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Thaksin Has Selected Pheu Thai's PM Candidate: Apiwan

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Very democratic. Isn't the party supposed to at least *pretend* to vote for their dear leader? This is all about the little big man Thaksin wanting to show his 'power'.


Parnpree denies seeking PM's seat

By The Nation

Parnpree Bahiddha-Nukara Tuesday denied that he was a contender for the position of prime miniters, saying he was still taking a break from politics since he had resigned his position of Pheu Thai deputy leader last year.

"I am not even a party member, therefore I am not qualified for the race for premiership," he said in a message posted on his website: parnpree.com.

Parnpree said although he was keeping in touch in a number of leading figures from several political parties, he had no plans to contest the upcoming poll.

He said he had five reasons to stay out of politics at this juncture. The reasons included no indication for political improvement, persisting polarisation, no progress on reconciliation, no encouraging sign that the poll could overcome the turbulence and the lack of progress in addressing grievances raised the red and yellow shirts.

The national reconciliation could materialise only if politicians made the collective efforts to bring about tangible results, he said.

Pheu Thai MP Pracha Prasopdee said his main opposition party would reveal the name of its prime ministerial contender five days before the House dissolution.

"Pheu Thai has already made its decision to pick a candidate but will not mention any names until the right time," he said.

Pracha said his party's candidate for premiership would meet the people's expectations.

"It is a campaign tactics to withhold the name at this juncture so as to keep other parties guessing," he said.


-- The Nation 2011-03-29


Very democratic. Isn't the party supposed to at least *pretend* to vote for their dear leader? This is all about the little big man Thaksin wanting to show his 'power'.

It certainly seems like they've given up any pretense of being independent.

Less so then when Samak of the People Power Party before openly stated as being his nominee. But then, soon thereafter, back-stepped upon realizing how bad (and illegal) that sounded and switched away from referring to himself that way.

When it was Thai Rak Thai Party, Thaksin initially concealed utter control, but as the years of his domination clicked by, he got more and more brazen about it... culminating in saying Thai Rak Thai was going to rule Thailand for 20 years. Thai Rak Thai, of course, by that time, meaning Thaksin.

The days of trying to conceal or at least play down, "*pretend*" as you say, that Pheu Thai Party isn't anything more than his personal tool are quickly dissipating. At a faster pace than before.



Parnpree Bahiddha-Nukara

wow... :blink: talk about transliteration. That's now the sixth transliteration for him that I've come across in just the last 2 days.

Anyway, looks like he's out no matter how they spell his name.

He resigned from the Pheu Thai Party, as he states, last year. No reason, other than for personal reasons, was given for his ditching the Party.

And so, it looks like a fifth name is now entered on to the No-Go List.

They still have "Payup or Else" available.

Pheu Thai MP Pracha Prasopdee said his main opposition party would reveal the name of its prime ministerial contender five days before the House dissolution.

"Pheu Thai has already made its decision to pick a candidate but will not mention any names until the right time," he said.

Time now for the obligatory, "I can't say his name, but it starts with the letter *P*" announcement.



Chiang Mai red shirts to set up new party

The red shirts in Chiang Mai will next week form a new party intended as a spare in a contingency plan should the Pheu Thai Party be disbanded following the poll.

"The new party is to be named Pheu Tham," Chiang Mai red leader Phetchawat Wattanapongsirikul said Monday.

Phetchawat said senior figures in the red-shirt movement asked him to spearhead the new party due to speculation about an intervention to deny the Pheu Thai victory.

Why didn't they call it 'Pheu Stink'


The issue is not so much that Thaksin is making the selection, it is that the PTP and the reds accept and support such a process without a peep of opposition.

The forum red cheerleaders are no doubt holding their noses and preparing to sell us red roses.


Welcome and we are pleased to announce that the emcee host for tonight's airing of the game show, "Keep 'Em Guessing", is Prompong Nopparit.

In this episode, we disavow that Thaksin is doing the selecting AND as an added bonus, we're disavowing that anyone is on the "No-Go List" to become PM.


Pheu Thai has 5 candidates for PM post

BANGKOK, 29 March 2011 (NNT) – The opposition Pheu Thai Party has disclosed that it has five contenders for the next prime minister’s position, and the finalist will be picked in a general assembly to be held two days after the house dissolution.

Pheu Thai Party Spokesperson Prompong Nopparit confirmed that the party has prospective candidates to contend for the next prime minister’s post; however, the party will not reveal all of their names for the time being to protect them from political slandering.

The spokesperson announced that the party will hold a meeting two days after the house dissolution in order to vote for the final candidate.

Mr Prompong elaborated that three of the candidates have already gained wide publicity in various media, namely Pheu Thai Party-list MPs Mingkwan Saengsuwan and Police Captain Chalerm Yubumrung, as well as Ms Yingluck Shinawatra, the sister of ex-Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

The Spokesperson however admitted that he would not reveal names of the other two candidates for the time being as he was waiting for the party's confirmation and wanted to protect them from possible mudslinging by opponents.


-- NNT 2011-03-29 footer_n.gif


The Spokesperson however admitted that he would not reveal names of the other two candidates for the time being as he was waiting for the party's confirmation and wanted to protect them from possible mudslinging by opponents.

They have absolutely no qualms in mudslinging The Democrats, particularly Abhisit, but they are frightened of any mudslinging in return.


The Spokesperson however admitted that he would not reveal names of the other two candidates for the time being as he was waiting for the party's confirmation and wanted to protect them from possible mudslinging by opponents.

They have absolutely no qualms in mudslinging The Democrats, particularly Abhisit, but they are frightened of any mudslinging in return.

In the case of Abhisit, they also have no qualms, through their "movement" wing, about bloodslinging at his house.


It appears that one of the main prerequisites for being nominated

is not actually wanting or seeking the nomination.

Noting the centrifugal affect Thaksins control has over the party, what with leavings and no comings, it's sounding more like the Pharth Gazz Party is needed, because it can't be contained for long, and each time it leaks some more it doesn't stink less.


'True democracy', which has one man picking the party-leader, and potentially the next PM of the country.

Compared to the way the NPP wants to consult widely, within its members and regional-organisers, before deciding whether or not to contest the coming election.

Which of the two, PTP or NPP, is the more democratic ? :whistling:

The electorate will make the decision in a "true democracy". Looks like NPP has some issues with elections and does maybe not contest. :whistling:

Sorry, I must have been unclear, the point I wanted to make was that in one party, an important decision is to be debated widely within its membership & party-organisation, while within another the key-decision is made by just one man overseas, and that this isn't very democratic. B)


The Spokesperson however admitted that he would not reveal names of the other two candidates for the time being as he was waiting for the party's confirmation and wanted to protect them from possible mudslinging by opponents.

They have absolutely no qualms in mudslinging The Democrats, particularly Abhisit, but they are frightened of any mudslinging in return.

Possible reasons for their fright of any mudslinging in return are that the chosen candidate:

1. is weak and cannot handle mudslinging well

2. has a shady past that Pheu Thai expects would be brought up by opponents


It now appears , in the other paper, that Pasit the absconded Constitutional court secretary has come up for air, and his 10 pieces of silver, and pound of flesh, and will go on the UDDD rally stage to 'tell all'. Right on schedule. Always it was presumed by most that he'd been bought, this just makes it official.


The Spokesperson however admitted that he would not reveal names of the other two candidates for the time being as he was waiting for the party's confirmation and wanted to protect them from possible mudslinging by opponents.

They have absolutely no qualms in mudslinging The Democrats, particularly Abhisit, but they are frightened of any mudslinging in return.

Possible reasons for their fright of any mudslinging in return are that the chosen candidate:

1. is weak and cannot handle mudslinging well

2. has a shady past that Pheu Thai expects would be brought up by opponents

Probable reasons.

They have no real candidates that can stand up to long term scrutiny by the public.


The latest list to be candidate for PM according to my sources is as follows :-

Dan Pearce

Bill Brewer

Jan Stewer

Peter Gurney

Peter Davy

Dan'l Whiddon

Harry Hawke

Old Uncle Tom Cobleigh

and all - which includes the grey mare (the lady whose name begins with 'P' ? )


Boring. We all know who the real leader is. Without him they would be slaughtered in an election, in fact they would lose most of their MPs to defection immediately and the red rallies would decrease by 90% in size although that would leave the reds pure. Might as well just let Thaksin come back and recognize reality, or at least allow him to be PM in exile if elected and able to cobble together a coalition if one were needed, or hope the PTP dont get the votes and so this whole spate of intra-elite infighting comes to an end that way.

Maybe Abhisit should just announce he will pass an amnesty bill for Thaksin if the Dems win the election. Everything else is so ludicrous these days.


We all know who the real leader is. Without him they would be slaughtered in an election, in fact they would lose most of their MPs to defection immediately and the red rallies would decrease by 90% in size although that would leave the reds pure.

but, but, but... Prompong assures us that


the finalist will be picked in a general assembly to be held two days after the house dissolution.

the party will hold a meeting two days after the house dissolution in order to vote for the final candidate



or hope the PTP dont get the votes and so this whole spate of intra-elite infighting comes to an end that way.


Do you really think the reds will stop protesting if the Dems get back into government?

Thaksin's latest tweets: My sympathy 4 South; I'm helping PT on policies; I'll bring back Thai pride through non-corrupt political culture. /via@tulsathit

What does Thaksin know about "non-corrupt political culture"?


The Thaksin tweet and the Snoh stuff make for high pantomime if anyone wants to look back at their histories. Sad thing is that it is easy for the elite political class they hail form to win elections. One thiong is for sure whoever wins the elecetion they wont include a single non-influential, elite or rich person as MP. Sad really but until the people elect representatives from their own groups they will continue to be ripped off, lied to and conned whether by the current elite or the bunch of alternative elites who want to replace them. That is the choice. Then again it is dangerous to challenge either of these sets of everyones betters


The Thaksin tweet and the Snoh stuff make for high pantomime if anyone wants to look back at their histories. Sad thing is that it is easy for the elite political class they hail form to win elections. One thiong is for sure whoever wins the elecetion they wont include a single non-influential, elite or rich person as MP. Sad really but until the people elect representatives from their own groups they will continue to be ripped off, lied to and conned whether by the current elite or the bunch of alternative elites who want to replace them. That is the choice. Then again it is dangerous to challenge either of these sets of everyones betters

Sanoh has rightly been called a dinosaur for years, it wasn't long ago he was standing on the PAD stage, criticizing Thaksin and regretting that he, as a'kingmaker' had sold his party to him.

And yet he refuses to become extinct,like Sanan, his sons wait to inherit the chair.


During yesterday's call-in to the the Pheu Thai Party, Thaksin made reference to Mingkwan, without naming him, that Mingkwan would not be his PM candidate.

His words,

"Today, someone in the party thinks a lot of himself and plans to be the leader."

"But it is not the time to propose anyone as the prime minister [candidate] because the House has not been dissolved."

"The movie has not started yet. So, do not overly support anyone just because of money. Haven't I got money?"

He also praised his own policies that PTP will reveal on April 24th.

"But it is not the time to propose anyone as the prime minister [candidate] because the House has not been dissolved."

So the PM candidate will not be proposed before the house is desolved.

But the PM candidate will be revealed on the 24th April....before the house is desolved.

Gets more complicated every day.

"But it is not the time to propose anyone as the prime minister [candidate] because the House has not been dissolved."

So the PM candidate will not be proposed before the house is desolved.

But the PM candidate will be revealed on the 24th April....before the house is desolved.

Gets more complicated every day.

I believe that is the last date Abhisit can dissolve the house and still be within his proposed dissolution schedule. Of course the organic law on constituencies must be passed first.


I believe that is the last date Abhisit can dissolve the house and still be within his proposed dissolution schedule. Of course the organic law on constituencies must be passed first.

Didn't Abhisit plan to dissolve parliament in the first week of May ... which with 45-60 days until the election has to be held, puts the election date at the end of June / start of July.

"But it is not the time to propose anyone as the prime minister [candidate] because the House has not been dissolved."

So the PM candidate will not be proposed before the house is dissolved.

But the PM candidate will be revealed on the 24th April....before the house is dissolved.

Gets more complicated every day.

I believe that is the last date Abhisit can dissolve the house and still be within his proposed dissolution schedule. Of course the organic law on constituencies must be passed first.

Robby is correct in saying the PTP is "complicated" with their horse before the cart confusion.

The prime minister said he had not decided on the date for House dissolution but it would not be May 10 as had been speculated by the media. He, however, reiterated that the House dissolution would take place in the first week of May.


Just checking for the latest news. Has Thaksin let on to anybody yet who his choice actually is?

He apparently prefers the intrigue and won't say for nearly 3 weeks. That way the speculating keeps them in the news as one potential, Panpree, for example, after another gets trotted out there and see if anyone salutes.

Panpree's prompt turn down of the supposed offer indicates that any number of guys don't want it, while those that do, Mingkwan, for example, are getting "shuffled off to Buffalo" and marginalized.

Ever the drama queen seeking to show off his showmanship...


Whoever he does select, it'll be interesting to bounce off Thaksin's criteria list against the individual.

1. be a humble person that can coordinate with all sides, not making enemies too often.

2. be kind and compassionate

3. love justice

4. have courage to change what is wrong

5. understand people's economy and the business sector

6. be experienced in administration of big organisation, both understand and be practical

7. love the people

8. love democracy and respect people's wisdom and ability

9. stick to constitutional monarchy


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