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Thais Hate - Connected MPs, People Who Litter: Poll


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Thais hate - connected MPs, people who litter: poll

By The Nation

Using connections, harassment, discrimination, taking revenge, and cheating - those are the top five worst forms of behaviour among politicians, according to a survey by Abac poll released yesterday.

The percentage rankings for these political failings were 86.0, 82.4, 81.9, 81.0, and 80.5.

The public also disapproved of MPs': abuse of authority, 70.8 per cent; absence from work, 70.1 per cent; dereliction of duty, 69.1; snobbery, 69.0; and flexing of power, 64.8 per cent.

The survey was conducted between 15-26 March among 1,429 people in 17 provinces across the country.

The respondents said they considered the best behaviour among politicians was: being verbally polite, 70 per cent; having good principles, 58.2 per cent; respecting the majority, 49.9; upholding democracy, 49.4; reaching out to people, 45.5; upholding public interest, 42.9; and personal sacrifice, 36.7 per cent.

Respondents were also questioned on what they saw as the most admirable behaviour among the Thai public. They voted for:

prostrating to others, 90.6 per cent; helping others in time of trouble, 86.5 per cent; humility, 82.3 per cent; smiling, 82.2 per cent;

nationalistic feeling and loyalty to the monarchy, 82.2 per cent (equal); gratitude, 82.1 per cent; living within means, 62 per cent; unity 53.5 per cent.

The worst behaviour among Thais was seen as: littering, 88.2 per cent; carelessness, 87.2 per cent; overtaking on roads, 83 per cent; laziness, 79.9 per cent; smoking, 79.9 per cent; not being generous on the road, 78.5; cheating, 77.8 per cent; and urinating on walls, 61.6 per cent.


-- The Nation 2011-03-28

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Exactly, Who is it that hates littering here? No one seems to give it a second thought...it's like second nature to just drop whatever paper your holding onto the ground.

And if you want to hate Thai's just try driving in Bangkok for a few days...the most selfish drivers I've ever encountered.

Guess you can add 'being hypocritical' on the list.

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I am confused....is this poll real? Can we know more details about how the poll was conducted. As far as I am concerned and having been in Thailand for 19 years now.......thais do not care about littering, even in new condo projects, you have them sweeping their hairs and dirt into the main corridors. Littering.......they do it all the time.

About moral values, etc......they do not care....as long as it benefits them and they gain from it. Oh Pleeze......what garbage is this poll?

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Thaddeus instead of leaving how about fixing the problem. I have lived here for for 13 years and one problem with Thais is that they very rarely fix anything. When something on their car or in their house doesn't work they just patch it up or quit using it. Very rarely will they take the time or spend the money to fix it. It is just the Thai way. My friends are amazed that my motorbike and truck are 15 years old and still run perfectly.

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A poll of 1,429 people, what a joke. Hardly a conclusive consensus of opinion from a population of more than 60 million people.

Whatever paper/editor published this article should be ashamed of themselves, not a very credible news story...:annoyed:

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You can't really blame the paper, they're just reporting the findings of the latest Abac poll.

However, this is the last time I will even bother reading about an Abac poll. The answers provided show SO CLEARLY that these polls are a multiple choice questionnaire given to people who are not willing to think about their answers.

I imagine the polling goes something like this (whether or not the 200 baht is involved, I don't know):

"Pi khrap, will you do this poll?"

"No, sorry I have to get to the market khrap"

"You get 200 Baht duay khrap"

"Oh, OK then"

The respondent then ticks the boxes allowing less than a second for each answer. It's important to realise that some thought went into each answer, but it's also important to realise that each question was probably answered with the thought 'what's the most sociably acceptable answer' rather than 'what is my opinion'.

"200 Baht please khrap"

"Thank you for your time khrap-phom"

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Thais hate - connected MPs, people who litter:

That's the entire population taken care of, if they don't like it that much, why don't they leave.

:sorry::partytime2::cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:

This is really good, nice to have a laugh,

Talking about taking care-agree very few take care of anything, Me I have clothes for years-shoes same. I have things cleaned properly,ironed, mended when needed, sort of keenyeow, I don't feel ashamed at all walking into 7-11 in my fathers army coat , we were always taught to look after things. :cheesy: :cheesy:

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It's telling that respondents ranked verbal politeness above good principles as best behaviors for politicians. So it is OK to be corrupt as hell as long as you keep your voice down and say 'Krub' a lot ...

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To me, it looks as if respondents feel the way forward for Thailand in the 21st century is : prostrating to others, 90.6 per cent

You have to laugh. Sorry, I meant, you have to worry.

Hey a certain President of the United States does the same thing. No wonder he is so popular!!!!!

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To me, it looks as if respondents feel the way forward for Thailand in the 21st century is : prostrating to others, 90.6 per cent

You have to laugh. Sorry, I meant, you have to worry.

It certainly beat stopping urinating on walls by a large margin.

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Another pointless poll.

"Here is a list of bad things. Tick the things you hate. You can tick all the boxes if you want."

They left out the most important hate of all, (well at least to me anyway) WARM BEER 555555
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Exactly, Who is it that hates littering here? No one seems to give it a second thought...it's like second nature to just drop whatever paper your holding onto the ground.

And if you want to hate Thai's just try driving in Bangkok for a few days...the most selfish drivers I've ever encountered.

Guess you can add 'being hypocritical' on the list.

You don't have to drive to find this out - you just have to try crossing the street.

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People who litter? I see people littering all the time. Who are these people who hate it? Foreigners?

Let me rephrase for you:

People who litter? I see people littering all the time. Who are these people littering? Foreigners?


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A poll of 1,429 people, what a joke. Hardly a conclusive consensus of opinion from a population of more than 60 million people.

Whatever paper/editor published this article should be ashamed of themselves, not a very credible news story...:annoyed:

It is not a poll obviously - it was just a bunch of students earning brownie points for whatever reason. What a joke it all is. In fact the pollsters probably never left Sukhumvit.

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Exactly, Who is it that hates littering here? No one seems to give it a second thought...it's like second nature to just drop whatever paper your holding onto the ground.

And if you want to hate Thai's just try driving in Bangkok for a few days...the most selfish drivers I've ever encountered.

Guess you can add 'being hypocritical' on the list.

The poll is referring to what Thai's view as their best and worst traits as a people. Thus the preface "...The worst behaviour among Thais was seen as:....."etc...littering etc.

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People who litter? I see people littering all the time. Who are these people who hate it? Foreigners?

Let me rephrase for you:

People who litter? I see people littering all the time. Who are these people littering? Foreigners?


In my years in Thailand I've never seen foreigners litter, except the odd cigarette butt (but that is of course bad enough).

OTOH I daily see Thai's throwing discarded plastic containers, bags, bottles and similar stuff over the side of pickup truck beds and off motorbikes.

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Well, I'm sure confused. After living here off and on for many years, I'd become convinced that littering is the national Thai hobby. And I could have sworn that burning plastic and rubber was the second favourite activity of Thais.

Some have correctly pointed out that these ABAC polls are a complete joke.

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Exactly, Who is it that hates littering here? No one seems to give it a second thought...it's like second nature to just drop whatever paper your holding onto the ground.

And if you want to hate Thai's just try driving in Bangkok for a few days...the most selfish drivers I've ever encountered.

Guess you can add 'being hypocritical' on the list.

You don't have to drive to find this out - you just have to try crossing the street.

EXAMPLE our Tambon( head village) supplied every household with new litter bins YES this was brilliant the village people said.. I said when is the collection day, they said there isn't one. true story. SURE.:sorry::cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:

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