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Israeli strike kills two in Gaza, Israel deploys anti-missile system


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You really should stop relying on Hamas supporter websites for your "facts". Yo did blow it with your comment on colonial occupiers didn't you? Did you forget that the colonial occupiers as you termed it were actually muslim and from the region?


Who are you telling me what i should and what i should not do?

If you hate Muslims and see in anyone a traitor who make friends with them just say it.

looks like you have nothing constructive to say to the topic: Israeli strike kills two in Gaza, Israel deploys anti-missile system

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If you hate Muslims and see in anyone a traitor who make friends with them just say it.

No one here hates Muslims. They despise cowardly, radical Islamic terrorists and those that make excuses for them.

Are you sure?

And what is about the cowardly part and makes excuses for them?:

from the OP:

Israeli forces escalated their aggression against the Gaza Strip during the last two weeks, killing 8 Palestinians in air raids on March 23, and injuring 12, mostly children.

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In retaliation for THIS:

Hamas fires dozens of mortars at Israel

IAN DEITCH, Associated Press Ian Deitch, Associated Press – Sat Mar 19, 3:31 pm ETJERUSALEM – Palestinian militants in Gaza fired more than 50 mortar shells into Israel on Saturday, the heaviest barrage in two years, Israeli officials said, raising the prospect of a new Mideast flareup.

Also Saturday, Hamas police beat reporters and news photographers covering a rally in Gaza City, drawing a stiff condemnation from the reporters' association.

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Way to bring peace to Palestine.

How smart they are. My bet is they are Zionists.

Are you now saying Hamas are Zionist?blink.gif

from the OP:

Israeli forces escalated their aggression against the Gaza Strip during the last two weeks, killing 8 Palestinians in air raids on March 23, and injuring 12, mostly children.

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Israel is a country besieged by Islamic terrorists who use human shields with no mercy for their fellow Muslims.

Israel seems to be the killer here, without making much difference if the target is a terrorist or just a Muslim kid playing some football.

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No critical thinker disputes that the USA would be nowhere near where it is today if the Native American Indians had retained control of it. The same logic applies to Israel IMO.

It is the hypocrisy that drives many of us crazy. Qassam rockets are little more than expensive fireworks. They have no guidance system at all. The arrows fired by Native Americans had a much better chance of doing damage than these cheap rockets do. The rocket shield is likely deployed in anticipation of the Iranians and not out of concern for Qassam rockets.

The Israelis will have to deal with the Arabs in the area in the same respect that European settlers had to deal with Native Americans when inhabiting North America. It took the Europeans a couple of hundred years to get things under control.

The huge IQ advantage the Europeans brought to America is similar to what the Israelis have over the Palestinians. Just the way it is. Let's simply call a spade a spade and get on with it. The childish bickering is simply not productive and in the end, the Israelis will likely prevail due to natural selection.

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The huge IQ advantage the Europeans brought to America is similar to what the Israelis have over the Palestinians. Just the way it is. Let's simply call a spade a spade and get on with it.

Unfortunately, the Palestinian Arabs do not seem clever enough to agree to a peace treaty. :(

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Way to bring peace to Palestine.

How smart they are. My bet is they are Zionists.

Are you now saying Hamas are Zionist?blink.gif

from the OP:

Israeli forces escalated their aggression against the Gaza Strip during the last two weeks, killing 8 Palestinians in air raids on March 23, and injuring 12, mostly children.

I am well aware that you suffer from selective reading and posting, so should be quote the rest from OP

According to the IDF, over 130 mortar shells, Qassam rockets and Grad rockets have been fired from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory since January. From this amount, more than 56 rockets were fired last week.

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Every army kills civilians by mistake. Hamas kills them on purpose. :bah:

So how many Israeli civilians have been killed on purpose and how many Palestinian civilians have been killed by 'alleged' mistake?

Edited by Wallaby
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Israel is a country besieged by Islamic terrorists who use human shields with no mercy for their fellow Muslims.

Israel seems to be the killer here, without making much difference if the target is a terrorist or just a Muslim kid playing some football.

There has to be some sort of short circuit problem.

1. Hamas fired rockets-Israel to blame

2. Fatah kills a family-Israel to blame

3. Bomb in Jerusalem-Israel to blame

4. Hamas kills and tortures its own people-Israel to blame

5. Hamas arrests and tortures women reporters-Israel to Blame

6. Hamas breaks in and confiscates everything from CNN and Reuters-israel to blame

7. Hamas beats pro peace demonstrators-Israel to blame

8. Hamas violently beats uni students-Israel to Blame.

Perhaps it might be time for Eddy to visit service center to have that short circuit fixed.

And by the way, has it ever crossed your mind that any news coming out from Palestinian News is rather propaganda and controlled considering

Hamas security personnel raid offices of media organizations, including Reuters and CNN, confiscate equipment and documents.

A number of Palestinian women journalists complained on Sunday that they had been beaten and tortured by Hamas security forces in the Gaza Strip.

They said the assaults occurred in recent days when they and their colleagues tried to cover pro-unity rallies in different parts of the Gaza Strip.


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Every army kills civilians by mistake. Hamas kills them on purpose. :bah:

So how many Israeli civilians have been killed on purpose and how many Palestinian civilians have been killed by 'alleged' mistake?

Just because Israel has a system in place to protect its citizens, it does not change the fact that over 150 rockets being fired with 1 aim and 1 aim ONLY, to kill civilians.

When rockets are fired, israeli's are advised and made run to bomb shelters.

When Israel responds Palestinians are forced to gather around the rocket launchers.

PS. Not even 1 rocket ever fired from Palestine was NOT aimed at civilians. In other words every single rocket, every single bomb and every single attack was aimed at civilians ONLY

Edited by kuffki
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Every army kills civilians by mistake. Hamas kills them on purpose. :bah:

So how many Israeli civilians have been killed on purpose and how many Palestinian civilians have been killed by 'alleged' mistake?

It would be a mistake to draw any conclusions from a simple body count due to the systematic use of human shields by Hamas. A Palestinian child is worth more dead to Hamas than live due to their cynical propaganda that some are guillible enough to be fooled by.

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Way to bring peace to Palestine.

How smart they are. My bet is they are Zionists.

Are you now saying Hamas are Zionist?blink.gif

from the OP:

Israeli forces escalated their aggression against the Gaza Strip during the last two weeks, killing 8 Palestinians in air raids on March 23, and injuring 12, mostly children.

I am well aware that you suffer from selective reading and posting, so should be quote the rest from OP

According to the IDF, over 130 mortar shells, Qassam rockets and Grad rockets have been fired from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory since January. From this amount, more than 56 rockets were fired last week.

So you mean the IDF can feel free to kill a few more Palestinians including children?

Way to bring peace to Palestine.

How smart they are. My bet is they are Zionists.

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It would be a mistake to draw any conclusions from a simple body count due to the systematic use of human shields by Hamas. A Palestinian child is worth more dead to Hamas than live due to their cynical propaganda that some are guillible enough to be fooled by.


Edited by Ulysses G.
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So you mean the IDF can feel free to kill a few more Palestinians including children?

Way to bring peace to Palestine.

How smart they are. My bet is they are Zionists.

You right, HAMAS is much smarter, they use their own kids as human shields, NOW thats the way to bring peace.blink.gif

Of course they would not be terrorists and not only towards Israel but its own people

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Every army kills civilians by mistake. Hamas kills them on purpose. :bah:

So how many Israeli civilians have been killed on purpose and how many Palestinian civilians have been killed by 'alleged' mistake?

Just because Israel has a system in place to protect its citizens, it does not change the fact that over 150 rockets being fired with 1 aim and 1 aim ONLY, to kill civilians.

When rockets are fired, israeli's are advised and made run to bomb shelters.

When Israel responds Palestinians are forced to gather around the rocket launchers.

PS. Not even 1 rocket ever fired from Palestine was NOT aimed at civilians. In other words every single rocket, every single bomb and every single attack was aimed at civilians ONLY

A reaction is one thing, an overreaction is another.

So how many Israeli civilians have been killed and how many palestinian civilians have been killed?

If Israel can't deal with the problem without killing many many civilians then perhaps it should look at alternatives as it is obvious what they are doing isn't having a desired effect for them.

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Human shield



Amnesty International[16] and Human Rights Watch[17] assert the Israel Defense Forces used Palestinian civilians as human shields during the 2002 Battle of Jenin. The Israeli human rights group B'Tselem said that "for a long period of time following the outbreak of the second intifada, particularly during Operation Defensive Shield, in April 2002, the IDF systematically used Palestinian civilians as human shields, forcing them to carry out military actions which threatened their lives".[18][19] The practice was outlawed by the Supreme Court of Israel in 2005 but human rights groups say the IDF continues to use it, although they say the number of instances has dropped sharply.[18][20]

During the 2008-2009 Gaza invasion known as Operation Cast Lead, Israeli military forces were accused of continuing to use civilians as human shields. According to testimonies, Israeli forces used unarmed Palestinians including children to protect military positions, walk in front of armed soldiers; go into buildings to check for booby traps or gunmen; and inspect suspicious objects for explosives.[21][22]

In February 2007, Associated Press Television News released footage of an incident involving Sameh Amira, a 24-year-old Palestinian. The video appears to show the West Bank resident serving as a human shield for a group of Israeli soldiers.[20][23] The video can be seen on the AP website. The Israeli Army launched a criminal investigation into the incident.[20] In April 2007, the Israeli army suspended a commander after the unit he was leading was accused of using Palestinians as human shields in a West Bank raid.[24]

Israel was accused by UN Human Rights Council of using human shields during 2008-2009 Gaza Conflict[25][26]

The Guardian has compiled 3 videos[27] and testimony from civilians of alleged war crimes committed by Israeli soldiers during the Gaza war, including the use of Palestinian children as human shields, the targeting of medics and hospitals, and drone aircraft firing on civilians deliberately.[28] Three teenage brothers from the al-Attar family have claimed that "they were taken from their home at gunpoint, made to kneel in front of tanks to deter Hamas fighters from firing at them and sent by Israeli soldiers into Palestinian houses to clear them".[28]

An Israeli military official responded to these allegations: "The IDF operated in accordance with the rules of war and did the utmost to minimise harm to civilians uninvolved in combat. The IDF's use of weapons conforms to international law." An Israeli embassy spokesperson considers these allegations suspect because of Hamas pressure, adding: "Anyone who understands the realities of Gaza will know that these people are not free to speak the truth. Those that wish to speak out cannot for fear of beatings, torture or execution at the hands of Hamas."[28]

However, in a report on the Gaza conflict,[29] released July 2, 2009, Amnesty International wrote that Israel did use human shields in Gaza. Amnesty claimed to have found cases in which "Israeli troops forced Palestinians to stay in one room of their home while turning the rest of the house into a base and sniper position, effectively using the families, both adults and children, as human shields and putting them at risk. The report also criticized Hamas for human rights violations, but "found no evidence Palestinian fighters directed civilians to shield military objectives from attacks, forced them to stay in buildings used by militants, or prevented them from leaving commandeered buildings."[30] The Israeli military responded only by calling the report "unbalanced" and saying that it ignored "blatant violations of international law perpetrated by Hamas."

On March 12, 2010 the Israel Defense Forces prosecution filed indictments against two staff sergeants of the Givati Brigade for allegedly forcing a 9 year old Palestinian boy to open a number of bags they thought might contain explosives in January 2009. The IDF said it opened the investigation after the incident was brought to its attention by the United Nations.[31] On October 3, 2010 a conviction in this matter was handed down by the military court against both defendants, though neither soldier was jailed.[32][33][34]

B'Tselem, "20 July 2006: Israeli Soldiers use civilians as Human Shields in Beit Hanun",


"Israel Probes "Human Shield" Allegations", CBS News, 11 April 2007.


"Israelis use Palestinian as human shield", The Denver Post, April 12, 2007.


James Bone. UN accuses Israel of committing war crimes in Gaza, The Times, 16 September 2009


"Two IDF soldiers charged with using 9-year-old 'human shield' in Gaza war". Haaretz. March 12, 2010.


"IDF soldiers convicted of using 11-year-old as human shield in Gaza". Haaretz. October 3, 2010.


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Every army kills civilians by mistake. Hamas kills them on purpose. :bah:

So how many Israeli civilians have been killed on purpose and how many Palestinian civilians have been killed by 'alleged' mistake?

Just because Israel has a system in place to protect its citizens, it does not change the fact that over 150 rockets being fired with 1 aim and 1 aim ONLY, to kill civilians.

When rockets are fired, israeli's are advised and made run to bomb shelters.

When Israel responds Palestinians are forced to gather around the rocket launchers.

PS. Not even 1 rocket ever fired from Palestine was NOT aimed at civilians. In other words every single rocket, every single bomb and every single attack was aimed at civilians ONLY

A reaction is one thing, an overreaction is another.

So how many Israeli civilians have been killed and how many palestinian civilians have been killed?

If Israel can't deal with the problem without killing many many civilians then perhaps it should look at alternatives as it is obvious what they are doing isn't having a desired effect for them.

Sure, what are the alternatives?

Build bomb shelters for Palestinians?

Put warning system in place?

Israel already does that-phone calls, leaflets, sms messages.

But there is so much Israel can do when Hamas forces its people to be human shields.

I am afraid there are no alternatives, unless you suggesting Israel just sits and takes all the rockets

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Human shield



Amnesty International[16] and Human Rights Watch[17] assert the Israel Defense Forces used Palestinian civilians as human shields during the 2002 Battle of Jenin. The Israeli human rights group B'Tselem said that "for a long period of time following the outbreak of the second intifada, particularly during Operation Defensive Shield, in April 2002, the IDF systematically used Palestinian civilians as human shields, forcing them to carry out military actions which threatened their lives".[18][19] The practice was outlawed by the Supreme Court of Israel in 2005 but human rights groups say the IDF continues to use it, although they say the number of instances has dropped sharply.[18][20]

During the 2008-2009 Gaza invasion known as Operation Cast Lead, Israeli military forces were accused of continuing to use civilians as human shields. According to testimonies, Israeli forces used unarmed Palestinians including children to protect military positions, walk in front of armed soldiers; go into buildings to check for booby traps or gunmen; and inspect suspicious objects for explosives.[21][22]

In February 2007, Associated Press Television News released footage of an incident involving Sameh Amira, a 24-year-old Palestinian. The video appears to show the West Bank resident serving as a human shield for a group of Israeli soldiers.[20][23] The video can be seen on the AP website. The Israeli Army launched a criminal investigation into the incident.[20] In April 2007, the Israeli army suspended a commander after the unit he was leading was accused of using Palestinians as human shields in a West Bank raid.[24]

Israel was accused by UN Human Rights Council of using human shields during 2008-2009 Gaza Conflict[25][26]

The Guardian has compiled 3 videos[27] and testimony from civilians of alleged war crimes committed by Israeli soldiers during the Gaza war, including the use of Palestinian children as human shields, the targeting of medics and hospitals, and drone aircraft firing on civilians deliberately.[28] Three teenage brothers from the al-Attar family have claimed that "they were taken from their home at gunpoint, made to kneel in front of tanks to deter Hamas fighters from firing at them and sent by Israeli soldiers into Palestinian houses to clear them".[28]

An Israeli military official responded to these allegations: "The IDF operated in accordance with the rules of war and did the utmost to minimise harm to civilians uninvolved in combat. The IDF's use of weapons conforms to international law." An Israeli embassy spokesperson considers these allegations suspect because of Hamas pressure, adding: "Anyone who understands the realities of Gaza will know that these people are not free to speak the truth. Those that wish to speak out cannot for fear of beatings, torture or execution at the hands of Hamas."[28]

However, in a report on the Gaza conflict,[29] released July 2, 2009, Amnesty International wrote that Israel did use human shields in Gaza. Amnesty claimed to have found cases in which "Israeli troops forced Palestinians to stay in one room of their home while turning the rest of the house into a base and sniper position, effectively using the families, both adults and children, as human shields and putting them at risk. The report also criticized Hamas for human rights violations, but "found no evidence Palestinian fighters directed civilians to shield military objectives from attacks, forced them to stay in buildings used by militants, or prevented them from leaving commandeered buildings."[30] The Israeli military responded only by calling the report "unbalanced" and saying that it ignored "blatant violations of international law perpetrated by Hamas."

On March 12, 2010 the Israel Defense Forces prosecution filed indictments against two staff sergeants of the Givati Brigade for allegedly forcing a 9 year old Palestinian boy to open a number of bags they thought might contain explosives in January 2009. The IDF said it opened the investigation after the incident was brought to its attention by the United Nations.[31] On October 3, 2010 a conviction in this matter was handed down by the military court against both defendants, though neither soldier was jailed.[32][33][34]

B'Tselem, "20 July 2006: Israeli Soldiers use civilians as Human Shields in Beit Hanun",


"Israel Probes "Human Shield" Allegations", CBS News, 11 April 2007.


"Israelis use Palestinian as human shield", The Denver Post, April 12, 2007.


James Bone. UN accuses Israel of committing war crimes in Gaza, The Times, 16 September 2009


"Two IDF soldiers charged with using 9-year-old 'human shield' in Gaza war". Haaretz. March 12, 2010.


"IDF soldiers convicted of using 11-year-old as human shield in Gaza". Haaretz. October 3, 2010.


Excellent links, not sure if you read them before posting.

You see the soldiers that did, were charged and convicted by Israel itself

Now please post a link where Hamas operatives were charged and convicted of using human shields by its own people or government

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Excellent links, not sure if you read them before posting.

You see the soldiers that did, were charged and convicted by Israel itself

Now please post a link where Hamas operatives were charged and convicted of using human shields by its own people or government

Charging who? They were already killed by Israelis.

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