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Israeli PM Netanyahu slams Palestine's unity efforts


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I know its off topic but can some of the Islam scholars explain this for me please



here we go, again.

You can not provide a simple explanation?

This is not propaganda or some Zionist plan, this is findings of an Arab Doctor. Are you not satisfied again?blink.gif

All of the below are quotes from Dr. Sami Alrabaa, a professor of Sociology and an Arab-Muslim culture specialist. He has taught at Kuwait University, King Saud University

"We Arabs are very good at twisting facts and exaggerating them when it suits us"

"We Arabs also prefer to be mystical, wishful rather than realistic"

"We Arabs have learned nothing from the two major disastrous wars against Israel. Some of us still believe that the Israelis understand only the language of defiance and violence. Violence, however, is the only “argument” we Arabs possess. Rational, realistic thinking has never been a part of our discourse and action."

"We Arabs are most boisterous, shrill people, but less effective or inclined to seeking pragmatic, workable solutions."

"According to a clandestine survey by Bielefeld University conducted in Syria and Egypt (2006), over 70% of the population in these countries wants peace with Israel. They are “sick and tired,” as many put it, of the belligerent discourse of the Islamists and the biased and inflammatory propaganda of their national media."

“Our leaders and their affiliates suffer from some kind of personality disorder. They keep us busy with Israel to distract us from their failure to establish democracy and remove poverty.

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Exactly, kuffki, Middle Eastern governments have craftily used antisemitism to control their own people and blame their own problems on the Jews. Things are changing now with the governments there, but sadly most of those people were raised in an antisemitic propaganda environment.

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Exactly, kuffki, Middle Eastern governments have craftily used antisemitism to control their own people and blame their own problems on the Jews. Things are changing now with the governments there, but sadly most of those people were raised in an antisemitic propaganda environment.

Propaganda machine

"The Israeli media is dehumanizing the Palestinians systematically year after year, decade after decade and that is, in my view, the best explanation to this unusual phenomena in which the Israelis... live so much in peace with themselves," he explained.

He went as far as saying that an Israeli "propaganda machine" undermines any anti-Israel opinion. The few groups that dare to take a stand against the occupation by holding rallies and refusing to serve in the army are delegitimized.

According to Levy, this phenomenon has lead to a situation in which "five million Israelis are deeply convinced today that they are right and seven billion people of the world are wrong".



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I'm just saying that as long as there are people on both sides that will refuse to admit any wrongdoing there isn't a chance in hades of peace, but with some give and take, on both sides, maybe......

You keep trying this tactic, but it is not working with anyone with has read many of your posts. You throw in a mild, token rebuke of Hamas and company every once in a great while and claim to be unbiased, but consistently bash Israel at every opportunity.

Pot, kettle, black.


Where are your mild token rebukes of Israel?

They are in my posting history, but I don't pretend that I do not prefer Israel to Hamas and other Islamic terrorists. It would make me look like a dishonest phoney. :whistling:

Oh you poor thing. I post saying I agree with Steely Dan. I post that both sides should acknowledge wrongdoings and try for peace. I have posted the same a number of times. I have also posted that it is the hardline people that think their side can do no wrong that is the cause of these troubles. You comment on my post history, please post my history, showing all for and against in these threads, I'm sure not everyone will just take your word for it.

I try and bash Israel at every opportunity do I? You have a very selective memory to suit your own agenda.

Where are your posts saying Israel have committed offences. Where are your posts saying Israel has done wrong. Oh that's right, they are in your posting history, we'll just take your word for it shall we? hahaha

You know very well I have posted a number of times stating similar. Of course you know, you have mentioned it a number of times. So you obviously know. But of course you are like George W, you are either with us or against us, there is no middle ground. Your idea of peace is that of Irael getting everything it wants and nothing else matters.

What a sad life you must have, so much hatred for anyone against anyone that thinks Israel isn't 100% right.

Your post history shows your view that ther can be .no peace unless it is on your terms and your terms only.......you even won't agree to Israel showing restraint and trying to give a litle for peace, it is all or nothing for you.

As I said in my post, both sides should acknowledge wrongdoings and get on with a peace process. I would think that would be acceptable, but not you, you would prefer to be petty and try and point score, wrongly. You are stangely silent when a pro Israeli poster admits to some wrongdoing but try and attack, wrongly, me when I say that both sides have done wrong.

Do you ever think that it is people of your ilk that are the cause of such problems in the world? I would doubt very much you have such capacity to truthfully look in the mirror.

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According to a clandestine survey by Bielefeld University conducted in Syria and Egypt (2006), over 70% of the population in these countries wants peace with Israel.


If not even more. Muslims are peaceful people.

It are the Zionists who are the problem in the peace process.

Edited by bangkokeddy
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Exactly, kuffki, Middle Eastern governments have craftily used antisemitism to control their own people and blame their own problems on the Jews. Things are changing now with the governments there, but sadly most of those people were raised in an antisemitic propaganda environment.

Propaganda machine

"The Israeli media is dehumanizing the Palestinians systematically year after year, decade after decade and that is, in my view, the best explanation to this unusual phenomena in which the Israelis... live so much in peace with themselves," he explained.

He went as far as saying that an Israeli "propaganda machine" undermines any anti-Israel opinion. The few groups that dare to take a stand against the occupation by holding rallies and refusing to serve in the army are delegitimized.

According to Levy, this phenomenon has lead to a situation in which "five million Israelis are deeply convinced today that they are right and seven billion people of the world are wrong".



How and why do you always twist the truth. This is not a Jewish author, nor an American Author, IT IS AN ARAB, MUSLIM author who taught in university's in Arab States.

Why is it acceptable for you to criticize Israel yet you can not accept any criticism of Islam?

Anytime someone says that Islam is a violent faith, you instantly accuse them of being anti-Islam and propagating “Islamophobia.”

Muslims ‘Expect No Criticism’

Here are just some statistics on recent Muslim achievements and they "expect not criticism":

  • Muslims murdered some 3,000 innocent peoples in New York on September 11, 2001, and..... Expect no criticism!
  • Muslims murder 202 tourists in Bali, and........... Expect no criticism!
  • Muslims murder 333 school children and their teachers in Beslan, and.........Expect no criticism!
  • Muslims murder 292 innocents, mainly Kenyans and Tanzanians at two US Embassies, .......And expect no criticism!
  • Muslims murder 241 US and 58 French peacekeepers in Beirut, and..... Expect no criticism!
  • Muslims fire 4,000 Katyusha/Stinger rockets into Northern Israel killing over 50 innocent civilians, and............ Expect no criticism!
  • Muslims murder 52 commuters in London and 191 in Madrid, and..... Expect no criticism!
  • Muslims murder some 200 people in Mumbai, and......... Expect no criticism!
  • Muslims behead Western hostages in Iraq, Buddhist monks in Thailand and Christian schoolgirls in Indonesia, and............. Expect no Criticism!
  • Muslim genocide in Sudan has claimed over 3 million lives since mid-1980; they massacred nearly 500,000 in Darfur since 2004, and........... Expect no criticism!
  • Muslims regard Jews as 'sons of pigs and monkeys', and vow to nuke Israel out of existence, and.......... Expect no criticism!
  • Muslims force women to wear hideous conical sacks, stone to death for getting raped and for leaving their homes unescorted, engage in honor-killing of sisters and daughters for unapproved dating/marriages, and...... Expect no criticism!
  • Muslims danced in the streets and handed out sweets to their kids to celebrate the 9/11 atrocity, and......... Expect no Criticism!
  • Since 9/11, Muslims have killed over 26,000 and wounded over 150,000 in terrorist attacks worldwide, and............ Still Expect no Criticism!
  • Since 9/11 Muslims have committed terrorist attacks in Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Chad, Chechnya, Dagestan, Denmark, East Timor, Egypt, England, Eritrea, Ethiopia, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Ingushetia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Jordan-Iraq, Kabardino-Balkans, Kenya, Kosovo, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Mauritania, Morocco, Netherlands, Nigeria, Pakistan, Gaza-Palestinian Authority, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, Somalia, Spain, Sri Lanka , Sudan , Syria , Tajikistan, Thailand , Tunisia , Turkey , United Arab Emirates, United Arab Republic , United States , Uzbekistan and Yemen, and............ STILL Expect No Criticism!
  • Muslims have carried out over 13,000 fatal terrorist atrocities and damages to public and private buildings/vehicles since 9/11, and countless millions since the Islamic conquest began from 623 AD; and still they Expect No Criticism!
  • But if the Pope dares to tell the truth about Islam's history, or a Danish Newspaper publish cartoons of Mohammed, they let the outpourings of Islamic rage, and.......... Expect no criticism!
  • And, by some twisted reach of logics, these arrogant vandals demand apology from the Pope, and.......... Expect no criticism!
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I would doubt very much you have such capacity to truthfully look in the mirror.

I have no problem being honest with myself or on this forum, but after all the twisted, convoluted nonsense you have written here, I am not surprised that you think that everyone is like you are . :rolleyes:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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According to a clandestine survey by Bielefeld University conducted in Syria and Egypt (2006), over 70% of the population in these countries wants peace with Israel.


If not even more. Muslims are peaceful people.

It are the Zionists who are the problem in the peace process.

Not according to Dr. Sami Alrabaa

Is Islam a Violent Faith? Violence, Hatred and Discrimination in the Koran

According to the Koran and many Muslims, Christians and Jews have left the true path of their religion. Therefore, they are infidels (unbelievers) like Buddhists and Hindus, for example. In other words, according to the Koran, only Muslims, i.e. 19% of the world population, are true believers. The rest are “unbelievers” and “infidels.”


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According to a clandestine survey by Bielefeld University conducted in Syria and Egypt (2006), over 70% of the population in these countries wants peace with Israel.


If not even more. Muslims are peaceful people.

It are the Zionists who are the problem in the peace process.

It is the Palestinian Arabs who declared war on Israel and have turned down every peace deal ever offered to them. ;)

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Exactly, kuffki, Middle Eastern governments have craftily used antisemitism to control their own people and blame their own problems on the Jews. Things are changing now with the governments there, but sadly most of those people were raised in an antisemitic propaganda environment.

Such sad facts mean that it may take generations to arrive at a rational Arab view of Israel where peace can be negotiated, and that's if they start now. Should Islamic theocracies spring up to replace the despots it's back to square one, or worse.

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According to a clandestine survey by Bielefeld University conducted in Syria and Egypt (2006), over 70% of the population in these countries wants peace with Israel.


If not even more. Muslims are peaceful people.

It are the Zionists who are the problem in the peace process.

It is the Palestinian Arabs who declared war on Israel and have turned down every peace deal ever offered to them. ;)

Arabs Are Not Ready for Peace in the Middle East

Consumers of Arab media are constantly given the impression that the West is “hypocritical” when it talks about human rights. Arab leaders and their media talking heads are very good at inventing conspiracy theories.


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According to a clandestine survey by Bielefeld University conducted in Syria and Egypt (2006), over 70% of the population in these countries wants peace with Israel.


If not even more. Muslims are peaceful people.

It are the Zionists who are the problem in the peace process.

Not according to Dr. Sami Alrabaa

But according to the text you copied from some website. You came up with that quote of the 70% and more are for peace with Israel.

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According to a clandestine survey by Bielefeld University conducted in Syria and Egypt (2006), over 70% of the population in these countries wants peace with Israel.


If not even more. Muslims are peaceful people.

It are the Zionists who are the problem in the peace process.

Not according to Dr. Sami Alrabaa

But according to the text you copied from some website. You came up with that quote of the 70% and more are for peace with Israel.

Again not my words or words of a Zionist, BUT words of Muslim Arab Shcolar.

Islam and Muslims: History of Oppression, Violence, and Fanaticism

Have you ever pondered what has been the contribution of Islam and Muslims to the world civilization until now? The answer is very evident and straightforward: oppression, violence, discrimination, and fanaticism. These negative immoral values have been an essential part of Islam since its inception.

Here is the evidence. Muhammad, the leader of Muslims claimed that he was a “prophet,” and in the name Allah, he ordered his followers to kill the “infidels,” non-Muslims; in particular, Jews and Christians.

While Judaism and Christianity were spread peacefully under sacrifices by followers of Moses and Jesus, Islam was spread under the threat of the sword: “Submit to Islam, otherwise you’ll be killed.” Islam considers non-Muslims the enemies of Allah. For more details, check out Understanding Muhammad by Ali Sina. Also in the name of Allah, Muhammad urged his followers to conquer the world and force its people to convert into Muslims. Muslims call all this “Futuhat” (opening). The Muslim conquest was bloodier much worse than “colonialism.” The British and French colonialists never forced people to renounce their local faiths. For further details, check out Islamic Jihad by M.A. Khan.


Edited by kuffki
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Israel engaged in ethnic cleansing: UN investigator

Mon Mar 21, 1:55 pm

GENEVA (Reuters) – Israel's expansion of Jewish settlements in east Jerusalem and eviction of Palestinians from their homes there is a form of ethnic cleansing, a United Nations investigator said on Monday.

U.S. academic Richard Falk was speaking to the U.N. Human Rights Council as it prepared to pass resolutions condemning Israeli behavior on territory it has occupied since 1967.

The "continued pattern of settlement expansion in East Jerusalem combined with the forcible eviction of long-residing Palestinians are creating an intolerable situation" in the part of the city previously controlled by Jordan, he said.

This situation "can only be described in its cumulative impact as a form of ethnic cleansing," Falk declared.

Israel declines to deal with Falk or even allow him into the country, accusing him of bias against the Jewish state.



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Israel engaged in ethnic cleansing: UN investigator

Mon Mar 21, 1:55 pm

GENEVA (Reuters) – Israel's expansion of Jewish settlements in east Jerusalem and eviction of Palestinians from their homes there is a form of ethnic cleansing, a United Nations investigator said on Monday.

U.S. academic Richard Falk was speaking to the U.N. Human Rights Council as it prepared to pass resolutions condemning Israeli behavior on territory it has occupied since 1967.

The "continued pattern of settlement expansion in East Jerusalem combined with the forcible eviction of long-residing Palestinians are creating an intolerable situation" in the part of the city previously controlled by Jordan, he said.

This situation "can only be described in its cumulative impact as a form of ethnic cleansing," Falk declared.

Israel declines to deal with Falk or even allow him into the country, accusing him of bias against the Jewish state.



Did Israeli Aggression or Arab Demagogy Provoke Gaza Attacks?

Once again some of us Arabs are, as usual, in a big mess. The Islamist extremist group Hamas, which came to power in 2006 through an un-Islamic political process – namely a democratic election – has since hijacked Gaza, established its rocket factories in residential areas such as bunkers under mosques, schools and hospitals. Over the past three years, the Hamas Jihadis and their affiliates have frequently targeted their Kassam rockets at residential areas in Israel. Even during the ceasefire brokered by Egypt in 2008, Hamas shot their rockets at Israel. On top of all this, Hamas, like the PLO before the Oslo Accords, rejects the existence of Israel, a UN member state. Its ultimate aim is liberating all Palestine (which includes Israel) by wiping out the Jewish state from the world map, possibly by genocidal massacre or deportation of all Jewish people.


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(Or do you favor the more Hamas style full liberation, Jordan to the sea, Arabic/Islamic state of Palestine vision?)

The "drive the Jews into the sea" version. :bah:

Your words. not mine.

No, you don't use your own words, you just use poor attempts at witty one liners.

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Israel engaged in ethnic cleansing: UN investigator

Mon Mar 21, 1:55 pm

GENEVA (Reuters) – Israel's expansion of Jewish settlements in east Jerusalem and eviction of Palestinians from their homes there is a form of ethnic cleansing, a United Nations investigator said on Monday.

U.S. academic Richard Falk was speaking to the U.N. Human Rights Council as it prepared to pass resolutions condemning Israeli behavior on territory it has occupied since 1967.

The "continued pattern of settlement expansion in East Jerusalem combined with the forcible eviction of long-residing Palestinians are creating an intolerable situation" in the part of the city previously controlled by Jordan, he said.

This situation "can only be described in its cumulative impact as a form of ethnic cleansing," Falk declared.

Israel declines to deal with Falk or even allow him into the country, accusing him of bias against the Jewish state.



Did Israeli Aggression or Arab Demagogy Provoke Gaza Attacks?

Once again some of us Arabs are, as usual, in a big mess. The Islamist extremist group Hamas, which came to power in 2006 through an un-Islamic political process – namely a democratic election – has since hijacked Gaza, established its rocket factories in residential areas such as bunkers under mosques, schools and hospitals. Over the past three years, the Hamas Jihadis and their affiliates have frequently targeted their Kassam rockets at residential areas in Israel. Even during the ceasefire brokered by Egypt in 2008, Hamas shot their rockets at Israel. On top of all this, Hamas, like the PLO before the Oslo Accords, rejects the existence of Israel, a UN member state. Its ultimate aim is liberating all Palestine (which includes Israel) by wiping out the Jewish state from the world map, possibly by genocidal massacre or deportation of all Jewish people.


Now you're comparing apples with pears.

The first article is about Jewish settlements on the West Bank and East Jerusalem and has nothing to do with Hamas.

300.000 Jewish settlers live on the West Bank, since 44 (!) years an occupied area by Israel, next to 200.000 Jewish settlers in East Jerusalem.

Your article is about Gaza attacks.


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Israel engaged in ethnic cleansing: UN investigator

Richard Falk - 9/11 conspiracy theory nutcase criticized publicly by Ban Ki Moon

UNITED NATIONS — The United States on Tuesday demanded the sacking of a UN human rights expert for "noxious" comments claiming there had been a US cover-up over the September 11 attacks.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon condemned the comments by Richard Falk, UN special rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian territories, as "an affront" to the victims of the 2001 Al-Qaeda attacks on New York and Washington.


Up to your usual standard of sources I see.

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Israel engaged in ethnic cleansing: UN investigator

Richard Falk - 9/11 conspiracy theory nutcase criticized publicly by Ban Ki Moon

UNITED NATIONS — The United States on Tuesday demanded the sacking of a UN human rights expert for "noxious" comments claiming there had been a US cover-up over the September 11 attacks.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon condemned the comments by Richard Falk, UN special rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian territories, as "an affront" to the victims of the 2001 Al-Qaeda attacks on New York and Washington.


Up to your usual standard of sources I see.

Bye, bye loon! :wacko:

"I want to tell you clearly and directly. I condemn this sort of inflammatory rhetoric. It is preposterous -- an affront to the memory of the more than 3,000 people who died in that tragic attack," Ban said.

The US ambassador said the United States had already criticized what she called "Mr Falk?s one-sided and politicized approach to his work for the UN, including his failure to condemn deliberate human rights abuses by Hamas, but these blog comments are in another category altogether. http://www.google.co...srVglLLJsX1hoTg

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Israel engaged in ethnic cleansing: UN investigator

Richard Falk - 9/11 conspiracy theory nutcase criticized publicly by Ban Ki Moon


Up to your usual standard of sources I see.

Its NEWS, from Reuters.

Shoot the messenger.

Edited by bangkokeddy
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Israel engaged in ethnic cleansing: UN investigator

Mon Mar 21, 1:55 pm

GENEVA (Reuters) – Israel's expansion of Jewish settlements in east Jerusalem and eviction of Palestinians from their homes there is a form of ethnic cleansing, a United Nations investigator said on Monday.

U.S. academic Richard Falk was speaking to the U.N. Human Rights Council as it prepared to pass resolutions condemning Israeli behavior on territory it has occupied since 1967.

The "continued pattern of settlement expansion in East Jerusalem combined with the forcible eviction of long-residing Palestinians are creating an intolerable situation" in the part of the city previously controlled by Jordan, he said.

This situation "can only be described in its cumulative impact as a form of ethnic cleansing," Falk declared.

Israel declines to deal with Falk or even allow him into the country, accusing him of bias against the Jewish state.



Did Israeli Aggression or Arab Demagogy Provoke Gaza Attacks?

Once again some of us Arabs are, as usual, in a big mess. The Islamist extremist group Hamas, which came to power in 2006 through an un-Islamic political process – namely a democratic election – has since hijacked Gaza, established its rocket factories in residential areas such as bunkers under mosques, schools and hospitals. Over the past three years, the Hamas Jihadis and their affiliates have frequently targeted their Kassam rockets at residential areas in Israel. Even during the ceasefire brokered by Egypt in 2008, Hamas shot their rockets at Israel. On top of all this, Hamas, like the PLO before the Oslo Accords, rejects the existence of Israel, a UN member state. Its ultimate aim is liberating all Palestine (which includes Israel) by wiping out the Jewish state from the world map, possibly by genocidal massacre or deportation of all Jewish people.


Now you're comparing apples with pears.

The first article is about Jewish settlements on the West Bank and East Jerusalem and has nothing to do with Hamas.

300.000 Jewish settlers live on the West Bank, since 44 (!) years an occupied area by Israel, next to 200.000 Jewish settlers in East Jerusalem.

Your article is about Gaza attacks.


Prior to Itamar attack,Netanyahu's unreciprocated concessions have included his acceptance of Palestinianstatehood and the two-state concept. He temporarily prohibited Jewish construction on the West Bank; put a hold on Jewish construction in Jerusalem; prohibited Jewish building on the West Bank and Jerusalem following the end of his construction ban; curtailed IDF counter-terrorism operations on the West Bank; looked the other way at illegal Arab construction in Jerusalem; allowed the deployment of a US-trained Palestinian army on the West Bank knowing the day may come when they could turn their weapons on Israelis; removed over four hundred security checkpoints on the West Bank to facilitate Palestinian travel.

And what did israel get in response? murdered family? but yeah thats right its an AISAN who have disappeared by some miracle.

And for the 100th time, this was never Palestinian land, it belonged to another state which attacked Israel and lost the war-twice.

I personally do not agree with expansion in this particular case, but can see it as being a retaliation for the murders and lack of any action from PA

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Israel engaged in ethnic cleansing: UN investigator

Richard Falk - 9/11 conspiracy theory nutcase criticized publicly by Ban Ki Moon


Up to your usual standard of sources I see.

Its NEWS, from Reuters.

Shoot the messenger.

More NEWS from Reuters:

Israel's ambassador Aharon Leshno Yaar called on Palestinian leaders to condemn the March 11 murders of three children, including a baby, and their parents "without caveats or hedging" in Arabic to their own people.

Almost as shocking as the killings, "in the days following the massacre many Palestinians took to the streets celebrating the deaths of this family," Leshno Yaar said. http://news.yahoo.co...el_un_cleansing

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Israel engaged in ethnic cleansing: UN investigator

Richard Falk - 9/11 conspiracy theory nutcase criticized publicly by Ban Ki Moon


Up to your usual standard of sources I see.

Its NEWS, from Reuters.

Shoot the messenger.

You gave a Falk link on another thread today which I replied to with a link concerning Falk's bias, but you choose to repeat his suspect reports here, If you are the messenger your message is understood loud and clear - Post propaganda and mendacious nonsense 24/7 in the hope you get a post that's not refuted so the mud sticks.

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More NEWS from Reuters:

Israel's ambassador Aharon Leshno Yaar called on Palestinian leaders to condemn the March 11 murders of three children, including a baby, and their parents "without caveats or hedging" in Arabic to their own people.

Almost as shocking as the killings, "in the days following the massacre many Palestinians took to the streets celebrating the deaths of this family," Leshno Yaar said. http://news.yahoo.co...el_un_cleansing

Not in Arabic but "despicable, inhuman and immoral" seems pretty clear to me:


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Israel engaged in ethnic cleansing: UN investigator

Richard Falk - 9/11 conspiracy theory nutcase criticized publicly by Ban Ki Moon


Up to your usual standard of sources I see.

Its NEWS, from Reuters.

Shoot the messenger.

You gave a Falk link on another thread today which I replied to with a link concerning Falk's bias, but you choose to repeat his suspect reports here, If you are the messenger your message is understood loud and clear - Post propaganda and mendacious nonsense 24/7 in the hope you get a post that's not refuted so the mud sticks.

It simply the news.

Not some racist nonsense video from you-tube or some white pride nazi spam e.mail with the TRUTH about Muslims, but the NEWS.

Now rant against Reuters or yahoo.news or against that Jewish professor Falk. up to you.

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More NEWS from Reuters:

Israel's ambassador Aharon Leshno Yaar called on Palestinian leaders to condemn the March 11 murders of three children, including a baby, and their parents "without caveats or hedging" in Arabic to their own people.

Almost as shocking as the killings, "in the days following the massacre many Palestinians took to the streets celebrating the deaths of this family," Leshno Yaar said. http://news.yahoo.co...el_un_cleansing

it continues:

But Palestinian envoy Ibrahim Kraishi said the killings had already been condemned by the Palestinian Authority as "an act of terrorism" that was not part of his people's culture. "Rather, it is the culture of the occupying power," he added.

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It simply the news.

Not some racist nonsense video from you-tube or some white pride nazi spam e.mail with the TRUTH about Muslims, but the NEWS.

Now rant against Reuters or yahoo.news or against that Jewish professor Falk. up to you.

In a nutshell, anything you post is non racist, non nazi and totally unbias, HOWEVER anything else others post is racist nonsense or Zionist propaganda despite that fact that source is either NEWS or Arab authors.

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More NEWS from Reuters:

Israel's ambassador Aharon Leshno Yaar called on Palestinian leaders to condemn the March 11 murders of three children, including a baby, and their parents "without caveats or hedging" in Arabic to their own people.

Almost as shocking as the killings, "in the days following the massacre many Palestinians took to the streets celebrating the deaths of this family," Leshno Yaar said. http://news.yahoo.co...el_un_cleansing

it continues:

But Palestinian envoy Ibrahim Kraishi said the killings had already been condemned by the Palestinian Authority as "an act of terrorism" that was not part of his people's culture. "Rather, it is the culture of the occupying power," he added.


Not part of his people's culture! i guess 56 rockets just 3 days ago was part of ............... culture.

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