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Smoking Cigarettes Next Door To My Condo, What Rights Do I Have As Co Owner In Bkk?

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I don't like smoke either.

But its their right to smoke within their own private space whether rented or owned. Its not my right to dictate what people do in their private space. Listen carefully, they might be having sex, too.

This sounds like a really immature whinge to me.

Suppose they start mixing and burning toxic chemicals (such as Ammonia, Benzine, Mercury, Acetone, Tar etc..) in their "own private space" next door to you; and the toxic chemicals are drifting into your "own private space"? Still not a problem?

Toxic chemicals are not the same thing as a habit common to millions of people worldwide.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree with the guy who's worried about farters!

The Second-Hand smoke folk are bored individuals who have gotten a taste for the power of ordering other people's lives for them. Nobody was listening to the Smoking Will Kill You crew, so the bogus non-issue of second hand smoke was dragged in and pumped up to gain support. And the sphincter clenching, holier-than-thou groupies need to back the hell off and get a new hobby.

Everyone to hell in his own handbasket. I'm just waiting for the time that cigarette addicts grow a few pairs & start fighting back. Non-smoking parks? Beaches? Wind Tunnels? Sidewalks? NOW IT'S OTHER PEOPLE'S HOMES??

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Cigarette smokers are addicted chemically(nicotine) and addicted psychologically.The chemical accounts for about 10% of the problem.The rest is psychological..

That is the truth of the matter -few smokers will admit to this . Few will be aware.

They have many issues to deal with. Your discomfort is not on the list.

All smokers rue the day that they took their first cigarette.

It is impossible to deal with smokers on rational/humane lines.

No persuasion , gentle or otherwise ,will gain a decision in your favour.

You will need to adapt to the circumstances that you find yourself in .

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You'll find that 99% of cigarette smokers agree that the habit is bad for their health, might even kill them. In the case of the older generations, billions of dollars, pounds, baht and shekels were pumped into campaigns to get them to start smoking in the first place. Why the new generations who have grown up with smoking bans, free of cigarette advertisements and subjected to draconian laws choose to smoke is an intriguing question.

My opinion is that a large percentage of elders would stop smoking if the addiction were not so intense and hard to beat. The ones who don't stop, as well as the younger generation, have their own reasons, not the least of which is the stench of self-righteousness inflicted upon them by the newly empowered anti-smoking league.This particular stench is every bit as disgusting as the smell of a cigarette. A guy who's nervous about intervening when he sees someone being mugged, or even hesitant about calling someone on littering, now has no compunction about lecturing a complete stranger about smoking.

This righteousness is an addiction in itself. There are few other circumstances when an otherwise diffident person would find the nerve - actually feel entitled -to interfere with the actions of a stranger on the street, beach or park. The OP is so dizzy with newly acquired power he would dictate what an individual does in his own property.

For some, it is this very attitude of the anti-smoking league that raises the hackles and makes a smoker want to light up another.

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OBoy! I just watched a documentary on the dangers of second-hand smoke. This one crossed all barriers thus far. This one states that you musn't smoke in the house if a baby is there. Further, if you go outside to smoke, you must first shower and change your clothes before approaching the baby.

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