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here where I live is not cold ... it's just mild

fine weather.... love it.

Yes but your not Thai are you? So you probably don't wear a jacket in the middle of summer either :whistling: ..

I agree it's been fantastic though a bit more sunlight would be nice.. 39-40C? When does it ever get that hot here? That's 100-104 degrees Fahrenheit! Rubbish! It seldom, if ever gets over 98 here on the hottest days with maybe a very small and distinct part of the country and in the peak of summer...

WS - In Buriram we have had 40 degrees already this year and last year the thermometer often went over 40.

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I agree it's been fantastic though a bit more sunlight would be nice.. 39-40C? When does it ever get that hot here? That's 100-104 degrees Fahrenheit! Rubbish! It seldom, if ever gets over 98 here on the hottest days with maybe a very small and distinct part of the country and in the peak of summer...

Rubbish? Last year we had 39-40 almost every day during the first half of April. In the beginning of May we had 42...


here where I live is not cold ... it's just mild

fine weather.... love it.

Yes but your not Thai are you? So you probably don't wear a jacket in the middle of summer either :whistling: ..

I agree it's been fantastic though a bit more sunlight would be nice.. 39-40C? When does it ever get that hot here? That's 100-104 degrees Fahrenheit! Rubbish! It seldom, if ever gets over 98 here on the hottest days with maybe a very small and distinct part of the country and in the peak of summer...

WS - In Buriram we have had 40 degrees already this year and last year the thermometer often went over 40.

out of Udon s/east mid flat plains. 45+ in warmest times and 15 today, one of the hottest and coolest in the Kingdom. here is the extreams the weather HUB of Thailand.


"April 17 is expected to be the hottest day of the year, as the sun will be directly overhead."

Do I misunderstand, I always thought in the northern hemisphere the sun reaches its highest point at July 21?

The highest point directly overhead is the Zenith and the longest day of the year (most light in one day) is the solstice. The summer solstice for this hemisphere is the 21st of June.


I agree it's been fantastic though a bit more sunlight would be nice.. 39-40C? When does it ever get that hot here? That's 100-104 degrees Fahrenheit! Rubbish! It seldom, if ever gets over 98 here on the hottest days with maybe a very small and distinct part of the country and in the peak of summer...

Rubbish? Last year we had 39-40 almost every day during the first half of April. In the beginning of May we had 42...

Are you guys after the heat? It's just bein' late. You 'll all get it after the cold front is gone.... Last year, I couldn't enjoy goin' out... it was too warm and sticky ....


April 17, the hotest day - sun direct overhead, per geographic location

July 21, the longest daytime from sunrise to sunset, north of equator, further north longer than day

there are two different natural phenomenons.

. . . and the expected hottest day is independent from the sun overhead or not...

As is the longest day of the year, which coincides with the summer solstice for all locations north of the equator. Which is neither here nor there, except you can win bar bets on it.

I believe the longest day in the Northern Hemisphere is June 21, not July

And you would be correct. It's scary to see people write what they think not what they know. And some folks believe them because it is written somewhere.


here where I live is not cold ... it's just mild

fine weather.... love it.

Yes but your not Thai are you? So you probably don't wear a jacket in the middle of summer either :whistling: ..

I agree it's been fantastic though a bit more sunlight would be nice.. 39-40C? When does it ever get that hot here? That's 100-104 degrees Fahrenheit! Rubbish! It seldom, if ever gets over 98 here on the hottest days with maybe a very small and distinct part of the country and in the peak of summer...

Hardly I use a jacket in Thailand.... I don't feel comfortable.. I used to live in a place where it gets -10 above at nite..........

Sleepin' with an electric blanket.... and an oil heater.....to keep me warm...

.... the cold weather here ! never been a problem though...


"April 17 is expected to be the hottest day of the year, as the sun will be directly overhead."

Do I misunderstand, I always thought in the northern hemisphere the sun reaches its highest point at July 21?

Depends on what latitude you are at. If you live north of the tropic of Cancer or south of the tropic of Capricorn then the sun will never be directly of head.


In all the years I've spent in Thailand, I have never seen anything like this. I wouldn't have expected this even in the coldest months of the rainiy season.

The weather forcasters are saying it's caused by an El Nino which isn't suppose to die out for months so we can expect to see a lot more unusual weather patterns for quite some time.

It''s worth mentioning that Malaysia is experiencing unusually hot weather at the same time! I went from blistering heat to freezing cold in a matter of fifteen hours. This is not normal.


"April 17 is expected to be the hottest day of the year, as the sun will be directly overhead."

Do I misunderstand, I always thought in the northern hemisphere the sun reaches its highest point at July 21?

Yes, you misunderstand.

Four yerly events occur at roughly 3 month intervals

for 2011:

Equinox 20 March

Summer Solstice 21 June (this is also the winter solstice for the soutern hemispere)

Equinox 23 Sept

Winter Solstice 22 Dec (this is also the summer solstice for the soutern hemispere)

An Equinox is when the tilt of the Earth's axis is inclined neither away from nor towards the Sun, the center of the Sun being in the same plane as the Earth's equator.......also it is the time that the sun will be the highest in the sky at the equator...in fact being directly overhead.

At the poles, the day in which the sun will be the highest in the sky, is the summer solstice for the respective pole.

At the equator it is twice yearly at the Equinox.

All other geographical points of lattitude between the poles and the equator will occur twice yearly, firstly at some date between the equinox and the coming summer solstice and secondly at some date after the summer soltice and prior to the equinox.

For Thailand the Highest the sun will reach in the sky will be on April 17th (although this is not totally correct as there will be roughly 3 weeks difference between Yala and Chiang Rai).

There is also the "Equilux" which occurs once on the equator and twice at every other lattitude....it is where both the day and night are of approximately equal legnths (12 hours give or take a few seconds)


I'm hoping that it stays like this for another couple of weeks, or at least happens again at that time, it'll drastically reduce their desire to throw ice cold water over each other.


it is 'less hot', 'less hot' :rolleyes:

"Ooo naow" which means cold but really the temperature is only cool ... they have no idea what cold is!!! lol :D

i just had food delivered. the motorbike courier was wrapped as though he was out in an arctic blizzard and he couldn't stop shivering and shaking :lol: !!! im wearing shorts and t-shirt :D


it is 'less hot', 'less hot' :rolleyes:

"Ooo naow" which means cold but really the temperature is only cool ... they have no idea what cold is!!! lol :D

i just had food delivered. the motorbike courier was wrapped as though he was out in an arctic blizzard and he couldn't stop shivering and shaking :lol: !!! im wearing shorts and t-shirt :D

Same here. No prizes who gets the chicks,eh?


On or about June 21 the sun is directly over the 23 1/2 parallel N at solar noon. All of Thailand is south of that parallel, so the sun is actually "beyond its highest point" for about 2 months every year.

"April 17 is expected to be the hottest day of the year, as the sun will be directly overhead."

Do I misunderstand, I always thought in the northern hemisphere the sun reaches its highest point at July 21?


it is 'less hot', 'less hot' :rolleyes:

"Ooo naow" which means cold but really the temperature is only cool ... they have no idea what cold is!!! lol :D

i just had food delivered. the motorbike courier was wrapped as though he was out in an arctic blizzard and he couldn't stop shivering and shaking :lol: !!! im wearing shorts and t-shirt :D

Forget the delivery dude. Was the food still warm? ;)


it is 'less hot', 'less hot' :rolleyes:

"Ooo naow" which means cold but really the temperature is only cool ... they have no idea what cold is!!! lol :D

i just had food delivered. the motorbike courier was wrapped as though he was out in an arctic blizzard and he couldn't stop shivering and shaking :lol: !!! im wearing shorts and t-shirt :D

Forget the delivery dude. Was the food still warm? ;)

Didn't you offer him a hot drink?..................


it is 'less hot', 'less hot' :rolleyes:

"Ooo naow" which means cold but really the temperature is only cool ... they have no idea what cold is!!! lol :D

i just had food delivered. the motorbike courier was wrapped as though he was out in an arctic blizzard and he couldn't stop shivering and shaking :lol: !!! im wearing shorts and t-shirt :D

Forget the delivery dude. Was the food still warm? ;)

haha it's subways foot longs so nicely chilled :D


unbelievable this weather -last in thailand july-through until october it rained almost every day worse weather thailand have experienced since the 1920s floods caused havoc,. now i am preparing to travel thailand in 2 days---looks like the weather follows me from london uk_ england hotter than thailand at the moment-spoke with my thai pertner tell me cold mak mai--and told me not to forget jacket/scarf/gloves!!! poor farrang only own shorts,vests,sandals-what me do :bah:


I just back from watering my garden, no kidding it is windy and chilly ^_^

the outdoor thermometer is just 19-deg, 18.30h here at north of Bangkok. my cat and dog are not active at all :mellow:

it is 'less hot', 'less hot' :rolleyes:

i just had food delivered. the motorbike courier was wrapped as though he was out in an arctic blizzard and he couldn't stop shivering and shaking :lol: !!! im wearing shorts and t-shirt :D

Same here. No prizes who gets the chicks,eh?










rainy.gifwave1.gif 25 °C 16 °C rainy 70% precip coverage

rainy.gifwave1.gif 25 °C 16 °C rainy 60% precip coverage

rainy.gif calm 31 °C 21 °C rainy 30% precip coverage

rainy.gif calm 32 °C 23 °C rainy 30% precip coverage

partlycloudy.gif calm 33 °C 23 °C partly cloudy 20% precip coverage

partlycloudy.gif calm 33 °C 24 °C partly cloudy 10% precip coverage

partlycloudy.gif calm 34 °C 24 °C partly cloudy 10% precip coverage

its scarry to see how few have a clue about the sun and its overhead.

in thailand it depends on the place u are. and its overhead twice a year.

In Bangkok its overhead once every day.


"April 17 is expected to be the hottest day of the year, as the sun will be directly overhead."

Do I misunderstand, I always thought in the northern hemisphere the sun reaches its highest point at July 21?

I all depends on what is meant by "highest point". In terms of latitudes, the sun actually does reach its highest point on the globe on June 21/22. This will also be the date where it reaches its highest point on the sky as seen from a spot on or above that latitude, but not as seen from lower latitudes as said by many posters. Curiously, while it is perfectly correct to talk about Zenith as "... when the sun is at the highest point on the sky" it is equally correct to talk about it as "... when the sun is at its lowest point in the sky" provided one uses 'lowest' as a synonym for 'closest' inasmuch as "highest in the sky" naturally coincides with the sun being closest to ones location. This closeness is actually the reason for the hotness.


Not sure why you farang feel its so great for you. You came here to enjoy our culture and day to day living, weather included. Yes we can't change how nature is, but, it is cold for us. Do you wonder why we feel the way we do when you make your feelings known, it always has to be about you. :jap:

Oh my gosh what an intelligent reply. I would think on a forum most people are merely expressing their personal opinions.

Why does this upset you as a Thai person? Do you feel we should not be allowed to say on a forum what we think?:D

Oh by the way if you are cold my poor darling could I suggest you put a jacket on!:D



Freezing here in Roi Et, wearing 5 tops, socks and long pants to keep warm. Hands freeze on the motorcycle.

Buy a car

I may have to, since yesterday a car sideswiped me and knocked me off the motorcycle doing 70kms. Broken collar bone, bleeding head, and road rash. I would say the typical Thai thinks lying is ok, the driver tried to tell the police it was my fault, I was basically rear ended, he was not watching the road, or just using his mirrors and not turning his head to the blind spot. The police knew that he was lying, he finally signed a statement that he hit me. Paid me 3,000 Bhat, the hospital bill was 920 Bhat, am in a brace for at least a month, and missed work today as a result. The police showed him the marks on his car, had photos of the scene, had witnesses, neighbours next door.Why not lie if your Thai, perfectly acceptable to lie and cheat.


Not sure why you farang feel its so great for you. You came here to enjoy our culture and day to day living, weather included. Yes we can't change how nature is, but, it is cold for us. Do you wonder why we feel the way we do when you make your feelings known, it always has to be about you. :jap:

Trust me honey, when Asians who live here in frozen hell, where I reside, bitch about the cold in winter and embrace the summer heat, I know exactly how they feel and I welcome them to say it. Of course it is about 'you' - who else would it be about?


Hey stickyrice , stick your hand in the freezer for 5 minutes , now that is fairly cold , where my daughter lives in Canada it varies between minus 40 and plus 38 without the chill factor being considered , that amounts to a 78 degree variance and you are up in the air about a mere 20 degrees . The beauty of the cold is that you can always don(put on) extra layers of clothing to gain temperature , how much skin can you remove to feel cool ?

As far as " It is all about you " , forums are places where posters tell it as it affects them at any particular time and place , get used to it here on Thaivisa , if you knew how to THINK you would already have come to that conclusion , stay tuned in and learn how the rest of the world thinks , regardless of where their placement may be .


What's up with these stupid generizations on here. My Thai friends go racing off to find the cold snowy winters in Japan any chance they can get. Then they complain that they didn't see enough snow. Some Thais are happy with the cold weather. Some Thais are sick and tired of the heat. Ah, live and let live.

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