future; unfortunately NOBODY but Hitler and his circle knew what was coming.

To tell here that the citizens did not deserve self determination is contemptible :bah:

But, I know, it's so easy to judge about a population in a time that nobody had enough money, nor enough food...no television, no cars, fully controlled press, no internet, no computers, just radio, controlled by the NAZIS.

"...citizens do not deserve self determination"...:ph34r:



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