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"April 17 is expected to be the hottest day of the year, as the sun will be directly overhead."

Do I misunderstand, I always thought in the northern hemisphere the sun reaches its highest point at July 21?

Haha ,,, U forget that the sun revolves around Thailand.

17 th April is the New Year. Songkran 14th - 17th April.

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Not sure why you farang feel its so great for you. You came here to enjoy our culture and day to day living, weather included. Yes we can't change how nature is, but, it is cold for us. Do you wonder why we feel the way we do when you make your feelings known, it always has to be about you. :jap:

Oh my gosh what an intelligent reply. I would think on a forum most people are merely expressing their personal opinions.

Why does this upset you as a Thai person? Do you feel we should not be allowed to say on a forum what we think?:D

Oh by the way if you are cold my poor darling could I suggest you put a jacket on!:D

Hum... I have my jacket on, a blanket on my legs and a very fast laptop on my lap that I'm using for a heater. Just because you're a person who is used to colder weather, doesn't mean it isn't much colder than usual for this time of year in many parts of Thailand for those of us who live here all year.


"'But if there are clouds, it's not going to be that hot,' the bureau said."

What an incredibly scientific observation. It's a bit like saying: "If there's no rain, the weather might be rather dry."



here where I live is not cold ... it's just mild

fine weather.... love it.

Yes but your not Thai are you? So you probably don't wear a jacket in the middle of summer either :whistling: ..

I agree it's been fantastic though a bit more sunlight would be nice.. 39-40C? When does it ever get that hot here? That's 100-104 degrees Fahrenheit! Rubbish! It seldom, if ever gets over 98 here on the hottest days with maybe a very small and distinct part of the country and in the peak of summer...

WS - In Buriram we have had 40 degrees already this year and last year the thermometer often went over 40.

I see that I missed a few words posting in haste having to go somewhere but the above highlighted post was supposed to read

with the exception of maybe a very small and distinct part of the country and in the peak of summer
So you must be in one of those small distinct parts of the country I mentioned. It is not the average though by far, as he insinuates so still foolish and counterproductive IMO for them to mention it being that hot. People want to come to a warm climb but not a scorching, uncomfortable, sweat box...

"April 17 is expected to be the hottest day of the year, as the sun will be directly overhead."

Do I misunderstand, I always thought in the northern hemisphere the sun reaches its highest point at July 21?

You thought wrong.

The sun reaches it farthest place north on June 21 and that is the longest sunlight day of the year in the entire Northern hemisphere. Also, the hottest day of the year for the northern hemisphere of course does not follow this date exactly. The average month for North America and Europe that is hottest is July. This is because the area can and does continue to warm as long as the sun's energy runs a major plus over the cooling of the night.

Of course the Southern Hemisphere--areas south of the equator have their coldest day do to the lack of daylight at the same time when it is hottest in the northern hemisphere. For those interested, it is not because of the distance of the sun to the earth but rather the angle of the sun hitting a tilted earth that causes the seasons. In fact, in the Northern hemisphere, the sun is farthest from the earth during summer.

Take your hand and tilt it 23%. Then look at a light hitting it and you will see how the directness of the sun hitting a tilted earth causes the peak heat periods for the northern hemisphere in summer but the peak period for the Southern hemisphere occurs exactly at the same time.

It is mainly the tilt.

But June 21 is the start of summer. Not July.

Although July is the hottest month so you were close.


Cold is what cold is. If not dressed properly, a person who gets wet can die in windy conditions with temperatures at 50F which is well above freezing. 20 C with wind can be very cold in the right conditions. Thai people do dies in conditions that are well above freezing and we all would if not protected.


Morning all! Jeez,it got a bit nippy last night didn`t it? I ended up in a T shirt under a quilt.In south Thailand at the end of March! I bet there are a lot of tourists taking the Lord`s name in vain right now,bearing in mind the cost of flights these days.


I have been living here for 27 years, and this weather is crazy!

In Chiang Mai, it is two weeks of this cold, and flooding in the South!

Freezing in Chiang Mai :)


....and here comes the rain again. Another dank,gloomy day on the cards I see.The temperature is nice though.

its scarry to see how few have a clue about the sun and its overhead.

in thailand it depends on the place u are. and its overhead twice a year.

In Bangkok its overhead once every day.

there is no place on this planet where the sun is directly overhead everyday, its always some angle away from overhead.

within the tropical belt its overhead twice a year.


Hey stickyrice , stick your hand in the freezer for 5 minutes , now that is fairly cold , where my daughter lives in Canada it varies between minus 40 and plus 38 without the chill factor being considered , that amounts to a 78 degree variance and you are up in the air about a mere 20 degrees . The beauty of the cold is that you can always don (put on) extra layers of clothing to gain temperature , how much skin can you remove to feel cool ?

As far as " It is all about you " , forums are places where posters tell it as it affects them at any particular time and place , get used to it here on Thaivisa , if you knew how to THINK you would already have come to that conclusion , stay tuned in and learn how the rest of the world thinks , regardless of where their placement may be .

Nice one dumball. Couldn't have put it more succinctly. What do we always hear when a Thai visits the UK or Canada, at any time if year. "Now mak mak". So, Mr. Sticky Rice Pot, don't call the kettle black!!


Not sure why you farang feel its so great for you. You came here to enjoy our culture and day to day living, weather included. Yes we can't change how nature is, but, it is cold for us. Do you wonder why we feel the way we do when you make your feelings known, it always has to be about you. :jap:

Dear stkyricesf', at first, we are no guavas (or "farang")!! Or would you like to be called a 'coconut' when visiting our countries?? :D

Then, it is up to us to exchange our thoughts about liking or not liking the weather in the place we visit/live in. We learn this (critical thinking and discussion in school), which is very different to school in Thailand with rote learning and teachers telling the students the answers and/or helping them actively to cheat in their high school diploma exams.

Yes, we love Thailand, especially the climate and weather, and we like to 'talk' as much about the weather as coco..., I mean, Thais do. :jap:

Yes, talking about the weather is part of our culture.



Freezing here in Roi Et, wearing 5 tops, socks and long pants to keep warm. Hands freeze on the motorcycle.

Buy a car

I may have to, since yesterday a car sideswiped me and knocked me off the motorcycle doing 70kms. Broken collar bone, bleeding head, and road rash. I would say the typical Thai thinks lying is ok, the driver tried to tell the police it was my fault, I was basically rear ended, he was not watching the road, or just using his mirrors and not turning his head to the blind spot. The police knew that he was lying, he finally signed a statement that he hit me. Paid me 3,000 Bhat, the hospital bill was 920 Bhat, am in a brace for at least a month, and missed work today as a result. The police showed him the marks on his car, had photos of the scene, had witnesses, neighbours next door.Why not lie if your Thai, perfectly acceptable to lie and cheat.

Why do people insist on posting ridiculous and inaccurate generalisations like this on public forums? I rode a motorbike for years in the UK and it was very rare to find a car driver that would admit they were at fault when they caused an accident.

Two particular incidents spring to mind:

One was when a passenger decided to open the door of their car and get out, whilst in the middle of the Euston Road. I hit the door, fell off my bike and injured my knee. The driver and passenger gave me a false address and being in shock I did not take their licence number.

The second incident was when I was overtaking a line of stationary traffic in the Fulham Road and an impatient Volvo driver decided to do a u-turn and drove straight into me. Not only did he fail to look before turning, he didn't bother to indicate either. This charming man, an antiques dealer from Sussex, was very apologetic and took full responsibility for the accident at the time. However, after he got home he had a change of heart and decided to try and blame me instead.....

So don't post rubbish about it being OK to lie and cheat if you are Thai. There are just as many inconsiderate a***holes in the West who will lie through their teeth to avoid admitting fault in an RTA. I get the impression that many people on this forum spend their whole time in Thailand trying to convince themselves of how superior they are to the natives - I find it rather sad.

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