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Free Condoms


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I have seen NGO'S go lady bar to lady bar and pass out free a couple gross (144 each) of condoms to the girls along with having a talk about safe sex. The girls would keep the condoms on the premises to have access.The condoms were not passed out to customers.:ermm:

that makes sense and is to be encouraged - but... with all due respect to Winnie... it might not help the farang reputation for being a little stingy on occasion?

Him: 'oh hang on darling I've got to pull on this Thai condom - it won't seem to go on'

Her: 'have you shrunk teerak?'

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a box of a couple hundred? really....how on earth can you screw this much? sounds like someone is very CHEAP and trolling

here is my theory: either its alot of back door gay sex (Seinfeld: "not that there is anything wrong with that") but not my cup of tea or you are hitting alot of bar girls and thus is the cost of the condum really expensive when you are already paying to get laid?

or your are one slutty gal I hope to never meet

Woosh.. another brain into overdrive. ;) Who said anything about bargirls; I'm happily married. ( VERY happily. :thumbsup: )

Guys, I'm done being on the defensive on this. Feel free to spend 40-60 baht for a 3 pack of Durex or whatever imported brand floats your boat. I'll report back when my supply chain research completes.

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a box of a couple hundred? really....how on earth can you screw this much? sounds like someone is very CHEAP and trolling

here is my theory: either its alot of back door gay sex (Seinfeld: "not that there is anything wrong with that") but not my cup of tea or you are hitting alot of bar girls and thus is the cost of the condum really expensive when you are already paying to get laid?

or your are one slutty gal I hope to never meet

Woosh.. another brain into overdrive. ;) Who said anything about bargirls; I'm happily married. ( VERY happily. :thumbsup: )

Guys, I'm done being on the defensive on this. Feel free to spend 40-60 baht for a 3 pack of Durex or whatever imported brand floats your boat. I'll report back when my supply chain research completes.

OK then, so what point are you trying to make with this thread?

I must also be a thicko, because I`m confused. Have been for most of my life, but especially with this thread.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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a box of a couple hundred? really....how on earth can you screw this much? sounds like someone is very CHEAP and trolling

here is my theory: either its alot of back door gay sex (Seinfeld: "not that there is anything wrong with that") but not my cup of tea or you are hitting alot of bar girls and thus is the cost of the condum really expensive when you are already paying to get laid?

or your are one slutty gal I hope to never meet

Woosh.. another brain into overdrive. ;) Who said anything about bargirls; I'm happily married. ( VERY happily. :thumbsup: )

Guys, I'm done being on the defensive on this. Feel free to spend 40-60 baht for a 3 pack of Durex or whatever imported brand floats your boat. I'll report back when my supply chain research completes.

OK then, so what point are you trying to make with this thread?

I must also be a thicko, because I`m confused. Have been for most of my life, but especially with this thread.

It's not a point I'm making, it's a question. (Refer to the Original Post) That nobody knows the answer to, apparenlty.

There are some conditions and situations that make birth control pills less suitable. So going back to ancient methods like condoms is the ticket for people who feel they've made enough babies.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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So... Winnie, if you crunch numbers.... and buy a Makro gross for, say, 1400B, that's about 10B ea. You can't complain about that can you ? And if, at your age you average 1go/day, that's gonna last you about 3 mo's. Even if you had an avid 2x/day, that's still quite a good span of time and efficient use of your money. Not an exact answer to your reply, but that Mestizo character had a point about where to squeeze the extra baht from. One large beer is then the equivalent of about 7 hardhats. One Farang meal is..blah blah blah.. we all just have to prioritize, I suppose.

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a box of a couple hundred? really....how on earth can you screw this much? sounds like someone is very CHEAP and trolling

here is my theory: either its alot of back door gay sex (Seinfeld: "not that there is anything wrong with that") but not my cup of tea or you are hitting alot of bar girls and thus is the cost of the condum really expensive when you are already paying to get laid?

or your are one slutty gal I hope to never meet

Woosh.. another brain into overdrive. ;) Who said anything about bargirls; I'm happily married. ( VERY happily. :thumbsup: )

Guys, I'm done being on the defensive on this. Feel free to spend 40-60 baht for a 3 pack of Durex or whatever imported brand floats your boat. I'll report back when my supply chain research completes.

OK then, so what point are you trying to make with this thread?

I must also be a thicko, because I`m confused. Have been for most of my life, but especially with this thread.

It's not a point I'm making, it's a question. (Refer to the Original Post) That nobody knows the answer to, apparenlty.

There are some conditions and situations that make birth control pills less suitable. So going back to ancient methods like condoms is the ticket for people who feel they've made enough babies.

Ahh, now I see the light.

Yes, some good points here.

And taking into consideration that of STDs and HIV which as you say; has made birth control pills less suitable or to be exact, completely useless in our modern times.

But of course because of the deadly risks involved we must be sure that our condoms are of top quality and originate from a bona fide well established and trusted manufacturer.

Therefore I believe that the expense is of no relevance when our health or even our lives maybe at risk. I would feel much more confident purchasing a pack of 3 from a branch of Boots the chemist for 60odd baht then from honest Joes warehouse located in a back soi somewhere or using some freebies with a brand name I have never heard of or of dubious origin.

Just another point to mention. Condoms do deteriorate over a period of time, which is why they have sell by dates.

The sooner they are used after purchase, the safer and more efficient will be the product.

Storing too many for long periods will weaken and make more volatile the condom.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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But, generally, those organization that hand 'em out for free don't do it for tight-as-a-duck's-ass sex tourists, but rather for poor working girls who might otherwise not use them.

Not sure about tight sex tourists, but they hand them out to me just fine. :)

But you do realize they're not intended for you? They're not intended for the "I could but I'm too cheap to buy them" crowd. They're for sex workers who would just not use them (you clearly don't want to go this route); or for clueless/poor/too embarrassed teens.

Kudos for not falling for the sex tourist bit. You do seem rather tight though ;)

Now for a only barely related tidbit my first gf (ever) was on birth control... she wasn't into sex very much... towards the inevitable end of that relationship, she went off the pill, and guess what all of a sudden she was transformed into a tigress in the bedroom. So - not a big fan of birth control. What's the point when it removes all the fun? And eating all those hormones can't be healthy either.

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Just another point to mention. Condoms do deteriorate over a period of time, which is why they have sell by dates.

The sooner they are used after purchase, the safer and more efficient will be the product.

Storing too many for long periods will weaken and make more volatile the condom.

That is why I only buy a gross at a time. The price of the condom has never bothered me.

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Just another point to mention. Condoms do deteriorate over a period of time, which is why they have sell by dates.

The sooner they are used after purchase, the safer and more efficient will be the product.

Storing too many for long periods will weaken and make more volatile the condom.

That is why I only buy a gross at a time. The price of the condom has never bothered me.

Only a gross at a time?

I only 2 condoms hidden away under my bed and they passed they`re sell by date months ago.

Listen, you must take me out with you some time in the future, I want a piece of this action. I feel like I`m missing out on all the fun here.

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I've made significant progress yesterday. And I'm happy to report success in sourcing a reasonable quantity, no thanks to anyone here. :P But in the spirit of sharing, I'm donating this information back to the TV community.

Still I need to locate the source, which would be the government health office. There are several. There are also NGOs that redistribute condoms, such as the Empower Foundation.

Empower are located on Chiang Mai Land Road. They help, educate and 'empower' sex workers and seem a REALLY good organization judging from anything I've seen and heard.

I even was successful beyond expectations.. have a look:


Box. Text says: "Join together to use condoms 100% of the time. Prevent sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS."


Isn't that beautiful? It's like a big box of After Eight mints, but better. As to the contents there are two sizes, 49mm and 52mm. The 49mm condoms maybe are usable to protect the cucumbers in my garden, or Songkran water balloons, but not for anything else. So I have to chuck those out. The 52mm ones, while snug, should be very usable by anyone other than geriatrics with almost no blood flow down there. Even just this supply should last me a week or two. (Yes, that's a joke. duh.) Also note someone went the extra mile and added English text to the box! Clearly we are not being left out! These condoms are for all, like the air and the sun!

And.. there was a pleasant surprise... (see below)


See the red packets? That's STRAWBERRY SCENTED LUBRICATION GEL!!!!!!!! I can scarcely contain my excitement to be living in a country where the GOVERNMENT provides it's citizens with unlimited Strawberry Lube!!! Thatss.. like socialism, but done right!! Keep in mind how expensive K.Y. is, or Durex Happy Jelly or whatever that's called!

So anyway: progress. I need to get to the source of this, after trying out the different kinds as there seemed to be two different makes. In all the excitement I didn't get around to an actual field test. B)

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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I've made significant progress yesterday. And I'm happy to report success in sourcing a reasonable quantity, no thanks to anyone here. :P But in the spirit of sharing, I'm donating this information back to the TV community.

Still I need to locate the source, which would be the government health office. There are several. There are also NGOs that redistribute condoms, such as the Empower Foundation.

Empower are located on Chiang Mai Land Road. They help, educate and 'empower' sex workers and seem a REALLY good organization judging from anything I've seen and heard.

I even was successful beyond expectations.. have a look:


Box. Text says: "Join together to use condoms 100% of the time. Prevent sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS."


Isn't that beautiful? It's like a big box of After Eight mints, but better. As to the contents there are two sizes, 49mm and 52mm. The 49mm condoms maybe are usable to protect the cucumbers in my garden, or Songkran water balloons, but not for anything else. So I have to chuck those out. The 52mm ones, while snug, should be very usable by anyone other than geriatrics with almost no blood flow down there. Even just this supply should last me a week or two. (Yes, that's a joke. duh.) Also note someone went the extra mile and added English text to the box! Clearly we are not being left out! These condoms are for all, like the air and the sun!

And.. there was a pleasant surprise... (see below)


See the red packets? That's STRAWBERRY SCENTED LUBRICATION GEL!!!!!!!! I can scarcely contain my excitement to be living in a country where the GOVERNMENT provides it's citizens with unlimited Strawberry Lube!!! Thatss.. like socialism, but done right!! Keep in mind how expensive K.Y. is, or Durex Happy Jelly or whatever that's called!

So anyway: progress. I need to get to the source of this, after trying out the different kinds as there seemed to be two different makes. In all the excitement I didn't get around to an actual field test. B)

Your joy overflows it seems... but 'They help, educate and 'empower' sex workers' you are not one I believe? still not sure of the morality of taking 'free condoms' intended for sex workers etc. for private pleasure - go get the snip! cool.gif

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Your joy overflows it seems... but 'They help, educate and 'empower' sex workers' you are not one I believe? still not sure of the morality of taking 'free condoms' intended for sex workers etc. for private pleasure -

To clarify, Empower redistributes these to sex workers. That doesn't mean that the government (who produces these condoms) intends to issue them ONLY for sex workers. They are part of the incredible success-story that is Thailand's fight against AIDS. The goal is disease prevention; by making them available to as many people as possible, they help reduce aids, other diseases, and unwanted pregnancies/abortions. This includes regular teenagers, young adults and couples as much as sex workers.

You are of course aware that sex tends to involve two or more people, who ALL benefit equally from practising safe sex. Maybe you would have somewhat of a point when both partners are not Thai, but in my case (and I'm sure for most of us) one or more partners will be Thai, and protecting them is very much a stated goal.

It's all very common sense really.

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Your joy overflows it seems... but 'They help, educate and 'empower' sex workers' you are not one I believe? still not sure of the morality of taking 'free condoms' intended for sex workers etc. for private pleasure -

To clarify, Empower redistributes these to sex workers. That doesn't mean that the government (who produces these condoms) intends to issue them ONLY for sex workers. They are part of the incredible success-story that is Thailand's fight against AIDS. The goal is disease prevention; by making them available to as many people as possible, they help reduce aids, other diseases, and unwanted pregnancies/abortions. This includes regular teenagers, young adults and couples as much as sex workers.

You are of course aware that sex tends to involve two or more people, who ALL benefit equally from practising safe sex. Maybe you would have somewhat of a point when both partners are not Thai, but in my case (and I'm sure for most of us) one or more partners will be Thai, and protecting them is very much a stated goal.

It's all very common sense really.

I seek not to criticize you Winne as I enjoy your posts (well only slightly) I only poke fun at the wisdom of a farang using a Thai distribution of free condoms when you, no doubt, will agree that those that designed the system did not have you (or any farang) as their target for free condoms to use with a stable partner as you indicate you have. I would suggest they were designed for sex workers and promiscuous individuals like me unsure.gif

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In those materials I saw ... "for the prevention of STD's and HIV:.... etc

I didn't see anything suggesting that they were for family planning purposes (Winnie's stated use).

Then again since I do not know the personal behavior of any person (and wouldn't trust them at their word alone) I think I am OK with the concept here if the people in question use a condom every time regardless of who their sex partner happens to be!

(not a dig at any given individual .... simply a realization that people are not perfect and that many people do not have issues with casual sex outside of a committed relationship.

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a box of a couple hundred? really....how on earth can you screw this much? sounds like someone is very CHEAP and trolling

here is my theory: either its alot of back door gay sex (Seinfeld: "not that there is anything wrong with that") but not my cup of tea or you are hitting alot of bar girls and thus is the cost of the condum really expensive when you are already paying to get laid?

or your are one slutty gal I hope to never meet

Woosh.. another brain into overdrive. ;) Who said anything about bargirls; I'm happily married. ( VERY happily. :thumbsup: )

Guys, I'm done being on the defensive on this. Feel free to spend 40-60 baht for a 3 pack of Durex or whatever imported brand floats your boat. I'll report back when my supply chain research completes.

As much as 60 baht for a three pack! My god, think of the implications--if you had sex three times a day in a month with 30 days, you would spend 1800 baht on condoms. Why that's, uh, not very much. You'd probably spend many times that much on energy food and drinks, or whatever keeps you going.

I've never tried the free condoms, I've always assumed they are the heavy-duty, extra-uncomfortable kind that detract from the occasion. I pay for my condoms, but less than 1800 baht a month. At my age 90 times a month may be possible but might turn a great pleasure into a demanding obligation, in other words, work.

Or maybe not. Let's see, if I cancel my gym membership and buy lots of energy drinks...

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I seek not to criticize you Winne as I enjoy your posts (well only slightly) I only poke fun at the wisdom of a farang using a Thai distribution of free condoms when you, no doubt, will agree that those that designed the system did not have you (or any farang) as their target for free condoms to use with a stable partner as you indicate you have. I would suggest they were designed for sex workers and promiscuous individuals like me unsure.gif

Okay. :) So if I take my wife to the Muang Thong hotel and slip her 500 baht in the morning then I'd be in the clear right. :lol:

I think many people see condoms as something intended for men, but clearly women gain as much (actually: more) benefit to condom use. Maybe I'll send the Mrs. over to the local health station. ;)

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Okay. :) So if I take my wife to the Muang Thong hotel and slip her 500 baht in the morning then I'd be in the clear right. :lol:

I think many people see condoms as something intended for men, but clearly women gain as much (actually: more) benefit to condom use. Maybe I'll send the Mrs. over to the local health station. ;)

500 baht?!?!?! I see condoms aren't the only thing you are cheap with! ;)

BTW, where is Muang Thong hotel?


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I seek not to criticize you Winne as I enjoy your posts (well only slightly) I only poke fun at the wisdom of a farang using a Thai distribution of free condoms when you, no doubt, will agree that those that designed the system did not have you (or any farang) as their target for free condoms to use with a stable partner as you indicate you have. I would suggest they were designed for sex workers and promiscuous individuals like me unsure.gif

Okay. :) So if I take my wife to the Muang Thong hotel and slip her 500 baht in the morning then I'd be in the clear right. :lol:

I think many people see condoms as something intended for men, but clearly women gain as much (actually: more) benefit to condom use. Maybe I'll send the Mrs. over to the local health station. ;)

you are missing the point... the 'free' condoms are not for farangs to practice birth control (you don't need to practice safe sex as you are with your lovely wife) they are distributed to limit sexually transmitted diseases - and you are taking advantage

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