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Bus explodes in central Jerusalem, at least 18 hurt


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Any culprits arrested?

Your point is?

If you wish to make a claim then you need to back up your position, otherwise you will just be a petty bigot relying on blood libel, and a liar. as Geriatrickid (god bless him) said it.

Exactly! What is your point? what are you trying to claim? what is your position? what is your proof to support your position?

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The term used was that of "Terrorist State". Your reference to events from the last century are in respect to political groups and the former colonial government. Those acts may well have been terrorist acts. However, they are not evidence of Israel as a Terror State. The state of israel was not in existence. Try again.

Perhaps the Palestinians feel they have the same moral right to use terror that the Irgun/Haganah felt they had in 1948. Not ancient history as far as I am concerned, I was alive in 1948.

It is not the right or wrong of it I question, only the hypocricy. Membership in these terrorist groups in fact included the same people who shaped the Jewish State and its policies. To include: Yitzhak Rabin, Ariel Sharon, Rehavam Leevi, Dov Hoz, Moche Dayan, Yigal Allon and Dr. Ruth Westheimer just to name a few.

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And if you do not mind, could you now post the laws and rules for Jews living in Palestine or any other Arab state. oh wait Jews are not even allowed to enter most of them

If you wish to make a claim then you need to back up your position, otherwise you will just be a petty bigot relying on blood libel, and a liar. as Geriatrickid (god bless him) said it.

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Any culprits arrested?

Your point is?

If you wish to make a claim then you need to back up your position, otherwise you will just be a petty bigot relying on blood libel, and a liar. as Geriatrickid (god bless him) said it.

Exactly! What is your point? what are you trying to claim? what is your position? what is your proof to support your position?

Erm, were any culprits arrested so far? do we know who is responsible for this bomb attack?

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Erm, were any culprits arrested so far? do we know who is responsible for this bomb attack?

And who do you think is responsible? the ASIAN again or the undercover Zionists?

Who has been responsible for every single terror attack in Israel?

Who has made countless statements promoting and encouraging and praising terror attacks in Israel?

Did i miss anyone?

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And who do you think is responsible? the ASIAN again or the undercover Zionists?

Who has been responsible for every single terror attack in Israel?

Who has made countless statements promoting and encouraging and praising terror attacks in Israel?

Did i miss anyone?

The bomb attack was condemned worldwide, Palestinians condemned it too. Israel is in ASIA, so what is your point?

Were any suspects arrested, any culprits found?

Or goes the armchair CSI team on rampage in this thread? With hate speech and blood libel, just like geriatrickid (god bless him) said it?

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And who do you think is responsible? the ASIAN again or the undercover Zionists?

Who has been responsible for every single terror attack in Israel?

Who has made countless statements promoting and encouraging and praising terror attacks in Israel?

Did i miss anyone?

The bomb attack was condemned worldwide, Palestinians condemned it too. Israel is in ASIA, so what is your point?

Were any suspects arrested, any culprits found?

Or goes the armchair CSI team on rampage in this thread? With hate speech and blood libel, just like geriatrickid (god bless him) said it?

Strange, because i always thought israel was in the middle east-hence the middle east conflict.blink.gif

Palestinians condemned it? which part? the Hamas or the Fatah?

The latest brutal murder was condemned by Fatah yet praised and celebrated by Hamas

So if Hamas has enough kahunas to claim responsibility for the attack, would they be arrested? Just the other day you refused to accept as proof claims of responsibility

So what is your point? or you do not have one and will try to scapegoat again and again and again?

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that's not true, they fled in large part due to attacks by jewish militia's and some villages were even massacred, and we're not even talking about that, we're talking about the policies of today..

no one on this thread is arguing the right of return of palestinians .. and that seems to be where your going .. i'm talking about the current aphartied situation in israel today ..

I'm not the one who printed the lie about Israel "throwing out' the Arabs. I just pointed out that in large part it is not true and that the Arabs who did not leave were offered citizenship. I did not bring up any other off topic point although you are trying to. :rolleyes:

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So let's get back to the topic in question.


debkafile's counter-terror sources report that the attack was professionally executed by a team of three to five with local aid from East Jerusalem Palestinians. While the authorities have reassured the city that it was a one-off attack, intelligence and terror experts are certain a terrorist organization activated trained bombers and may do so again.

Edited by metisdead
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Horses for courses........... :ph34r:

Jerusalem Bombing

by craig on Mar 23rd in Palestine

I pray that the bus stop bomb in Jerusalem today does not herald a return to this kind of terrorism in Israel. Terrorism is always a form of racism because it involves an indiscriminate attack upon a people. Killing and wounding innocent civilians is nothing to be proud of, whoever does it.

It is also the case that of recent years there has been a continuing and measurable shift, in European public opinion in particular, in favour of the Palestinians. There is not a simple cause and effect relationship, but the effective moratorium on this kind of terrorist attack has definitely helped people see beyond atrocity propaganda to a more profound understanding of the situation. International public opinion does ultimately matter. It was not terrorism or violent action or internal political or economic resistance that brought down apartheid. It was not even economic sanctions. It was moral collapse, the difficulty of living with the stigma with which white South Africans came to be viewed in the entire world. And it was the ANC’s de facto abandonment of armed struggle, long before officially renouncing it in 1990, that facilitated that. In short, Gandhi was right.

Of course we still do not know who planted the Jerusalem bomb, and it is disgraceful that Obama has already referred to “Israel’s right of self-defence”, when we have no idea if this was internal or external. Who is America going to exercise its right of self defence against in relation to events in Tucson and Spokane? Until we know something more definite – and unless someone credibly claims responsibility we won’t, as the Israeli authorities deserve no trust at all – the answer to the question cui bono does not point to the Palestinians. Nor does the modus operandi; not a suicide bomb but a bin bomb. I cannot recall Palestinians using that form of attack at any time in the recent past. Which is not to say it was not fanatic and stupid Palestinians, but Obama has no right to presume that. People prepared to plant bombs without injuring themselves are a very much wider field.

Of course, this bomb has received ten times the air time on Western broadcasters as the killing of Palestinian civilians in Gaza yesterday, In fact between the terrible murder of Israeli settlers three weeks ago and this bomb, the Israeli security services have killed nine Palestinian civilians just in the general course of things. But nobody bothers to report that at all. I have commended before The Prickly Pears of Palestine to you as a book which brought home to me the regular and routine nature of Israeli killings of young Palestinians.


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You don't half pick em. :rolleyes:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Craig_Murray

So he complains of press bias as Palestinian deaths supposedly received less coverage than Israeli ones. Well that would make a rare change, perhaps it had something to do with the fact that civilians were deliberately targeted here but were not by the Israelis who were afterall retaliating. You don't get any moral equivalence by deathtoll especially when one side uses human shields.

P.S I can see no such 'bias' with the Thaivisa forum seeing as the deaths of 15 protesters in Syria condemned by the U.N receives no comment whatsoever.

Edited by Steely Dan
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of course no body bothered to ask how i am: that was our kibbutz bus bus stop, and it was at the main time when people are either going in to town after work, or comeing back after running errands, and it is a particularly busy bus stop for about 20 bus routes both inner city, periphery, and intercity stations. fortunately, noone from our kibbutz was there at the time, several people had just got off our bus and headed up to city center. at 15:10 i got phone call from daughter that she is ok (working near uni campus), her boyfriend living in city center heard the boom and the sirens and saw police cars racing down the main road in central jeruslaem which is now a closed mall pedestrian way-- a minute after that, all our cell phone systems crashed (god knows what we would do in a tsunami and earthquake if orange and cellcom cant keep going in a terrorist hit), and of course everyone started phoning on regular phones... its our instinct to start to phone everyone to do a grand total of where people are located, near, far, injured, etc.




Glad that you and yours are OK. We know you through TV, so that makes it hit home.

I feel sad, though, for those who aren't OK.

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You don't half pick em. :rolleyes:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Craig_Murray

So he complains of press bias as Palestinian deaths supposedly received less coverage than Israeli ones. Well that would make a rare change, perhaps it had something to do with the fact that civilians were deliberately targeted here but were not by the Israelis who were afterall retaliating. You don't get any moral equivalence by deathtoll especially when one side uses human shields.

P.S I can see no such 'bias' with the Thaivisa forum seeing as the deaths of 15 protesters in Syria condemned by the U.N receives no comment whatsoever.

I already figured you out long ago. :rolleyes: Everyone by your standards

has something wrong with them - even a former Israeli Government

Minister is not to be believed according to you. :lol: I think most people would regard this article by Murray as being fair and balanced

but i dont think those words are even in your own vocabulary :bah:

Edited by midas
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A diplomat breaking the official secrets act, repremanded for being drunk at work and leaving his first wife for a belly dancer he met at a Tashkent nightclub. :cheesy:

I at least commented on his suspect commentary and left others to check the link if curious, but you are improving, I can find no holocaust denial or 9/11 conspiracy claims in his C.V

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A diplomat breaking the official secrets act, repremanded for being drunk at work and leaving his first wife for a belly dancer he met at a Tashkent nightclub. :cheesy:

I at least commented on his suspect commentary and left others to check the link if curious, but you are improving, I can find no holocaust denial or 9/11 conspiracy claims in his C.V

For those who may not be aware but Uzbekistan is a tiny little country, use to be a state of USSR something long the lines of Afghanistan, only much much much smaller.

So to get a post there, one would really need to make some "enemies" within the government, but to get fired even from that position that would take some serious "hard" work

After the split of USSR , Uzbekistan is one of the worst off states, just to give an idea, salary for teacher is around $50-$100 per month

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A diplomat breaking the official secrets act, repremanded for being drunk at work and leaving his first wife for a belly dancer he met at a Tashkent nightclub. :cheesy:

I at least commented on his suspect commentary and left others to check the link if curious, but you are improving, I can find no holocaust denial or 9/11 conspiracy claims in his C.V

What has leaving his first wife for a belly dancer he met at a Tashkent nightclub got to do with the price of fish. God bless the man I say. :bah:

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I already figured you out long ago. :rolleyes: Everyone by your standards

has something wrong with them - even a former Israeli Government

Minister is not to be believed according to you. :lol: I think most people would regard this article by Murray as being fair and balanced

but i dont think those words are even in your own vocabulary :bah:

It is neither fair nor balanced. You have posted the opinion of a disgraced short term junior political appointee that was sacked as fact.

It is one man's opinion. I hardly think a man with his history of poor judgement and alleged improprieties can be taken seriously.

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I already figured you out long ago. :rolleyes: Everyone by your standards

has something wrong with them - even a former Israeli Government

Minister is not to be believed according to you. :lol: I think most people would regard this article by Murray as being fair and balanced

but i dont think those words are even in your own vocabulary :bah:

It is neither fair nor balanced. You have posted the opinion of a disgraced short term junior political appointee that was sacked as fact.

It is one man's opinion. I hardly think a man with his history of poor judgement and alleged improprieties can be taken seriously.

You are attacking the credibility of the person making the statement instead of what the person has actually said. Something many governments do to try and deflect the issue. Just look at what is being said about Julian Assange. What does his credibility have to do with what has been leaked? Nothing, he didn't make the statements, he just put them in the public domain. So i don't think the type of person he is has any relevence to it whatsover.

I have no idea who the guy is that made that statement, nor do I care, what I do care about is that a bomb was planted and caused untold misery and I, for one, will condemn those that planted this bomb but I prefer to wait until it was confirmed who was responsible..

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A diplomat breaking the official secrets act, repremanded for being drunk at work and leaving his first wife for a belly dancer he met at a Tashkent nightclub. :cheesy:

I at least commented on his suspect commentary and left others to check the link if curious, but you are improving, I can find no holocaust denial or 9/11 conspiracy claims in his C.V

What has leaving his first wife for a belly dancer he met at a Tashkent nightclub got to do with the price of fish. God bless the man I say. :bah:

What if his first wife was a nymphomaniac that owned a golf course and three liquor stores?

Wouldn't that tend to raise questions about his judgement?

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A diplomat breaking the official secrets act, repremanded for being drunk at work and leaving his first wife for a belly dancer he met at a Tashkent nightclub. :cheesy:

I at least commented on his suspect commentary and left others to check the link if curious, but you are improving, I can find no holocaust denial or 9/11 conspiracy claims in his C.V

What has leaving his first wife for a belly dancer he met at a Tashkent nightclub got to do with the price of fish. God bless the man I say. :bah:

For bigots is it an issue.

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A diplomat breaking the official secrets act, repremanded for being drunk at work and leaving his first wife for a belly dancer he met at a Tashkent nightclub. :cheesy:

I at least commented on his suspect commentary and left others to check the link if curious, but you are improving, I can find no holocaust denial or 9/11 conspiracy claims in his C.V

What has leaving his first wife for a belly dancer he met at a Tashkent nightclub got to do with the price of fish. God bless the man I say. :bah:

For bigots is it an issue.

Oh the irony :cheesy: you forgot to use the 'Z' word Eddie are you feeling ok?

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A diplomat breaking the official secrets act, repremanded for being drunk at work and leaving his first wife for a belly dancer he met at a Tashkent nightclub. :cheesy:

I at least commented on his suspect commentary and left others to check the link if curious, but you are improving, I can find no holocaust denial or 9/11 conspiracy claims in his C.V

What has leaving his first wife for a belly dancer he met at a Tashkent nightclub got to do with the price of fish. God bless the man I say. :bah:

What if his first wife was a nymphomaniac that owned a golf course and three liquor stores?

Wouldn't that tend to raise questions about his judgement?

Oh now your talking about my future wife. Where do I find this woman. :D

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