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Earthquake In Burma/Thailand


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Thanks for posting this Doug Copp article...

yes indeed thanks !

I wonder who started the rumour about number 6

and on what this was based ? Even when i worked

in Los Angeles we had a few tremors and people

always did this.

Heading for the foot of the bed sounds more like it B)

Just be aware when stuff is posted on the internet that not everything is as it first seems. There seems to be alot of information from other people and organisations that don't actually like all of Mr Copps advice. Theres a bit online about people that challenge both what he claims and his experience.

Heres one link for you.


I know little about earthquakes and hope to keep it that way.

Exactly, can't always believe what's posted on none reputable internet sites or via viral emails to always be true.

midas: if you go back to page 6, you'll see I posted four links to further information on this too, that's what the post was based on. You can hardly consider it a bad rumour if there are many well established organisations like the Redcross and others who openly have issue with Copp's advice. Having said that, as I said in my previous post, what Copp says does also make some sense, but it seems to be partly down to the type of building standards and methods in different countries. Almost all information I found questioning Copp's advice seemed to relate to America. To be fair though, Copp's company is also US based.

From what I have read, it almost sounds like if something were to happen, either find a possible void next to an object like a sofa or bed and hope no debris falls on you and kills you, or, possibly get down low and cover maybe under a table where you are potentially safer from smaller debris but could get squashed/killed in the event of a larger collapse. Either way, Copp's information is worth noting along side the trusted "Drop, Cover, and Hold On" advice from many other emergency organisations.

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RT @thaicam: You really feel the tremors when lying in bed or on the floor

Could you lot be quiet! My Wife and I were both in bed at the time and she shouted out "the earth moved for me". So I don't want the wife to know it was merely an earthquake!

How can you make light of this, or any fatal tragedy ... ? You're a jerk. People are still suffering. Does that mean anything to you?

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Why is there no footage of New Petchaburi - the Platinum Plaza buildings caught alight and about 80% of the building is toast. Manhattan Building was whipping around and who knows what Bayoke Tower was doing? Yet it is blacked out of Thai news? Why??? People in high-rise felt it most - on the ground in BKK not much of anything but the rotating whipping motion on high rises from below ground forces would make any hi-rise dweller want to sell immediately. You could beat a Tsunami by being up high but you won't beat the fall when the building crumbles under Thai construction standards!

You have nothing to worry about.

I just read in the BKK Post that the Govt sent out letters to all the owners of all buildings over 10 stories. They requested the owners to make sure there buildings are safe. Everything is good because they recieved no responce from any of these building owners.

In the same article, the building developers asured everybody that there buildings are safe.

If that does not make you feel better. Then in this same article again. That all high rise buildings (over 10 stories) are built to withstand a whopping 5.0 earthquake.

It does not say anything about the buildings under 10 stories. but I am sure those owners of these buildings will hire expensive engineers to check there property for the safty of there tenents. And surly will move them to another property if found unsafe.

Thank God the Thai Govt is taking such steps for the safety of all.

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RT @thaicam: You really feel the tremors when lying in bed or on the floor

Could you lot be quiet! My Wife and I were both in bed at the time and she shouted out "the earth moved for me". So I don't want the wife to know it was merely an earthquake!

How can you make light of this, or any fatal tragedy ... ? You're a jerk. People are still suffering. Does that mean anything to you?

Estrada, You must have been GOOD! My Girlfriend has never told me she felt the earth move.

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Was sitting in the lobby of the Shangri-La Hotel in Chiang Mai when the first one arrived & having lived thru numerous quakes in Southern California over a good number of years (including the Northridge quake in the early 90's) thought, "Oh gee, I think I feel an itty-bitty earthquake..." & continued with what I was doing, talking on the phone with a friend. The intensity was next to nil and while surprised of a quake in CM, I didn't jump from my seat as the intensity was anything but intense. I can however understand how the uninitiated might get rattled, but no more than that of the fear one might get from a severe thunder storm if that's not what you're used to. We used to regularly get 2-3 quakes in So.Cal's Imperial Valley just like that & more so on a yearly basis. We lived with it. I suppose those not exposed to this natural occurrence might freak out, but really... this was nothing to get excited about. One's life is a thousand fold more in danger simply driving around town than that quake ever was. I'm more rattled by the lunatic pinheads who run red lights and drive into oncoming traffic with no headlights than any quake ever does.

Been there, done that, eh. :boring: <snip>

Ignore the scoffers, yeeowww - I enjoyed your post.

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That link did not work. Please try this one.

USGS changed the link. Now updated.

Thanks for posting and I am so worry about the Big one in Chiang Rai since it situates nears Shan State, Burma. Many poor people live around those lands. Amphur Mae Rim, Chiang Mai was shaking bad when February Eathquake in Laos happening this year . Mae Rim was located the same zone with Laos but, who knows if it strikes higher in the future. Watch out and I hope the Thais prepare for her people. My take and opinion.

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