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Do not know for sure but there are some medical supply places on Suthep Road, left side up past the hospital, also some higher level pharmacy/medical supply places across from the hospital. Good luck.


TacoBoy, that comment is really insensitive! It's bad enough that couples struggling with infertility have to deal with well-meaning comments from friends/relatives about things like what type of underwear the guy should wear, but your comment is totally unnecessary. Hubby and I struggled with infertility and miscarriage for years and the use of a basal thermometer became a daily habit. I still wake up thinking I should grab the thing before I get out of bed! Once you start to move around or have something to drink, you can't take a reading for the day.

I have no idea why, but I brought two of the things with me to Thailand. They're not very useful as "real" thermometers since they top out at 100 deg F, well below the point of concern for ill people with a fever. I'll email the OP to see if he'd like a vintage analog mecury filled basal thermometer with a scale in God's units -- deg F.


TacoBoy, that comment is really insensitive! It's bad enough that couples struggling with infertility have to deal with well-meaning comments from friends/relatives about things like what type of underwear the guy should wear, but your comment is totally unnecessary. Hubby and I struggled with infertility and miscarriage for years and the use of a basal thermometer became a daily habit. I still wake up thinking I should grab the thing before I get out of bed! Once you start to move around or have something to drink, you can't take a reading for the day.

I have no idea why, but I brought two of the things with me to Thailand. They're not very useful as "real" thermometers since they top out at 100 deg F, well below the point of concern for ill people with a fever. I'll email the OP to see if he'd like a vintage analog mecury filled basal thermometer with a scale in God's units -- deg F.

My comment was not meant to be in any way insensitive. Just a medical fact of during what time frame a female should be ovulating.

Most people do not know and are not informed as to the female cycle and when ovulation should occur. That said, a basel thermometer can help pinpoint more accurately individual cycle time. Especially if ovulation is occuring at different or irregular times.


Tacoboy, the OP was asking about a source for a basel body thermometer -- not advice about how to become a parent. As we discovered during our journey with infertility -- everyone thinks they're an expert about the subject! I really got tired of telling people that yes, we'd thought about their suggestion already, and really wished I hadn't started the entire conversation about our sex life by telling relatives who pressed for children about why they weren't forthcoming.

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