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Visa Extension And Drivers Licence

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A few questions I hope somebody can help me with:

1. I entered Thailand on a Non-immigrant O Visa and after 3 months was able to get a further 3 months extension due to my being a monk at the time. My fiancee is not certain but the impression she got from immigration service is that because I've had 1 extension already I'm not eligable to apply for the 12 month extension once i'm married so must get a new Non immigrant O visa first. Does this sound correct?

2. She also got the impression that after crossing the bridge from Laos with the new non-immigrant O i must report to the immigration office in nongkhai within 24 hours. I can't think of why that is, unless they are expecting me to apply for the 12 month extension then and there. Does this sound correct?

3. My international drivers licence is valid for 12 months buton the inside cover it lists the countries it's valid in and next to Thailand it says (3 months), so I assume I can no longer drive legally in thailand. Is this correct?

Thanks for your help.

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I live in Udon and I'm a New Zealander.

My Gf has already been to to immigration but she is not sure she understood them as they were very busy at the time, a second visit is probably in order. My visa extension contains the words "must leave the kingdom" whereas all previos ones say something like "expires on:" which would tend to support the theory that i must get a new visa.


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Check the text carefully. A proper extension reads:

"Extension of stay permitted up to _________

Holder must leave the Kingdom within the date

specified herein. Offenders will be prosecuted.


Immigration officer"

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  • 2 weeks later...

We went to the local immigration office today to clarify and it looks like I have to go to Laos, mai pen rai.

However what they said about the 12 month extension isn't consistant with what I thought was the case so I hope someone can clarify it for me.

They said that I can apply for the 12 month extension of a Non immigrant O if I have 200,000 baht in the bank AND am earning 20,000 baht from within Thailand, ie I'm working.

I always thought that an Non Immigrant O was for people who aren't working and those who are working needed a non immigrant B, is this not the case? Also according to the pamphlet they gave us last time I need to have 200,000 baht in the bank OR am earning 20,000 baht, no indication that this must be from within Thailand, have the rules changed recently?

The rationale that was given is that if I'm not working in Thailand then there is no reason for me to stay a long time, even though i'm married to a thai so they can only give a 3 month visa plus a 2 month extension, .

If this is correct it also begs the question once the rules chance to 400,000 plus 40,000 earnings within Thailand, how many farang can earn 40,000 baht from within Thailand? Doesn't make sense to me.

Oh, and apparently the reporting within 24 hours of returning from Laos is to advise them that my wife has married a foriegner so they can note it on her land registry.


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You can definitely extend a non-immigrant "O" entry permit on the basis of employment. Whether "O" or "B" does not matter - they both qualify as basis for obtaining a work permit, and the work permit allows extension of a non-immigrant visa.

I am on my second consecutive annual extension (on basis of employment) of what was originally a 90 day Class O visa from Vientienne.

Concerning the 200,000 and 20,000 matter - I am certain that Thailand does not require that income be demonstrated as coming from inside Thailand - but you are at the mercy of the local Immigration office, and their interpretation.

It is my understanding that you cannot get a work permit - if a married New Zealander - unless your salary is at least 40,000 baht (because they want at least certain amount of income tax from you). But - again - far away from Bangkok, local offices may make their own local rules, and what you have to do is satisfy local requirements.

Good luck!


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Check the text carefully. A proper extension reads:

"Extension of stay permitted up to _________

Holder must leave the Kingdom within the date

specified herein. Offenders will be prosecuted.


Immigration officer"

But you do not have to leave if you extend again before that date.

The above stamp has been used each year to continually extend

my Retirement Visa for the past 5 years.

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