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Discrimination (Don'T Shop Here)


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Right now you are still effectively a tourist. Wait until you have settled down a bit before you start telling people they are wrong and that you already have all the answers after 3 weeks.

I haven't said that I have all the answers, I've said that blackman cleaning products is racist, charging foreigners more is seen as racist, I'm not sure about that one. No more examples really given and just because someone lives here for years it doesn't necessarily mean that their opinion is fact.

You have every right to your own reactions to your own experiences. A good start for you to explore horrific racism in Thailand in the CM region is how hill tribe people are treated. If you are interested in the topic I am sure you can find info sources. The topic of everything racist in Thailand is really too massive for casual treatment in a thread like this.

If you're only a casual tourist here to have fun, why should you care so much anyway? Not only is it not your country, but you don't plan on living here. Why bother knowing too much (not a compliment), as the Thais sometimes say of foreigners who see behind the superficial surface.

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Pt1 - Are you saying you've not made any friend in the past three weeks?

Pt2 - Are you aware of the major scisms between the Siam Thai, the Lanna Thai, the Chinese Thai, Khmer Thai? what is your definition of mostly???

Pt3 - Human Race - by that definition no person can be a racist. What are you arguing about?

- another test, how many thai friends have youmade and how many non-thai friends have you made since you've been here. Language is an issue, but there are a vast many thais thathave a basic command of english.

We probably have a different definition of friendship.

Your assumption that it is homogeneous isracist. Do we all look alike to you??? Youare lumping us all in your mind's eye as Asian or simply Thai.

I said MOSTLY homogeneous.

Just out of curiosity, what race do you consideryourself?


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I also accept mainstream scientific anthropological thought that races don't exist in the human race. We are one race. But people/societies DO see race (and create all kind of social constructs around race), so it doesn't matter that it is a surface illusion, people act like it is very real, always have, and probably always will. So racism can and does exist regardless of the existence of race. Thais aren't a race and neither certainly are "farangs".

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2. NO, you did not read the explanation of the sight.

Thai Mani speak the Aslian Tonga' language (they really are Semang living in Thailand, the differences are not great and Tonga' is closely related to the Semang language)- the Malaysian Semang are the "classical" Malaysian Negrito and speak a variety of different Aslian languages

I personally would class these people as indigenous Thai, if not then how far do you have to go back before someone is classed as indigenous?

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Pt1 - Are you saying you've not made any friend in the past three weeks?

I call them acquittance's.


Pt2 - Are you aware of the major scisms between the Siam Thai, the Lanna Thai, the Chinese Thai, Khmer Thai? what is your definition of mostly???

The same as what is in the dictionary.

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You have every right to your own reactions to your own experiences. A good start for you to explore horrific racism in Thailand in the CM region is how hill tribe people are treated. If you are interested in the topic I am sure you can find info sources. The topic of everything racist in Thailand is really too massive for casual treatment in a thread like this.

Thanks, I'll look in to that.

If you're only a casual tourist here to have fun, why should you care so much anyway? Not only is it not your country, but you don't plan on living here. Why bother knowing too much (not a compliment), as the Thais sometimes say of foreigners who see behind the superficial surface.

I always like to learn new things especially about other cultures and as I said I will be back here again.

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indigenous = very simply put, original inhabitants

They clearly are not, based off the proof you so kindly provided.

Pt1 - Are you saying you've not made any friend in the past three weeks?

I call them acquittance's.


Pt2 - Are you aware of the major scisms between the Siam Thai, the Lanna Thai, the Chinese Thai, Khmer Thai? what is your definition of mostly???

The same as what is in the dictionary.

Pt1 - This is too easy or maybe just sad. Either way, I'll leave it alone.

Pt2 - Mostly - For the greatest part, mainly

You have no idea how racist you actually are. You're willing to class the of people you see walking around as Asian or Thai just because they all look the same to you. This can be highly offensive around here. You've been given some great advise by some posters like jingthing. take the time to figure out where you are and what's around you . Your 3 weeks in, just isn't enough to see what it what around here.

PS. If you haven't yet guessed, I and most of the other poster really have nothing against you and probably agree with you on most of your sentiments towards racism. Also, when posting on TV, or even thinking about posting, expect to be attacked for no other reason than it being Sunday.:)

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Not as much as you seem to think. Thais see differences that perhaps you do not.

Perhaps. Wiki says there are about 2 million foreigners here.

Hi <Jackers>

Can I just ask how long you have been living in Thailand, or anywhere else in Asia for that matter, and your home country? This would assist me in seeing where you are coming from.

If you have already informed of this, then I apologise.

Many thanks

This is around my 3rd week in Thailand, I spent 10 months in Philippines, 2 months in Nepal, 5 months in India and a couple of days in Malaysia.

it shows... boy does it show...

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indigenous = very simply put, original inhabitants

They clearly are not, based off the proof you so kindly provided.

"The Cultural Encyclopaedia of the Southern People, vol. 3 (ref. 15, p. 994) is a work of reference on prehistoric communities in the south of Thailand. It says that "in the Pleistocene period dating back to more than 8-10,000 years, a group of Australoid people, i.e. the Negritos settled in the plains near the coast and were later were pushed into the the hilly forest areas."

That's good enough for me..

Pt2 - Mostly - For the greatest part, mainly

You have no idea how racist you actually are. You're willing to class the of people you see walking around as Asian or Thai just because they all look the same to you.

Now you are just making things up.


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Your 3 weeks in, just isn't enough to see what itwhat around here.

I didn't say it was, my main argument thatblackman cleaning products is racist.

Also, when posting on TV, or even thinking aboutposting, expect to be attacked for no other reason than it being Sunday.


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it shows... boy does it show...

All I've done is not go with the crowd in regards to blackman cleaning products other than that I can't see what me being here for 3 weeks has to do with anything. I could have said I've been here for 3 years then what?

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Pt1 - This is too easy or maybe just sad. Either way, I'll leave it alone.

Those who I consider friends are back in England, these are people who I've known for decades. I've met and talked to some nice people but I dont class them as friends.

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if your problem is with blackman products why change the flow of a thread that was about ginger flavoured biscuits?

This thread is just a piss take of the other thread, I voiced my opinion here and that's it. If you want to talk about gingernuts knock yourself out.

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indigenous = very simply put, original inhabitants

They clearly are not, based off the proof you so kindly provided.

"The Cultural Encyclopaedia of the Southern People, vol. 3 (ref. 15, p. 994) is a work of reference on prehistoric communities in the south of Thailand. It says that "in the Pleistocene period dating back to more than 8-10,000 years, a group of Australoid people, i.e. the Negritos settled in the plains near the coast and were later were pushed into the the hilly forest areas."

That's good enough for me..

Pt2 - Mostly - For the greatest part, mainly

You have no idea how racist you actually are. You're willing to class the of people you see walking around as Asian or Thai just because they all look the same to you.

Now you are just making things up.


Pt1 - yeah, thats good enough for me too :)

PT2 - Seriously, this is something that anyone that's been here for a while knows. Try this. Ask a Thai acquaintance of yours if they are Thai. Obvious answer is yes. Then ask them when did their line immigrate from China. If they tell you something like"100 or 200 yrs.". They are Chinese Thai If they get angry with your question, they can be Siam, Lanna, Khmer, or any range of "hilltribe" Just for effect, try it the other way too. While in CM, tell one of the locals how much they look like the original Siamese people. If they are as sure as we are about how naive you are, they'll let it slide with an explanation that they are proud Lanna's, if not you've lost an acquaintance. Go up onto the mountains ask ask why their children don't go to school in the city. Too far? Just move down into town.

I don't really suggest you try this, but ask around about the differences. You'll find the Siamese, don't even have a plurality here. Ask about the differences of the people from issan.

FYI, I am of Asian decent, and I am often confused for being Thai by tourist, and just as often asked "which parent is asian, which is falang" by Thais and expats. Please be mindful that what you see now and what you'll see after being here a while will be completely different, if you choose to open your eyes.

OK, Sunday is over for me. Back to semi-realistic, lightly bashing post for a week.

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I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for today's post. Not only have I been able to waste time on a lazy Sunday, saving me from having to watch "The Star: with the wife, but I've also learned a little bit of history as well. Who knew that people with darker skin and curly hair, referred to as Black by a certain poster, are in fact indigenous to Thailand.

Hope you and all the other people of TV have a great Sunday night!

/Posted Today, 14:46[/color]

This morning I accompanied some old school friends from a foreign country to a well known supermarket.

One of them was a red head. Imagine my horror when I spotted on the shelf... a packet of 'GINGER NUTS'

Well I was well aware of the colour of his testicles due to an unfortunate observation in the communal showers at school.

As a person who has grown up around red headed children I am well aware of the discrimination and nicknames that they were branded with!

I felt that Thai nationals, although none of them suffer from the red headed affliction, could have been more culturally aware and not stocked this brand due to the offence it may cause these ginger people.

I have tried to contact the company that manufactures this product, but to no avail!

I will be taking this up with all relevant embassies and heads of state!

In the meantime, I urge anyone who may empathise with people who have red hair on their testicles to not shop at stores which stock these 'GINGER NUTS'! [/color][/color]

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PT2 - Seriously, this is something that anyone that's been here for a while knows. Try this. Ask a Thai acquaintance of yours if they are Thai. Obvious answer is yes. Then ask them when did their line immigrate from China. If they tell you something like"100 or 200 yrs.". They are Chinese Thai If they get angry with your question, they can be Siam, Lanna, Khmer, or any range of "hilltribe" Just for effect, try it the other way too. While in CM, tell one of the locals how much they look like the original Siamese people. If they are as sure as we are about how naive you are, they'll let it slide with an explanation that they are proud Lanna's, if not you've lost an acquaintance. Go up onto the mountains ask ask why their children don't go to school in the city. Too far? Just move down into town.

I don't really suggest you try this, but ask around about the differences. You'll find the Siamese, don't even have a plurality here. Ask about the differences of the people from issan.

FYI, I am of Asian decent, and I am often confused for being Thai by tourist, and just as often asked "which parent is asian, which is falang" by Thais and expats. Please be mindful that what you see now and what you'll see after being here a while will be completely different, if you choose to open your eyes.


All I have said though is that Thailand is mostly homogeneous which I don't find is particularly offensive or wrong, I didn't say all Thai's look the the same.

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As one poster has already said this thread was probably designed to take the piss out of the other closed thread.

There is just too much talk of racism here for my liking and a great deal of repetition from the other thread concerning certain products with what could be seen as having racist connotations.

I can't see any value in keeping it open at all.


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