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Don'T Believe What The Hospital Test You!


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Went to a hospital (NakonPing on the 107 to Mae Rim) to get the lady checked out earlier today

Her symptoms over the last 2-3 months

No periods

Swollen and tender breasts

Chucking up in the morning

Putting on weight

So they did a pregnancy test, result negative.

I don't think so says I

She is definitely not pregnant they say

Do the test again, I insist

OK, lunch time now, come back at 1pm

Tears and tantrums over lunch

I'm dying she says

What's wrong with me

We return and another test is done

She is definitely pregnant they say

What about the first test then

Sorry we made a mistake, mai pen rai

I'm assuming that someone who is not pregnant is now walking around thinking they are.

Apart from typing the results in the wrong files, hard to see how else they could muck it up.

Anyway in future to those who are having hospital tests, always get a second opinion.


It was very cheap, so what can you expect.

3 blood tests for me (HIV and 2 others for 430 bht)

4 blood tests for her (HIV, Hep B and 2 others) and 2 pregnancy tests free.

Edited by pjclark1
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Man I got that at Chiang Mai Ram.

I broke my wrist and they x-rayed it and said 'nope nothing'. However they did try flogging me some pain killers though. I go to KL and get it done they say 'broken', double check it when I get to London, yep 'broken'. There was another time with a specialist clinic regarding a stomach problem and once again totally wrong.

My gril had an ear-ache and they told she is going to lose about 60% of her hearing. She never did but they just don't have a clue and just give you some sort if drug. Talk about getting out of actually doing your job.

I've wrote about this before, Thai doctors cannot be trusted, no matter if they are trained outside of Thialand they are just not good enough.

I understand doctors can't always be right but the ratio here is very one sided.

Only when it has something to do with personal appearance (what a surprise) are they any good. And even then I wouldn't be so sure.

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Congrats mate.

Approx. 3 years ago after numerous tests in the Bangkok/Pattaya hospital the Doctor came to the conclusion that my wife could not have children 100%, but, if I paid xxx,000 Baht they might be able to make it possible, maybe! Anyway we accepted that no children were going to be in our lives and we moved on in life. Two months later we were back in the hospital for a pregnancy test which turned out to be positive. Three years later we now have two lovely daughters.

It's pure business in alot of these private hospitalsannoyed.gif

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Congrats mate.

Approx. 3 years ago after numerous tests in the Bangkok/Pattaya hospital the Doctor came to the conclusion that my wife could not have children 100%, but, if I paid xxx,000 Baht they might be able to make it possible, maybe! Anyway we accepted that no children were going to be in our lives and we moved on in life. Two months later we were back in the hospital for a pregnancy test which turned out to be positive. Three years later we now have two lovely daughters.

It's pure business in alot of these private hospitalsannoyed.gif

I've had my fair share of bad experiences here in hospitals, and I don't mean government ones. I also accept that any doctor anywhere can make a mistake but the majority of incidents with myself and friends here are bad (but not all of course). The worst being a friends young wife who was told she needed an operation immediately which would unfortunately result in her no longer being able to have children. That was a government hospital. She got a second opinion, which was negative for the problem. That was over three years ago and nothing has surfaced.

I am always puzzled by people that claim the health system here is one of the bonuses of living in Thailand. I can only assume they mean that there are dozens and dozens of nurses wandering around in each ward.

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Well, back home in 1977, the hospital specialist said to me and my wife after a uterus surgery that she could not get children, 99% sure. 3 Months later she was pregnant. The medical world in the west is smarter, they left open 1 % chance. And another thing is, they make many big mistakes in hospitals in western countries too.

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A few years ago, I went to the Chiang Mai Ram near the moat with severe stomach pains. The doctor checked me out and said to the nurses to prepare for an emergency appendectomy. I went back out to the waiting area where one of the nurses came up to me and told me she will have another doctor look at me as she wasn['t sure about the other one. Sure enough, it was just food poisoning. It was nice having a caring nurse make sure I was taken care of correctly. By all means. Always get a second opinion.

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I'm assuming that someone who is not pregnant is now walking around thinking they are.

Apart from typing the results in the wrong files, hard to see how else they could muck it up.

It's not that hard. Even blood tests do not have 100% accuracy for pregnancy. And low hormone levels on a pregnancy test, due to problems with the pregnancy, are sometimes misinterpreted as a false negative.

I'm surprised that you guys waited 2-3 months before getting a test. I hope that she is able to now get the prenatal care that she needs.

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It could be possible that we are only picking up and remembering the negative stories and accounts. I don't know. Maybe people only relate the bad experiences.

Of ten hospital visits I can remember four of them were bad experiences, including an almost serious incident when my wife was giving birth.

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My experience here, is that you generally get what you pay for.......generally. For my wife of 8 years and I, after trying many other hospitals, both private and government, Bangkok Hospital - she the heart division, me the International wing - have proven to be without fault. They have doctors from many different countries working with them too, so that you can be diagnosed and treated by one who if not from your country, will be close enough to make little difference. All doctors and staff, speak comprehensive and fluent English. They also have translation staff to cover all major spoken languages. I have spoken to many other patients during my/our visits and all agree with me, that the level of professionalism, competence, courtesy and high quality service there, along with the latest "high tech" medical equipment that they use, are as good as or better than any international hospital around the globe. My wife's heart surgeon also does surgery in Australia from time to time and he is Thai! This high quality does not come cheap, but from experience, there are other hospitals here in Bangkok anyway, that are far more expensive but who do not even come close to the standards of Bangkok Hospital. Had we had her heart operation done at one of the better Government hospitals we checked out, not only would my wife had to have gone back in less than 10 years to replace the heart valves that were put in for life at Bangkok hospital, but she would have had to risk infection and possibly low standard work, as well as massive scar on her chest instead of the small 2" one she has now. Recovery was quoted at 2 & a half to 3 weeks. At Bangkok hospital she was home and well in only 9 days. Follow up has been excellent too. I was allowed to stay with her during her recovery and the food we ate was better than offered at many good restaurants. A wide choice of food along with delicious deserts were offered too. Well over half the patients at Bangkok hospital, have traveled here from other countries to have their operation/treatment, as (in their words) this hospital offered more professional, better quality treatment, at a much lower cost than a hospital in their own country. My wife and I both have Thai doctors and we are completely satisfied with their professionalism and service. I believe that high quality doctors and treatment is available at hospitals here in Thailand, but the quality of treatment offered by an over worked surgeon/doctor and nursing staff at a public hospital or small private hospital, operating under a limited budget , having to use outdated and old equipment, is not a good foundation to your good health and safety. As another poster pointed out too, there are a lot of people who have suffered "horror and accidents" at many so called good establishments in "the west" and elsewhere. Anyway. Congratulations and best of luck with your new baby.

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they make many big mistakes in hospitals in western countries too.

That is for sure. That is why they say to always get a second opinion.

Agreed - I've mentioned in a previous post which was slating the ineptness of Thai doctors that my father was being treated in England (without being tested) for a stomach ulcer or reflux. He was a life-long smoker and coal miner, I would have thought lung cancer or some other respiratory thing would be the first thing to check but it wasn't to be. I lived in Australia for 20 years and have a similar (although thankfully not fatal) story. I'm sure every country has it's share of overworked/tired/can't-be-bothered doctors.

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I guess that explains why when I went in for a prostate examination they discovered I was pregnant. :whistling:

Oh, and congratulations on becoming a proud pappa, PJ.

Edited by IanForbes
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Thanks everyone!

Looks like I will be joining the OAP (but not fat, bald or smelly) guys pushing a baby stroller brigade.

Good on ya Patrick, good luck to you both. I hope its not quadruplets cause that would make a really funny looking stroller ! laugh.gif

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I'm assuming that someone who is not pregnant is now walking around thinking they are.

Apart from typing the results in the wrong files, hard to see how else they could muck it up.

It's not that hard. Even blood tests do not have 100% accuracy for pregnancy. And low hormone levels on a pregnancy test, due to problems with the pregnancy, are sometimes misinterpreted as a false negative.

I'm surprised that you guys waited 2-3 months before getting a test. I hope that she is able to now get the prenatal care that she needs.

Just to point out they admitted 'operator error' rather than blame hormone levels in the wee.

I had to drag the wife along, her other child (now 13) she waited until 7 months pregnant until visiting a doctor .... why waste money she says!

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2 years ago I had some tests done at the Ram hospital after suffering from dizzy spells.

When the results of the tests were complete, the doctor informed me that I only had 6 weeks to live.

Couldn`t pay the bill, so the Doctor gave me another 6 weeks.

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